03-31-2004, 06:52 PM
Okay everyone, here's the promotional offer of a life time.

If you do indeed like FF7, then listen up. You must explain why you feel that FF7 blows every Final Fantasy out of the water. Why is this game so great compared to other FFs and why should it be known as the best Final Fantasy ever?

Now there's a catch, if you post in this thread I feel that it's either not enough or not worth reading, your account will be zapped with a random modifier. The following things can happen:

1. Your post count gets reduced to zero.
2. Your sig will be removed/edited.
3. Your avatar will be removed/edited.
4. Your name will be changed.
5. You'll be unable to surf the FF7 forum.

Basically, if it's horrible, I'll do any of the above. Not only that, if your name has ANY Cloud/Sephiroth mentioned in your name/avatar and you don't post in this thread, consider yourself a Non-FF7 fan and your name will be changed accordingly.

Now... who wants to defend FF7? >:D

Rabid Monkey
03-31-2004, 08:37 PM
I love this thread.

Bahamut ZERO
03-31-2004, 09:01 PM
Suppose I should get the ball rolling...

Okay, I'll have to admit that a lot of my love for Final Fantasy VII comes from the fact that it's the first one I've played, and thus I've used it as my "marker" for the rest of the series. And a lot of them haven't hit me as emotionally as this game has, nor have they had the same social impact upon a group of people that I've known.

Firstly, the graphics.

At their time, the graphics on Final Fantasy VII were revolutionary. The backgrounds were awe inspiring, and the full motion videos were in a class of their own. The main characters in the field were blocky, had no facial features, and generally looked weird when they stood close up and stared at you unblinkingly, granted, but for the whole, the Playstation was pushed to the utmost limit of its capabilities for Square's first real try at making the game.

Second, the storyline.

Okay, so some of the characters are a little weak.

Okay, so some of the enemies are a little on the undeveloped side.

But this game has two, maybe even three plots running alongside one another. At the first, it's a battle versus Shinra to stop Mako from being sucked dry. At the second, it's a journey to follow Sephiroth and to find his purpose. Thirdly, it's a journey to find out who and what the Ancients are and were. Fourthly, it's about revenge for a crime committed to one of your party. Fifthly, it's about finding the true self of one of the party.

The plot interlaces and links up at the end, even if the ending itself was a wee bit on the lame side (which is why we're getting Advent Children, I suppose.)

Thirdly, music.

The music of the game was another positive thing. The battle theme itself was not that annoying. The boss theme was quite groovy. Sephiroth's theme right at the end was pretty sweet as well.

Fourthly, the battle system.

It was easy to understand, and a complete novice could pick it up and be hooked. As a complete novice, that was a good thing. Materia was one of the best magic and summon systems they ever thought of. Equipping and de-equipping spells, levelling them up, being able to customise your party's weapons and armour to help / hinder in the levelling up of the magic.

Lest we forget that Final Fantasy VII was also the game that introduced Limit Breaks, a tradition that continued through the main series in a variety of different forms. (Okay, so VI had a basic one as well, thinking about it, but VII ran with the ball and added lots of limits as opposed to just the one.)

Fifthly, I'd like to point you to Science at school. No, I haven't gone mad (yet), but during Science lessons, we would sit in a group of about four or five, and discuss Final Fantasy VII. It was the main game of choice for discussion besides Tekken 2. We'd trade hints, tips, and we'd boast about how good we were. I was the first to defeat Emerald and Ruby... No one believed me, but I was quite proud of being able to do so.

And lastly: During my recovery from an operation, I played the game non-stop. During the summer after my GCSEs, I played the game non-stop. During the first year of college...... I played the game non-stop. I finally put it down from my playing so often after a total of three years with it, and after playing Final Fantasy VIII, and enjoying VIII but not feeling the same sense of satisfaction and joy from the game.

