View Full Version : Thread 132557">Les Mis�rables: The Complete Soundtrack - DVD / Blu-Ray - Various Edits

04-29-2013, 03:17 AM
I've posted about this on another thread, but I feel like I should create a thread for it to track the progress. Here's my current edits of the complete soundtrack for the 2012 film of Les Mis�rables.

Set #1: The Prologue (!pRtCDIjK!TSNuQDgqhByvpvRH_nl8m3Xnj0M41pRUudL7Zrr my2g)
Set #2: The Story of Fantine and Cosette (!5cUFGbAC!MWCRlFQYI-aJB1NTShasjXoL1yRLrZyNqGNiOD6G2qQ)
Set #3: The Seeds of Revolution (COMING SOON)
Set #4: The Paris Uprising of 1832 (COMING SOON)
Set #5: The (Expanded) Epilogue (COMING SOON)
BONUS: The shooting script used during filming. (!kYtHHYwZ!fGYpQQz6wG2nT3ZwcuRznD9tm9QdKM8ho-ZfrQHgv9g)

Basically, I'm taking the audio mixes from the DVD and Blu-Ray and mixing together a complete soundtrack by editing out mainly visual sequences, highlighting the instrumentals more, and removing sound-effects where I easily can. (Though, I'll warn you now, I won't be even attempting to remove all of them, so sound effects will be included.)

Also, you won't hear it on the first set, but in the middle of working on The Story of Fantine and Cosette, specifically on "I Dreamed a Dream," I realized that I can use the orchestra as a way to express the characters' heart and emotion. That epiphany has shaped the way I'm doing this, so there will be moments where the orchestra almost overpowers, and maybe even at times completely overpowers, the actor's performance. I will try and keep those moments few and far between, and will hopefully only happen at musical climaxes when the actor has a sustained note. (To hear what I'm talking about, here's "The Confrontation." ( I uppted the orchestra where Valjean starts singing, a bit more when the fight starts [I think. I feel like the orchestra actually got louder right after Javert pulls out his sword, almost in responce.], took out the center channel when Valjean escapes, and, because of the intensity of the emotion in that moment, punched everything up for Javert's final stanza.)

Right now, I'm working off of the DVD 6.1 mix as practice. I want to make sure I can do all that I want to do, and see how it turns out and what needs to fixed. Once I finish, I'm planning on using the DVD 7.1 mix to create a lossless, final mix. (Also, once I start on this version, I want to use the offical soundtrack itself for a few sections, so a lossless rip of it would be much appreciated.)

I'm currently roughly halfway through The Story of Fantine and Cosette, with "Castle on a Cloud" and eveything past it to finished. I may get some work on it done tomorrow after work, but, since I have the rest of this week off, I should have it (with maybe the rest of this version) done by the end of the week.

If you feel as if there's a way I can improve it, or have any general notes for it, let me know here and I'll take it into consideration when I'm making the final mix.

04-29-2013, 03:58 AM
Download multiple files from - send big files the easy way (

04-29-2013, 04:01 AM
That was fast! Thanks! :)

04-29-2013, 04:09 AM
Thank, JustinHoskie and Lockdown.

05-17-2013, 08:55 PM
Sorry it took me so long, but I have some other projects I'm working on now, with DisneyAshmanDemos (which will always take precedent over everything else) and a script I'm working on taking most of my attention, but I finally finished the second set, "The Story of Fantine and Cosette," which includes everything from "At The End of the Day" to "Stars".

Also, I couldn't wait to get my hands on "Javert's Suicide," so I decided to do a test mix, which you can download here (!1EV3VKIJ!Msu0_nD5iy2xNAxQSpom7noXp5l4Lfgv337r6TH YhNA). (I decided to mostly isolate the lest and right tracks on this one, and, though I'm happy with the way it turned out, I need to decide if I wanna keep doing that.)

Also, I decided to share the shooting script for the film too. It included everything that was cut, so it's, more or less, an expanded version of the stage show. (I know it doesn't matter, but I think it was written in Celtx. I've been using it myself, and it looks the same as what my script looks like, complete with revision marks on the sides.)

05-17-2013, 11:22 PM
The 5.1 track on the DVD and the 7.1 track on the blu-ray are completely different. The blu-ray's 2 extra channels are mostly just partial orchestra with a lot less spoken/sung dialogue and FXs than the rear surround sound channels on either version. Therefore, if you're going to do this, you need to be working off the DTS HDMA 7.1 track from the off otherwise when you come to it, you'll find you had a great deal more scope to do what you want with it than you previously experienced with the DVD.

05-17-2013, 11:47 PM
The 5.1 track on the DVD and the 7.1 track on the blu-ray are completely different. The blu-ray's 2 extra channels are mostly just partial orchestra with a lot less spoken/sung dialogue and FXs than the rear surround sound channels on either version. Therefore, if you're going to do this, you need to be working off the DTS HDMA 7.1 track from the off otherwise when you come to it, you'll find you had a great deal more scope to do what you want with it than you previously experienced with the DVD.

I know. I'm just working with the DVD mix right now to just get my feet wet. I wanna get the right sound, plan out the edits, and make sure I can actually do it.

Also, I'm not worried about editing out the sound-effects too much. I'm doing what I can, but I'm not really focused or concerned with taking every single one out.