Lightning Mage
03-27-2004, 03:49 PM
I guess this is a good idea. So I'm going to start it now. Hope you like it.:)

Star Wars: The Wandering Force
Book 1: Planet of Omnipotence

Chapter 1...

The dark alleyways of Nar Shadda, quiet and lonely. All exept the begging of bums and the violence of the gangs. This night it is peaceful and pitch black. The darkness is then suddenly brightened by laser fire. A tall dark-haired man dives behind a garbage compaction unit to escape the blaster fire. With him is a three-eyed gran in neuro-binders.

"Those men want me with them, hunter." said the Gran as he spat on the murky ground.
"I don't care, Solato. I can take 'em." the man replied.
"I don't see you doing anything. You don't even have a blaster to defend yourself with." Solato said with a laugh.
The dark haired man pulled out a cylinder as he said, "I don't need one."

His silver-bladed lightsaber shot to life as he flicked the activation switch. It hummed as he stepped out from behind the compactor. The persuers stopped in their tracks.

"Why are you out here Jedi? Are you a run-away?" said the Trandoshan leader.

"Closer to that last one. But that dosn't mean I can't do a trick or two with this.'' said the dark haired man as he gestured towards the Trandoshan with is lightsaber.

"You're bluffing. We want Solato now, before we have to kill you." said the Trandoshan. The black haired man did nothing to hand over the Gran, Solato. The second Trandoshan fired his blaster rifle at the man. Suddenly the man jumped high into the air and came slashing down on the ignorant Trandoshan. His scaled right arm fell off and hit the ground with a thump. The single armed Trandoshan fainted, because of fear or because of major loss of blood was not clear. "Any one else want some?"

"FIRE! Kill him, do it now!" exclaimed the leading Trandoshan with slight fear in his voice. The rest of the gang, which included two more Trandoshans and a blood thirsty Gank, open-fired on the man. The man blocked as many blasts as he could. He was shot twice in the right arm and once in his left leg. Neither were serious injuries.

"Well, what would master Skywalker say in a time like this?" he asked himself. He could imagine his ex-master saying,
Your eyes can deceive you. Trust the force. Let it be your eyes.

He slowly closed his eyes. Everything became much slower than it was before. He managed to block every single blast. Each one hit a Trandoshan. All of them fell to the floor as he clicked off his lightsaber. He walked towards the compaction unit where Solato was hidden. Solato disappeared.

"Dammit, where could he be?" the dark haired man said in annoyance.

"You want him? Come see if you can get him!" said a shrill voice from behind. The man spun around and saw the gray, skeletal, blimp-headed Gank holding a blaster at Solato at point-blank range.

"You'll never get him now, Jedi!" said the Gank maniaclly as he shot Solato in the head. Solato slumped over on the ground. The Gank then pounced on the dark haired man. He wrestled the Gank and finally threw it off. He clicked on his lightsaber and threw it with almost perfect accuracy. Even with that accuracy the saber cut off the Ganks head. The saber returned to the man as he kneeled next to Solato's body.

"Looks like another bounty has decreased in value for Jak Zaden." Jak said as he picked up Solato's body to gather his greatly decreased bounty. He walked with the body towards his ship, Thunder Struck, which was landed in the 3rd district of Nar Shadda.

"This will be another long night." said Jak as he walked with a slight limp towards the 3rd district.

That is chapter one. I hope you liked it.

Landlord of Sector 7
03-28-2004, 02:41 AM
BRAAAAAAVVVVVVVVOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! Only three things I have to say besides that.

1.) It doesn't really seem like a Jedi would act sort of "hotheaded" like that.

2.)the Force is ALWAYS capitalized.

3.) It doesn't seem to me like Luke would really be someone that people would look up to for advice and teaching cause it seems like he's too much of a kid still.

But other than that it was awesome!

03-28-2004, 08:09 PM
Actually, if you read Lightning Mage's other post, Zaden is a rebel - a Jedi who left Skywalker's teaching before completing his training. When the thugs are referring to him as 'Jedi', they're referring to his choice of weapon and use of the Force.

As for your actual post Lightning Mage, it was short, but sweet - a good introduction to Zaden's character, but perhaps too fast for a beginning to a long story. I' m interested to see the development from here.

Lightning Mage
03-28-2004, 08:39 PM
It's not going to be a long "book".
If you've ever read or seen an eBook, they're about 5 chapters long, that's what mine is ment to be. Only with more chapters.

Thanks for your compliments!

