04-08-2013, 01:27 PM
John Williams - Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope (Complete Score)

MP3 320kbps

01. 20th Century Fox Fanfare
02. Star Wars Main Title - Imperial Pursuit
03. Boarding The Rebel Blockade Runner
04. Enter Lord Vader
05. Escape Pod - Crashing On The Desert Planet
06. The Dune Sea
07. Jawa Sandcrawler
08. The Moisture Farm
09. Droids For Sale
10. The Princess And The Hologram
11. Binary Sunset
12. Search For R2
13. Attack Of The Sand People
14. Obi-Wan Kenobi
15. The Old Republic
16. Leia's Plea
17. The Force - Aboard The Death Star
18. Burning Homestead
19. Mos Eisley Spaceport
20. Figrin D'an And The Modal Nodes
21. Mos Eisley Cantina Band

01. The Millenium Falcon - Docking Bay 94
02. Escaping Tatooine
03. Destruction Of Alderaan
04. The Death Star
05. Avoiding Capture
06. Mouse Robot - Infiltrating The Death Star
07. Detention Block Ambush
08. Shootout In The Cell Bay
09. Dianoga
10. The Walls Converge
11. The Tractor Beam
12. Fighting The Stormtroopers
13. Chasm Crossfire - Facing Vader
14. Ben Kenobi's Death - Escaping The Death Star
15. Incoming Fighters
16. Launch From The Fourth Moon
17. X-Wings Draw Fire - Battle Of Yavin
18. Destroying The Death Star
19. Throne Room
20. End Credits

01. Album Introduction
02. A New Hope (Music Video)
03. Planet That Is Farthest From [Introduction]
04. [Bonus Track] Planet That Is Farthest From
05. An Unlikely Alliance [Introduction]
06. [Bonus Track] An Unlikely Alliance
07. A Defender Emerges [Introduction]
08. [Bonus Track] A Defender Emerges
09. A Daring Rescue [Introduction]
10. [Bonus Track] A Daring Rescue
11. Star Wars Main Title (Complete)
12. Main Title [Take 16]
13. Main Title [Take 17]
14. Main Title [Take 18]
15. Main Title [Take 19]
16. Main Title [Take 20]
17. Throne Room and End Credits (Revenge Of The Sith)
18. Princess Leia's Theme (Album)
19. Binary Sunset (Album)
20. A New Hope Orchestral Suite
21. The Story Of Episode IV
22. Album Finish


04-08-2013, 02:58 PM
Thank you very much.

04-08-2013, 07:01 PM
Thank you!

04-08-2013, 07:37 PM
Ah, isn't this GoodMusician's old edit?

04-09-2013, 10:09 PM
Ah, isn't this GoodMusician's old edit?

They all are.

01-09-2014, 07:21 AM
What's the legitimacy of this version? I can see it's a fan edit, but does it have SFX? I don't have A New Hope and Return of the Jedi in complete form (most complete, anyway), so I'm on the hunt for the best versions of the two

07-03-2014, 12:22 PM
Thanks :)

07-03-2014, 05:59 PM

07-22-2019, 12:16 AM
Necro thread alert!!!

Is this still avail somewhere, somehow? Pretty please with sugar on top??? :)
