04-11-2013, 03:56 AM
DRAMAtical Murder soundtrack (

Personal rip & scans

All my links have been taken down, please go to my soundtrack thread for more information.
Thread 184032

Related releases:
DRAMAtical Murder Arrangement Music (
DRAMAtical Murder re:connect soundtrack -DMMd period.- (
DRAMAtical Murder re:code soundtrack -append music re:cord- (Thread 183983)
DRAMAtical Murder ENDING_SONG_MINI_ALBUM: Rasterize Memory (
engage+ment -DMMd DramaCD Vocal Tracks- (Thread 188528)

04-13-2013, 11:17 AM

05-10-2013, 12:55 PM
Thanks so much for the upload! It makes me sad that none of the in-game BGM have names, since some of the songs are quite good imo (the commonly played sad one, for instance), but it's nice to have them outside of the game menu, anyway.

Most of the reason I wanted this was just for Clear's image song. *__* it's so pretty....

06-19-2013, 02:59 AM
Added scans and .cue.

07-21-2013, 06:25 AM
thank you for this!

11-03-2013, 06:34 PM
I'm a little confused since I'm new here. How do I download it? I clicked the link and nothing pops up for me to download. Are you showing me where to buy it?

11-03-2013, 09:51 PM
Click the spoiler tag under the text that says "Download links".

11-06-2013, 01:20 AM
Thank you so much! I just have one more question: what do I do when I've downloaded all of these?

11-08-2013, 12:54 PM
Rename the files to .7z, and unzip with 7zip (, then unrar the files you get out of it.

11-25-2013, 10:18 PM
Thank you! I just started playing yesterday and I'm addicted to it. Now I need this sound to take with me!

11-26-2013, 04:01 AM

02-10-2014, 10:33 PM
Thank you for the OST! I looked everywhere for it.

02-11-2014, 04:51 PM
You're welcome. :)

02-15-2014, 01:04 PM

02-16-2014, 10:20 PM
Thank you! :)

02-28-2014, 08:29 PM
Thanks a lot for this. I was looking all over the place for it ^w^

04-26-2014, 04:57 PM
I've looked for this SO long!
Thank you so much!!

05-03-2014, 10:02 PM
Thank you so very much for these links. I am forever grateful.

12-31-2014, 01:08 AM

01-24-2015, 06:50 AM
Thank you.

03-06-2015, 04:18 AM
Wah, I have a question... I downloaded & opened it (I guess automatically, accidently) with OpenFreely... It konks out when I try to extract them at the very last second with that program...
You know how the pop-up window asks whether you'd like to save or open, with 'whatever program'? My only options were IE or OpenFreely... so I chose the latter. Do I need to DL a particular program for this to make it easier?

So that brings me to the answer above: How do I rename them .7z , and where? (And which files? The one bundled pack of them?) And does 'unrare the files' mean extract? (Ugh... I thought for my birthday I could figure this out for myself... I was wrong...) Any help is appreciated on how to do this. I'm dying here. (I'm sorry...)

I can see the open file in my DL's section of my computer, but it wasn't ever a zipped file, it's an opened file. And inside it are 7 pics that I can't open, 1 video I can't play, 2 other things I don't know what they are, & 2 files named 'CD1' & 'CD 2' with the names of the songs in them along with a 'nero' document for each & a word doc w/Japanese for each, but all the song named docs have my OpenFreely icon on them now. There was no zipfile anywhere on my computer when I DL'ed & I don't know what to do. I've DL'ed 7-zip, but not sure really on how to use it... I don't have trouble with other DL's & I use RAR File Extractor just fine...

Can somebody please help me & tell me what I did wrong, & how to reverse it? I had been wanting this soundtrack for I don't even know how long, and I thought I finally found a beacon of hope after all this time. orz I feel like I'm gonna cry.

Also, THANK YOU so much for compiling this & sharing for everyone. That is just amazingly amazing. Really.

03-06-2015, 05:25 AM
I would redownload it. Then unzip the file using a different program.

03-06-2015, 08:06 AM
Okie dokie, I did just that. Only I don't know what program would be the right one to open it with. Like I said, the pop-up window only gave me 2 options to choose between, IE or OpenFreely to open it. When I right-click on the icon for it in DL's & select 'Open with,' it only says 'Open Freely' as the only eligible program to open it. I don't know which other program I would need to do it b/c no other ones I have support the type.

Would I need to buy a program or something? (I'm so confused, T-T...)