...... Okay. That'll do. And probably kill off what anyone else can say. x_X

03-31-2004, 09:52 PM
Ok my turn *gets psyked up*,

Final Fantasy VII to me is the best thing since sliced bread, the whole game is just brillient. The Characters are great Cloud is just brillient and his story of being kind of out casted and doing basicly anything to be excepted is fantastic, the love triangle between Tifa, Aeris and Cloud brings the story to life especially with the death of Aeris. Other characters in the game are revolutionary they all seem to have theyre own attitude to the situation.

This game was the first game i ever bought, i had to work real hard as a labourour for my dad i saved all my money for it and bought it, i was stuck infront of the game till my mum and dad had to pry me out of it, ive played and finished this game untold times because its so good with the sub quests its almost impossible to complete the game 100% and still 7 years after the game was released people are still crazy about it.

The graphics are great still especially the battle graphics i still think that theyre better than any of the other ps1 final fantasy graphics.

The games story jerks a tear from my eye time and im admitting this, im a 16 year old male admitting that, dont that mean something about how much i care about it. I believe i look like how cloud would look if he was real and a teenager, that brang me into getting the game i was shocked at how the character was created, same blood type birth month height and build all of it.

I bought 2 copys of this game, one is framed and the other i use to play with that must mean something huh?

04-01-2004, 04:22 AM
I should probably note, those who refuse to post in this thread will have their account modified.

Have a very nice day. <3

04-01-2004, 07:21 PM
Back when I was ten years old, I was blown away by FF7. It is the first RPG I have ever played and a game of near perfection. It sort of has a retro feel to it; it's not enirely old or new. It's pure genius.
I love how the storyline starts off small in the beginning (a rebel faction trying to save the Planet by destroying reactors) then grows to something more (preventing the impending doom from annhilating the world) and how Cloud and the others get into a variety of situtations, like infiltrating the Shinra Headquarters, snowboarding down a mountain, going on a non-gay date (with Barret), pretending to be of the opposite gender, etc.

The main characters are as unique as the storyline. Each of them have their own distinct personalities and dialects which makes each situation interesting. They even looked "interesting" being the only blocky characters in the history of 3-D RPGs.

Mr. Uematsu's compositions were the first pieces of music that I actually liked starting from the Bombing Mission to One- Winged Angel and the Staff Roll. Almost all of them are well done and they evoke emotions that tie in with what is happening during the gameplay or storyline. I enjoy listening to almost every theme in the game and like them the best out of all the music in all of the other games I've played.

The graphics aren't up to par as the newer FFs on the PS One but are still somewhat remarkable, except for the battle scenes, which look more incredible and smoother than its successors on the original Playstation, since the newer FFs lose graphical quality to become more detailed.

I became hooked and played all through summer vacation and used up most of my time, during the school year, to play, also sometimes shoving away more unnecessary things such as sleeping and eating(But when I did succumb to sleep, my pillow ended up being the controller). I used to draw pictures of Cloud on the side of my papers and hum some of music during class(one of my classmates even joined in while I hummed the final battle theme). Whenever I had a project to do, I would sneak in a reference or two. My stepbrother had a set of Legos which I used to attempt to recreate Cid's airship, Highwind. I also helped my dad with his electronics business and was temporarily my stepbrother's unnofficial "paid lackey" so I could buy a second copy.

hb smokey
04-02-2004, 01:43 AM
Here goes nothing:

When I first heard about this game, and saw the cover for FFVII, I was like" wow this game looks pretty gay! This guys' sword is almost the same size as his body!" I thought that was pretty stupid. And then I saw him looking at the Shinra building, which at first I thought was the boss of the game. Yes I know, that is pretty sad to say.

Anyways, I purchased the game a few months ago, used, because I did not want to waste my money on a "mediocre" game. I even went out of my way to pick up the players guide.

Then I started playing it. The opening scene and music was really cool. Having to blow up a Mako Reactor! I was like "alright, blowing up stuff is pretty cool!"

After I finished the game, I slowly started to believe that this, may very well in fact be, the greatest game of all time. Ever since Ocarina of Time came out, that was my vote for best game ever.

