hb smokey
03-31-2004, 05:44 AM
What do you think about the whole Tidus and Yuna saga on FFX? For me, what they did with it is I want a FFX-3 to come out and finish up everything in Spira, including the last story of these two love birds. Did this love connection stick to you or what? And, who else thinks this is the greatest love story ever told?

04-01-2004, 03:17 AM
Yeh i agree, I wasnt a big X fan but i was watching my brother play and the love scenes stuck to me and still does, it reminds me of the relationship between me and my friend. And now ive started my own game and im loving it.

hb smokey
04-01-2004, 03:20 AM
Great answer! We need to start pulling for a FFX-3. I will never forget the love scenes. They are the best ever. I still go back to the old file and watch the one love scene of Tidus and Yuna in Lake Macalania...

Bahamut ZERO
04-01-2004, 07:20 AM

Why do we need a third game?

A second game was understandable, to a degree. The end was left open ended enough for the possibiliity of a sequel. Yuna had won, but Tidus was gone. Or was he? OR WAS HE???

X-2 was the story of... "Or was he? OR WAS HE???" Etc, etc. Yuna's whole journey was built on the fact that she was trying to find out stuff about him. Now she's got him, and they're happy and stuff in the end. It's tied up all the loose ends that... Well... There's nothing left for the characters to do.

Anyways, in answer to the love story question, it is a beautifully crafted story that I enjoyed from beginning to end. It's still not my favourite love story in gaming history, but it is up there. And what's more, with X, it's not just Tidus and Yuna, it's the whole party's support of one another and love for Yuna that wins through in the end. :)

04-03-2004, 07:48 PM
Yeah I liked the emo story about Tidus and Yuna its something that will stick with me always!

But as for FFX-3 I give that topic a HELL NO!!!!!:notgood: :notgood:

04-03-2004, 11:40 PM
What do you think about the whole Tidus and Yuna saga on FFX? For me, what they did with it is want a FFX-3 to come out and finish up everything in Spira, including these two love birds. did this love connection stick to you or what? and who else thinks this is the greatest love story ever told?

Yes, I must say it is saddening and does stick with you through both FFX and FXX-2. Reminds me of the old Kingdom Hearts game where at the end the Hero Sora floats away from... er.. What was her name...? Kairi? What a ridiculous sad ending for the game, and they have yet to create Kingdom Hearts II like the said.

04-06-2004, 10:59 PM
ya the love stories were deep, cant get enough of that lake love scene, who can? I don't know about ffx-3 though maybe, maybe not, if it came, ya i guess i would rent it and by the way, they do have a Kingdom Hearts 2 coming out, and man those graphics are nice!! Hint-- beat all worlds find all puppies and one more thing i forgot, maybe its beating seph but watch the previews at the end and u get a bonus look at the kingdom hearts 2, in fact im gonna watch it now just to see the graphics!!!:D

08-03-2004, 06:15 AM
TIDUS X YUNA!! XD hmm. . . i'm not sure about ffx-3. (i don't like fighting bosses. they make me die! and i don't like to die!) but i wish there was a movie. hehe. oh man i just love that part in the lake. i downloaded the fmv and watched it over and over. XD

08-03-2004, 07:32 AM
FFX had the most human of all FF stories...i am still perplex...i was really moved by a videogame...it has come to this...i wonder what will come next :)

08-03-2004, 09:42 AM
I really loved both X and X-2, but I agree with Adam. There's no need for it. Tidus and Yuna's story has been included.

There's always fanfiction if you really need a good Tidus/Yuna fix.

08-03-2004, 10:36 AM
Yeah, it was the greatest love story ever told, if you ask me.

But on FFX-3: Probably not a good idea. I mean what else is there to tell? We all know they live happily ever after..right?

08-03-2004, 09:48 PM
i agree with gunner yuna. it's all said and done. that's all square really intenially planned.

Kill Bill
08-06-2004, 11:13 AM
if they did put out an FF10-3 i think it would kinda ruin the other 2, i mean what else is there to tell? they live happily ever after....what would they do for an ff10-3 storiline anyway? there's nothing that yuna will do now(shes home with tidus and she's staying there with him) rikku and paine might still be in the gullwings, but there's really no more story left to tell.....the story has finished, and for most it was a happy ending....so i hope they dont spoil it.....

hb smokey
08-06-2004, 04:19 PM
Well, you wouldn't necessarily have to make X-3 take place after X-2. It could just take place maybe between X and X-2, or possibly before X.