03-28-2004, 11:52 PM
Also, you would look up to Luke since he was the founder of the Yavin 4 acadamy so people would look up to him almost as much as Yoda i would assume. Also to Lightning mage, you should mention the color of the blade, just for slightly more descript. He has a silver blade correct? It would be nice to mention the color while describing the blade coming to life.

Lightning Mage
03-30-2004, 12:06 AM
Just so you know, this'll be done with NOW and THEN parts. If you've ever read The Bounty Hunter Wars, you'd know what I'm talking about. If you didn't, you should catch on.

Chapter 2...

Solato's limp body wasn't difficult to carry. He had been trained not just in mental prowess, but also in physical strength. However, Solato was bleeding badly and was leaving a trail of his greenish blood. Jak cringed at imagining what kind of sick creatures would come after the smell of blood. After a long walk across the semi-abandoned alleyways, he finally came across the 3rd District where his ship,Thunder Struck was landed. He gazed upon his custom X-Wing starfighter with a grin. He was very proud of the job he did on it. However, he was taught not to take a lot of pride in his accomplishments. For that could lead to arrogance, which would eventually turn himself to the Dark Side. But that's why he left the academy, wasn't it? He wished to learn more about both sides of the Force. He wanted to know what the true path should be for him.

His custom X-Wing was a work of art. Jak had first replaced the original thrusters with Advanced Quad Ion Engines. After that, he decided to give it some better firepower. He replaced the four thin, wing-tipped laser cannons with XB-46 Sienar Brand Laser Cannons, which were about two-and-a-half times as powerful. He then welded extra Durasteel panels to it, for extra defense. Then, lastly, he had to paint it. It was a simple task. He coated it dark grey, almost a black, then painted a golden streak on each side outlined in thin, red lines. And, the real challenge to be done after his runaway was to make an exrta seat for his prisoners.

Jak approached his ship as his Astromech droid greeted him. The droid, BL-0T (Bee El Zero Tee), made a series of beeps, boops and whirrs as Jak came into view.

"Well, BOLT, it looks like were going to have to put off that oil bath for you again. Solato's dead." said Jak in an appologetic tone.
"Wee eee oop uup" bleeped BOLT in a tone which sounded like disapointment.
"Sorry," said Jak as he placed Solato in the back of the cockpit. "At least the person who employed me was at least offering something for him dead. A whole 500 credits. I couldn't even rent a room on Coruscant for that much. But I did save up. Not enough for your oil bath though. I have 2700 credits, enough to get a room for the night. I hope the next job will be sucsessful." As Jak spoke he powered up the engines and lifted off into the buisy sky. There were many ships on Nar Shadda. This spaceport was like the counterpart of Coruscant. Towers, cities, and lights as far as the eye could see and never ended, even at night. Although now you can never tell when night is because the spaceport was nowhere close to a center star.

Jak flew past the crowded skyways and plotted a course for Coruscant. Even in Hyperspace it would take a couple hours to reach. Jak soon fell into a calm sleep, as the sublight engines kicked in and shot him off into Hyperspace.

THEN: 2 years earlier.

The mornings on Yavin 4 were cool and misty. The many creatures of the night found pits and trees to sleep in, waiting for the sun to go down yet again. Jak was up early as usual. Howver, this time instead of activating four remotes and honing his lightsaber skills, he took a swim in the nearby lake. But this was no ordinary swim. This was practice. Practice for a challenge his friend, Der Fisto, had gave him the other night. The challenge was to have an underwater sparring match. Jak plunged in the water and his breath caught in his chest. He had forgotten how icy cold the water was in the morning. No matter, he swam for an hour, coming up for quick breaths ever few minutes. He emerged just in time to see his fellow apprentices exit the temple. He saw Der walking towards him.

"Ready for a challenge, Jak?" Der said with a grin. Der was a green, tenticle-headed, humanoid creature. Der was a natural swimmer, mainly because of his webbed toes. He was also a skilled lightsaber combatant. He was the son of Kit Fisto, a Jedi who fought during the Clone Wars. Der was born before his father's death at the hands of Darth Vader, the most feared Dark Jedi of his time.
"I'm ready if you are." said Jak with an expresion that said, "Bring it on!"

Der threw Jak a breathing device.

"This wouldn't be fair if you kept having to go up and refill your small lungs, now would it?" questioned Der, without looking for an answer.

The two padawans drew their lightsabers, jumped into the river and swam a good twenty feet into it before diving. Many other students gathered to watch the match.