And the more I think about it, the more I do believe that this is the greatest game ever. Why?

1. The Story

This has the best story in any video game. I am a big fan of storyline in video games, so this story added incredible bonus points to my judgment of the game. Having to stop Mako Reactors from destroying the planet, learning of Sephiroths creation and fate of ruling the world, having to trek across the land to find out critical information about the Cetra and their role in the planet, having to help Cloud out of his extreme Mako poisoning by telling him to find the "real" him in the Lifestream.
And finally, having to kill Sephiroth so Holy can be summoned to stop Meteor, which in the end, you find out that Aeris had already summoned.

2. The Characters

Yes there are some weaker characters, but who cares. This game gives a lot of in-depth information to Cloud and Sephiroth, the two most important characters in the game. Every character does not need an autobiography about them to make a game good. Cloud and Sephiroth are described so thoroughly, you can almost have some people relating themselves to those two characters. It's pretty amazing!

3. The Music

It just seems like every song on this game was perfect for every scene in the game. There are so many great songs on this game, including Wutai, Cid's theme, Jenova, Those Chosen by the Planet, Weapon Raid, Who Am I? It sometimes scares me how well this music fits into the respected scenes they are in.

Well, off the top of my head, this is the best I could do.

04-02-2004, 05:03 AM
Originally posted by MogKnight
I should probably note, those who refuse to post in this thread will have their account modified.

Have a very nice day. <3

Wahaha, April Fools! *prances merrily around*

FF7 ownz0rs j00, that's why it's the best.

04-06-2004, 10:09 AM

Rabid Monkey
04-06-2004, 01:06 PM
Originally posted by C-Str!fe

If you ever make a post that meaningless again you WILL have one of the things on that list happen to you, if not all.

04-06-2004, 02:11 PM
aaaaaaah shut up monkey, i was only laughin, chill out! i fort it was funny so i laughed, so shut up


Im a good supporter of this group and i fink its kool, so dnt spoil it.

Rabid Monkey
04-06-2004, 02:17 PM
aaaaaaah shut up monkey, i was only laughin, chill out! i fort it was funny so i laughed, so shut up


Im a good supporter of this group and i fink its kool, so dnt spoil it.

First off, we don't allow advertising. Second, if you have a problem with a mod feel free to PM them about it instead of running your mouth in a thread.

04-06-2004, 09:36 PM
oh i hope nothing happens to me here...but i have to post, FFVII is the best final fantasy ever created, heres why:


The unique characters in final fantasy VII were a spectacular change from ff1 through 6 and you can really tell that this is where they REALLY started bringing the use of anime into final fantasy. just one look at the crazy hair and the awesome outfits, and you can tell that they are giving ff a new look. Of course thats only half the reason. Then there's the fact that a new character designer was brought in for FFVII.

2- 2D to 3D

This was the first ff to be in 3D, and even though everyone says that the graphics suck, they are really good compared to what they had on the super nintendo. Also, it was the first ff to have fmv's, which ended up being so cool. Especcially the environments that were in 3D, it was truly amazing, plus the fact that there were so many scenes that turned the 2D background 3D and kept it exact, to the cameraview and everything, which takes alot of work, im sure.

3- THE STORYLINE (*spoilers!!*)

final fantasy 7 has by far the best storyline ever created in a video game, not just out of the rest of the final fantasy series. It went into so much depth at all points of the game and you get hooked on the story right when you turn the game on. Then if you have ever looked up more info on it, you would have found out that Aeris' death wasn't originally going to be in the game at all. During the making of the game, in fact, when they were nearly finished, the creator's mother died. In memory of her, they put in Aeris' death. Aeris' death being put in this late in production is also the result of why when you use gameshark(which I've never done, this is what I've heard), and bring Aeris back, she actually has her own script of speech. Then there's the sidestory of many things such as Sephiroth's REAL mother and Cloud's past with Zack, and the list goes on.


