03-27-2004, 02:42 PM
hi everyone'''

as you noticed im new on this forum and looking forward to reading your texts........

anyway i finished ffx2 last night and now have started again with the new game plus''

but im not sure about the missions do i have to do them again or what?

i got 93% at the end'' can i skip missions/if i did would i lose a percentage..

any thoughts on that people'


03-27-2004, 07:41 PM
Welcome! If you got 93% and you're just looking to get the Perfect Ending, yes, you can probably skip a lot of missions. Just make sure to do anything that you missed before to get extra percentage and also make sure to give the Awesome Sphere to the opposite group of what you gave it to in your first game. Otherwise, there are only a few other things you need to do to make sure that you get the Perfect Ending. Check the pinned threads at the top of the section that talks about the endings to find out about those requirements.

Oh - and if you want to expand your enjoyment of the game, you might try doing some things differently, such as catching a different culprit for the Highroad mystery or answering people differently when they ask you questions.

Vivi FF
03-28-2004, 01:25 PM
Originally posted by Agent0042
also make sure to give the Awesome Sphere to the opposite group of what you gave it to in your first game.

It doesn't matter that you have to give the awesome sphere to both groups in 2 different games. To get a 100%, you need to give it to the Youth League so you get an extra hotspot in Mushroom rock during Ch.3. If you went to that hot spot in your first tiem through, then I suggest you give it to New Yevon so some things will be different for you.

03-28-2004, 02:11 PM
thanks for that chaps...

i thought as much but could'nt be certain..

my first time round i gave the sphere to new yevon' now this time to youth league''

not sure if you get a percentage for getting the enterprise of tobi in chapter 2.

anyways thanks for your help

talk soon


03-28-2004, 05:47 PM
Vivi FF - sorry, but that's not true. That's an old, bad rumor that comes from the idea that it's somehow a good idea to try to get 100% completion in one game that I've been trying to swat for a while now. If you already gave the sphere to the Youth League in the first game, then giving it to New Yevon in the second will give you additional percentage because there are several new scenes you can get. In fact, just viewing the scenes where they give the sphere to New Yevon is enough to put you at 100% if you were at 99. someodd % before.

Enterprise? I don't think that nets any percentage, but if you already viewed all the major Tobli scenes in your first playthrough, including the Episode Complete scenes, then there's no reason not to try for it if you want to.

03-29-2004, 03:26 PM
thanks for replying...

i think they could have left out the precentage thing'' because it makes things a bit confusing''

and to play the game without a book is almost impossible' there is things in the game that no one would think about doing'' example''' touching the back wall in the engine room to get a cut scene with buddy''

or pressing x for the whistling in the farplane to get another cut scene with shuyin...

pointless really'''

Vivi FF
03-29-2004, 06:52 PM
Originally posted by Agent0042
Vivi FF - sorry, but that's not true. That's an old, bad rumor that comes from the idea that it's somehow a good idea to try to get 100% completion in one game that I've been trying to swat for a while now. If you already gave the sphere to the Youth League in the first game, then giving it to New Yevon in the second will give you additional percentage because there are several new scenes you can get. In fact, just viewing the scenes where they give the sphere to New Yevon is enough to put you at 100% if you were at 99. someodd % before.

I played the game twice, both times giving it to the Youth League and I got 100%.

03-29-2004, 08:54 PM
Vivi FF - I'm not saying you can't do that. That's certainly a viable option. My point is that if you do it that way, you don't leave yourself very much leeway. You have to be very methodical because if you don't know exactly what you missed before, then you could end up end up at something less than 100% a second time. Giving it to the opposite group the second time is sort of like a safety cushion because it guarantees that you'll get additional percentage, so if you end up missing something else a second time, it doesn't matter. It's also kinda fun to do anyway because you can get some new Garment Grids and dialogue and such.

P.S.: jumbo40 - I totally agree. New Game Plus = brilliant, Percentage = stupid

Oh, and one more thing:

or pressing x for the whistling in the farplane to get another cut scene with shuyin...
Uh, but that's not Shuyin...

03-30-2004, 02:22 PM
thanks to you both for replying to me...

i have an idea where i can gain my 7%?

i skipped looking at the comspheres in chapter 4'' i looked at the first lot and got 3% and the second lot i missed because it was so boring to go through all that again.

at the time i did'nt realise i had to watch it all.. what about the oversouls do you get a percentage that? i nearly finished it in the last game with 4 more left to complete it...

other than that i dont think i missed anything else?

i hear that there is a good ending and a bad one...

my ending was with yuna and tidus runing more or less on water
im surprised she did'nt break her legs when she jumped out of the celsius.......

03-30-2004, 04:29 PM
:) You got the so-called "Good" Ending. So really the only thing you're missing as far as endings go is the "Perfect" Ending, which contains everything in the Good Ending except it also adds on a small scene in Zanarkand.

CommSpheres? You can try it if you want, but there really isn't that much additional % to be gained through CommSpheres. Did you complete the Via Infinito? That'll gain some percentage. Episode Complete in every section?

Completing stuff like oversouls and stuff doesn't have anything to do with percentage. You get percentage by listening to particular bits of spoken dialogue. I recommend checking one of the 100% completion guides at GameFAQs. If you look at that, you should be able to spot anythin that you missed fairly quickly. And please, please, give the Awesome Sphere to the opposite group you gave it to before and complete any new side events that open up as a result of that, or any events associated with New Yevon / Youth League for that matter.

Oh and make very sure to check that pinned thread if you haven't already because if you're going for the Perfect Ending, it's vital that you also still complete the requirements for a Good Ending within that playthrough.

03-31-2004, 02:44 PM
hello agent0042''

im on chapter 2 now'' this time i will be carefull in getting the extra percentage''

these ff/games are so addictive its not like game anymore, its more like a job without getting paid.. but you want to do it still..

i will check out them faqs and see'' thanks for your help chaps''

im now going to play more and see what happens...


this is a very helpfull forum and its a credit to you all''

03-31-2004, 03:46 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by jumbo40
these ff/games are so addictive its not like game anymore, its more like a job without getting paid

I know what you mean. When I first got FFX I barely did anything else except play on it for the next month.

04-01-2004, 05:02 PM
hello codderz...

my picture says it all..

hb smokey
04-02-2004, 12:53 AM
I am the best at FFX, if anyone did not know that by now.

I know how you feel <B> codderz </B>

04-02-2004, 12:55 AM
Okay, thank you. Topic please.

04-04-2004, 06:44 PM
I just finished X2 and I must have gotten the bad ending cause its just Yuna, Rikku and Paine riding on the Celsius making Brother go faster. I must have missed quite a bit!! I guess it is hard without the book. I must have done something wrong! Any ideas?

04-04-2004, 10:38 PM
That's not the "Bad" ending as such, but, yes, you're missing out on a lot. For the answers you seek to your questions, check out the pinned thread at the top of the forum.