Kill Bill
08-06-2004, 09:32 PM
yeah....but i still wouldnt like it....rather they left it alone....they've worked they're wonders, and now its time to make a new 1...or 5:)

08-12-2004, 02:07 AM
OMG I LOVE that pairing! They are so perfect for each other and I could go on and on about how they great they are together. Their story is amazing...yes, one of the greatest. It's too bad love these days isn't as powerful as theirs. Lenne and Shuyin definately had a great one. Well, Tidus was a dream based off of Shuyin, and the Fayth wanted the blitzball player and summoner to come back again. It would be so awesome if they made an FFX-3 with their child or something. I was thinking of something that was similar to Ashe or something. Square-Enix could have at least made a little clip or somethat that shows how life for them turned out. It could start out where we see Yuna pregnant with a second child or something and then she's narrarating it. I didn't really think the perfect ending of FFX-2 was really that perfect. I think they could have done a lot better. They didn't even kiss or say I love you, or I missed you so much or anything. Oh well. I have my own Tidus and Yuna yahoo group that you all can check out. It's better than the other groups on yahoo I can assure you that.

Kill Bill
08-12-2004, 11:21 AM
Yiko! yuna pregnaunt?.....yech...no thank you...we've already had enough of wakka's *coughDEFORMEDcough* child...and by that time(yuna on her second) wakka probebly has 8!!

haha jk, but they were a good pairing......hehe every thought of a ff10-69?

Tidus: now where did i put my sword?
Yuna: its on your back dear...
Tidus: what? oh no...not my sword...ehh oh yeah my teeth, where'd you put my teeth?
Tidus' child #21: sorry dad...but i was playing with them and broke them.....
Tidus: right! thats it! now more saving the world for you!
Tidus child #21: oh but dad! sin has been re-born again!
Tidus: none of your excuses....i killed that thing so its dead...
Tidus child #21: oh but dad!
Tidus: DEAD! DEAD! DEAD!! *cough*
Tidus child #21: take it easy old man, or you'll be dead!
Tidus: what!? what you say?!.....................my hearing-aid is broken again...hello? helloooo?

hehe sorry i had to do that!!

heh cute couple....though i'd prefer it was ME standing there with her!

Yunalesca rox!
08-13-2004, 04:50 PM
Originally posted by Smokey
Great answer! We need to start pulling for a FFX-3. I will never forget the love scenes. They are the best ever. I still go back to the old file and watch the one love scene of Tidus and Yuna in Lake Macalania...

That part makes me depressed :(

Kill Bill
08-13-2004, 08:47 PM
i thought that part was cool, but yeah it is depressing....

i knew after that, that something was up, i said to myself 'hey why is he kissing her now? he should be kissing her at the end' then i figured, hes not going to kiss her at the end.....thats why he's kissing her now.....

really sad...but they looked so happy....i felt for poor yuna when he was dying/fading away.....

at least she got him back in 10-2...that made me happy!

08-14-2004, 03:57 PM
Originally posted by Kill Bill
i thought that part was cool, but yeah it is depressing....

i knew after that, that something was up, i said to myself 'hey why is he kissing her now? he should be kissing her at the end' then i figured, hes not going to kiss her at the end.....thats why he's kissing her now.....

really sad...but they looked so happy....i felt for poor yuna when he was dying/fading away.....

at least she got him back in 10-2...that made me happy!

Yunalesca rox! was just saying she was depressed because she wished that she was the one in there with Tidus. ;) I think it was a great scene. The most beautiful FMV ever so far. Macalania is just the perfect place for your first kiss. I'm sure it wasn't Tidus's first kiss, but probably Yuna. She looked a little surprised, too at first. He was kissing her then because at that time he thought there was no way to save her, so he might as well let her know how he felt. Also, she was crying and he wanted to comfort her. It was kind of a silent message.

Kill Bill
08-14-2004, 08:50 PM
yiko...haha i should have got that haha!

hmmm...okay...why do you think it wasnt his first? he seemed a little dazed about it too.....

:rembers back to the scene:

hey that reminds me.....they were under water right? for how long? i mean its no problem for tidus, but what about yuna??

the obiously werent under for that long.....

oh and another thing! that perve Kimhari was whating them! sicko!

.....tidus broke his promise....he siad he would stay with her forever....but he never did.......

Tidus knew his fate by the end...sad....very sad.....

aww...look at the happy couple....... :gaggs:

08-14-2004, 10:50 PM
Replying to Kill Bill. I'm thinking it wasn't his first kiss because he was a famous and cute blitzer in his Zanarkand, and he seemed to be quite the lady's man over there. I guess he was dazed because, well, it was Yuna. She was much more special to him than those other girls. And when he agreed to sign that girl's blitzball he was like "Of course"! And then the, "That'll mean it's for you." And then, Wakka: Don't try anything. Tidus: Hey, no promises there. What if she comes on to me first? And then he goes, "So Yuna, wanna come over to my place.....". Not only that, but Tidus seemed to know what he was doing when he kissed her. He was leading and all that.

