05-06-2013, 10:24 PM


I didn't include the 5th disc cos its just a data disc of sorts. Also the original file was uploaded by www.sonixgvn.netl (http://www.sonixgvn.net/2013/04/fire-emblem-kakusei-original-soundtrack.html)

Disc 1

01 「I」ntroduction 1:44
02 予兆/メインテーマ 1:53
03 こんなところで寝てると風邪ひくぞ 0:23
04 「I」〜安 2:45
05 序幕 5:20
06 序幕〜炎 5:20
07 猛襲 1:56
08 猛襲〜鋼 1:56
09 こんなところにも、屍兵が�! 1:40
10 大敵・序 0:47
11 大敵 2:34
12 大きな混乱は無いようですね 3:25
13 泊らせてもらおうよ?ね? 2:47
14 なにか�おかしい 2:47
15 いいから、走れ!! 2:19
16 ご退場〜 0:41
17 この山を越えればもうすぐだ 3:55
18 ここで進撃の準備を整えましょう 4:17
19 使命 5:31
20 使命〜炎 5:30
21 きらーんって来て、ばーんみたいな感じ? 2:17
22 政治や外交は苦手だが� 2:05
23 くひにはひっは! 2:00
Disc length 63:52

Disc 2

01 宿命 5:20
02 宿命〜炎 5:20
03 強襲 2:41
04 強襲〜鋼 2:41
05 こいつぁ、戦争の意思ありとみなすぜ 3:09
06 強敵・序 0:30
07 強敵 1:32
08 私は無力で、愚かでした� 0:31
09 きれいな死なんざねぇと思ってたがよ! 2:14
10 �もう�誰も��死ぬ�な� 0:17
11 ��� 3:08
12 貴様らが�姉さんの言葉を語るな! 7:52
13 俺にそんな力が�資格が�あると思うのか? 3:46
14 たとえそれが幻想でも� 3:01
15 天命 5:33
16 天命〜炎 5:33
17 人間なんてのは争い合うしかねぇんだよ! 2:27
18 宿敵・序 0:40
19 宿敵 1:45
20 戦いは終わったんだ、これで� 3:03
Disc length 61:03

Disc 3

01 遠征 4:06
02 遠征〜炎 4:07
03 今日はもう休みましょう 4:20
04 演習 2:12
05 演習〜鋼 2:12
06 運命なんざ、死人の言い訳だ 2:56
07 好敵・序 0:30
08 好敵 2:56
09 「絆」が俺たちの戦いを支えているんだ 3:09
10 俺様としたことが忘れてた 2:01
11 いい品そろってるぜ? 1:00
12 サービスしちゃうわっ! 1:56
13 俺はもっと強くなる! 1:04
14 ほら、怖がらないで 2:16
15 �そんな方法が、本当にうまくいくのか? 2:43
16 暗雲 5:09
17 暗雲〜炎 5:09
18 お前はその剣で�ずっと 2:46
19 僕の名はマルスだ 1:02
20 �少し、むずがゆいな 2:59
21 力を感じる�私たちと同じ力� 3:10
22 強敵・情 1:03
23 「I」〜悩 2:42
Disc length 61:28

Disc 4

01 混沌 5:06
02 混沌〜炎 5:07
03 しょせん運命は変わらぬ� 2:47
04 狂敵・序 0:47
05 狂敵 1:32
06 「I」〜哀 3:03
07 凶襲 2:24
08 凶襲〜鋼 2:24
09 天敵・序 0:35
10 天敵 1:54
11 未来は� 変わらないの? 0:33
12 ここで再び我は蘇る� 2:28
13 「I」〜闇 1:47
14 「I」〜再 1:19
15 「I」〜為 8:00
16 戦跡 6:05
17 こんなところで寝てると風邪ひくぞ (REPRISE) 2:01
18 強者 5:19
19 強者〜炎 5:19
20 「I」〜望 2:00
21 メインテーマ・祭 1:05
22 メインテーマ・夏 1:05
23 メインテーマ・湯 1:05
24 メインテーマ・夏 (OFF VOICE) 1:05
25 メインテーマ・湯 (OFF VOICE) 1:05
26 メインテーマ・タイトル 0:35
Disc length 66:30

Link(s) to download:

1. Zippyshare.com - TKYO2012.rar (http://www12.zippyshare.com/v/3543910/file.html) REUPLOADED
2. Zippyshare.com - TOKYOJNL2.rar (http://www46.zippyshare.com/v/81970952/file.html)
3. Zippyshare.com - TOKYOJNL3.rar (http://www29.zippyshare.com/v/18451555/file.html)
4. Zippyshare.com - TOKYOJNL4.rar (http://www28.zippyshare.com/v/53265963/file.html)


1. SolariiBrotherhood
2. Ahzidal2013
3. Dukaan2013
4. Zahkriisos2013

05-07-2013, 10:53 PM
Love love love this game! I know a lot of older FE fans are down on it, but as a newcomer I can't get enough! Not to mention the music is top notch. I always have the headphones on when I kick some butt with Chrom and the gang. :)

05-07-2013, 11:59 PM
Lotad, check this thread in an hour or so... net's being weird again

05-08-2013, 01:48 AM
Lotad, check this thread in an hour or so... net's being weird again

No worries. I had to run a trillion errands anyway, so I'm back just in time for some music! Thanks so much! ^^

05-08-2013, 11:40 AM
sweet thanks man. Password 1 does not work for me for some reason

05-08-2013, 03:39 PM
Thank you share!

05-08-2013, 04:07 PM
Well, partner, let me just say that you have done an EXCELLENT upload here. ;)
Your efforts are truly...appreciated. :)
So, thank you, Negima and keep up the sharing, Ok? :D
You have such good taste in music and remember, Negima...Sharing is caring. ;)

05-08-2013, 08:13 PM
sweet thanks man. Password 1 does not work for me for some reason

Password might start with non capital... If not, I will do a test and reupload that part

EDIT: After testing, I reuploaded it... HOPEFULLY it works this time ^_^

05-09-2013, 12:37 AM
thank you sir!

05-10-2013, 05:30 PM
Love love love this game! I know a lot of older FE fans are down on it, but as a newcomer I can't get enough! Not to mention the music is top notch. I always have the headphones on when I kick some butt with Chrom and the gang. :)
^ So much this! :)

Amazing soundtrack, amazing game!

Thanks for the upload negima!

05-10-2013, 07:13 PM
Me being a newbie to the FE games... It took me time to get used to the game, I was skeptical wether to get it or not. Until I saw footage on YouTube, I was hooked!

I'm gonna make Lucina my wife... If that is possible

(http://s2.photobucket.com/user/Kyoto_Dragon/media/1c51b738c8d3084fec43f8efb7fbfb31_zps94585a40.jpg.h tml)

05-10-2013, 08:38 PM
I'm gonna make Lucina my wife... If that is possible

You can marry her to any of the kids or your avatar (if they are obviously men)

Love love love this game! I know a lot of older FE fans are down on it, but as a newcomer I can't get enough! Not to mention the music is top notch. I always have the headphones on when I kick some butt with Chrom and the gang. :)

I don't understand your statement. I'm a Fire Emblem fan since the first north american Fire Emblem (the 7th) came out and this is my favourite out of each I played (I played all the games that were released in North America) and from what i see, you're saying fans dosen't like the game ? As a fan, you can't hate it. It has every great aspect of the series.

05-10-2013, 08:52 PM
I think he/she ment are well into it as in embracing the game

also I'm cameo'ing Lucina in my multi cross over story that I'm doing... EXCEPT she's the daughter of my protagonists... were like in FE she assumes another identity as she accompanies her mother and father before she is born

05-11-2013, 09:42 AM

05-11-2013, 04:31 PM
I think he/she ment are well into it as in embracing the game

also I'm cameo'ing Lucina in my multi cross over story that I'm doing... EXCEPT she's the daughter of my protagonists... were like in FE she assumes another identity as she accompanies her mother and father before she is born

I have over 120 hours on my game so...

06-02-2013, 10:17 AM
i love this game, i got the DLC golden... i forget its name... but I'm grinding like mad XD

06-02-2013, 11:46 AM
List tracks in rar of english o japan?

Giga Man
06-17-2013, 11:36 AM
I just finished this game today. I had quite the emotional experience with this game after buying it and playing it a few days. Being my first Fire Emblem game, I didn't know what to expect. Back when it was new, I played the demo, and even though I liked what I played, and enjoyed the dialogue, I wasn't sure if it was the game for me, as I was never into the tactical RPG genre.

