03-30-2013, 08:40 PM
I checked out the Lossless V2 but some snooty yet awesome person uploaded a entire Mega Thinger in ALAC. I'm specifically looking for MP3 for all of these. There was also a person in the Final Fantasy thread that said he'd upload his entire collection and showed a picture of what he had, which was, indeed, a lot. But we haven't seen'em for a bit.

So whilst we wait, I'd like to snag the particular soundtracks that I want the most. Them being the uh, topic title.

Anyone care to help me out? Or point me in the right direction?

03-30-2013, 11:22 PM
Google-fu, my friend. Just broaden your search beyond "original soundtrack" by adding keywords like "forum", "blog", etc. and I'm sure you're bound to come up with something.

Final Fantasy is a big project I have in mind to do, and in fact I've started already, but won't make official until I'm done uploading.

03-31-2013, 12:38 AM
Between Blue Laguna's Media Archive ( and Final Fantasy Dream ( should give you what you are looking for (bear in mind the later is a French site, although it's easy enough to understand even if it's in French, and a lot of the album links seem to be dying for some reason).

03-31-2013, 12:53 AM

03-31-2013, 03:23 AM
Well I did use Google but when I did almost all the links took me to here. :P I've known of Blue Laguna but that's another case of "Don't they only offer separate tracks and not the whole album?" thing.

I'll take a look at it though.

Yup, still just single tracks.

Though, if you're planning to do the series, Boss. I'll definitely hold out for your download.:3 Though, I'll take whatever I find, if I find