Remember, Macalania's water is not ordinary water, so they could probably breathe under there. I know! And Khimari was smiling afterwards, too! lol But he was probably just thinking: Awwww, how cute. My baby's growing up (cuz Yuna was like a daughter to him). That's what I did (except for the my baby part)!

Well, he eventually went back to her, and at the time he didn't know he would leave, and he did it for Yuna's happiness and welfare. And I guess his memory lived on. It was a good thing, too, cuz then Yuna found out about Vegnagun and was able to reunite Spira. And she was able find out the true Yuna since as a summoner she was doing everything soley for the people. I love the pic!

Kill Bill
08-14-2004, 11:21 PM
well you know....ive always been told that the first kiss comes natrulay, and he did hestitate a tiny bit....

he was very popular in zanarkand with the girls, he was probebly just showing off(you know how they get) you know....uhh.....like hes just making his fans like him more.....i still think that his and yuna's kiss was a first for both of them...but hey, i maybe wrong....

yeah i thought she was a little stiff in 10, thats why i like the yuna from 10-2 better! tidus brought out her more adventurous, fun and happier side(wich is a good thing)....

hehe like your pic too...your so good at the sigs.......but mines is bigger!! haha jk

08-15-2004, 12:19 AM
Originally posted by Kill Bill
well you know....ive always been told that the first kiss comes natrulay, and he did hestitate a tiny bit....

he was very popular in zanarkand with the girls, he was probebly just showing off(you know how they get) you know....uhh.....like hes just making his fans like him more.....i still think that his and yuna's kiss was a first for both of them...but hey, i maybe wrong....

yeah i thought she was a little stiff in 10, thats why i like the yuna from 10-2 better! tidus brought out her more adventurous, fun and happier side(wich is a good thing)....

hehe like your pic too...your so good at the sigs.......but mines is bigger!! haha jk

That's true. When I got my first kiss, I was really surprised, though, but then it just kinda went and ended after a while, and I was actually not embarrassed or anything. I still think it wasn't Tidus's first kiss, though :p, and my sig was prettier. Totally jk. But, what you say may be true. I hate it when producers leave so many things unanswered. They should make a site where we send in a question and they answer it. Like, what is Tidus's favorite color or something. Which I think is either yellow or light blue. But, either way, it was probably still the most beautiful FMV ever created. *sigh* Yeah. That's why they make such a good couple. They're opposites in some ways, and the same in others. It's kind of like a push and pull--a balanac that they create for each other if you know what I mean.

I just love how he holds her in that pic! It's so possessive and looks very comfy. It's cute!

Kill Bill
08-15-2004, 09:47 AM
i think his fave color is aqua or blue, you've been kissed? your lucky....hehe

Yuna is soft kind and gentle, tidus' agressive and carefree behavoir appeals to her because she wants to be like that.....tidus is agressive and hot-blooded, and yuna's soft and gentle nature makes him more agressive and makes him fight stronger for her.....

i think thats right anyway.......what height is tidus i wonder? i want to compare! im 5ft 7/8

Yunalesca rox!
08-15-2004, 01:25 PM
My first kiss wasn't embarassing or anything and I don't think it was for Yuna or Tidus..... But I think that was Tidus's first kiss. Just think he wanted to show is affection for Yuna and he made it really special for both of them. So I thought that part was really special and I cried and I got angry :(
Sad because they deserve eachother and angry because I love Tidus with all my heart and frankly I would die for him or the game (crazy huh?) and seeing someone you love kiss another person it will get you angry and jealous.

08-15-2004, 06:15 PM
Originally posted by Yunalesca rox!
My first kiss wasn't embarassing or anything and I don't think it was for Yuna or Tidus..... But I think that was Tidus's first kiss. Just think he wanted to show is affection for Yuna and he made it really special for both of them. So I thought that part was really special and I cried and I got angry :(
Sad because they deserve eachother and angry because I love Tidus with all my heart and frankly I would die for him or the game (crazy huh?) and seeing someone you love kiss another person it will get you angry and jealous.

I really don't think you should say love unless you truly mean it. And love for someone is something that is real, something that you know has the qualities to make you feel happy (I mean really know, like, you actually hang out with this person). I don't know. That's just my opinion :).

I think people just want to say that it was both of their first kisses because it's more romantic. I still (from the blatant facts) say that it wasn't his first kiss. He looked way too sure of himself, like he'd done it before. And come on. A teenage boy, no matter how nice or modest, who is famous gets a lot of female and physical attention. I'm not saying other people's opinions are wrong, bad or stupid, but I'm still sticking with mine for my own reasons.

