04-22-2013, 12:27 AM

Greetings all.

I did not participate in The Dimensioner's now-closed INCEPTION Resources thread.

I had no interest in that thread because as much as I enjoy the FILM, I have absolutely no interest in the SCORE.

So why am I starting a discussion thread to pick up where that Resources thread left off?

Because I simply want to know one thing:


Why is this score so popular, so desired? I just don't get it.

What is it I'm missing?

I want to be enlightened about Inception. Plant the desire of the score into my mind. Extract your reasons for its supposed greatness and post them here.

Debate about the endless supply of leaks, customs, edits and more.

Speculate as to when the sessions will come out.

Have at it folks, because unlike some people, I have no thread ownership issues. It's not like I spent money or devoted sleepless nights to crafting posts.

(P.S. I know that will come across as a dig at Dimensioner, but come on, it's a bit weird to be so protective about a messageboard thread. I guess I just find such things a bit silly, but to each their own. No offense intended.)

So....INCEPTIONIZE already!

04-22-2013, 03:10 AM
I think the reason(s) that this score is so desired are the same that lead people to seek the Titanic music recording sessions of the score, likewise there's a thread created for Titanic in the GD section too.

To some extent everyone wishes to hear all the music for one or more scores they really like, but that doesn't mean that everyone is looking for the same music at the same time.

Personally i'm not after to any of those scores, but i wish someday they'll become a reality so that the people who like the music can finally hear the score on it's entirety. Be it on an legit album release or in some sort of bootleg, because i guess that at this point it doesn't matter if it's officially released or not.

04-22-2013, 03:16 AM
i guess that at this point it doesn't matter if it's officially released or not.

Have truer words been spoken 'round these parts?


Rosebum Flutterbelly
04-22-2013, 04:42 AM
the score is so highly sought after because quipsters like to play the iconic brass swell at ironic times so that they and their friends may share a hearty laugh at the mutually understood pop culture reference.

i mean what.

04-22-2013, 09:18 AM
New cue
Hotel and Helicopter - Inception (Complete Score) by Hans Zimmer - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MRBW9_sNqQ)

04-22-2013, 11:50 AM
i suppose it could be the thrill of the hunt. The fact that this and Titanic are so elusive, so big makes them more wanted.

As for inception, I would like the entire score, just to better judge it. The OST is just an awful affair. And, I did not care for the film and that also colors my feeling towards the score. I am not really sure we need this thread. But, hey. The movie and score seem to have enthralled masses. I don't understand it any more than you do, JH.

04-22-2013, 12:17 PM
I want this score, because I love it. When I�m hearing it, I see the movie right before my eyes. But without dialoge, without sfx, without anything else. Just pure fantasy within my tiny stinky brain. I love every tune of it.

But from a logical point of view, I don�t know why others want to have it. I understand JHFan�s point of view also. Because I don�t understand why so much people want to have the complete scores for Sherlock Holmes or The Last Samurai...

04-22-2013, 12:39 PM
I want this score, because I love it. When I�m hearing it, I see the movie right before my eyes. But without dialoge, without sfx, without anything else. Just pure fantasy within my tiny stinky brain. I love every tune of it.

But from a logical point of view, I don�t know why others want to have it. I understand JHFan�s point of view also. Because I don�t understand why so much people want to have the complete scores for Sherlock Holmes or The Last Samurai...

Well for Inception i can understand that it is too noisy but come on, the last samurai is for me Zimmer's last piece of art. Don't blame people who want these sessions.

04-22-2013, 03:18 PM
New cue
Hotel and Helicopter - Inception (Complete Score) by Hans Zimmer - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MRBW9_sNqQ)

This seems to be a re-tread of how the "Batman Begins" score was finally leaked. Pieces were linked to YouTube by the same member (I'm assuming you're the owner of the account?) and then finally it was posted after about 6 or 7 cues were uploaded there.

It was a pretty cool way to build up anticipation for that score, so it makes sense to do it again now. It works.

