03-22-2004, 04:33 PM
I heard a rumor that FF7 might be released on Gamecube, but that Square-enix and Nintendo have decided to stop making games together, again. Do you think that a FF7 remake on GC is a good idea? And why?

Top Cat
03-22-2004, 04:48 PM
No, because the GC controller is unsuited for the game, and as FFXII is coming out on PS2 Sony probably wouldn't let them and, of course, the GC is not really as profitable as the PS2.

Ark Mune
03-22-2004, 06:06 PM
Yea, that would ruin it. Plus Nintendo and S-E had a deal that S-E could make one game for the GC and one for the GBA. Those are done. Sony also wont let them since they own like 40% of the shares of the company.

GC doesn't deserve another FF. Thats final.

03-22-2004, 07:17 PM
gc needs a REAL ff game, ffcc sucked, its too different from the others, the next gc thing should have it, it needs it!

Vinny Valentine
03-23-2004, 12:40 AM
At the cost of FF7? I don't think so. GC just doesn't deserve FF7.

03-23-2004, 07:50 AM

03-23-2004, 07:46 PM
Hmm...I see no problem to it. Gamecube graphics are just rock-bottom super great. If they ever remake a FFVII to it, it should be the same gameplay but a lot of extras or something. If you ask me, I rather prefer GC graphics over PS2 and XBox...they're nothing compared to GC. FFCC was just great...I had no problem to it.:) :p

03-23-2004, 08:28 PM
Nah I prefer the PS2 and XBOX graphics raither then the GC. I personlly dont think the main FF games should go back on nintendo.

03-23-2004, 08:28 PM
Oh, dear... there's nothing that annoys me more than idiots who pass on rumours as news.

As Ark Mune said, Nintendo and Square Enix had a deal. Square wanted to make a Nintendo published Final Fantasy for the GBA, so Nintendo said "Sure - as long as you make a Final Fantasy for the GameCube". So Tactics Advance and Crytstal Chronicles were born.

I hate to say it people, but Square Enix cares about one thing - money. And making an FF7 remake for the GameCube wouldn't be cost effective - most current FF7 fans, who would be the biggest audience for the remake, would own a PS2, and might not have a GameCube. If there would be a FF7 remake on a current gen system, it would be on the PS2 - which Square Enix has already said that it won't be doing, because it's making Advent Children.

That said, there is no exclusivity deal between Sony and Square Enix - Sony couldn't stop Square from doing anything. It's just profitable, for the time being, for the two companies to work together. Personally, i wouldn't care if FF was on the PS2, the GameCube, or the Xbox - but it's on the PS2, and that's where it's staying, at least until FF12.

03-23-2004, 08:35 PM
I agree with you there heh, this FFVII:AC isit a sequal or something?

Ark Mune
03-23-2004, 09:29 PM
Yup, its a CG movie sequal that takes place two years after the events of FFVII ******************SPOILER**********************
>>>>>>>>>>>>(as in after the life stream and holy cover midgar and stop the meteor. Not after the Red XIII scene after the credits). U should look at some of the older threads to find out more info, as well as the main page(scroll done a bit).

Hope this helps. there r like 5 trailers out right now.

03-24-2004, 09:32 AM
CG is? LoL

03-24-2004, 09:33 AM
No, bad idea period. The gamecube controller is screwy as it is, having to use it for VII would just ruin it. In every sense it is a bad idea it would be best if they remade it for the PS2 if they remake it at all. FFVII:AC is gonna kick ass, but i heard the movie is gonna be for the PS2

03-28-2004, 09:18 PM
yea they should game cube is the best,next to the ps2 (xbox sux) and final fantasy Vll is the best. crystale chronicales sux gamecube needs a real ff game

03-29-2004, 10:40 AM
if you say so:whatever:

03-29-2004, 11:47 AM
If the GameCube is the best then they would of made the main FF series on it. The majority say that the PS2 is better. Face it, GC sux :P

03-30-2004, 10:45 AM
I agree with krytonic

03-30-2004, 11:12 AM
Originally posted by aeriscloud
Hmm...I see no problem to it. Gamecube graphics are just rock-bottom super great. If they ever remake a FFVII to it, it should be the same gameplay but a lot of extras or something. If you ask me, I rather prefer GC graphics over PS2 and XBox...they're nothing compared to GC. FFCC was just great...I had no problem to it.:) :p
Did you play the twin snakes? Did you see the anti-aliasing? Smooth yes, sharp no, and the game looked really, really shabby in parts. The GC is not a great graphical force unless you get a good team behind it; and I think that FF:CC proved that Squareenix's GC graphical team aren't that good. Fuzzy, fuzzy, and more fuzzy. The only games that have actually put the effort in are those based on Sunshine and the Monkeyball games; even DD felt shoddy in parts.

Graphically, the XBOX has a far better force behind it.

But this isn't saying it couldn't work.

And what the hell? The Gamecube doesn't deserve it? Since when was the GC a living entity that did or didn't deserve anything?

Some people...what is it with the console war? Get over it. Yes, they may be better than eachother, but you don't have to say "I HATE THE OTHER" for fear that Sony will send commandos through your window and shoot you in the balls for daring to like them.

