03-25-2004, 07:47 PM
Might be a little early to be posting this as I haven't as yet started to replay the game in such detail but here goes:

I have this obsession with certain free-willed games of finding the things you aren't actually supposed to do. (Found a few examples in FF8). These things can be really trivial but amusing. I'm talking things that aren't in any guides but can be done without freezing or rigging the game.

I was wondering what "NQS" people have found in Final Fantasy VII. Please post em here because I want to make a detailed documentation of them (as I have done with Final Fantasy VIII). I promise I too will go back and explore the game.

These NQS can be anything from a character out of place, to a hidden amusing scene. Pathetic example 1: In disk one in the Midgar slums in the tavern you can actually open the door on the guy in the loo. Pathetic Example 2 (someone confirm me on this one): In the Shinra building on disk 1 you can actually flush the toilet instead of climbing it.

Got any GOOD examples?

Landlord of Sector 7
03-25-2004, 09:09 PM
Ok here are a few I guess even though I am not COMPLETELY sure what you mean. 1.) Any time after you get the Highwind I think, you can go back to Shinra Mansion and in the basement there is a sort of "cinema" event if you will where you can learn more of Zack's origin. 2.) There is a dog you can make bark in Rocket Town (OK that one was lame but oh well) That's all I can think of for the time being but I will report back with more when I find them.

03-27-2004, 05:01 PM
Not exactly sure what u mean, but I think I found one...

Get a chocobo near rocket town. If you take the chocobo behind the town but in front of the rocket (difficult but can be done), you can get off, and supposively get into the rocket. The rocket funtions like the golden chocobo, but you cannot get out. I've never actually gotten this to work, but one of my friends who played the Japanese version said it worked, so it might or moght not be a valid NQS.

03-28-2004, 05:04 PM
Originally posted by EttuBrutesLawyer
Not exactly sure what u mean, but I think I found one...

Get a chocobo near rocket town. If you take the chocobo behind the town but in front of the rocket (difficult but can be done), you can get off, and supposively get into the rocket. The rocket funtions like the golden chocobo, but you cannot get out. I've never actually gotten this to work, but one of my friends who played the Japanese version said it worked, so it might or moght not be a valid NQS.

Thats bollocks.

And in the snow village (i've forgotten it's name) there is a rapping cat all you have to do is click on it several times and it raps.

03-31-2004, 03:01 AM
Is it just me, or does this FF game easily the most rumors associated with it of any FF game and also the crazy. ROTFL.

Back on track: I like talking to everyone on the airship whenever new stuff happens because you get a bunch of new dialogue usually.

hb smokey
03-31-2004, 03:04 AM
Yes, in the Shinra building on Disk One, you can flush the toilet.