I tried DL'ing the file (which came as an open one, not compressed), tried compressing it & renaming the zip file as '.7r', then extracted it using 7-zip, but it did nothing. Now there's just a separate zip file of it all, & the aforementioned open file with everything described as above inside itself there still, in my DL's section of my comp.

I tried using my Rar File Extractor just to see if that would do anything but the password-protect blocked it.

I think a run-down of steps on how to 'Rename the files to .7z, and unzip with 7zip, then unrar the files you get out of it,' & what that even means would be Heaven to my eyes & soul, but that may be too much to hope for.

This particular file has me up in the air completely as to how to do this one. :(

The humanity. This has killed my heart. T_T The fetal position is what I'll ultimately acquaint myself with if I can't figure this out.

(And TY kindly for your previous reply. It's appreciated. )

03-06-2015, 12:01 PM
I must say I am very confused by these problems you are having. It's true that this particular album was uploaded as 7zip files in the past, that contained rar files, but not any longer. Now it's just one single rar file that you open like you would any rar file, Winrar, 7zip or whatever other program works for you. When I download the Ogg file myself it's just called "VADMSO1234.rar", and I created that with Winrar 3.93, so you don't even need the new Winrar 5 for it.
Just download the file, use 7zip to unpack it wherever you want, and type in the password "bonesatyr", and it should work.

03-07-2015, 03:37 PM
It seems I think I've found the prob. I had DL'ed the previous 7zip program (the old 2010ish vers.), & nothing worked. So I DL'ed the .ogg mediafire file you said you did, & then DL'ed the new beta version of 7zip (made Jan '15). I'm still a little confused as to how I got it to work as I was fiddling around with it like crazy- so much that I got a little blurry-eyed (lol)- but it finally worked & I was able to open and play the mediafiles & see the pics inside. However, I'd noticed 3 new icons at the bottom of my screen, them being 2 identical 'Haali Media Splitter' icons & 1 'ffdshow audio decoder' icon. So I looked these up & found that Haali was incl. in the K Lite Decoder Pack, which enables Windows Players to play dif codec'ed files. So I checked my programs list & there the K L Pack was installed without me knowing or manually DL'ing it myself, so I have to assume that it came within the new beta 7zip DL.

I have seen some ppl say Haali may root something fierce into your registry & may malfunction or keep reinstalling itself even after you uninstall it from your Programs list, so that made me wary, & I thought I'd uninstall KL Pack anyway. It said it left remnants behind, & I can't find them in my registry so we'll see how those manifest. ( :( ) Anyway, when I went to go play the VADMSO1234.rar files again, it said Windows could not support that type of codec (.ogg) for the files, & the problem was back to the way it was before: No program to sufficiently read/play/support it.

So it seems the problem was the types of codecs in the files not being supported by my reg. Windows Media Player/Pictures Viewer.
Do you or anyone else use the K Lite Codec Pack to play your files? I've read it's had some malware problems & some say it's completely not needed as most modern media players support most codecs... Although it seems my players benefited from having KL...

Even while leery, I have to decide whether I want to reinstall KL codec pack again to play these files or not. Maybe might as well since remnants were already left in my registry... I don't know why my WMP won't support the codecs... Too old a version perhaps?

Sorry for the length, I just wanted to be concise. And thank you so, so much for your reply & hard work, Bonesatyr. It's an awesome thing you did. :)

03-07-2015, 05:10 PM
Wow, that's a lot of trouble just from trying to play the files I uploaded.

I use 7zip 9.22 beta from 2011 myself, and have never had any trouble unpacking a normal rar file with password. The only exception being files created with the new Winrar 5 since they use their own system for archiving.
To play the Ogg files, or FLAC for that matter, I use foobar2000 v0.8.3. I also have 1.2.9 for when I need to listen to 24bit FLAC files, since the older version doesn't support it.
It's quite possible outdated music players like WMP still don't properly support open source formats like Ogg without additional codecs. I know iTunes still don't support it at all, because they don't want to.

I would recommend that you download foobar2000 and use that as your music player instead, since it's lightweight, supports pretty much every format ever (some more unusual formats require a small component file that does not require any installation), highly customizable, and can even be installed on something like a USB memory without messing with the registry.
foobar2000 (

Hope you get everything to work properly.

03-12-2015, 12:51 PM
That's the power of love for DMMD, I suppose. ;)

Thank you bunches for the recommendation! I will check it out ASAP. It sounds great in all of its aspects. :)

And I hope I do too for this lovely DL! Thank you again!

01-23-2019, 02:08 AM
Hello! I'm new here.
I was hoping to download these but when I click the link it redirects me to an "Invalid Thread specified" screen. Do you still have them?