03-29-2004, 09:53 PM
wasup ppl i have never played a non ff rpg exept legend of the dragoon and i wanted to know wut are the best 5 rpgs you have heard of or played my favorites so far are ff7 and dragoon

Darth Revan
03-30-2004, 07:05 AM
For me, my current fav 5 RPG's are :

5.> The Suikoden series. I only have the first two, but they're great games.

4.> The Vandal Hearts series. A great strategy RPG series. The first game out in 1996, and is IMO great. The second, while still good, felt as if it was missing something, the first had.

3.> Shadow Hearts. This is a slightly darker RPG, and the characters in it, while some may think are rather dull, I liked, in particular the 'Rude Hero'.

2.> Breath of Fire series. The first four are great games, except for the fifth in the series. Avoid the fifth.

1.> Mstaria : Realms of Lore. This was on the Sega Saturn, and was a strategy RPG, in a sense similar to Vandal Hearts and FF Tactics. Took me ages to find to.

03-30-2004, 07:27 PM
1: Valkyrie Profile: I just love this game, the colorful cast of caracter, unique battle system and a different type of gameplay. Plus the fact it's based around norse myth.

2: Shadow Hearts: Same reasons as Xiahou Dun said. But my all time favorite RPG scene is in this game. It takes place during the quest to get the main characters best weapons. "Why is this page sticky?????" xD

3: Star Ocean 2: A good long game with great story and mayn different things to find. Plus the whole skill system and raw material system is still the best ever.

4: Romance of the Three Kingdoms 7: This is more of a strategy war game but you also have to build your character in the game. THis game is all about replay value and how many time you can take over china.

5: Diablo2: Not an absolute favorite but I'm still playing it. Like all online games just the challenge of playing other people keeps me coming back.

Landlord of Sector 7
03-31-2004, 08:40 PM

hb smokey
03-31-2004, 08:46 PM
In no particular order:

1. Chrono Trigger-Awesome characters, including Crono and Magus. The ability to travel through time was unheard of, at the time that this game came out. And, there are ten endings! Wow!

2. KOTOR: The huge plot twist of you being Darth Revan was too good to be true.

3. FFX-Some extremely developed characters, including Tidus and Auron. Is one of the most emotional games ever published. Contains the greatest love story ever told in a game, with the whole Tidus and Yuna Saga.

4. Secret of Mana-An underrated game, which is very deep in gameplay, and surprisingly addictive. Saving the world from a Mana Beast, with a legendary sword, and having a load of villages and towns to visit. Great!

5. FFVI-Arguably the best Final Fantasy ever! One of the greatest stories ever told. No other character is as vital to a game, as Terra is to this one. Being half-human and half-esper, who wouldn't love that!?

04-01-2004, 01:34 AM
Exempting Final Fantasy titles from the list....

1. Star Ocean 2 - The longest console rpg I've ever played, amazing battle system and character customization.

2. Valkyrie Profile - Made by the same people as Star Ocean 2, great customization and battle system again and the best 2d graphics I've seen on the playstation. Plus about 40 characters for you to use.

3. Heroes of Might and Magic 3 - I'd like to have put this as number one but it's more of a strategy rpg, but nothing like tactics or Vandall Hearts. Your in controll of a kingdom, comand heroes who serve as generals in battle, develop towns and castles, raise armys consisting of anything from peasants and goblins to Dragons and Behemoths.

4. Chrono series - Both games are simply amazing in all ways and feature some of the most memorable characters ever (Glenn rocks).

5. Secret of Evermore - More of an action rpg for the SNES, you and your faithful dog get to travel through the different ages in an attempt to get home. From pre-history, to ancient rome, even to the future. A very entertainig game that I wish I still had.

04-04-2004, 10:15 PM
Mine are:

1.Strider Hiryu- because he's a ninja

2.Final Fantasy X- because of great graphics and story

3.Valkyrie Profile- because of its battle system

4.Legend of Dragoon- because of its transformations

5.Dynasty Warriors(any)- because of the WAR

These are the list of my 5 favorite RPG ever. :coolegg:

04-29-2004, 01:57 PM
1. FF6
2. Chrono Trigger
3. Xenogears
4. Lunar
5. Star Ocean 2

those are mine.

05-12-2004, 11:06 AM
1. Final fantasy 7
2. Chrono Cross
3. Star Ocean 2
4. Final Fantasy 8
5. Grandia 2

05-25-2004, 08:58 AM
1. FF7
2. Breath of fire 4
3. Morrowind
4. Neverwinter Nights
5. Icewind dale

Bahamut ZERO
05-25-2004, 09:53 AM
1.) Morrowind. Excellent open ended RPG - recommended if you want a more exploration based hack and slash game.

2.) Chrono Trigger. Words cannot express how good this game is, and it is a pity that Square-Enix have abandoned the series for Kingdom Hearts... Highly, highly, highly recommended for at least one playthrough.