Months later, I finally decide to buy it, and here I am, finished with the game. I felt so relieved, but also sad that the adventure had to finally come to an end. I took a moment to take it all in, and then I went and searched for a download of the game's beautiful soundtrack. I truly enjoyed this game. I love the music, I love the character dialogue, I love the CHARACTERS! My Gods, all I can think about are the interactions among the cast of characters, be they comedic or really touching. I feel connected with the characters to an extent, especially when one of them is supposed to represent the player (The pseudo-dating sim also raises the emotions). I would give anything to see the characters talk to each other more (Scramble Pack DLC was six dollars well spent).

But, alas, it's over. I just want to thank you for providing a download to the Awakening soundtrack so that I may always be reminded of this wondrous journey. I have never experienced anything like it.

07-20-2013, 04:51 AM

07-22-2013, 01:15 AM
I am uploading for friend so I will mirror it here.
I am uploading the soundtrack with all due tagging in english. I was not in the mood to romanize japanese. Plus, the disc 5 voice collection are also tagged and with the voice casting too. Covers added, dat disc... etc... my way of organizing things.

MP3 VBR -V0 (the audio soundtrack)
MP3 VBR 220~235 kbps (data disc: voice collection)
MP3 CBR 320 (data disc: sound effect collection)

I packed it with 7zip. So if any of you have problems unpacking, just google about it. Because I dont remember now what you do if that happens.

Part1 (https://mega.co.nz/#!mNwgHYYS!SkCaB2_mfnmIu72_8mtvhT9kxh9qp62Yg5osXvU 1kCc) / Part2 (https://mega.co.nz/#!DMIDRbzY!eI5OHEMIOCUH9LkzNUllMVYrrRJ6z9y3QYJ8Fgl auR0) / Part3 (https://mega.co.nz/#!HMw3QJKB!aFgoWhuVGiUZUTLDirDl3FNIM9F_ys6LXl5yuPB CiWA) / Part4 (https://mega.co.nz/#!Td5XyBqA!KGsrtT_pF62uMyLck-QjwjH1m04T_A1BlZWRvJlQPSY) / Part5 (qf9xhwxGdIUOshpgGvnaQW610) / part6 (https://mega.co.nz/#!XRhHUAgR!J_-Am2R0ay8tUFN9XG8sXB_ufhlXio4JSuFOyTU-mbA)

08-17-2013, 11:15 PM
... just spent 3 hours re classing units in the game XD a time worth spending XD

08-18-2013, 12:09 AM
I think I spent more. :D

I have 2 saves... me female, and me male. XD Why can't we be lesbians? Originally I was Female, and... I love Tharja...
And I made a new save just because I want marry her.... but...
what about the other people....

My Female Save:
Chrom married Sully by accident. (already made him marry Sumia as it was suposed. Now I really feel sorry, as I don't really see who can be a good guy with her. :/)
Virion married Cordelia. Her daughter has Virion colored hair. I was searching the web... and saw all her colored hair variations.
Now... I am female, very difficult to like a proper guy... So I am still single in the game. No interesting guy so far. :(

My Male save:
Chrom is with Sumia. Not going for the previous mistake. XD
Virion is working ON Sully. :p

And the most funny couple... seriously. You are going to smash yourself with their talk. Lon'Quo & Miriel. Try marriyng them. The man who as aversion to women, and the woman who is too much logical and experiments everything... in anyone.
I got married yesterday. I died laughing XD

08-18-2013, 06:05 AM
Why can't we be lesbians? Originally I was Female, and... I love Tharja...

I think Tharja is bisexual, regardless if your a female avatar, she has a crush on you.

In my game, Chrom is married to Surmia so Claudia is Lucina's sister. I married Lucina and had female Morgan (I wish I could rename Morgan to Hinata). Call me strange but I keep getting dreams (even during the daytime) about the courting of Lucina and that she was my wife in real life XD

Lon'qu is funny, Maribelle is talking to him and he stammers and tells her to leave him alone... Maybe I should pair them up... He son Brady looks sooo depressed

08-18-2013, 06:24 AM
so can Tharja marry the female avatar... or not?
PLease I need to know XD

I am trying to build up so relation between Lisa and Frederick...

08-18-2013, 06:34 AM
so can Tharja marry the female avatar... or not?
PLease I need to know XD

No sorry... But I could imagine the wedding night and the impromptu 'Jiggy Jiggy' XD :D

I am trying to build up so relation between Lisa and Frederick...

