03-21-2004, 11:33 AM
Which Final Fantasy has your favorite character design?

VI definitely has my favorite amano artwork.....

But I think X has my favorite character design. The general look of each character fit them perfectly personality wise, and the costumes just looked cool.

03-21-2004, 12:34 PM
I very much loved FFIX.

FFIX was really wonderful after the rather colourless artwork of FFVIII .
I loved the Amano arts for FFIX because it was finally Amano again who designed Zidane and the others.

Nomura seems to have learned more about character design because the arts of FFX were very very cool, too!
That�s good!

"Lady Auron" :cool:

03-21-2004, 02:30 PM
ff8 has the best design ever because Tetsuya Nomura did it and he rocks!!!!!! And he did Zell! But not that I dont like Akihiko Yoshida who mostly does Ivalice stuff he recently did ff12 and that is just some of the best charecter design ever. I think he even toped Tetsuya (my design idol). So my favorit is still Tetsuya but Yoshida takes the cake for charecter design because ff12 is just too awsome cuz Ashe and Vaan.

03-21-2004, 03:05 PM
I have to give the nod to FFVI on this one. Even though it's on a 16 bit system each character has their own distinct look to them that matches their personality. My friend owns the FFVI strategy guide (when it was still called FFIII) and the Amano art work inside it is simply amazing. Plus the cover to the FFIII cartridge is one of my favorites, it has Mog with a sword, it doesn't get much cooler than that.

03-21-2004, 07:57 PM
I liked VII's character artwork it wasnt as colourfull as the other ones and thats what i like in it, its more "down to earth" and grim dark settings than ones from the likes of IX not that theres anything wrong with that.

Landlord of Sector 7
03-21-2004, 08:52 PM
I agree with you completely Devil Hunter. I liked the look of X a lot but it isn't my look. I would much rather dress up in dark colors than stuff like that (Except for when I am doing it to be funny) but that kind of model is PERFECT for that game though.

03-21-2004, 11:37 PM
Originally posted by Durendal
I have to give the nod to FFVI on this one. Even though it's on a 16 bit system each character has their own distinct look to them that matches their personality. My friend owns the FFVI strategy guide (when it was still called FFIII) and the Amano art work inside it is simply amazing. Plus the cover to the FFIII cartridge is one of my favorites, it has Mog with a sword, it doesn't get much cooler than that.

It's a personal dream of mine to get the picture amano did with Terra sitting on the moon tattooed on my back.

I've been told I'm not the tattoo type, though.

03-21-2004, 11:50 PM
Eh, ignore them Mandi... I want Phoenix tattooed on my right shoulder. FF tatoos are cool.

I have to agree that the character design for FF10 is my favourite so far - it's the culmination of everything Nomura has done up to this point.

I love Yoshida's work on FFTA though. Sure, you don't see much of it on the small GBA screen, but the artwork in the manual and the box is all beautiful - it matches the simple elegance he did in Vagrant Story.

I've got a love / hate thing going with Amano. His drawings are all so beautiful, but terrible at the same time - all the characters look as if they have no soul. That's why he could catch Terra so perfectly at that moment, but when he draws characters like Zidane or Tidus, it just doesn't work.

And I swear, he can only draw one girl. They ALL look the same.

03-22-2004, 01:21 AM
i think ff9 has the coolest character design, it's alot different from the others but thats 1 of the reasons i like it the most...
theres just something about it that i cant explain...

03-22-2004, 02:38 PM
Originally posted by ExS
Eh, ignore them Mandi... I want Phoenix tattooed on my right shoulder. FF tatoos are cool.

Merl was the one who told me that. :(

I've never really thought about Amano's art like that- the souless thing- but you're absolutely right. It's definitely what makes the Terra artwork stand out.

The artwork he did of Tantalus didn't have that look so much though.

03-22-2004, 02:56 PM
I want a tatoo of Cid and Kain from IV. The little sprites. That would be so awesome. :cool:

03-22-2004, 03:40 PM
Definatly IX...

03-22-2004, 07:31 PM
All the Amano stuff rules. If I had to choose tho, it'd have to be IX.

I'm sick of all this new "realism" style crap. I wish they'd go back to the Amano stuff. Similar to VI and IX. Just imagine hoe great these type of characters could look with the power of PS2 behind them. Anyone else wish the same as me?

03-22-2004, 08:06 PM
Originally posted by The Immortal
I'm sick of all this new "realism" style crap. I wish they'd go back to the Amano stuff. Similar to VI and IX. Just imagine hoe great these type of characters could look with the power of PS2 behind them. Anyone else wish the same as me?

Um... 6 OR 9? They're completely different styles. 9 is more similar to the originals - 1, 2 and 3, while 6 is stylistically VERY similar to 7. Just because we can't tell by the sprites now, doesn't mean they weren't going for realism in 6.

03-22-2004, 11:03 PM
As far as charecter design goes ffcc was very stylish even though I didnt like the game much the charecter layouts were way rad im my opinion!!!;)

And also ff tactics even though the body proportions were kinda odd Yoshida did a good job. The archors were cool lookin!