Kill Bill
08-15-2004, 06:26 PM
yeah...but....nah i wont argue anymore...likely to get beat up!

....talk about being sterio typical! i supose thats probebly right, but still....

ive kissed a girl on the cheek before, but ive never been kissed by a girl.....never will i dont think......:(

i still say it was his first......he hestitated, he looked sure of himself because he knew what he wanted to do.......but yeah i guess i could agree with it not being his first...he would have kissed her then pulled away....not a complete kiss.............

was he frenching her?

Yunalesca rox!
08-15-2004, 06:50 PM
Originally posted by Confused-In-A-Box

I really don't think you should say love unless you truly mean it. And love for someone is something that is real, something that you know has the qualities to make you feel happy (I mean really know, like, you actually hang out with this person). I don't know. That's just my opinion :).

I think people just want to say that it was both of their first kisses because it's more romantic. I still (from the blatant facts) say that it wasn't his first kiss. He looked way too sure of himself, like he'd done it before. And come on. A teenage boy, no matter how nice or modest, who is famous gets a lot of female and physical attention. I'm not saying other people's opinions are wrong, bad or stupid, but I'm still sticking with mine for my own reasons.

Yeah but when ur obsessed and thats the only thing on ur mind then you would say you love em. I know it may sounnd stupid but i can't help it. It might not have been his first kiss coz he had experience...but I may be wrong...

08-15-2004, 08:27 PM
Originally posted by Kill Bill
yeah...but....nah i wont argue anymore...likely to get beat up!

....talk about being sterio typical! i supose thats probebly right, but still....

ive kissed a girl on the cheek before, but ive never been kissed by a girl.....never will i dont think......:(

i still say it was his first......he hestitated, he looked sure of himself because he knew what he wanted to do.......but yeah i guess i could agree with it not being his first...he would have kissed her then pulled away....not a complete kiss.............

was he frenching her?

Ah, don't worry! You will sooner or later. I'm pretty sure he was frenching her. I mean, he loves her, and when you have passion for somebody like that you do those kinda things just automatically to show the utmost affection. It's kind of like a reflex I guess. They were both in kind of a daze, too. And by the way he was holding her and how they moved together, and how close their lips were pressed and formed together, I'd think they were. I mean, not immediately, but after they got accustomed to the whole thing. It was all pretty magical if you ask me, and they were pretty lucky to have their first kiss in a place as beautiful as that. Looked like a pretty good kiss, too ;).

Yunalesca rox!
08-15-2004, 08:31 PM
Originally posted by Confused-In-A-Box

Ah, don't worry! You will sooner or later. I'm pretty sure he was frenching her. I mean, he loves her, and when you have passion for somebody like that you do those kinda things just automatically to show the utmost affection. It's kind of like a reflex I guess. They were both in kind of a daze, too. And by the way he was holding her and how they moved together, and how close their lips were pressed and formed together, I'd think they were. I mean, not immediately, but after they got accustomed to the whole thing. It was all pretty magical if you ask me, and they were pretty lucky to have their first kiss in a place as beautiful as that. Looked like a pretty good kiss, too ;).

Im getting even more depressed when you go into detail :(

Kill Bill
08-15-2004, 08:36 PM
:makes a face:

i bet you'll be a love story riter when your older haha

yeah i hope so...i dont want to too early mind....just at the right time:)

Yunalesca rox!
08-15-2004, 08:38 PM
Originally posted by Kill Bill
:makes a face:

i bet you'll be a love story riter when your older haha

yeah i hope so...i dont want to too early mind....just at the right time:)

First kiss has to be special so do it at ur own pace. Im surprised that you don't get many girls chasing after you being a tidus-look-a-like in all? Or do you?

08-15-2004, 08:45 PM
Originally posted by Yunalesca rox!

First kiss has to be special so do it at ur own pace. Im surprised that you don't get many girls chasing after you being a tidus-look-a-like in all? Or do you?

Exactly, Yunalesca lol! Yes, do you have girls chasing after you? You seem to be pretty cool. Oh, I'm sorry about the other posts, Yunalesca :( . I didnt mean to be mean! Yeah, I've thought about being a novelist, but, I don't know...

Anyhoo! I agree. When the time feels right (that fuzzy feeling--literally, it's a pretty fuzzy if not fuzzy-like feeling) go for it or you could miss out big time! I think I kissed the right guy, but we broke up. We're still friends though. You always stay friends with the boy who gave you your first kiss. I'm sure Yuna also felt that way, but with the surcomstances there, it must have been a bigger feeling.

