04-26-2013, 04:19 PM
Hey guys, I'm generally just a lurker on these forums but I thought this might be worth sharing.

There's this new thing called "rippln" that aims to be the "next big thing" on the internet (along the lines of something like Facebook or Twitter, check out the video below) that revolves around the idea that regular people should benefit from the "ripples" they create across the world. On social networks we're all constantly sharing things with our friends and family, who in turn share things with their friends and family, and so on, creating a "ripple" effect. Apparently, rippln is designed to take advantage of the ripples people make across the world so that everyone can benefit from them. If this thing gets anywhere near as big as it aims to, it might be worth getting in on early. (the YouTube embed didn't work for some reason)

I should point out that a lot of people are unsure about rippln and some even believe it's a scam of some sort. A new FAQ ( was released recently that tries to address those concerns. It's very possible that rippln might flop or break its promises, but considering it only asks for your name and email to secure your place (like virtually every other website or service) I think it's worth a shot, it has the potential to be huge. Just think... what if it actually does do what it aims to do?

Currently rippln is in a pre-launch invite-only stage. If you want to join just use one of these codes on and change the name and email during sign-up. If the codes don't work you can PM me your email address for a fresh one.


What do you think? Worth a shot? For now I'm just fascinated watching my ripples grow, it's pretty cool to see.

04-26-2013, 10:09 PM
I think, firstly, that this post is actually just spam. Secondly, I never have used twitter, myspace or facebook, and I manage to survive just fine, so I don't see ...why...dunno. What does this do again?

04-26-2013, 10:19 PM
---i just know ripping (a cd, not ripping someone apart or something...)

04-26-2013, 11:07 PM
Sounds fishy... but I'm not a social network person even if this is real.

04-26-2013, 11:09 PM
Sounds fishy... but I'm not a social network person even if this is real.

me neither.
i always get bashed for not really being on facebook, let alone other platforms that i am not on at all...
at least i know what facebook is :D

( a book to put in front of your face when you feel like hiding)

04-26-2013, 11:20 PM
I realise this may look a little spammy, but it's hard to share this sort of thing without it looking like spam. As for your question, rippln seems to be a website and smart phone app that, when launched, promises to reward users for the connections they have with people around the world. It's kind of hard to explain to someone who doesn't use a social network like Facebook or Twitter already. All I can suggest is that you look up some more YouTube videos or news articles on the net about it to learn more. If it continues to grow as fast as it currently is, you'll likely hear about it soon enough anyway.

It's spreading pretty fast, even in its current pre-launch invite-only state over 200,000 users have joined. I thought I'd share invite codes for anyone who's interested in joining early like I did.