03-20-2004, 08:15 AM
Now i know that kh was mostly one of the best games umm lets see EVER but if you havent played it(yea all 3 of you)play it NOW get off your lazy ass and bye it hell it 5:00 right now so go get it now.Ok now if you havent seen the ending video for kh at the end of corse well its not much but dammit Ricu looked f ing alsome anyway "deep dive"i think its called is a longer better added on thing to the ending video .LOL sorry but no i have not seen it and if anyone with the nices heart could get me a link or "deep dive"its self i would be forever in your det becouse my girlfriend wont let me see it grrrrr.Ok but yet we all know or think we know that kh will be alsome but honestly do we know for sure i mean we loved ff7,ff8,but this is my idea that ff9 wasent the best thing i was looking forward to but it was a true final fantasy game.With out ff9 we would not have some of the great charecters for ff11(and we all know that ff11 is a f ing kick ass game)I say yes of corse kh2 will be all that we expect and plenty more and let me add there will be more "anime"than (gay ass)"disney things."Ok i know this was a kinnda dumb and i know all of you will say yes but still we will see how good the game it when it comes out.And yes the game is going to be alsome i know it i dont know how i just know it.Lets just say one thing "go square,go square"but anyway plz if you are reading this just respond tell me how much shit i am full of or how good this was but anyway also help me out i have no f in idea when its suppost to come out email me plz and i will get back to you and never stop playing final fantasy or kindom hearts.^^peace.

Top Cat
03-20-2004, 08:43 AM
1) I could barely undestand that post.

2) It should be in General Gaming.

03-20-2004, 08:51 AM
I bet you some mod has his finger on the button to move this thread or close but either way, yes i can't wait for KH2 i mean they left the end of KH1 on a cliffhanger in a way. (try to punctuate and spell properly so we can understand you also don't use so many Buzzwords):)

Bahamut ZERO
03-20-2004, 10:20 AM
For all your Kingdom Hearts 2 needs, please post here:


I'll close this now~