Yunalesca rox!
08-15-2004, 08:47 PM
Originally posted by Confused-In-A-Box

Exactly, Yunalesca lol! Yes, do you have girls chasing after you? You seem to be pretty cool. Oh, I'm sorry about the other posts, Yunalesca :( . I didnt mean to be mean! Yeah, I've thought about being a novelist, but, I don't know...

Anyhoo! I agree. When the time feels right (that fuzzy feeling--literally, it's a pretty fuzzy if not fuzzy-like feeling) go for it or you could miss out big time! I think I kissed the right guy, but we broke up. We're still friends though. You always stay friends with the boy who gave you your first kiss. I'm sure Yuna also felt that way, but with the surcomstances there, it must have been a bigger feeling.

No don't worry you weren't being mean your just making a point :D
and Yes I think Yuna does feel that way or else she wouldn't be looking for Tidus in FFX-2 coz she still believes he is out there somewhere.

Kill Bill
08-15-2004, 08:56 PM
girls chasing after me? LOL!

i dont think im that good-looking! sure im atractive(mebe) but i dont atract alot of girls...they're too busy chasing a better looking boy than me, he sings, he's good-looking...am im second rate...better than nothing i guess!

oh and before you say, im a rotten singer!

08-15-2004, 10:28 PM
Kill Bill, Yunalesca Rox, and Confused-In-A-Box, try not to chat in the thread so much. :)

I wouldn't be surprised if it was Yuna's first kiss. It'd certainly be true to her character. Either was, it was a very romantic scene. ^^

08-16-2004, 07:34 AM
That scene was very sexy. It turned me on lolz. And I'm sorry if it made you feel bad Yunalesca..:( You love Tidus so much, much more than Yuna. If there was a contest of who loved Tidus more, you would win..Because you love Tidus with all your heart!:)

08-16-2004, 07:58 AM
Originally posted by Ndi
I wouldn't be surprised if it was Yuna's first kiss.

Uh... no. Think back just a little earlier.

Yunalesca rox!
08-16-2004, 11:22 AM
Originally posted by Tifa_Martial_Artist
That scene was very sexy. It turned me on lolz. And I'm sorry if it made you feel bad Yunalesca..:( You love Tidus so much, much more than Yuna. If there was a contest of who loved Tidus more, you would win..Because you love Tidus with all your heart!:)

Thanks Tifa_Mmartail_Artist You made me feel betta :D

08-16-2004, 12:23 PM
Hehe..But seriously I kinda thought that they were gettin' kinda..naughty there. o.o

08-16-2004, 03:26 PM
Um, well, I still think Yuna loves Tidus more, but I'm not gonna go there. It's too tiring. Oh yeah...the Seymour kiss :(. Well, I like to think that Tidus gave Yuna her first real kiss.

Well, they are teenagers in love, so of course they're going to do something they shouldn't be doing, but yes, it was a very "nice" scene in some ways. I like to think of it more as a sweet little moment of theirs.

Yunalesca rox!
08-16-2004, 04:35 PM
Originally posted by Confused-In-A-Box
Um, well, I still think Yuna loves Tidus more, but I'm not gonna go there. It's too tiring. Oh yeah...the Seymour kiss :(. Well, I like to think that Tidus gave Yuna her first real kiss.

Well, they are teenagers in love, so of course they're going to do something they shouldn't be doing, but yes, it was a very "nice" scene in some ways. I like to think of it more as a sweet little moment of theirs.

Im telling you its depressing.....:(

08-17-2004, 12:44 AM
Originally posted by Prak

Uh... no. Think back just a little earlier.

Haha. Well, you could argue that, but I don't think of her kiss with Seymour as a real kiss.

It's more like. . .a stage kiss. In my eyes, anyway.

08-17-2004, 12:50 AM
Originally posted by Ndi

Haha. Well, you could argue that, but I don't think of her kiss with Seymour as a real kiss.

It's more like. . .a stage kiss. In my eyes, anyway.

Yeah. She was pretty much forced to kiss him. That poor girl :(. I mean, she did really kiss him fully, but I guess most of that was Seymour's job. And she didn't like it either. It looked like she was holding herself back form socking 'em one. And I'm sure it didn't taste too good, either from the way she acted after. And poor Tidus looked like he was about to go berserk there. It's kinda sad to see her looking so gorgeous but with such a hard face on. That's another reason why I think square should have added an extra scene where Yuna told what happened afterwards. I really want to see how Yuna's wedding dress turned out!