3.) Suikoden 1 and 2. I'll lump them together because you can load in your saved file from 1 to give certain characters in 2 a better level. A realistic story based around war, and very moving. Neat battle system as well.

4.) Grandia. I've played the first two, and I reckon 1 is just a wee bit better than 2. Put simply, it's a story about how a boy becomes a man, and saves the world in the process.

5.) Shining Force 2. Well, I had to mention my first RPG ever someplace, didn't I?

05-26-2004, 05:11 PM
1. Chrono Trigger

2. Final Fantasy VII

3. Shadow Hearts

4. Xenosaga

5. Legend of Zelda

I chose these games because they are the ones I mainly have.

Rabid Monkey
05-30-2004, 08:03 PM
Ok, here we go...

1) Dragon Warrior IV: To me this is the best RPG ever made. Aside from FF6 I don't think there is another RPG that consumed more of my childhood than this game. The storyline and gameplay were incredible considering it was on the NES. When it came out I'm pretty sure it also had the most hours of gameplay of any RPG on the market as well. Out and out just a great game that I will never get sick of playing.

2) Diablo 2: As much as I hate to say it because of patch 1.10, this is the only online RPG that ever held my interest. I played it since it first came out and I never got sick of it until Blizzard altered it to the point where it wasn't the same game that I had been playing for so long. There were so many different options for character development as well, far more than any other RPG I had played up till that point. Had Blizzard not released v1.10 I would probably still be playing it now.

3) Final Fantasy 6: This is the only Final Fantasy that I can really feel right about putting on this list. Yes, all the Final Fantasies are great games, but the fact is that there are much better RPGs out there. The reason I placed 6 on here and not any of the others is because it's the last Final Fantasy that had a story I could really get into. This isn't to say that everyone else feels this way, but I personally didn't like any of the Final Fantasy games after FF6 came out. The ones prior to it were great games as well with incredible class systems. To be honest if we were talking purely gameplay I would pick one of the earlier Final Fantasies to put on the list because they had a much more innovative battle system than FF6, but the storyline of FF6 just kept me hooked from the start.

4) Cyrstalis: I'm amazed that not many people have played this game. It was like a combination of The Legend of Zelda and The Secret of Evermore with a very original story and plot. Sadly I don't remember as much about the game as I would have liked, but that right there should just go to show you how much I respect the game considering that it made my list and I can hardly remember anything about it.

5a) The Bard's Tale: This game seemingly paved the road for games like Morrowind and Might and Magic and was one of the first major RPG's for the PC, if not the first. Many consider it to be one of the most revolutionary games that the world of PC gaming(or even consol gaming) ever saw, and I can't really say that they are wrong.

5b) Dragon Warrior I: I couldn't not mention DWI. This is the undisputed frist RPG ever, the game that set the standard and paved the way for all others that followed. Contrary to what some may say Final Fantasy did not arrive till a full year after Dragon Warrior hit the shelves. It is far simpler than that of Final Fantasy I, but for a game that set the precedence for all RPG's to follow it is still a very impressive game that every true RPG fan should play, if for no other reason than to pay homage to the game that started it all.

Honorable Mention:

Chrono Trigger: Some say that it isn't all the hype makes it out to be, but I personally loved the game. However, much of the gameplay and character design was barrowed for the Secret of Mana series, which makes it somewhat lacking in my mind. I still loved the story all the same. Also, who can't love a game with Magus in it?

05-30-2004, 09:35 PM
5.) Vagrant Story - Ashley Riot's descent into Lea Monde is a beautiful work of art, and shows the full capacity of the PlayStation at its prime.

4.) Final Fantasy VI - Arguably the deepest story of any Final Fantasy, FF6 captured your heart and imagination - using sprite graphics. If that's not an accomplishment, I don't know what is.

3.) Final Fantasy XI - Sure, it's a MMORPG - but it's also got a deep involving storyline that would take a lifetime to uncover (just ask Typo!). The best MMORPG to date, and one of the best RPGs as well.

2.) Final Fantasy VII - The first 3D Final Fantasy, this was the game that introduced the series to the mainstream. And indepth storyline and involving characters, along with the Materia system, made for a near-perfect RPG.

1-Tied.) Final Fantasy X - The beautiful world of Spira draws you in, and captures your heart. The raw emotion, so vividly and colourfully displayed makes for a visual phenonomenon that you don't want to end - and then the ending is absolutely perfect.

1-Tied.) Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic - this game is more than an RPG, it's a full-on Jedi simulator - in all the Star Wars game types i've tried, I've never been a Jedi in mind as much as I have in this game. Combined with a huge storyline that will take you to Kashyyk and Tatooine, and character depth that is incredible - you know each member of your team. And the ability to shape your own character is simply awesome - your choice of either light or dark will affect everything in the game. BioWare is just warming up - I can't wait to see Jade Empire.

