03-24-2004, 07:21 PM
Just a working title at the moment, I wrote this the other day. It's not near finished yet, but I figured I would post what I got to see what people think about it, and if I should change anything. I want it to eventually be close to an 8 page short story.

Bruja looked down at the people she formerly regarded as food and she pitied them. They walked along their paths, wherever those may lead, and knew nothing of the creatures that hunted them. She stepped back and leaned against the shadowy brick wall in a quiet part of the town. She bit her lip: a bad habit she did when she was nervous, her prominant fangs sinking into her lip and drawing a trickle of blood down her chin. She knew that more than half of the people in this town, men, women, and children, would die tonight and she could not stop it; she was surprised that she even wanted to.

She had not always been like this. She was once a great blood thirsty vampire also, second only to Lucien himself. She had hunted and killed without discrimination. She had slaughtered countless people, just as her former brethren would do tonight. She was a heartless murderer, until she broke the one rule a vampire must never break: 'never fall in love with your prey'.

The moment she saw this man, she knew that she must have him. She wanted her lips, not her fangs, to be on his neck. She wanted her fingertips, not her claws, to run down his chest. She wanted to taste his skin, not his blood. What made her feel this way about him, and no one before, she did not know, but she would have him.

Creeping along the shadows and leaping across the rooftops, she stalked him home one night. He walked inside and she glided to a window and peered inside. Her love hung his coat on a hook on the wall, and walked across the room to wrap his arms around a beautiful brunette; as they kissed, all the love Bruja held for this man transformed into hate towards this woman.

She drew the thin, curved sword from her back and kicked the door with enough force to completely knock it from the wall and a few feet through the air before falling to the ground and sliding to a stop. The two lovers inside the house spun and looked at Bruja. The woman shrieked: a reaction the vampire was accustomed to.

Bruja lept forward, seeming to fly across the room, and with a single movement, she slashed the woman's throat open, ending her scream. The woman seemed to die instantly, blood gushing from her wound and her eyes rolling back. She fell forward and hit the ground.

The man looked at the woman he loved die, as the woman who loved him smiled. The expression on his face changed from shock, to fear, and then to anger within the span of just a few heartbeats.

Bruja continued to smile, showing her sharp fangs. She let her sword slide through her fingers to the ground, and began walking towards the man.

"What are you?" the man screamed. "What do you want?"

"Your love," the vampire hissed, and she rushed forward clasping the man by the shoulders. He struggled, trying to push away, but she just smiled and whispered into his ear "Welcome to the new world," before turning her head sideways and biting down on his neck. He stopped struggling and fell against her, his eyes closed.

The man woke up some time later, laying on a bed he did not recognize, in a room he did not recognize. The sole thing in the room that was familiar was the woman sitting a few feet away from him with a knowing smile and an evil sword.

"Where am I?" the man asked.

Bruja looked at him and replied "Substantually higher than you were yesterday." After the man sat for a few seconds, not understanding, the vampire continued. "I Have made you stronger, I have made you faster, and I have given you the gift of eternal life. All I ask in return is your love."

"I don't understand." The man felt strange when he talked, as though he were speaking through another beings mouth. He reached up and felt his teeth. No, not teeth, he realized: fangs.

"You are a vampire. You are faster, stronger, and smarter than a human. No blade or bullet can harm you; your death will only come with the sunrise. You will feed on the blood of those that are weaker than you. I have given you eternity."

"An eternity filled with countless murders? An eternity without the woman I love? The woman you killed?"

"Love me."

"I would rather die."

Bruja ran out of the room, furiously slamming the door behind her and setting the deadbolt into place.

03-24-2004, 07:32 PM
Excellent, that some damn good work, man.

04-15-2004, 11:40 AM
Awesome. Vampires rock.

For one who has died,
And never lived;
He is immortal;
Having never faced the angst of the world.