Rabid Monkey
01-21-2002, 05:08 AM
We all have our own idea of what the perfect battle system entails, now you get to make what you consider to be the best of all time. Only one catch, you have to describe the way any given aspect works be it abilities, distribution of experience, or what have you by the way a game already in existence does it. For example, I would use the way gold exp, and items are given to the party in the Lufia series so you can see what each character got...

With that said go for it and I will post mine later...

01-26-2002, 04:29 AM
Ok, from what I understand of it...
How battles are handled is by real time 3-d combat. Like Street fighter, or Mortal Combat. You will have a life meter that goes down with the damnge you recive. You will of couse have abitliy life Life and cure. when usesing "majic" time frezzes, as so as your enemey, and the abitiy is used. You have to find the moves by the way of expirence or AP. It is written in a book you so can see them later. So there are majic moves, phyiscal moves, and fatital moves, ect.

01-29-2002, 04:22 PM
Yeah 3-Ds the Best