Yunalesca rox!
08-18-2004, 12:07 PM
Originally posted by Confused-In-A-Box

Yeah. She was pretty much forced to kiss him. That poor girl :(. I mean, she did really kiss him fully, but I guess most of that was Seymour's job. And she didn't like it either. It looked like she was holding herself back form socking 'em one. And I'm sure it didn't taste too good, either from the way she acted after. And poor Tidus looked like he was about to go berserk there. It's kinda sad to see her looking so gorgeous but with such a hard face on. That's another reason why I think square should have added an extra scene where Yuna told what happened afterwards. I really want to see how Yuna's wedding dress turned out!

Yeah I did feel bad for Yuna and Tidus. Especially when it shows her fist clenched so that showed that she was tense. And when it was the kiss and It showed Tidus's face I was like "awwww". Also Im having her wedding dress for my wedding :P Its such a lovely dress. I love all the costumes in FF I think they are great! But the best bit of the wedding is when she says "believe" and then valefore comes flying down I love that bit!

08-18-2004, 07:35 PM
in the game i love beating the crap out of seymour. he deserves it. :angel:

Kill Bill
08-18-2004, 09:16 PM
yes he does...because he's a big girls blouse.....like kuja!

though...yuna does look beautiful in that dress! and she suits her hair up

heh but look what happens when its not him!

heh sorry bout all the pics! just making it interesting

08-18-2004, 10:31 PM
when i saw seymour kissed yuna i was like shaking my sis and saying @#$%!!!!! that @#$%*& seymour kissed yuna!! so yeah. hehehe

oh and i was thinking. instead of and FFx-3 do u want a movie? just curious

Kill Bill
08-19-2004, 12:04 AM
ooo! yeah a movie would be great! you know, like the same only all the normal bits would be fmv, and there would be some battles(mebe, preferably not though)

a movie of ff 10 you know? then they could either include 10-2 or make another movie...you know? like a...like a 'Final Fantasy 10-2 Movie'?

they're doing it with 7, why not do it with 10?

heh but they're nevr going to do that i dont think...but it would be super cool if they did you know?

08-19-2004, 12:21 AM
Originally posted by Kill Bill
ooo! yeah a movie would be great! you know, like the same only all the normal bits would be fmv, and there would be some battles(mebe, preferably not though)

a movie of ff 10 you know? then they could either include 10-2 or make another movie...you know? like a...like a 'Final Fantasy 10-2 Movie'?

they're doing it with 7, why not do it with 10?

heh but they're nevr going to do that i dont think...but it would be super cool if they did you know?

That would be cool! Or maybe they could do a movie of like, Yuna and Tidus's kid or something like that. I dunno. Just a thought. But it would have to be kinda dramatic to make it really good. And seeing Yuna and Tidus together, old, and on a rocking chair on the porch...I dunno.....

08-19-2004, 02:42 AM
Originally posted by Confused-In-A-Box

And seeing Yuna and Tidus together, old, and on a rocking chair on the porch...I dunno.....


08-19-2004, 05:37 AM
Originally posted by Kill Bill
ooo! yeah a movie would be great! you know, like the same only all the normal bits would be fmv, and there would be some battles(mebe, preferably not though)

a movie of ff 10 you know? then they could either include 10-2 or make another movie...you know? like a...like a 'Final Fantasy 10-2 Movie'?

they're doing it with 7, why not do it with 10?

heh but they're nevr going to do that i dont think...but it would be super cool if they did you know?
YEAH!! the continueing of FFX and X-2. that'd be kool.

Originally posted by Confused-In-A-Box

That would be cool! Or maybe they could do a movie of like, Yuna and Tidus's kid or something like that. I dunno. Just a thought. But it would have to be kinda dramatic to make it really good. And seeing Yuna and Tidus together, old, and on a rocking chair on the porch...I dunno.....
yeah. i was thinking of them having a kid. hehe. i just love that couple. if there was a movie i would be going crazy!

08-19-2004, 06:14 AM
Originally posted by animesdbest

YEAH!! the continueing of FFX and X-2. that'd be kool.

yeah. i was thinking of them having a kid. hehe. i just love that couple. if there was a movie i would be going crazy!

Me too! Tidus and Yuna are like my favorite game couple. I have my own yahoo group for them, but not like the other ones there. With this one I'm trying to make it really good with the time I have available. PM if you want the link or wanna ask something. :D

Yunalesca rox!
08-21-2004, 12:40 PM
Originally posted by Kill Bill
ooo! yeah a movie would be great! you know, like the same only all the normal bits would be fmv, and there would be some battles(mebe, preferably not though)

a movie of ff 10 you know? then they could either include 10-2 or make another movie...you know? like a...like a 'Final Fantasy 10-2 Movie'?

they're doing it with 7, why not do it with 10?

heh but they're nevr going to do that i dont think...but it would be super cool if they did you know?