I don't know if I'll download it once it does arrive. I had the OST, I had the DTS rip, and I've seen the film many times (the softer pieces of music in the film are much more enjoyable to me and don't overpower everything) but I eventually got rid of both versions of the score. I'm on the fence about the whole score since it's just not my thing at all.

INCEPTION, to me, is that one score that seems so much more desired than literally anything I've ever seen in my time on this board. That's why I want to know why that is. So many fan edits, so many attempts to rip the whole thing, much more than any other score by a wide margin. Nothing has come close to INCEPTION's popularity here.

(And for the record, no, I'm NOT suggesting that it's a matter of whether it deserves it. That's irrelevant and purely subjective. So don't go there....ain't happening. No one is any authority on what's deserving of praise and popularity and what isn't.)

04-22-2013, 03:25 PM
Don't blame people who want these sessions.

I don�t blame anyone. I just can�t comprehend their motives. But that is a matter of taste, I guess.

04-22-2013, 04:27 PM
No I am not the owner of the account even if I tried to get inception but it is likely to leak in the coming days.
To Skywalker. The leak of a sessions is a kind of relief in fact, Inception offers a good example of it. As JH mentioned there have been too many editions, fan edits and so on and the leak of inception will put an end to this Inception Mania or at least lessen it.

04-22-2013, 08:55 PM
Destabilization (Hallway Fight) - Inception (Complete Score) by Hans Zimmer - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YliSagvoM5s&list=UU-j8ITmf7JvAkhrJ2Qz4gog&index=2)

04-22-2013, 09:59 PM
Why is it so sought after? Why do so many people want it? Because it's a magnificent work of art. Inception as a whole is what your dream scape sounds like. At least mine. "Time" is one of the most beautiful things my ears have ever had the pleasure of experiencing, and I wish I could experience it for the first time again. Ahh...to be a virgin to this score again. Listened to for the very first time. Mmm... Also, Zimmer worked on this like a genius: he made not-so-frequent visits to the set and never saw any dailies before he started working on it. And, the way he worked in "Non, Je Ne Regriette Rien" in there is remarkable. That is what I truly believe to be the reason as to why this score is so sought-after. Wake me up.

04-23-2013, 03:20 AM
I'm sorry....what you said about virgin and listening for the very first time just reminded me of this CLASSIC. I still remember when this aired all those years ago:

American Idol Audition - Keith Beukelaer - "Like A Virgin"/"I Wanna Dance With Somebody" - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRiYtW1KRdo)

Now THIS my friends is a dream sequence.

04-23-2013, 03:47 AM
I'm sorry....what you said about virgin and listening for the very first time just reminded me of this CLASSIC. I still remember when this aired all those years ago:

American Idol Audition - Keith Beukelaer - "Like A Virgin"/"I Wanna Dance With Somebody" - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRiYtW1KRdo)

Now THIS my friends is a dream sequence.

Sorry about what? Hey, if what I said sparked a memory and made you think of something funny, then I'm happy. I love to laugh

04-23-2013, 04:04 AM
Sorry because it's just so gloriously bad....but not what you said, just what's in the video. It's just so bad. I don't know why I immediately thought of that but there it is. :)

I tend not to articulate my thoughts on scores much, mainly I just spend a lot of time on them (if they're customs) and that says it all for me really.

The time spent on Avatar, the time spent on the Batman Begins / The Dark Knight video sequences, that sort of thing.

Maybe that's what it will take: Get the sessions, use them for video sequences, have them narrate the film without any dialogue to drown out, (possibly) enjoy the music that way in context.

04-23-2013, 04:52 AM
Now see, I just can't. I often take opportunity to make light of this score. But in truth.....I really hate it. I heard the album first, which was a mistake. Then I saw the film. (Bigger Mistake). THe score completelt overshadows the film. Then I listened to the album again. A nearly fatal mistake. I'm sorry, I know a lot of ya like this, but it seems to be mostly a wall of sound type of thing. Does nothing for me. Then again, I found the movie and visuals rather trite too...