05-31-2004, 12:18 PM
Reading all these names of rpg�s I see that I really don�t know any rpg at all! But wheee~

These are mine:

1) Seiken Densetsu 3: Oh~ there�s some nostalgia for me . My first rpg was Secret of Mana. And then years later I played the sequell and was soooo happy! It�s so awesome. Great music, great setting, great characters and 3 various stories and characters! Man, I love that game!

2) Final Fantasy IX: It�s so lovely! So many nice characters! It�s just THE game for me! Really, everything is as it has to be to be my game! FF IX is one of them! =D

3) Legend of Mana: The Mana series! ^-^ Not many like it, so it�s my game, then! XD There is so much to do in this world, and there are my beloved Jumis! They are great! And as usual the music is breathtaking! The graphics are adorable! <=)

4) Resident Evil: No, I never played it, bur I watched when my brother played it. It was very funny, and I helped him with some secrets. Such a great time back then... ^-^ He should play it again...

5) Final Fantasy V: Hmmm~ my second Final Fantasy (at least the first of the old ones... I started with FF VII then played FF VIII and ... I think then it started with the old ones...) I didn�t know english at all back then so my sister had to translate it for me. I will never forget what "pendant" means. XD By the way, three worlds, five characters and awesome music! Mehehehehehe~

"Lady Auron" :cool:

06-04-2004, 06:55 AM
5.dark chronicle
4.skies of arcadia
3.legend of zelda the wind waker(tie)kingdom hearts
2.shenmue series
1.final fantasy series

btw- this list doesn't contain any of the rpgs which i haven't finished or have been released in the UK
i'm sure the xenosagas, wild arms, grandia 2 and a few more will probably make my list soon.

M.L SnaKe
06-09-2004, 04:26 AM
1- Legend of dragoon (awesome story)
2- FF VI (Final fantasy�s best part) SNes
3- FF VII (I just love it..... Sephirot is, with Kefka, the two better bad guys in the history of Games)
4- Vagrant Story (fine action, really hard, makes a good use of your inteligence...... )
5- Xenogears (The only thing ...... there is no hated enemy)
6- Tales of phantasia and Breath of fire from Snes (Just great).

The Joker
06-09-2004, 11:20 AM
From what I've played....

1) Vagrant Story

2) Chrono Cross

3) Final Fantasy (7 or Tactics)

4) Xenogears

5) Xenosaga

However, I haven't thoroughly played any of these games.

Baldur's Gate
Star Ocean
Skies of Arcadia
Neverwinter Nights
Final Fantasy XI

Also what hasn't been released yet which may exceed all of these, Fable.

*whisper, Resident Evil is not an RPG*

06-18-2004, 10:54 AM
final fantasy 7
final fantasy 7
final fantasy 7
final fantasy 7
final fantasy 7
a olde but who could not luve that story line Aeris , cloud , tifa and evil . materia is a good battle system too .:D

Neo Xzhan
06-18-2004, 11:37 AM
Wow fantasy_fan(josh) did you ever play any other games? �_�

Okay here is my list:

5.) Bahamut Lagoon

It's sort of a FFAT only for SNES, but there is where the comparison ends. You truly fight amazing battles. You control 20 characters and 5 dragons. You split them up in groups of 4 and add a Dragon. The Dragons boost your abilities so make sure you put the right Dragon in the right group. Also, you can make an all wizards group. Meaning they have powerfull spells but no melee and poor defense. You can also create a mixture of all these. It's really up to you. But heavy armor also restricts movement so think about your strategies. Also you can feed your Dragon, enhancing their elements, defense, attack, elemental defense etc. So you can develop your dragon as you see fit and as it would be best in your group.

4.) PlaneScape: Torment

Most daring and impressive game I've played. Death has a completly different meaning in this game. It's not game over when you die, but a means of progress from time to time. You are trying to figure out who you are, but since you suffer from amneasia you can't remember a thing. Also when you die a memory might be triggered or what not. An amazing world with characters that seem to know about you but aren't very willing to give out information like that. Also this game isn't limited by the way you play. You can do virtually anything you like. You can spend alot of time on the game, play it again and enter a new world.

3.) Baldurs Gate (all of them)

One massive chunk of pure gameplay. 520! hours and even then chances are you haven't done everything or seen all. Your character is limited only by your limitation. Also there are enough class/race specific quests to make sure you play the game more then once. Gather NPCs as your travel companions but it could happen that they don't like eachother and fight amongst themselves. During that you also have to look after yourself. There is so much to do and to see. You won't easilt grow bored of this game, I can asure you that.

2.) Breath of Fire IV

One of the best story lines ever. And probably the best 'villain' ever. Though in my eyes he isn't a real bad guy. Those of you who have played the game will agree with me there. Very addicting very fun to play game. Great character development and an awesome battle system. A boule story line and the bad guy you grow sympathy for. Go play it now.