Final Fantasy VII has the best music in the final fantasy series as well. The style was so unique that you almost have to make up a word to describe it! It also brought latin into the music with "One Winged Angel", which is an awesome song and i doubt that there would be latin in ff8 if it wasnt for that song.


Gameplay on FFVII was so much fun. the materia system gave you almost no limits because you could continuosly master materia and create new materia. Then there's the gold saucer, where you could play games all day long. Battling was quite fun in my oppinion as well.

That's all I can think of for now, though I'm sure I'm forgetting something...

oh crap...NOW i read that its an april fools joke...oh well...

04-06-2004, 11:20 PM
Originally posted by Kie

Wahaha, April Fools! *prances merrily around*

FF7 ownz0rs j00, that's why it's the best.

Wait.... April Fools was last Thursday?!? ;_;


06-02-2004, 08:06 AM
u dont need a reason ff7 is the best and thats the truth

Bahamut ZERO
06-02-2004, 10:29 AM
Originally posted by cloudx
u dont need a reason ff7 is the best and thats the truth


Actually, you do need a reason, because all you are stating is your opinion. Believe it or not there are people who think that there are better Final Fantasies out there ... Hence the whole point of stating reasons.

I refer you to my post up a bit.

06-03-2004, 02:34 PM
uhh, first of all... april was 2 months ago... and second... Mk: ouch!!! that's rough, that's brutal! so i guess i hafta post, AND it's gotta be good (i was all thinkin, hey i don't want that crap to happen to me, and i just will shut my trap, then you're all 'HEY you gotta post!' ... you big jerk, lol)

anyways, here goes everything!

(btw, mogknight, you better read this, cuz you made me type it!!!)

Final Fantasy VII is by far the best Final Fantasy ever! if you pay close enough attention, you will see the similarities between their world, and ours, throughout the whole game... every aspect. the time and attention taken to detail renders all other competition petty and useless... the huge landscapes were hand drawn, and the storyline carefully thought out! there's an elaborate intertwining of all the characters' interests, as they fight together towards a greater good! in the beginning you'll get pulled into the fight yourself because it is similar to real world situations... there ARE companies in the real world who take advantage of those who are less fortunate, and make the rick richer, and the poor poorer (just look at america) and this is what the shin-ra is doing. you will feel a violent urge to tear them apart, just like barrett does. then as the story goes along, you will either feel the hate towards sephiroth like the others do, or you will feel that sephiroth is the kick assest baddie around! either way, they have both sides covered, and the game will pull you into it! it's so realistic, that you will feel what they feel! (not pain dummie, the emotions) and there's a very involved love triangle with cloud tifa and aeris, and whether you like tifa or aeris, there are reasons that make you glad for either or both! for aeris lovers, most ppl love her for her virtue and honor, and she died honorably, sacrificing herself to save the world... for tifa lovers, most ppl love her cuz she's hot and tough, and she's tough in the end too, and one could argue that she 'gets the guy'. the music was masterfully composed and played, and it's very fitting for where it's placed, all of the themes evoke a very strong emotion towards what's happeneing in the game, pulling you ever into the world of the characters. there's always room for improvement, as you can create more challenging ways to play, like the omisison of materia, or the low-level way... providing constant challenges... every feature in the game has customizability, where you can change everything from the speed of battle, to the color of the menu! the materia system is very elaborate, and the items you can find through the game will almost seem like you could go to the store and buy them yourself! there is plenty of everything to satisfy the needs of anyone! just play the game and you'll know what i mean! it's like the matrix... one person can go out and play it, and walk away with 3 or 4 aspects of the game... another person could play it and walk away with a hundred! there's so much complexity, there's always something new to find out! now i'm out of ideas... so i'll let y'all take care of it!

edit: and the FMV sequences are very carefully thought out, they make you feel as if you're part of it!!! like you're really there! and they move so smoothly throughout the story, not like ff10 where the whole thing was too much movie... no, ff7 has the perfect balance of everything that a great video game should be! it is the model set up for all the rest! now done!