04-23-2013, 04:59 AM
I suppose a more complete album, that is not mastered to blow out windows may yield something, but i find I disliked this movie itself so much, that it taints my feelings to the score beyond recovery, which is odd. I can usually find at least one track to keep. Aside from Dak, there, who feels that Jesus himself composed this pile, who feels this is musically a superior score?

04-23-2013, 05:28 AM
I've always enjoyed the film but I've often said the score damn near ruins it for me because it's so overpowering at times. I know that was a deliberate choice to let the score take over scenes, and I never enjoyed that aspect of it at all.

Musically, I've never given it any thought. For me it's all about how well it supports the film and this score overpowers it. That's probably a big reason why I haven't enjoyed it before. Haven't listened to it apart from the film since I had the DTS surround mix of it, and that was about two years ago or something like that.

04-23-2013, 05:31 AM
Well, for ME, I enjoy the trailer music....and that's it. I just re-listened to the expanded set this afternoon, just to say i tried. I listened all the way through. I kept the trailer music. And that was iffy.......:/

04-23-2013, 05:47 AM
I know that going by how The Dark Knight sounded on album, if that were all that was available for that score, I'd never listen to it. It's a despicable listen because of how overblown and clipped the bass is, and how there's just no dynamic range at all. It's compressed to shit, and Rises was the same way. I don't know why Zimmer keeps insisting on having his scores mastered like pop / rock albums to compete in the "loudness wars" but they simply suck that way. Horrible sound.

Then there are the sessions....dammit they sound good. Superior to the album sound quality in every conceivable way. They have LOTS of range, NO clipping or any distortion, properly mixed and mastered. Why mess with a great recording by fucking it up for album purposes? I'm assuming the INCEPTION sessions will be the same, having vastly superior sound compared to the album.

Say 'Inception sessions' three times fast!

04-23-2013, 05:56 AM
I would, but then they'd appear, and I'd have to jump off a cliff. :)

04-23-2013, 06:16 AM
he likes to layer samples and samples and recordings and overdubs all over each other

04-23-2013, 06:25 AM
Well, like JH said, the album is awful, so that was my first impression of it. I just did not buy into any of the movie, so the score...falls flat for me. It feels overworked and at the same time overly familiar.....in the quiet sets, more like jazzed up elevator music. And in the "epic" tracks, just waves of sound. For me. I stress, just my personal feeling about it. I know many feel the same way about my favorites......**heathens**

04-23-2013, 07:01 AM
Two things I don't like about Zimmer album masters these days is, the awful suitifying to hide the fact that a lot of times the listener is being assaulted with the 'ideas' version of the works, as the score proper has too many other names tagged to it. The other is the merged indexing that doen't translate well to the digital age, except in lossless form, which is not very often. Sessions sets give you narrative, sequence, ebb and flow, recall to those freaky moments that raied your hairs for just a few seconds, until you realize that that wasn't included on the OST cause eg: Ramin Djawadi arranged that piece.

The only downside of sessions is that the quieter moments tend to overpower in their own way, especially on the DK trilogy.

04-24-2013, 08:16 AM
I'm not sure if there is a certain album or version you are referring to. The one I got from the local library has 12 songs on it. It's not a standout album, but its not bad by any means. There is a reoccurring "theme" to most of the songs, which is noticeable. Its not as bad as TRON: Legacy which was literally the same song 20 times in a row. But TRON was at least ambient enough that it faded in to the background easy. The theme is much stronger and louder in sound on Inception.

But I think the music goes well with the movie, so I forgive soundtracks for the way they sound as standalone products if they worked well with the film. Akira is a great example. One of the weirdest albums around if you listen to the music by itself, but with the movie it is phenomenal.

The only advice I can give is that everyone interprets music differently. If you don't like it, there is nothing wrong with you. Nor does that indicate something being wrong with me.