1.) Morrowind

What can I say. Anytime, anyplace. Do as you please, go as you please and make your own story. Be the bad guy or the noble savior. There is no 'right' way to play this game. Extensive character build. A huge interactive world thousands of quests. The ability to create your own spells, enchant weapons turn to a vampire or a werewolf. Wreak havoc or be a do-gooder. There is no limit except your fantasy. Once you pick it up you won't be able to put it down again anymore.

06-18-2004, 12:28 PM
I'll use a countdown type format. Can I include FF games or not? I'll do both:

7 [5]) Pokemon Red/Blue
I don't give a damn what any of you say, these were high quality games. You could tell alot of time was put in, all of the pokemon were unique and it was easy to develop preferences, grow attached, etc. Most of the names were catchy, the game play was fun, the premise of building the ultimate team or catching all of them was addictive. Overall great games.

6 [4]) Ogre Battle 64
Unique battle system, long quest, addictive war-based (woot) RPG. If you haven't played this game, play it. NOW.

5 [3]) Shadow Hearts
This one has already been talked about. Humorous at times, dark, but not for everyone. Memorable storyline, and some of the battles actually had your heart pounding (not much harder than usual but they were very LONG and you exhausted healing supplies fast). Some of the areas actually creeped me out. (The little kids room in one of the side quests at the end really disturbed me).

4 [2]) Xenogears
Deep, involved, convoluted, memorable storyline. I'd say this one gets the award for most confusing and involved. If you weren't paying attention, reading things twice, etc. you get lost easily. The game play itself wasn't bad but I mostly just liked the story.

3 [-]) Final Fantasy Tactics
My favorite battle system for any game. IMO, the GBA game bastardized the system (goddamn judges), and completely lacked the story that made this game a classic. I loved the setting and most of the characters. For maximum enjoyment, do not use Orlandu.

2 [-]) Final Fantasy VI
Another top-notch storyline, with great characters. All of them were unique and mostly viable in battles. A classic for reasons that are hard to articulate. You play it and you know how great it is, it's hard to pin down a reason.

1 [1]) Chrono Trigger
The game that made me an RPG lover to this day. Action-packed, fun, awesome battle system, excellent story, and time travel. What more do you want? It's a little on the short side but that can hardly be used against it. If it was a standard 50 hr+ Squaresoft giant, I don't think it would be half the game it is. My original name on the shrine was named after the main character of this game. Wonder if anyone who knew me reads this?

So many titles came close. I can't bring myself to close this post without two honorable mentions:

Final Fantasy VII
Revolutionized the genre. Great story, argued by many as the best rpg ever made. The fact that Cloud is such a whiney bitch is the only reason it's not top 5. Sorry Cloud, but you suck.

Wild ARMs 3
Choosing between this and Pokemon for number 5 was tough. I love the setting for this game, the graphics style, and especially the world maps music. I also love how they just randomly run around the battle field in battles. Also, guns in a traditional-style RPG just kicks all kinds of ass.

There you go. The definitive list, as far as my opinion goes, and of course, it's definitive, cause I don't care about what you think.

06-18-2004, 12:32 PM
Originally posted by Rusvul_Rayn
1. Chrono Trigger

2. Final Fantasy VII

3. Shadow Hearts

4. Xenosaga

5. Legend of Zelda

I chose these games because they are the ones I mainly have.

Yes, Chrono Trigger owns #1 but...FF8 is better than FF7
and you forgot secret of mana and evermore

06-19-2004, 03:32 AM
I just think it is the best game even though it is a olde

06-19-2004, 04:29 AM

1. Chrono Trigger

2. Final Fantasy VI

3. Final Fantasy X

4. Legend Of Legaia

5. Secret Of Mana

06-19-2004, 07:21 AM
3. Chrono Trigger
4. Shenmue
5. FF IX

Rabid Monkey
06-19-2004, 01:43 PM
Originally posted by fantasy_fan(josh)
I just think it is the best game even though it is a olde

I beg to differ on the "olde" distinction.

06-19-2004, 01:47 PM
Originally posted by Rabid Monkey

I beg to differ on the "olde" distinction. It's old if you're like 8 years old.

06-20-2004, 01:21 AM
i am 12 so i guess ure right and i ment there are lots of new ones and i like ff7 so ..............

07-16-2004, 11:27 AM
Ok. I've been around the block a few times when it comes to RPGs. In my opinion its:

5. Final Fantasy 7 - "GASP! I put the legendary Final Fantasy in 5th place?!" Yes, and I'd do it again. We all know Final Fantasy 7 is possably the most liked Game in the world. I loved it as well! Great game, great story, great music and awsome charicters!
In my opinion it gets a 4 out of 5 Why not a 5? Think about it. People love Final Fantasy 7 because its so famous. But compair other RPGs to it! A guy trying to either take over the world or destroy it. But Final Fantasy 7 was the first. Its like children who are raised on a religion, but are to young to understand it. They don't know why they are serving a God of this religion, but they just are because their being told to.

