Bahamut ZERO
03-26-2004, 09:14 AM
I was watching the ending of the game at 2.30am the other morning (yeah, I was bored...) And something triggered a bell in my head as Tidus was talking to Yuna after nearly being beheaded by Brother's lame flying.

They never, ever mention his name once, do they?

I understood in FFX that no one ever said Tidus' name because there was the option to rename the character in the game, and thus it would've sound lame to have had everyone saying "Tidus" rather than the name you chose.

However, in X-2, I would've thought it would've been "okay" to have said the guy's name, because there's no chance of renaming it anywhere. Apparently not, as it doesn't even print his name to the screen during the FMV either.

Am I right in this? Or am I just imagining thing?

03-26-2004, 07:06 PM
You are absolutely, completely, 100%... right! Apparently this is something they just decided to carry over from the original game. Throughout FFX-2, Tidus is simply referred to as "him" or "you," or "you-know-who," but never, ever Tidus. It annoys some, but personally, I find it charming. In fact, the only game I know of where Tidus's name is ever mentioned out loud is Kingdom Hearts, in which everyone learned (to a lot of peoples' surprise) that it's pronounced "Tee-dus" and not "Tide-us."

Landlord of Sector 7
03-27-2004, 02:55 AM
WHAT!? I didn't know it was pronounced that way cause I always had to play that game muted so my mom didn't hear:D I guess it's just like chocobos when I thought they were pronounced cocobos. But yeah that is sort of odd and dumb and mysterious how they never say his name.

hb smokey
03-31-2004, 05:03 AM
THANK YOU <B> Agent0042 </B>. I knew all along that it was pronounced 'teedus' instead of 'tide us'. My friend and I argue about it all the time. He calls him 'tide us' or 'tite us'. I knew that was wrong. Can you confirm that is how you pronounce it, and where did you hear it from? Thanks!

Bahamut ZERO
03-31-2004, 07:39 AM
Heh... Well, no matter how it's "meant" to be pronounced, my house mate James will forever call him "Titus" pronounced "Tit-us" just for the amusement value.

Plus he thinks the shorts he wears are a little crappy.

I digress though.

hb smokey
03-31-2004, 08:25 AM
I guess this will be the debate of the century.

How do you pronounce Tidus?

1. "Tide-us"
2. "Tee-dus"
3. "Tit-us"
4. "who is Tidus?"

Now it's time to just sit back and let everyone argue over how to say his name.

03-31-2004, 09:57 AM
No. We're assuming he has the same name as the original... right? It's to keep a sense of continuity.

hb smokey
03-31-2004, 04:45 PM
Yes he does have the same name as in the original.

03-31-2004, 09:22 PM
Tiduslives - the place where I heard that is, as I mentioned, Kingdom Hearts. Kingdom Hearts is a Square-Enix game along with Disney that combines characters from a number of Final Fantasies, classic Disney characters and some new original characters, including the game's main hero and villain.

hb smokey
03-31-2004, 09:49 PM
Ok. After I got off the computer I found out that it is indeed Kingdom Hearts. Thanks!

04-04-2004, 12:45 AM
Yes it is indeed Tee-dus. i've known that since ffx came out. heck i dont even remember ever thinking it was Tide-us. ok anyways Tidus Rocks! ok and can someone tell me where in kingdom hearts it says Tee-dus? I believe you and all. its just i gotta save it on my memory card to prove all my friends that its pronounced Tee-dus. hehe. O i think that he is called "him" or "you know who" because of the arguement on how to pronounce his name. haha.

hb smokey
04-04-2004, 12:48 AM
Well, it looks like we have another FFX nut here, just like I am.

Yes you are right:


04-04-2004, 04:21 PM
ok and can someone tell me where in kingdom hearts it says Tee-dus? I believe you and all. its just i gotta save it on my memory card to prove all my friends that its pronounced Tee-dus.
Not sure exactly offhand, but it has to pretty early on at Destiny Islands, since that's where Tidus and Wakka and Selphie are. Keep talking to Wakka, I'm pretty sure he's the one that says it.

04-05-2004, 12:04 AM
k thanks for the info and yes i am an FFX nut just like you are! FFX-2 rocks as well, but not as much as FFX hehe.