BTW the signature sound of Inception, that big drum pounding at the end of "528491", is a kickass sound. I loved how Inception made a 3 second scene (the van off the bridge) last 30 minutes and it actually seemed reasonable.

04-25-2013, 03:09 AM
I seek the sessions because I relish that sort of music. I'm into ambient scores, and Inception is big one. That is to say, I like most of Zimmer's music. Listening to music needs no logical explanation. You can debate between the variety of composers and their styles, talents, and usage of instruments, but if people like Zimmer they will listen to him, just as Horner fans will listen to Horner. I admit I don't listen to him, or much others for that matter. I'm not an avid listener to every composer out there, though amongst my peers I am. I'm picky and choosy. So, to me, the 12 track OST album is a different experience compared to the complete score. Not those blatant fan edits that keep popping up, for I despise SFX and intrusive dialogue. I'm eternally grateful towards anyone who leaks actual complete scores.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
04-27-2013, 03:10 AM
Nothing Titanic related for me.

But I love the movie, the actors, the director and the score.
Wrtiers, producers and all that are appreciated too but not the first thing I think of when I hear Inception.

But for me, the score, really envelopes me beyond words.
It's like a different frequency that matches my brain pattern.
Not for everyone, especially considering it's Zimmer & Co.

I can't stand mushrooms for the life of me. If a mushroom touches my tongue, I can taste it, I can feel the texture, I can instantly tell it's a mushroom.
My body instantly begins to reject it.
My mind knows it's healthy and "good for you".
But my body will shrivel up and die before I become a mushroom connaisseur.
People who can physically eat mushrooms and not throw up will never understand how I can't eat them and will continue to prattle about the nutritional factors, any sort of information on whether or not it's used in medicines or helps with certain ailments just to hoax me into eating a mushroom.
If asked, I can never explain why my body rejects this food upon taste/smell.
Canned mushrooms are the worst, and may be the reason why I can't tolerate them.
I never grew up on fresh mushrooms. Mostly they were canned, pan fried and served with steaks.
I can somewhat tolerate a fresh mushroom, but with a dip or mixed into other foods.
Except when you fry them for noodles or anything greasy.

The score to Inception, regardless of which cue it is or who composed that cue, the score as it is in the film and OST's is no mushrooms to me.

At first, when hearing the score, my ears perked and a chain of chemical reactions induced an emotional reaction to the music and from there my mind began taking its own form of imagination with the music.
It was a stimuli that comes off as a rush.

Personally, I don't want to get my hopes up on the possibility of a complete score, recording sessions, lossless vs lossy, and other details about further stimulating my own self.
Investing too much hope and thought on something cherishing, as it were, could really test my patience.
And, patience, as it is, is something that is scarce for places like these.
To invest in the mere idea of something more from Inception, you would need to be filthy rich in patience.
And diligence.

As it stands, there's talk of fake scores being traded, but at the cost of not knowing then that they were fake.
So the stakes have already gone up for releasing the sessions or extra music.
I think the fake sessions traded, have added value to the mere scarcity of such an existence for the extra/unreleased/unshared music.

Not laying blame, some times things just happen.

This matter seems to have gone deeper~

But as far as my hopes go, I think I'll wait and see what happens.
Even if it means becoming an old man...

Rosebum Flutterbelly
04-27-2013, 03:38 AM
whenever i see your name i read it as "spanktank 2.0".

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
04-27-2013, 03:48 AM
whenever i see your name i read it as "spanktank 2.0".

I will not deny that I've upgraded my methods and occasionally switched hands. ;)

Rosebum Flutterbelly
04-28-2013, 10:51 AM

04-28-2013, 12:59 PM
? Sparky's comment is gross, yet you take the name orgasm thief?

Rosebum Flutterbelly
04-28-2013, 01:28 PM
pretty much yeah.

i mean it wasn't that gross.

no hard feelings spanky.