03-21-2004, 02:01 PM
After completing FF7 for the umpteenth time, I sat down to read the book I'd rented from the library. A part of the book shocked me, and lead me to this post.

"You don't remember? We learnt about it in history. I think it was one of the crystals of the Sephiroth..."

This made me start a long look for this "Sephiroth". After around 2 months of researching, I can now tell you...

The Sephiroth is an Ancient Greek legend about a gate to a paradise. There is 10 crystals that are placed in a door to open the gate. Each of these crystals has a super strong guardian.

Theres more stuff on it, but I can't remember it all. And now, for a picture of The Sephiroth

Bahamut ZERO
03-21-2004, 03:09 PM
Sephiroth's also the name of a fallen angel. A friend of mine has a book with a list of all the fallen angels and stuff. The name could just be taken from there too.

Alas my browsing of the internet for the name Sephiroth or Fallen Angel Sephiroth just brings up tonnes of god awful FF7 fan sites.

Aah well, I guess I could just find the book, but that sounds too much like hard work...

03-21-2004, 04:02 PM
That picture is painted on the ceiling of Commander Ikari's room in the anime series, Evangelion. It also appears in the opening theme and the movie. There was an article about the explanation of Evangelion in a magazine and it said that each Sephiroth is supposed to bring you higher to God.

03-21-2004, 04:04 PM
Cool. Thanx for that Schwarzwind! Anyone else got anymore info?

03-21-2004, 04:11 PM
In the Kabbalah, the Sephiroth (or Enumerations) are the ten emanations of God (or infinite light: Ain Soph Aur) into the physical universe. They constitute the tree of life, and are aligned in three columns, each headed by a Supernal and consisting of the seven days of creation.

The names of the Sephiroth are:

Kether (Crown)
Chokmah (Wisdom)
Binah (Understanding)
Chesed (Mercy)
Geburah (Severity)
Tiphareth (Redeemer)
Netzach (Victory)
Hod (Majesty)
Yesod (Foundation)
Malkuth (Kingdom)

03-21-2004, 04:18 PM
Hey, again, thanx for that. We actually know the names of the crystal thingys now.:D

03-21-2004, 04:58 PM
The three pillars are basic representations of Form, Consiousness, and Force. In the pillar of Consiousness are Kether, the highest Sephiroth, Tipereth, Yesod, and Malkuth. In the pillar of Force are Chokmah, Chesed, and Netzach. In the pillar of Form are Binah, Gevurah, and Hod.

03-21-2004, 05:01 PM


03-21-2004, 05:49 PM
If you want to look for more information on the Internet, don't type in "sephiroth;" use "systema sephirotica" (typing "human instrumentality" might work too).
*When I said pillars, I was referring to the three columns in which they are aligned.*

Lightning Mage
03-22-2004, 07:29 PM
I remember in Digimon season 4, there is a Digimon named Sephirotmon. He is shaped like the gate and each of the heroes has to go in one area. I finally understand.

03-31-2004, 11:31 AM
You know I made a topic on this same subject 2 months ago? lol anyway,Here is what I put in my topic.

Just like there is a concept of physical DNA, there is a concept of cosmic DNA, spiritual realities called "Sephiros" or in singular form "Sephiroth" which possess the potential for all that history can and will ever produce. They act as spiritual transformers, spiritual filters for the awesome and sublime light of God, resulting in the manifestation of different traits that form the basis of all creation and mankind.

Together there are 10 Sephiros. Each having a different trait, for example, the three first Sephiros are Keser (Crown),
Chochmah (Wisdom), and Binah (Understanding). These three highest Sephiros are supposed to be the Chain of Command, and the most holy. Keser, Chochomah, and Bineh are supposedly so holy that we don't feel their effects at this stage of history. The order of the Sephiros importance goes as follows:

Keser -- Crown
Chochmah -- Wisdom (Abstract Knowledge)
Binah -- Understanding (Relatable Knowledge)
Chesed -- Kindness
Gevurah -- Strength
Tifferes -- Harmony
Netzach -- Dominance
Hod -- Glory
Yesod -- Foundation
Malchus -- Kingship

Each of the Sephiros, control one of the 10 millenniums. We are, right now, in the 6th millennium, therefore, controlled by the Sephiroth, Yesod (Foundation). Our millennium is 5001-6000 years from creation. Each millennium has a specific trait, or flavor of history. In the Sephiroth, Chesed (Kindness) 0-1000 years the people lived long lives and were undeserving of them. Then in the Sephiroth, Gevurah (Strength) 1001 to 2000 years a great flood supposedly took place. And so on and so forth.

After reading this information, I'm sure one could figure out why the name Sephiroth was given to our beloved One Winged Angel. Each Millennia has a trait or Sephiroth that will control it's fate. In the world of Final Fantasy 7, a man named Sephiroth emerged, almost changing the planets course of history by destroying it with a giant meteor. The 10 Sephiros each altered history in some way with their personalities, i.e. the long lives, the flood, etc. The Sephiros controlled human history and decided on the fate of their millennium. Sephiroth of Final Fantasy 7 had decided to alter history, and take things into his own hands much like each Sephiros. He thought of himself as the leader of humanity, and the one who would decide on the fate of mankind.

A diagram of how all the Sephiros intertwine and connect with one another. One would notice that the Chain of Command Sephiros are the three highest on the "Tree of Sephiroth."
(Which is at the first post)

Note: The singular form in latin is called "Sephirah" instead of "Sephiroth."

Note 2: The Japanese name for Sephiroth is "Sefirosu." This directly goes back to the original spelling of Sephiros, which is "Sefiros." In japanese romanization, a 'u' is placed after certain letters due to the katakana sounding and pronunciation. Though in this word "Sefirosu" the u is silent, as it is in many other words.

03-31-2004, 09:23 PM
WHAT THE?! :shock: :shock: :eye: :eye: :confused: :confused:

I had NO idea that something as simple as a game charater could have such a backround... now why dont schools teach THAT? huh? lol :D

03-31-2004, 09:43 PM
Maybe because it deals with an obscure religion. The religions I learn in Modern World History are more globally well known and accepted.

Landlord of Sector 7
03-31-2004, 09:48 PM
There is also something else having to deal with Sephiroth that has to do with cells of something and once in every millenia or whatever there is one Sephiroth and many Sephiros (or something I don't know) and the one Sephiroth plagues the Earth.

04-06-2004, 03:52 PM
wen the game designers were searchin 4 an appropriate name for the character, they had 2 think of a name which represented the character, and also sounds kool. In the game, sephiroth wants 2 be God, and that is where the game designers found the name and they thought, "Perfect, name of a God and it sounds cool".

11-08-2012, 08:22 AM
thank you

11-08-2012, 11:25 AM
No, thank you for reviving an ancient and very dead thread. And compounding the heresy by not adding anything constructive to the discussion other than spam.

In future, don't revive old threads or just post spam.

/casts Holy II on Undead Thread