04-02-2004, 11:17 AM
if any of you who don't believe in using gamesharks to use the great gospell, and want to know how to get it and use it while aeris is still alive then here how to get started.

first off, when you get to costa del solo, run around the area just outside the town to level up aeris,[she had better be in your party if this is going to work]. do what ever you want go where
ever you want except enter nieblheim. when you get her third level limit breaks drive the buggy into costa del solo and talk to the man by the boat, tell him that you want to go somwhere that is lonely but pretty... or somthing along those lines. if this last part is incorrect then don't feel let down just try a different request for the man at the boat...''hint'' the buggy is required

04-02-2004, 11:40 AM
Ive Never Heard this before To Get Great Gospel On Disc One Build up as Aforementioned But... Nothing Like A Boat...? Yo uGo To The Guy Sleeping in The Cave And Your Escapes And Deafeats Must Be Two Identical Numbers... Odd Will Get You Something even Will Get you SOmething Else... On Both Runs and Battles (Not Exactly Sure On That But im Reasonbly Certain) Eventually He Will Give You A Key item Called Mithril... Take this to The Weapon Smith in Gongaga And you Open One Of The Chests in His House... (Save outside And In One of them I Forget Is A Gold Armlet) Once You Get Great Gospel Use Anf Voila

04-02-2004, 11:48 AM
Originally posted by charles
if any of you who don't believe in using gamesharks to use the great gospell, and want to know how to get it and use it while aeris is still alive then here how to get started.

first off, when you get to costa del solo, run around the area just outside the town to level up aeris,[she had better be in your party if this is going to work]. do what ever you want go where
ever you want except enter nieblheim. when you get her third level limit breaks drive the buggy into costa del solo and talk to the man by the boat, tell him that you want to go somwhere that is lonely but pretty... or somthing along those lines. if this last part is incorrect then don't feel let down just try a different request for the man at the boat...''hint'' the buggy is required

// Yeh. That's got absolutely nothing to do with it. Why don't you try it yourself before posting it. ~

// PuRiKaH ~

Vivi FF
04-02-2004, 07:14 PM
No, he's sort of right. To get Great Gospel, you'll have to use the Buggy to get into Costa Del Sol, take the boat from there to Junon, then get to the cave with the sleeping man via the buggy. Get the Mythril there then return and give it to the guy in that hut and pick the right box (forgot which one it was) and you'll get the GG.

Landlord of Sector 7
04-02-2004, 09:27 PM
Yeah and so everyone knows you go to the Sleeping Man when the last two digits of times you have been in battle are the same (ex. 244)