03-18-2004, 09:34 PM
At the end of the game it had Kuja and Zidane talking then the vines came and "crushed them both", Zidane came out fine but what happened to Kuja?????

Also did anyone find the simularities between final fantasy 4 and 9, like there is ALOT that is in 4 that is in 9.

Bahamut ZERO
03-18-2004, 10:01 PM
All well and good posting "*Spoiler*" But if you put the spoiler in the title of the thread as well, then it defeats the point of the objective. Just letting you know why the thread changed title. ^^

As for your question: It's one of those open ended things again. I am assuming that Kuja died, and that Zidane was lucky to escape intact. But then again maybe Kuja lives on elsewhere.

Poor Kuja. I feel sad for him. :(

03-18-2004, 10:31 PM
Kuja had to have been my fav character from IX. I wish they would have said straight out if he did die. I hope that he didn't.He is way to cool to have died. Personally I think he still lives.

03-19-2004, 01:43 AM
And remember, Kuja felt like he had nothing to come home to. I actually think that Kuja didn't die by the vines, he died right there when Zidane was talking to him. Zidane, on the other hand, he did have something to come home to: "I had to find you. So I sang your song... our song."

03-19-2004, 02:42 AM
Yeh i felt sad about kuja, it kinda reminded me of me and my brother.

03-19-2004, 07:27 AM
Why would they keep kuja alive anyway, its the end of the game, of course he died, if he was alive, dont you think square would have put him in the ending with all the smiling "Its all ok again" people?


Open ending, we all have our own opinions..

Top Cat
03-19-2004, 05:46 PM
Kuja did die, if you remember Zidane was talking to him then he stopped mooving and Zidane realised he was dead.

03-19-2004, 06:19 PM
Why would they keep kuja alive anyway, its the end of the game, of course he died, if he was alive, dont you think square would have put him in the ending with all the smiling "Its all ok again" people? Ugh, heavens, please, do respect the chaarcters' personalities. Kuja'd never say that, he wouldn't feel like saying such cheesy rubbish. The most would be to show him, say, sitting ona mountain overviewing the landscape, by himself and thinking with a sad expression on his face. ;_; Because like the other's said before, Kuja had nothing left at the end of the game, no home, no friends, no ambitions, nothing.

I believe he died. His time was over anyway, according to Garland. But I like to have this left unclear.

Top Cat
03-20-2004, 10:35 AM
Check the ending again if you don't beleive me.

Zidane says something about getting out, then Kuja says something and dies.

Whilst I'm here... did that bit at the end, with Zidane s
going back into te Iafa tree to 'save' Kuja emind you of the end in FFVII at all?

Bahamut ZERO
03-20-2004, 10:59 AM
Originally posted by ieatmako
Whilst I'm here... did that bit at the end, with Zidane s
going back into te Iafa tree to 'save' Kuja emind you of the end in FFVII at all?

You're probably going to need to expand that for me, because there is absolutely no relation between what happened at the end of FFVII and the end of FFIX. Zidane went back to go and try and save Kuja because "if things had been different, and I hadn't met you guys, I could've been like him." I think was the message. At the end of FFVII, Cloud's dragged to fight Sephiroth, sees Mako, and then finds himself about to get wiped out by falling rock.

Top Cat
03-20-2004, 11:06 AM
What I meant was the endings of bot those games included the main character's escape from the 'final destination' of the game, then going back in because the main villain, who was thought to have died, was still alive. Then the main character is threatened (The tree roots in IX, rocks in VII) but manages to escape again, after the villain's death.

03-21-2004, 06:58 AM
Yes. And no.
You could find similarities in other FF endings, too. The staying-behind-so-everyone-thinks-they're-dead-and-joining-later stuff happened in FFV, in FFVIII possibly... escaping from the crumbling place of the final battle was done in FFVI and so forth...

But like Adam said, Zidane's reasons were different. Fundamentally different. He didn't go to finish his enemy of, but to help him.
Because he could impossibly live with himself otherwise, knowing he'd abandoned Kuja.

03-21-2004, 11:51 AM
I still hope Kuja didn't die, although most things point towards it. Talking of similarities, did anyojne notice that most final fantasy games end with main characters on an airship/other flying object? Check 8, 7, 10, and probably some more. Just thought I'd point that out.

03-21-2004, 05:45 PM
Again there is no actual proof that Kuja is indeed dead. For all we know he only passed out. There could be one thing left for him and that is to find a new way to live. The first half of his life was only to cause pain and destruction. He could spend the rest of his life seeing how other people live.

zidane tribal
04-29-2004, 10:42 PM
Originally posted by Bahamut ZERO
All well and good posting "*Spoiler*" But if you put the spoiler in the title of the thread as well, then it defeats the point of the objective. Just letting you know why the thread changed title. ^^

As for your question: It's one of those open ended things again. I am assuming that Kuja died, and that Zidane was lucky to escape intact. But then again maybe Kuja lives on elsewhere.

Poor Kuja. I feel sad for him. :(

well i guess Zidane was lucky, but remember when Garnet asked him how he made it out, Zidane said something like, "i had to. i sang your song." i guess the song helped out a lot too. idk.

ps. i feel bad for the guys who Kuja tricked up into his hotel cause they thought he was a girl. that sucks :(