06-03-2004, 06:43 PM
for me the greatest and most endearing thing about 7 is the overall story; that is to say, the way characters personalities are shown, the way the story is told, to a certain extent the pace at which the story is told, and just the overall feel/vibe of the game just entrances me. second, the characters are top notch. to inspire such debate among so many varied people for so long is nothing short of legendary. enhancing such a phenomenal(i can spell, really) game further is the music. yes i know it is a step above 16-bit synths but still every time i hear the main theme it gives me shivers. the way the music fit into every bit of the game is incredible. dang ran out of thought, anyway these have been a few reasons why i think ff7 is and will be, for some time, the grrrreatest rpg.

06-07-2004, 12:10 AM
i dont know if i say anything chances are i will be reapeating something but ill just give some little thing one reason its better is because it has one of the best storylines if not the best of any final fantasy or any game ever when i first played it i got way into it and another reason its great is that even after you play the game like 5 to 6 times you can play throught it again and find something you didnt find the last time the characters were good too they really got into every character just a little bit so you knew what was going on in their life and why they were fighting on your side like barret fighting for marleen and so on graphics were the best for its time, gameplay was something new also this goes with the thing that you find out new stuff everytime you play whether it be a good new combination of materias or a new side quest, there were always little secrets you would find like the whole ancients being from space and the getting different people to go on a date with aeris, tifa, or barret (lol barret havent gotten him yet) and ya its just overall the best game ever made hope you enjoyed reading this took me a while to write

06-19-2004, 10:07 PM
Originally posted by MogKnight
Okay everyone, here's the promotional offer of a life time.

If you do indeed like FF7, then listen up. You must explain why you feel that FF7 blows every Final Fantasy out of the water. Why is this game so great compared to other FFs and why should it be known as the best Final Fantasy ever?

Now there's a catch, if you post in this thread I feel that it's either not enough or not worth reading, your account will be zapped with a random modifier. The following things can happen:

1. Your post count gets reduced to zero.
2. Your sig will be removed/edited.
3. Your avatar will be removed/edited.
4. Your name will be changed.
5. You'll be unable to surf the FF7 forum.

Basically, if it's horrible, I'll do any of the above. Not only that, if your name has ANY Cloud/Sephiroth mentioned in your name/avatar and you don't post in this thread, consider yourself a Non-FF7 fan and your name will be changed accordingly.

Now... who wants to defend FF7? >:D

First of all it was the first 3-D ff game it broke the most budget than any other game and almost every person that owns a playstation has it.iT Also has the best villain than any other thing in the world and religios people(i am)will be happy for it is bassed on the bible and other things across time!!!!!!!!!!

Master Nabeshin
06-22-2004, 12:38 AM
Final Fantasy VII is awesomeness incarnate. If other people have other opinions regarding this, then fine, that doesn't bother me at all. But personally, Final Fantasy VII is the best there is. Time and time again, I go back to play through it and relive the epic adventure that Cloud endures. no other Final Fantasy has hooked me in such a way, and very few other games have even come close. The story and characters are probably this title's defining feature, the characters mesh and interact in such an incredibly perfect way, and the storyline attached me to the characters almost like family. You know what? I damn well near CRIED when Aeris died! I never, EVER cry! Whenever I hear the music that played when she died, I still get a lump in my throat. That's probably it's next point, the music. Such a masterpeice of a score (admittedly, with a one or two exceptions, but still more to my liking than any other Final Fantasy). Next feature is the battle system. It's so complex, yet so simple to use. Personally my favorite. The first time I used it, I knew exactly what to do. I was an expert oversized sword-bearing maniac from the very beginning. Oh, and another important feature, I didn't hate ANY of the other Characters in FFVII. Yuffie was annoying, and Cait Sith was useless, but it just wouldn't be FFVII without them. No other FF game acheives all this. Oh, and as Chirpy7 mentioned, FFVII broke the mold and brought videogames into the mainstream. It was also the first big-budget game. It was a VERY important game in the lineage of gaming, and who knows where society today might be if some of these things had never happened? Well? Now Mogknight, since you really don't seem to like Final Fantasy VII, why don't you go leave us alone, and we'll avaoid a nasty clash, or hey, why not tell us YOUR favorite Final Fantasy game and why you think it's any better than FFVII? I'm very open-minded.