4. Final Fantasy 9 - "What?! Final Fantasy 9 no one likes that!" Well guess again, because I put it over Final Fantasy 7. The story was plain right better than FF7. And besides that, its actually FANTASY! I loved FF9. In my opinion it gets a 4 outta 5.

3. Final Fantasy 3(6) - Not much to say here. Great game. Great Charicters. Great plot. Great music. I give it 4 outta 5.

2. Secret of Mana - Ah, my first RPG. In my opinion this and Chrono Trigger have the greatest soundtrack of any RPGs. This isn't a turn based RPG either, more like a Zelda game. I loved that! Its 1 - 3 players as well. Great feature. I recomend playing with 2 or 3 players for more entertainment. Over all, great game. I give it a 5 outta 5.

1. Chrono Trigger - And last but not least... "The Perfect RPG" Outstanding music, best plot I've seen in a Square game, Charicters that you become attached to. Ahh! I don't know how they did it. But they did. Chrono Trigger is the best RPG known to man. 5 outta 5.

Hope this helps. If anyone actually reads this whole thing, pat themselfs on the back!

Omni God
07-16-2004, 03:28 PM
definately the best 5 are.......
5.legend of Dragoon

4.secret of mana

3.chrono trigger


1.FFVIII:yea yea i thinks its better than 7 i like its difference to the other FF series the junction system the GF abilites ie:enc-none move-Find and the soryline was great.definately my fav rpg to date.
i wanna play ffX and X-2 but my ps2 broke before it came out :(

07-18-2004, 06:25 AM
1, Final Fantasy7
2, Xenogears
3, Star Ocean -second story-
4, Chrono Trigger
5, Valkyrie Profile

I didn't have them lining up as my best 5 games respectively but they are the ones I spent the most time on.

By the way, has anyone played "Persona2" or"Persona" ? I've heard these games are great, if anyone has played it, please tell me how good this game is.

07-29-2004, 12:26 PM
3. FF7




Neo Xzhan
07-29-2004, 01:39 PM
Hi, turn off your caps please. =)

Have a nice day.

07-30-2004, 05:09 AM
Fallout 1&2 - The best RPGs I have ever played. Fallout has a very dynamic character creation, great battle system although the games could be finished without fighting once and each of these games lets you travel in a different half of post-apocalyptic California. The game can be very realistic, for example - you can get permanent brain damage if people inflict too much damage to your head and you can get blinded if damaged too much times in the eyes (and so are your enemies). You also can use drugs with long and short term side effects. There is a lot more to these game than I wrote and I recommend it to every RP Gamer.

Deus Ex - The 1st in the series is my favorite of all games ever but I put it in the 2nd place because even though I think it's the best game ever it still doesn't have the number of choices you have in Fallout in Char Creation and plot progress and it's a combination of FPS/RPG but still it has a very unique and non-linear plot and gives a very unique experience both to FPS and RPG gamers. It has a dark Cyberpunk atmosphere and takes place in the year 2052 at different real-world places. You play as a Nano-Augmented agent of the world's largest anti-terrorist organization and I prefer not say more to spoil it. I recommend to play Deus Ex: Invisible War only if you finished Deus Ex and want to know how the plot continues.

Anachronox - A really great game. Unfortunatly I played only the demo and hoping to get the full version one day but I was very impressed by the demo alone. I don't know enough about it to say but it has a great system very similiar to Chrono Trigger's only this game is in 3D and you see it from a back-view perspective.

Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain - A hack-n-slash Action/RPG game with a great plot and very sadistic gameplay. You play as a nobleman who was assassinated while traveling and ressurected as a vampire. You play in the dark world of Nosgoth and you have many places to explore and 100 optional secrets within secrets to discover and like all the games of it's series it has great voice acting.

Chrono Trigger - The best game I like from Square so far. gameplay similiar to FF but with more dynamic gameplay and more original plot. A must-have for everyone who loves the games of Square.

hb smokey
07-30-2004, 05:26 AM
I am quickly adding a new game to the list:

Tales of Symphonia. I'm not going to offer up a review of this game until I have finished it. But let's just say that it is the best GCN game to date, and IMO one of the greatest games of all time.

07-30-2004, 12:32 PM
I've never heard of it, but searched for pics of it on google.
They look cool, what difference can you find in the game from other Tales series?
I know you said, you won't write anything about it untill you'll have finished the game, but just briefly can you tell?

I've finished Tales of Phantasia, Tales of Destiny, Tales of Destiny2 and Tales of Eternia, I thought Tales of Eternia was the best, but I really loved the story of Tales of Destiny.

Kill Bill
07-30-2004, 10:29 PM
3.Shadow Hearts
4.Grandia 2

i've listed them, favorites first!

07-31-2004, 11:56 AM
Don't get offended, but which Grandia are you talking about?
I played "Grandia Extreme" and coundn't help but noticing many bed points.