The water was no longer cold to Jak. A few yards away, Jak saw a green blade appear from Der's saber. He clicked his own saber to life as his silver blade emerged from the hilt.

Jak and Der swam towards each other, sabers ready to strike.


That was Chapter 2. Little longer than Chapter 1. Tonight I was bored. I had enough time to write a lot. ;)

03-30-2004, 10:03 PM
The lightsaber would short if it touched the water, unless they started to make them with a modification. I don't know if it's different in other books and movies but i just caught this mentioned in the current Jedi Apprentice book i'm reading. Maybe it's different elsewhere, i dont know. But i thought I'd just mention this.

Lightning Mage
03-30-2004, 11:54 PM
Well, in a chapter of The Clone Wars micro series, Kit Fisto used a lightsaber underwater. I'm just going by what I saw in that.

03-31-2004, 07:00 PM
I assume it was modified, but I'm also sure that there could have been advances made to the lightsabers before episode 1 as well, also the writer of the book may not have known what s/he was talking about, so it doesn't really matter. Carry on.

Lightning Mage
04-04-2004, 06:17 PM
Here's my next installment of this series.

Chapter 3

Billions of bubbles filled the water as Jak and Der rushed towards each other. Jak held his silver-bladed lightsaber in a samurai style, with his blade facing forward and the hilt by his head. Der swam much faster than Jak, but that would be Jak's advantage. Der rushed towards him ready to strike. Jak then thrusted his lightsaber forward causing another barrage of bubbles to spread through the water. He could tell he missed because once the bubbles cleared, he could no longer see Der. It turned out that Jak didn't have an advantage after all. Der then appeared out of no where and twirled his saber. Jak had quick enough reflexes to block the slash, but he wasn't fast enough to prepare himself for Der's force push. It wasn't too effective in the water, but it still knocked Jak off-guard. Jak then tried to dive above Der. He lunged upward and then swam quikly back down in a not-so-gracefull arch. Der spun around just in time to block Jak's attack. They were locked in a cross-slash.

"Ready to give up?" inquired Der with a gurgle to his voice.

Jak shook his head in defiance. Der then guided his blade downward to get out of the lock. Jak strongly pushed his blade upward and pushed Der out of the way. He then pushed off of a rocky ledge and flew towards Der. Jak slashed repeatedly at Der. Der blocked all of the attacks and then kicked Jak hard in the stomach, sending him floating into the dark depths. Der smiled as he swam for the surface. He had clearly won.

Suddenly, Der felt something grip his leg hard. Jak swung his lightsaber high enough to hit Der. Der parried the attack, but was pulled down by Jak. Jak force-pushed Der down to the depths. Jak reached the surface only seconds before Der did.

"I never give up." said Jak, taking off his breath mask.

"Clearly." said Der as he jumped out of the water. They both dried off and walked towards the temple. A crowd of students at their backs applauded Jak and Der, although none of them really saw the battle down in the water.

NOW: On the Thunder Struck.
BOLT bleeped loudly and Jak awoke from his sleep.

"Are we there yet, BOLT?" asked Jak, rubbing his eyes. BOLT buzzed and whirred. Jak knew where they were.

"Let's land at Platform 67." said Jak, not really talking to anyone. As his ship landed, he prepared to exit the ship. He picked up Solato's body and turned on the ship's auto guard. Jak wondered what Gunge would say about Solato's dead body.

* * *

Gunge was a particularily fat Hutt. Even his fellow Hutts called him fat. When, in fact, they were pretty fat by nature. Gunge was also paler than most Hutts. He had a small scar by his right eye.

"Again you fail me Zaden. I needed Solato alive to question him. you're lucky I'm even paying you for him dead." said Gunge angrily.

"I'm truly sorry, Gunge. I was hunted by Trandoshans. Solato was captured and killed by a Gank. I couldn't stop it." said Jak appologeticly.

"I admit Ganks can be tricky, but they are some of my most trusted partners." as he said this, half a dozen Ganks walked into the room, "I can't let you leave. Youve failed for the last time."

"You filthy piece of slime." said Jak softly.

"Sorry, Jak." Gunge said as he hovered away in his repulsor chair.

The Ganks pulled out their blasters and pointed them at Jak. Jak then pulled out his lightsaber and activated it. It hummed as Jak stared at the Ganks. He was surrounded on all sides by bloodthirsty thuggs. He couldn't block all of the shots at once.

The first shot was fired.

That's it for now. I hoped you like it.