06-22-2004, 11:15 PM
Final Fantasy VII is so great because It proves that a game can be the greatest without flashy graphics. But it does have somewhat good graphics. The backrounds are amazing. They look very realistic, almost real. But the reason why I said it doesn't have the best graphics was because of the character designs. When your not in a battle scene they looks very blocky. But that just proves its a great game because it doesn't need the greatest graphics to get someones attention. Thats why some people like the new Final Fantasys rather this one because the other Final Fantasys have better graphics. The games features is what counts, not really the graphics. The storyline is the best of it all! It's very long and confusing, so it makes you want to play more and see what happends. The battle system is great too because its simple but interesting at the same time. But the greastest feature in battle is Materia! I don't think any Final Fantasy has Materia in it. But at the same time it's one of the greatest features in the game. Overal, this game is the best because of its features, not it's graphics, and thats what really counts in a game!

Dark Knight Odin
06-27-2004, 04:27 AM
Ok, time to play.

FF 7 is the best Final Fantasy out there today for many reasons. And it is still rank as one of the best games overall, and it also one the "Best Game Ever" tournament on

The game itself raised the bar for gaming in every aspect, and I mean it raised it BIG TIME!!!! Cutting edge graphics, great musical score, great character development, the best villain, and last but certainly not least, THE BEST STORY EVER!!!! After 7, old school squaresoft has continued to raise the bar on gaming with every final fantasy. Just when other companies catch up, they raise it again. And ff 7 started it all with a BANG!!

I first played it when I was like 13 and now I am 19 and I still play it. I am playing it as I write this. Working on beating Ruby. (and you are gonna laugh at me for having not beat Ruby yet, hold your tongue, because I beat Emerald in under 10min 30sec. with out Under Water or KOTR or any other big bad materia. If you wanna know how just go to the Emerald thread and look for my name. My time has been updated to the above since).

Anyways thats why Final Fantasy 7 is the best and it is that DAMN GOOD!!!

06-27-2004, 06:48 AM
Originally posted by Dark Knight Odin
Ok, time to play.

FF 7 is the best Final Fantasy out there today for many reasons. And it is still rank as one of the best games overall, and it also one the "Best Game Ever" tournament on

The game itself raised the bar for gaming in every aspect, and I mean it raised it BIG TIME!!!! Cutting edge graphics, great musical score, great character development, the best villain, and last but certainly not least, THE BEST STORY EVER!!!! After 7, old school squaresoft has continued to raise the bar on gaming with every final fantasy. Just when other companies catch up, they raise it again. And ff 7 started it all with a BANG!!

I first played it when I was like 13 and now I am 19 and I still play it. I am playing it as I write this. Working on beating Ruby. (and you are gonna laugh at me for having not beat Ruby yet, hold your tongue, because I beat Emerald in under 10min 30sec. with out Under Water or KOTR or any other big bad materia. If you wanna know how just go to the Emerald thread and look for my name. My time has been updated to the above since).

Anyways thats why Final Fantasy 7 is the best and it is that DAMN GOOD!!!

What this guy said!!!

06-27-2004, 12:29 PM
Well because of my name i feel that i am going to have to defend Final Fantasy 7.

Now to most people the graphics are pretty poor, but 6 or so years ago when it came out they were brilliant...! When you compare it to previous FF's the graphics are superb. The backgrounds especially are good as well and they are very imaginative. I think the worst part of the graphics was that the people looked a bit odd. BUT just think FMV's are really good..One of my favourites was on disc one, wehncloud recues barret and company on a motorbike, and the ending sequence is always good to watch.