08-01-2004, 05:39 AM
Sorry for saying something stupid above, you obviously mean the first one "Grandia"

Kill Bill
08-01-2004, 10:55 AM
something 'bed' about Grandia?! oh...that is 'bed'!

haha im just kidding....do you mean the controls? the battle system? the game play? the graphics? the sound?

you need to be a little more specific....but i love grandia...sure its graphics are a little weak...but its an old game you know? i like the story...great story!!:)

ive got a thread in the rpg section....a grandia thread! and 6 people have spoken in it.....i admitt not many people have interest in it....but i like it!!:D

08-03-2004, 10:25 AM
Ok, then I'll move in there to post.

Kill Bill
08-03-2004, 10:28 AM
haha...were you being sarc? you are you gonna post there?

08-03-2004, 10:50 AM
No man, I wasn't being, I just tend to be naturally though, I posted there sooo.......... check it out!

Kill Bill
08-03-2004, 10:56 AM
heh i just did....extreme...nah...not for me..i like the 2 ive got...there fab! you really should change you methods of looking for new games you know?

you should chech out grandia! its waaaaay cool! i dont know wether you'll like it or not..but it'll be dirt cheap! over here...you'll probebly get it for about for �4-7...which is really good!:)

Saviour Sephiroth
08-03-2004, 09:43 PM
I agree wit Kill Bill here,
Grandia rox!
I managed to get Grandia 1 for �4.50 (Dirt cheap :) )
Any1 here played/got Dungeon Siege?
I've had it for a while now and I've really gotten into it :D
I cant wait for Lineage II!

08-17-2004, 06:02 AM
1:Final Fantasy 7
2:Neverwinter Nights
3:Final Fantasy 8
4: Diablo 2
5:I have no idea.....

08-21-2004, 02:40 AM
i like (1) FF7 (2) Fire Emblem (3) FF10,(4)FF9 (5) warcraft 3 Frozen Throne.

08-21-2004, 05:48 PM
1) FFX-2
2) FFX
3) Xenosaga Episode 1
4) FF7
5) ....dunno yet but episode 2 will be in my top 5 fav unless its much worst then the first one

08-21-2004, 06:40 PM
Originally posted by blackmage90
i like (1) FF7 (2) Fire Emblem (3) FF10,(4)FF9 (5) warcraft 3 Frozen Throne.

Warcraft 3 is RTS, not an RPG.

08-21-2004, 10:59 PM
wat ever

Bahamut ZERO
08-22-2004, 08:38 PM
There are RPG elements in Warcraft 3. The Heroes level up according to RPG rules and gain strength and experience that affects the game. :)

Dark Adonis
08-23-2004, 01:51 PM
1. ffx2
2. ff7
3.suikoden 2
4. xenogears
5. Grandia 2???

I find these games good

08-23-2004, 03:01 PM
Im not too sure..

1) Golden sun
2) ffx-2

Im not sure about any others.. but there are 2 of of them

08-23-2004, 06:13 PM
Originally posted by Bahamut ZERO
There are RPG elements in Warcraft 3. The Heroes level up according to RPG rules and gain strength and experience that affects the game. :)

Maybe so, but it's still a RTS at its core. RPG elements don't override its intended genre.

Bahamut ZERO
08-23-2004, 07:51 PM
I know, I was just pointing it out. :)

08-23-2004, 08:00 PM
heres another one


The Ricky
08-25-2004, 12:32 AM
In order, the best games.

1. Breath of Fire IV
2. Breath of Fire III
3. Breath of Fire DQ
4. FF7
5. Chrono Trigger

08-27-2004, 02:19 PM
My top 5 rpg games are

2 ff7
3 legend of dragoon
4 chrono trigger
5 breath of fire iv

bigfoot 2
09-16-2004, 11:14 AM
I reckon
5- Secret of Evermore (Snes) --TIED WITH-- Chrono Trigger (Snes)
4- FFX (PS2)
3- Seiken Densetsu 3 (Snes)

Secret of Mana first coz it was my first and I loved that game like it was family

09-22-2004, 01:45 PM
5. Chrono Trigger (Snes)

4. Resident Evil (playstation)

3. Diablo II: Lord of Destruction Expansion (Pc)

2. Final Fantasy 7 (playstation/pc)

1. Legend of Zelda : A Link to the past (Snes)

Sadly, blizzard ruined diablo with 1.10.

09-22-2004, 10:54 PM
I am not really new to RPG's, just hadnt got into them until recently, just played FF7 for the first time over the summer, so ive went on a buying binge and amassed a decent collection in just under 2 months(games are getting harder to find for PSX so decided to get them all)

1. FF7 awesomeawesomeawesomeawesomeawesome
2. Chrono Trigger
3. FF9(havent finished yet but a beautiful game so far)
4. dragon warrior 1
5. star tropics
other games i own but havent started/finished yet are: FF4, 5, 3/6, FF8, Xenogears, Vagrant Story, Legend of Dragoon, FF tactics, Chrono Cross, FF 9, super mario rpg, call me crazy, but i went and bought snes versions of ff3 and chrono trigger, simply because i couldnt stand the loading times for psx. Is link to the past considered an rpg? Also what other rpgs should i try and get off ebay?( i have no ps2)

09-23-2004, 06:49 PM
1. I think it would be FFIX, it's the second RPG I played and the first FF

2. FFVI, Simply one of the best

3. Chrono Trigger, Man Magus rules

4. FFVII great storyline, characters etc.

5. Golden Sun, pretty cool for a handheld rpg

honorable mention: Pokemon Blue, first rpg I played and man i liked it, now rpg are an addiction to me

09-25-2004, 09:17 PM
lemme tink...