OMG! that is such a great idea! And if it did then i wud definetely be first in the shops to buy it! they cud do FFX the movie and then FFX-2. That wud be wicked! :D

08-21-2004, 05:33 PM
i thinkl thatd be cool! they should have a ffx-2 movie with flashbacks of ffx in it, i think. kinda like in samurai x...u prolly dunno what im talkin about..

08-21-2004, 06:31 PM
Originally posted by heavenscloud01
i thinkl thatd be cool! they should have a ffx-2 movie with flashbacks of ffx in it, i think. kinda like in samurai x...u prolly dunno what im talkin about..

lol Sorry, I don't know what you're talking about. Hmm, and if they made a movie of FFX/X-2 they could add things and make it way more in depth, like maybe extra scenes with Tidus and Yuna. I'd hope the same voice actors were in it, though. It would probably have to be kind of like a box set of movies since it would be so long, and I don't think it would be good for it to go into theaters. You know, I think James Arnold Taylor (the voice of Tidus) should have played Tidus's voice like he did Shuyin's. Shuyin's is much more masculine I think. I mean, I for one, actually don't really mind Tidus's current voice, but still....I think he's better looking than Shuyin, though.

Okay, two subjects here. Possible spoilers!

Did any of you think that Tidus and Yuna's romance was the best game love/love story of all times or can you think of a better one?


Were any of you satisfied with the "perfect" ending? How would you like the perfect ending to be. I mean, it was so blunt and crappy. They didn't even hug, and we were waiting for another wonderful FMV or kiss. No, "I love you"s or anything. Just a chessy hug! I mean, come on!

08-21-2004, 06:36 PM
man i kept getting the crappy ending when shes on the airship and shes like "brother higher!" because i didnt complete som eof the main objectives. i sorta grew away from, ffx-2 once i got 11 so i havent tryed to beat it in awhile. plz dont totally tell me what happened tho.or say SPOILERS when you are going to.

08-21-2004, 06:45 PM
Originally posted by heavenscloud01
man i kept getting the crappy ending when shes on the airship and shes like "brother higher!" because i didnt complete som eof the main objectives. i sorta grew away from, ffx-2 once i got 11 so i havent tryed to beat it in awhile. plz dont totally tell me what happened tho.or say SPOILERS when you are going to.

I did say spoilers. :D But I'll say it better next time. I'm really sorry about that! Did you get the sad ending? The ending you described above was the normal ending. There's the bad, sad, good, normal, and perfect ending. I have all of them in my computer. And I got them in the game. If you need help with the game just pm or e-mail me or go to http://www.square-x.com. There you will find under faqs and guides on the right hand side, and then the FFX-2 walkthrough, and this is a walkthrough by Jessie Cox. It is probabaly the best overall walkthrough. I mean, at gamefaqs and stuff, you can get better walkthroughs on specific things I think, but try this walkthrough. It really helps.

08-21-2004, 06:48 PM
Originally posted by Confused-In-A-Box

I did say spoilers. :D But I'll say it better next time. I'm really sorry about that! Did you get the sad ending? The ending you described above was the normal ending. There's the bad, sad, good, normal, and perfect ending. I have all of them in my computer. And I got them in the game. If you need help with the game just pm or e-mail me or go to http://www.square-x.com. There you will find under faqs and guides on the right hand side, and then the FFX-2 walkthrough, and this is a walkthrough by Jessie Cox. It is probabaly the best overall walkthrough. I mean, at gamefaqs and stuff, you can get better walkthroughs on specific things I think, but try this walkthrough. It really helps.

no u did it fine. yes i do have them saved in my computer too, but i just havent got around to it yet. i m currently obbsesd with inuyasha and FFXI.lol

hb smokey
08-21-2004, 07:21 PM
Originally posted by Confused-In-A-Box
<B>[quote] Hmm, and if they made a movie of FFX/X-2 they could add things and make it way more in depth, like maybe extra scenes with Tidus and Yuna. It would probably have to be kind of like a box set of movies since it would be so long, and I don't think it would be good for it to go into theaters.</B>
I don't think a movie would bring more in-depth scenes or what-not to the series. Books are always better than movies, and so are video games. You can't put much more into a movie. And I also think that a series of movies would be a really bad idea.

Kill Bill
08-21-2004, 10:19 PM
i think a series would be bad too, the one or mebe two is good, but i dont think you could make it into a series of movies...its would ruin it......

but i think an FF10 and FF10-2 would be super! i can already imagine it!...i have a very good imagination...i rember each scene almost word for word(for 10) and the normal bits i can imagine in FMV...so i think you would get a good hour or two(or mebe more) from the movie....

though..they would have to cut some of the walking down...and the closter of trials would have to go....or at least be shortened.....

so it would need some careful planning and good technics to make the movie;

1. posible
3.worth watching

...it will never happen though (unless i have something to do with it!) but it doesnt hurt to dream eh?