My Lissa is already married to him... I guess she wanted to get married like her niece did lol

I could show you a video I filmed XD

Lon'qu and Maribelle XD

08-18-2013, 12:33 PM
The are some pretty funny conversations. XD
Like Vaike looking at the "Flowers". That happens with the avatar with support Level C. :p

08-18-2013, 01:25 PM
Gaius and Sully at S rank 'wheezing bellows'

08-18-2013, 01:26 PM
I dont have gaius yet. XD
I am stuck in chapter 20. I am training relations with everyone :p


Oh. wait... I don't have gaius in my female save. He died there. :/

I will try to get him in my male save.

08-18-2013, 01:47 PM
I lol'd when he saw Chrom with sweets

08-18-2013, 01:53 PM
wait. Stop. No Spoiler, I am not even near that. XD

I am trying to make Sthal flirt with Panne. :p

I stopped all my other games, and I have been so much into this one. The game is really wonderful, and the amount of possible things that can happen are damn High.

08-18-2013, 05:09 PM
I am trying to make Sthal flirt with Panne. :p



08-18-2013, 06:31 PM

08-19-2013, 08:24 PM
Personally I think Cordelia is best for Gaius, they have a better proposal

08-19-2013, 08:59 PM
I got Gaius yesterday. :D

The reason I "lost" him in my female save, was because I did not knew that Chrom was the only one that could "TALK" to him. :/
But now, that sugar thing....made me think of Lisa. But I am honestly not getting at all who he should stay with.

Stahl and Panne have support level b in my female save. And the couple does look interesting. So far the best Ultimate couple I made was Lon'qu and Miriel. Seriously... you will laugh hard and epic with their talk even the marriage one. XD

08-19-2013, 10:57 PM
That emo with that librarian chick? Lol could work but who with Say'ri?

08-19-2013, 11:11 PM
That is the fun of this game. Who break yourself psychologically to try fit someone with it :p

With Say'ri... she could end up with Lon'qu..., but I am still at chapter 20. I stopped playing because.... I am training Relationships. :p
Given her personality, she could end up well with the avatar. Say'ri is a very tricky girl for us to know who she might fit. Vaike??? :/ damn, it will be so weirder,...
Kjelle and Kellam, are the ones I am working on fro a relation...
I have more women then man... what the hell is this? and Harem? XD

Say'ri with Gregor, maybe... It sounds more logical in my brain.

08-20-2013, 12:06 AM
Thanks for up.

08-20-2013, 07:31 AM
With Say'ri... she could end up with Lon'qu...,

That's whom I'm working with after Cordelia and Gaius

I stopped just before meeting Tiki and after the you get Say'ri

I'm HARDCORE training... Faster if you use EXPONENTIAL GROWTH lol

08-20-2013, 01:59 PM
Today is Olivia's Birthday :D

Her personality damages me a bit. I am a bit sick of characters like that. Japanese seem to find it very lovely personalities like that. For me, enough is enough. I admit have not played with her... much... only like....3 times maybe-

What about Libra?

The guy who is a Guy... not a girl... but still. I feel like I am playing with a bad ass girl. XD

Who would want to date him?

08-20-2013, 06:21 PM
Most epic wallpaper ever :D


08-20-2013, 11:43 PM
I think Henry would be perfect for Tharja, they both are weirdos and Noire is a nutjob too... Trying to think who'd be perfect for Cherche.... Maybe Stahl... But then who for sully, Miriel, Olivia and Maribelle. Do you have Skype? I'm getting the feeling that we'd might get slapped for having a chat on a forum thread that not about VGM

08-21-2013, 11:12 PM
Just noticed that Kellam cannot have support thing with Kjelle. Sully I hooked with Virion in my male save. in my female save she hooked herself with chrom for accident. XD
Stahl asked Panne for marriage today, they married, and I am guessing their future son is coming soon. :p

All others that you pointed...I am also very....hum....

Skype no.

BUt... PMingyou now. XD

08-21-2013, 11:37 PM
I can't get Lon'qu to <3 with Say'ri

08-21-2013, 11:49 PM
Say'ri goes only with avatar or Tiki. Check the supports of each individual. I was doing the same mistake as you. Check first the individual supports, then decide.

08-22-2013, 03:48 AM