1. Xenogears - beats FF7 on the story, cos it rules!
2. Final Fantasy 7 - AWESOME!
3. Chrono Trigger - Still love it :D
4. Skies of Arcadia Legends - Pirates. Ships. BIG cannons. COME ON!
5. Tales of Symphonia - In love with those graphics, and the battle system

Also worth an honourable mention - FF6, FFT, Legaia 2 : Dual Saga, Kingdom Hearts, Xenosaga, Suikoden 3...

10-01-2004, 09:33 AM
5) suikoden 1+2
3)star ocean two
2)Grandia 1+2
1)Vandel hearts

Dot Centaur
10-03-2004, 08:00 AM
My top five are;

4.Parasite Eve
5.Chrono Cross

I gotta go get Star Ocean. I never played it yet and it lookds sooooo good!

10-03-2004, 08:04 AM
I wanna play suikoden 2.

10-03-2004, 12:53 PM
Final fantasy 7
Final fantasy 10
Final fantasy 8
Breath of fire 4
Any zelda

Mystic Sapphyre
10-26-2004, 02:11 PM
Golden Sun 2
Legend of Dragoon

10-26-2004, 05:08 PM
Chrono Cross
In no order accept FF7 is first, but everything else I can't decide...

10-27-2004, 03:37 AM
5.) Vagrant Story - Ashley Riot's descent into Lea Monde is a beautiful work of art, and shows the full capacity of the PlayStation at its prime.

4.) Final Fantasy VI - Arguably the deepest story of any Final Fantasy, FF6 captured your heart and imagination - using sprite graphics. If that's not an accomplishment, I don't know what is.

3.) Final Fantasy XI - Sure, it's a MMORPG - but it's also got a deep involving storyline that would take a lifetime to uncover (just ask Typo!). The best MMORPG to date, and one of the best RPGs as well.

2.) Final Fantasy VII - The first 3D Final Fantasy, this was the game that introduced the series to the mainstream. And indepth storyline and involving characters, along with the Materia system, made for a near-perfect RPG.

1-Tied.) Final Fantasy X - The beautiful world of Spira draws you in, and captures your heart. The raw emotion, so vividly and colourfully displayed makes for a visual phenonomenon that you don't want to end - and then the ending is absolutely perfect.

1-Tied.) Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic - this game is more than an RPG, it's a full-on Jedi simulator - in all the Star Wars game types i've tried, I've never been a Jedi in mind as much as I have in this game. Combined with a huge storyline that will take you to Kashyyk and Tatooine, and character depth that is incredible - you know each member of your team. And the ability to shape your own character is simply awesome - your choice of either light or dark will affect everything in the game. BioWare is just warming up - I can't wait to see Jade Empire.

Since I've posted this, i've played a few more RPGs that have simply received instant classic status in my eyes, so my amended list is thus;

5.) Star Ocean: Till The End of Time Director's Cut

I'd never paid any attention to this game, until it was released - usually i'm tracking all new RPGs since inception. As such, I was presently surprised by the universe (i've never played any Star Ocean games before) and the seamless mix of fantasy and sci-fi elements. A great game.

4.) NeverWinter Nights

Although the main story is rather cliched, the reason this game is so good is because of the sheer power it provides potential virtual Dungeon Masters - this game is best played on a LAN, with a skilled storyteller creating the story as you go.

3.) Final Fantasy VII

It's still good.

2.) Final Fantasy X

With time, FF10 has slipped down from being equal - it's still the same. KOTOR's small Xbox Live extra gave it that little bit of new life to make it up this high.

1.) Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.

Still the best.

10-27-2004, 01:23 PM
5. Skies of Arcadia Legens - compared to today's rpg's this one is a disgrace, I just liked the villians in that game a lot.
3. Chrono Trigger
2. Golden Sun: The lost age - I had more fun playing this one then the first one.
1. Tales of Symphonia - I know, clich� after clich� and everything in the game could have been seen in another game. It just plays really nice xD

10-28-2004, 05:58 PM
I think i am going to have to add FABLE to mine...

12-06-2006, 11:45 PM
Been SOME time, so here's a BUMP!!!

And my list...