08-21-2004, 10:21 PM
Originally posted by Kill Bill
i think a series would be bad too, the one or mebe two is good, but i dont think you could make it into a series of movies...its would ruin it......

but i think an FF10 and FF10-2 would be super! i can already imagine it!...i have a very good imagination...i rember each scene almost word for word(for 10) and the normal bits i can imagine in FMV...so i think you would get a good hour or two(or mebe more) from the movie....

though..they would have to cut some of the walking down...and the closter of trials would have to go....or at least be shortened.....

so it would need some careful planning and good technics to make the movie;

1. posible
3.worth watching

...it will never happen though (unless i have something to do with it!) but it doesnt hurt to dream eh?
yeah. it's just my imagintaion. i like daydreaming. lol

Kill Bill
08-21-2004, 10:32 PM
yeah, when im bored i just think of ff10 scenes....if im REALLY bored i think up new ones!.....but they're always a bit off...not that i care....no-one can see what im thinking...(if they could i would get arested! XD)

08-21-2004, 10:35 PM
yeah me too. except i just think of new ones.

hb smokey
08-22-2004, 12:00 AM
That would be pretty stupid to make a movie that basically has the exact same contents as the video game itself.

08-22-2004, 12:01 AM
Originally posted by Smokey
That would be pretty stupid to make a movie that basically has the exact same contents as the video game itself.
yeah. cuz everyone already knows wat's going to happen and stuff.

Kill Bill
08-22-2004, 12:02 AM
why? it doesnt hurt to be like that you know...it doesnt always have to be different......jjust as long as its nothing like FF:the spirits within....i hated that....

08-22-2004, 12:05 AM
anywayz it's just our imagination

hb smokey
08-22-2004, 12:06 AM
Originally posted by Kill Bill
why? it doesnt hurt to be like that you know...it doesnt always have to be different......jjust as long as its nothing like FF:the spirits within....i hated that....
Well, would you rather see a movie that resembles exactly what the video game offered? Or a movie that was brand new?

That's the point I was trying to make.

Kill Bill
08-22-2004, 12:16 AM
um...the exactly what the video game offered...

sure a new movie would be great...but i prefere it like that...

yeah its just in our heads....not like its going to happen......

i prefer playing the game, then going off in a dream world with different scenes.....

11-14-2004, 03:15 AM
Maybe they should make a movie on ffx like ff7.

11-15-2004, 11:47 PM
Well, i dont know how well that would work, because FFX is mostly movies! its looks so awesome already and i dont see how a movie could be made of it. but if they ever did, i would see it!

Kill Bill
11-20-2004, 10:20 AM
yeah me too

grn apple tree
11-20-2004, 10:27 AM
if there was a third game i'd like it to be jecht's and those guy's journey but i'm not sure i would want to make a whole nother game based on the same thing before... but the love scenes stuck with me as well

11-20-2004, 10:51 AM
TIDUS X YUNA!! XD hmm. . . i'm not sure about ffx-3. (i don't like fighting bosses. they make me die! and i don't like to die!) but i wish there was a movie. hehe. oh man i just love that part in the lake. i downloaded the fmv and watched it over and over. XD

did you download the lake scene in your PC?

can you tell me where i download it?


Kill Bill
11-21-2004, 08:56 AM
hmm if you go to Blue Laguna.net and go into FMV's you'll get the lake scene it's called 'spring' just so you know

11-21-2004, 09:01 AM
Well, I can't download things but I went to RPG Dreamers ( http://www.rpgdreamers.com)

And watched it without downloading it.

Kill Bill
11-21-2004, 09:13 AM
can you do that? that's handy ^_^

11-22-2004, 12:10 PM
Thanks peeps!

the one in rpgdreamer took awhile. But at least I saw it.

Such a X-2 Girl!
11-22-2004, 02:03 PM
well, I agree with the bit about the whole story being the best ever, but this has nothing to do with much but the baz lehrman's romeo and juleit was very close competition in my eyes!
But I totally think there should be a X-3, I just don't think the story was finished off well enough in 2, you know? And I sort of missed out on the hype beofre x-2 came out because I wasn't that into X at the time so I'd like to be like all dead excited for X-3 coming out because everyone's just dead happy anbd stuff lol

11-25-2004, 10:48 PM
I think Tidus and Yuna are great and It'd be great if stories about them could continue but I think it would be going a bit far and people would lose interest. The first time playing and seeing the scenes is always the best and if they made an X-3 people might want to see it but it would sort of ruin how special the first 2 games were.