03-19-2004, 02:25 PM
I just wanted to know what strategies you used when fighting Ultimecia.

Note: I had level 100 with all characters & GFs, and had 100 of almost all magic for the three characters I used. I had the most powerful weapons for everyone. I also used Card Mod to get 100 MegaElixirs. The Card Mod is a must have, and the fight will be harder if you don't have MegaElixirs.

What I did is equip Zell, Quistis, & Squall with all of the GFs, and the best magic. So when the battle started, I began with Zell, Quistis, & Selphie. I let Selphie die, and Squall came in, which helped save some time. So I had all three for the first form of Ultimecia. Then I just cast GF like Eden to defeat her. In the second and third I did the same, of course until your GFs become disabled.

Then I stuck with a basic strategy:

Have Quistis & Zell cast Triple on themselves. Then have Quistis cast haste on everyone. For Zell, have him use a MegaElixir, then cast Aura on Squall the next turn.
Now we get into the main part of the strategy. Have Quistis, who will have the Triple effect on her, cast Ultima three times every turn. Make Squall use Renzokuken every turn, and hope you get Lionheart a lot. Then with Zell, just have him cast Aura, Triple, or Haste when needed on Squall or Quistis, and use a MegaElixir after every attack that is taken. I mean every attack, because if you don't, you could get wiped out with a second. If you have the hundred MegaElixirs, then you won't be running out. Occasionally you may need Squall or Quistis to use a MegaElixir or cast Aura, Triple, or Haste. This is a very easy strategy that makes Ultimecia quite easy.

03-30-2004, 09:06 AM
All I need is Squall...Meltdown-Aura-Renzokuken combo makes it! :)

Bahamut ZERO
03-30-2004, 12:06 PM
Squall - Rinoa - Irvine.

Summon Cerberus during battle one.

Set up Regen and Aura.

Watch in glee as Rinoa hits Invincible Moon and makes you indestructible.

Watch again in glee as Squall unleashes Renzokuken and Lionheart persistently on the final boss.

Watch also as Rinoa hits Wishing Star, and Irvine fires AP Shot. :) It's all good.

Landlord of Sector 7
03-30-2004, 12:17 PM
Three words.....Aura......Renzokuken.......BOOM!

Garnet aka Dagger
03-31-2004, 06:43 PM
I used Squall,Rinoa, and Selphie.I let Ultimecia kill Zell,Quistis, and Irvine if they were called out before one of my main characters.

My people were around level 50-56. I didnt have anyones Ultimate Weapon,except for Rinoas. I did have all of Rinoa's Angelo Limit Breaks and All of Selphie's Slot Limit Breaks (I got The End at the start of the fight with Adel. Thats how I beat her.) And all but Squall's last Limit Break.
I had all the GFs equipped to Rinoa,Selphie and Squall,Even though its extremely hard to use them when fighting Griever and the bosses after him.

I mainly just used Rinoa's Wishing Star, Selphie's Wall,and Squall's Blasting Zone Limit Break,and I would cast Aura on them when I could. Ooh And Yes I was happy when Rinoa used Invincible Moon.

And then I would use Regular Attacks And Ultima magic. And I would use my Summons and hope that they got to move before The boss blew them away. u.u..

When one character was KOed,I would use a Full Life on them. I had 100 Full Lifes with Rinoa,Selphie and Squall so I wasnt worried about Running out.

03-31-2004, 07:27 PM
Two words, Holy War OMG LOLOL I WEN K????

Landlord of Sector 7
03-31-2004, 08:18 PM
I didn't use a holy war I guess I should've but I used them all on Ultima and Omega and IDIOT ZELL USED 2 WHILE CONFUSED ONCE!!!!! GRRRRR

Vinny Valentine
04-01-2004, 03:10 AM
I remember the first time. I beat Griever with Renzokuken and Lionheart before he could do anything against me. That was sweet.

Let's see. Since the first one, I've gone with Squall, Quistis, and Rinoa. I've used Rinoa's Angelo Wing Limit to do 80 000+ damage each of her turns. Quistis doing the healing and Squall blasting away with Renzokuken. It's worked every time.