1. Fallout 1+2 (greatest RPGs ever made)
2. Diablo 2
3. Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne
4. Final Fantasy VII (would rate higher, but never finished it. Hard drive crapped out)
5. Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga (1, not 2, although I immensely enjoyed them both)

12-13-2006, 12:31 AM
1. Xenogears
2. Super Mario RPG
3. FF 7
4. FF X
5. Zelda: Ocarana of Time (yes I know I can;t spell)
6. all the other Zeldas.

And yes I have to agree with you XenoReaper, the Fallouts were amazing, but just not quite my favs. And obviously I liked Diablo 2 I played it for 7yrs. (the ones above a merely my Favs on Platform)

12-16-2006, 07:59 AM
I'm a generally hardcore roleplayer, because it is what my profession shall be, coming up with interactive worlds, throwing players into an increasingly thickening plot, and making characters so believeble that you can almost call them your best friend (or worst enemy). So this should be easy breezy for me...

#1 Star Ocean the Second Story- Okay, for those of you who haven't played this BUY THE GAME. I have never dove into an RPG so fast and so hard before in my entire life, and played for so many hours/days/weeks.... This games has barely any cons, the characters are as lovable as you can get and you actually see them grow with time, develop relationships and friendships, and struggle to make their place in the game world. This RPG is highly scientific and fantasy, a great mix that will keep you on the edge of your seat with action and out of the ordinary beasts. The story seems simple at first, many plots woven around the other until it spirals out of control and sends you flying headfirst through a climactic ending.

* Character development here is so perfect, it made me cry. With the private action system (something unheard of until this game hit), it's easy to bond your two favourite characters together.
* Replay value is the best of ANY game I've experienced. Each time you play, you may get new characters and scenarios, and there are over 60+ endings you can achieve depending on character relationships. I played the game 8 times through and never had the same experience twice.
* Battle System - The brilliant minds at Tri-Ace have come up with a completely unique system called full active, where you can control characters in a set field and switch back and forth to get perfect strategy. The AI here is awesome...the characters actually DEVELOP the more they battle on, making it realistic and mindblowing. However, the system also makes it a bit difficult to win, as th ebattles here can be challenging. Leveling and increasing skills are essential.
*Skills- You can aquire skills (also some not related to battle...these include personality and knowlege, making certain dialogues happen....) You can also do a pickpocket skill (how cool is that!) but if you do, your relationships with your friends decrease (cause who wants to date a theif?). The posibilities are endless.
*Items- Okay, you have your typical herbs, potions, and whatnot.... but what about hot checks? Instruments you can learn music on? Writing novels to sell? Star Ocean has the most wide variety of items you can make in game, from armour to artwork portraits...a very fresh and new (and very welcomed) aspect of this game.
*Graphics- The backgrounds are breathtaking, and for you sprite-based lovers, THIS IS YOUR GAME! The characters are cute and chibi, and walk smoothely through the many awe inspiring locations. It's a definate plus for the game.
*Soundtrack- I could say so much about this...Star Ocean definately has a set style. The instruments are much the same, but it takes you from soothing, relaxing piano compilations to heartpounding chords that clash just right for those "Oh my god, the town is being destroyed!" moments so common in RPGs. One of my favourites is 'Tangency', a battle music when you face my favourite boss...but I won't spoil it for you. However, 'Incarnation of Devil' is pretty popular as well,a nd can be found in almost any Tri-Ace game.

CONS- Okay not many, but here we go....
*Sometimes in battle things go awry...the camera views mess up a bit or the game freezes up, and also character's voices get switched up...
*Too hard....yes I said that. I have never had much difficulty with bosses in-game, and a certain boss actually got ranked as being toughest battle of RPG history on one magazines poll. Not only that...but there is actually a more DIFFICULT level setting you can acheive...which is almost virtually impossible...time to start climbing your way to level 250....
Okay, that was my #1 pick and reasons....I'll post again when I get the time, bringing you game #2! Stay tuned.

12-16-2006, 08:28 AM
1. FF9
2. Illusion of Gaia
3. FF XI
4. Xenosaga series (I, II, & III)
5. Shin Megami Tensei's Digitial Devil Saga

Legend of Dragoon is too long.

Suikoden is too short character-development wise.

FF Tactics is linear.

Dot Hack Sign and Grandia have tied for rank 2.5...

Earthbound was awesome IMO but isn't sophisticated.

After seeing Wicker Man I'm scared for Link and the intentions of the Zelda series.

No idea what Fallout is.

Prak poignantly unjustifies an RTS's presence in posters' listings (Diablo, Warcraft)

12-28-2006, 01:33 PM
1: Final fantasy (6,7 and 9) The best in FF series! (PSX)
2: Secret of mana (SNES)
3: All ZELDA ofc! (Nintendo)
4: Terranigma (SNES)
5: Breath of fire 3 (PSX)

And muuuuch moore! the games i listed is just an recomedation to play!

01-09-2007, 02:46 AM
1. Disgaea 2 (Scince I don't have the other one)
2. Dragon Quest 8
4. FFX
5. FFXII (The battle system got boring after a while)(But random battles never get boring to me)