04-02-2013, 08:16 PM
James Newton Howard
1. Green Lantern
2. The Hunger Games
3. Lady in the water
4. The Last Airbender
5. Signs
6. The sixth sense
7. Snow White and the Huntsman
8. UNbreakable
9. The Village
10. Hidalgo

Jerry Goldsmith
1.The Mummy
2. Rudy
3. The 13th Warrior
4. First Knight

JOhn Debney
1. PAssion of the Christ

John Murphy
1. 28 days Later
2. 28 weeks later
3. Sunshine

JOhn Ottoman
1. X-men 2
2. Vakyrie
John Powell
1. Bourne 1-4
2. X-men 3

John Williams
1. Tintin
2. Amistad
3 Agelas ashes
4. Close encounters of the 3rd kind
5. E.T.
6. Empire of the sun
7. Far and away
8. Home ALone 1-2
9. Hook
10. Indiana Jones 1-4
11. Jaws
12. JUrassic PArk
13. The LOst world
14. LIncoln
15. Memiors of a Gesiha
16. MInorty Report
17. Munich
18. Nixion
19. The Patroit
20. Saving Private ryan
21. Schindlers list
22. Star Wars 1-6
23. War Horse
24. Seven years in Tibet
25. War of the Worlds

04-04-2013, 08:10 PM
That's all you're requesting?

04-04-2013, 08:39 PM
my ipod music got deleated so yes

04-04-2013, 10:07 PM
Rule #1 of Music Club

Always back up your music at least once on DVD, HD, or another means.