I stand by the FACT that FF7 has one of the best musical scores ever, there are certain areas in which i just went to just to listen to the music. FF7 has the BEST battle themes ever, really gets you into it especially the boss one. The best musics for areas have to be ... City of Ancients and Mako Reactors. The best general music is when you fight sephiroth i think it is on latin but it still rocks

SUPER! Absolutely hours of free time with the highwind and the tiny bornco, so many thing to do, i tell you one thing i NEVER got bored of chocobo breeding even if it did take me along time. Asd for the gold saucer, well it canes any card game or blitzball because its not just a place where you go to play, you win awesome and useful items, plus you can let off some rage by going to the battle arena to kick some ass.

Lastly, the characters are also the best becuse they all play a good part in the game, cloud the cool wepon one, barret the tough guy, tifa the first girl, aeris the second girl, vincent the mysterious guy, cid the swearing guy, yuffie the girl with attitude and cait sith the strange thing.

Final Fantasy is the BEST FF Game ever!!!
(Those competing are X, and VIII in my opinion)

06-27-2004, 08:53 PM
Okay, guess I have to defend this game. Grr!

I first heard about FF7 from my good friends nextdoor, and when I played it I was instantly hooked.

Graphics- At the time these graphics were the most advanced, and I thought they were in plain terms awesome. The cut scenes seemed very lifelike, as were the battles. But this was not the games best points.

Characters- I feel that in order to truely love a game, you must connect with the characters. And indeed I, and proboly many other people, did. The main characters were very deep and had alot of things to them. They were unique, they were like people, and that made up for the blockyness entirely in my opinion. The characters stuck with you, like how Cid was a total smart ***, how Vincent was shrouded in mystery, and how Tifa had gone through so much pain but still managed to smile. In time, you being to feel emotions about the characters, like when Aries dies some of us proboly cried (I did), and when Nibelheim burnt down, some of us felt anger and sadness and symapathy for Cloud and Tifa.

Storyline- The story came on fast and never stopped. It sucked you in and MADE you want to play it, no matter if you were stuck or not. Thats what made the whole series so good, the story, but it was 7's that stuck out the most. Why? Because it seemed so real, and it didn't waste time.

Music- The music fit EVERY scene, which made the story and characters more compelling. It was ranged from the bouncy Chocobo races to the dark Sephiroth themed music, it all touched us. The music just made the game what it was, an epic of sorts.

In conclusion, FF7 was a great game because it was a like a complete puzzle, it all fit. Perhaps this is why they're making a moive out of it, and why thousands of writers have based fanfics on it. I wish they would make a sequel.

I hope I have shown my veiw to you, and if you don't like it, tough. I feel like I have written an essay...

07-07-2004, 12:08 PM
Allrite here I go....

The first final fantasy I played was Final Fantasy I for original Nintendo. Although the graphics were crummy, and there wasn't much of a storyline to it, it was fun. I was 7. Now, I am 14, and there are games like X-2 and all that stuff. I still think that FFVII is the best. Why? Here are some reasons.

1. Characters: The Characters are great. It gives enough information on each character to satisfy you, and not too much to bore you out of your mind. Sure there was Cait Sith, but Other than that, all the characters were cool and unique.

2. Materia: I think that Materia is the best idea Square-Enix ever came up with. being able to add abilities to your weapons and armor made the game 10x better, if not more. Many games now have put systems in their game like Materia, but with different names. For example City Of Heroes.

3. Music: FFVII has the best music out of all of the series. It's catchy, and it doesn't get annoying after you play the countless hours it requires to beat the game. the battle music is awesome, and so are the boss themes.

4. Graphics: At the time FFVII was released, the graphics were phenomonal. Unelieveable. And even though X-2 has way better graphics, FFVII's graphics still have something no other game can master.

5. Weapons: Weapons. FFVII has some of the best weapons from the series. The Buster Sword, in my opinion, is the best weapon in the series. I also like Barretts arm-grafted gun. That's awesome as well.

All in all, FFVII was great, and nothing anyone says will change my mind about it.