04-22-2013, 05:45 AM
Ashot Zohrabyan
Orchestral Works

9 tracks, TRT: 2:11:44, 320 MP3


Note: if the varying quality of the tracks in this set or the smaller than normal artist photo in this very thread doesn't tell you, obtaining this music was quite a wonderful, if not annoying, miracle to find. No official CD with any of this music exists and all of this composer's music is only available on YouTube so, yes, these are Youtube rips. I left two tracks off due to their low quality and one due to it not fitting in with the overall tone of the album; it slowed the first third of the set down and didn't really fit anywhere else. Most tracks can easily be enjoyed while others have a flat sound so they don't come across as crisp as they should (track 8 being the prime example). I received them at 320 MP3 but who only knows what the originating bitrate was.

It's a shame that this music is not available in any official form as the composer follows along in the footsteps of Penderecki along with many other avant-garde composers that I enjoy and produces both beautiful and haunting music while sacrificing memorability. The music is really fascinating to listen to for me as I had never indulged in Armenian music prior and it was a nice addition to the existing culture shock I'm currently experiencing. The composer has had some of his work even played by the Kronos Quartet however finding an album for this composer is seemingly impossible despite mostly all of Kronos Quartet's representations being fairly easy to find if you know where to look.

Without further adieu, I present to you the majority of the salvagable cues I could muster up for the elusive Armenian composer Ashot Zohrabyan. I hope you all enjoy and once again, my apologies that this release is not up to my usual standards but enjoyment shall not be impossible. Hell, impossible basically spells "I'm Possible."

04-22-2013, 06:56 PM
Interesting. Thanks :)

04-26-2013, 09:00 AM
Thank you! :)