Yes, I have all three, and the one I play the least is my Xbox. They all have their good and bad points, the Xbox's being that it's actually too big to fit next to the other consoles. I'm sure if I can be bothered or have a spare minute to get Tenchu: Return From Darkness I'll find a way.

But to bring this back, just because a console doesn't have a series made for it doesn't make it any better or worse than the other. The reasoning behind FF not being on the cube is most likely the lacking sharpness (though FFX and X-2 weren't the most sharp graphically...) and power, that, and the fact that the storage medium is not good for FMV.

And the controller system is fantastic. Probably far better than the XBox's - though I do quite like controller S.

Sony couldn't stop Square from doing anything
Y...yes and no.

The gamecube and the xbox are not going to see a proper FF series for a longtime, the GC for the reasons I said, and the Xbox for one reason -

A while back, Microsoft made a really, really shitty offer for Square, something like 1 billion (I think, don't quote me number wise) and it caused a bit of a rift. Square told 'em to fuck off, and were a tad offended. Hence no big licences.

So Sony is really Square's only choice when it comes to a console to develop on.

Apart from the Phantom. But then again, that's a magic console that can fly for all we know.

FFVII:AC is gonna kick ass, but i heard the movie is gonna be for the PS2

FF7:AC is a movie. Not a game. It'll be released on DVD like other movies. NOTAGAME.

03-30-2004, 11:39 AM
Graphics ARE NOT everything! Sure if its fuzzy then it can effect you but the actual 3d effects I couldnt care less on. Its all in the gameplay.

hb smokey
03-31-2004, 03:17 AM
just like mrmonkeyman stated. advent children is a DVD that is set for release in Japan in the summer. while it is a sequel to FFVII, set two years after those events, it is not a game.

04-02-2004, 11:13 AM
Originally posted by Krytonic
Graphics ARE NOT everything! Sure if its fuzzy then it can effect you but the actual 3d effects I couldnt care less on. Its all in the gameplay.
When it's fuzzy to the point it breaks any atmosphere, THEN it starts interfering with gameplay.

Darth Revan
04-02-2004, 02:58 PM
All of these damn FFVII remake rumours are getting beyond a damn joke. Ok, we've got FFVII Advent Children, or whatever it's called on it's way, why the Hell do we need a remake of the game? Why? There's nothing wrong with it's format on the PSX, and for those of you who say the graphics suck, get bent! Who cares about graphics? Graphics do NOT make a game. Story, Characters, Gameplay and Music make a game. Graphics are just eye candy. Besides, if they remake FFVII, what's next? Remake FFVIII? FFVI?

For crying outloud, if it aint broken, why fix it? Leave FFVII, the game that is, as is. There's nothing wrong with how it is.

04-03-2004, 01:05 AM
Originally posted by Xiahou Dun

For crying outloud, if it aint broken, why fix it? Leave FFVII, the game that is, as is. There's nothing wrong with how it is.
I never said it wasn't good I love FFVII as it is. I just wanted to know what everybody else thought.

04-03-2004, 06:35 AM
Thankyou(Xiahou Dun)the graphics do not make the game it was it 's story and the well rounded roster that made the game the best FF out of all of them in my opinion:D

04-04-2004, 05:12 AM
I suppose you have a point there

04-04-2004, 11:05 AM
Originally posted by mrmonkeyman

Y...yes and no.

The gamecube and the xbox are not going to see a proper FF series for a longtime, the GC for the reasons I said, and the Xbox for one reason -

A while back, Microsoft made a really, really shitty offer for Square, something like 1 billion (I think, don't quote me number wise) and it caused a bit of a rift. Square told 'em to fuck off, and were a tad offended. Hence no big licences.

So Sony is really Square's only choice when it comes to a console to develop on.

You're forgetting that Enix owns square now. If Enix wanted I'm sure they'd put a game onto Xbox, but I highly doubt it because most japanese companies don't like the box.

04-06-2004, 09:09 AM
Thats correct, when it comes to it Square-Enix is what is making the most games and with each one they get better and better

ff7 kid
04-08-2004, 04:45 PM

hb smokey
04-09-2004, 12:06 AM
They should have never released FF:CC period!

But anyway, they released it because Nintendo and SE had a contract to make a FF game for the GCN and the GBASP.

GCN got Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles
GBASP got Final Fantasty Tactics Advance, a better game than its Gamecube counterpart

04-12-2004, 09:30 AM
That is correct

04-14-2004, 10:10 AM
i think theres no point in makin a remake unless they put in sumin different in the story line. personly i think they should make a sequel but be sure not to ruin the whole story

hb smokey
04-14-2004, 04:27 PM
The sequel is the movie

05-19-2004, 01:24 AM
AGH!!!! if this game were made for the GC this planet will explode. and if it is made for GC i hope the planet does blow up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or we could just destroy gamecube factory's. i dont know, GC sounds really stinky to me. Xbox on the other hand wouldnt be perfect, but at least its not Gamecube. HeeHee!
.........die Gamecube die............

05-19-2004, 01:27 AM
Don't bring back threads that aren't on the first 2 pages. >:O