03-28-2004, 12:56 AM
I want to buy FFXI but I need to know a few things first so please help! :)

1. If you join a party can you leave it later and join another party?

2. I heard a rumour that the HDD (in the FFXI pack) wouldn't work with any other game but FFXI. Is ithis true?

3. Can you change servers later if you get a world pass? Or is it just when you sign up?

4. Do all your party members have to be online when you play? Or can you play alone when they're all offline?

5. Do you have to join a party?

6. If you have the game did you like it or dislike it?

Thanks muchly! :D This helps a ton!

03-28-2004, 01:18 AM
1. Yes
2. Game needs to have direct support but you can move your save files (NOT SAVE THE FILES DIRECTLY) to your HD
3. You need to make a new character.
4. Yes
5. No but you're gonna have a hard time... a "really" hard time.
6. I will soon :(

03-28-2004, 06:15 AM
I believe Squall has a misconception about parties.

They're just a short-term group of people you level with, not a permanent group that your forced to be with. In fact, if you log off you leave the party, and its almost impossible to get the same party twice.

Ark Mune
03-28-2004, 12:53 PM
i think he got parties and linkshells confused.

03-28-2004, 03:09 PM
1. Yes.

2. I know they're making other games that use the hard drive- I think the new Syphon Filter is one of them.

3. What the moogle said

4. You can play alone when they're offline.

5. I've already partied up with some people a few times. From what I understand, it's pretty much neccessary to clear some of the quests.

6. I love it already. But be warned. It's frighteningly addictive.

04-05-2004, 03:46 PM
Ok Thanks everybody! I finally got it the game, you were right Ndi- its one of the most addicting games I've played.

Ark Mune
04-05-2004, 05:20 PM
Well, I finally got to play FFXI, wooooot. It is so f-ing awsome, it PWNZ any other MMORPG. I started playing this weekend, Saturday night at 11:30 - sunday morning at 4, went to bed, got up at 11 and started playing again. Then at around 2pm, I deleted my old character and started a new one on the Fairy server cause i finally got a world pass from the linkshell i am going to join from another website clan.

I am on the Fairy server and my character name is Dragonov , I am a Elvaan warrior, lvl 6.