03-28-2013, 05:04 PM
Big Bad BeetleBorgs
Power Rangers
VR Troopers
Superhuman Samurai Syber Squad
Street Sharks released
Wrestlemania 29 because I'm gonna be there

Nothing for me on the purchasing bluray front as of yet.

P.S. And released, I mean titles that have a confirmed date for a release since its stuff that's been seen by you or perhaps another poster on the thread which you can ask if its worth watching or not. So no Avengers 2 or Man Of Steel or anything that hasn't been released in theaters since it has yet to be seen or a TV show where a season hasn't finished yet since all episodes haven't aired. Without seeing, we have no way of knowing how good it is or if its worth purchasing upon release. Which is why I'd recommend not putting things like that. Then again, I did put WM29 despite not seeing it. But I'll be there live so I figured that'd be an exception since I'll be somewhere in the rows that's always shown on TV so I'll see myself in HD upon buying the bluray.

03-28-2013, 06:24 PM
Perhaps the Blu-Ray I'm looking forward to the most is the extended edition of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey later this year. Iron Man 3 is a clsoe second along with The Dark Knight Trilogy Ultimate Collectors Set.

03-28-2013, 07:01 PM
Perhaps the Blu-Ray I'm looking forward to the most is the extended edition of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey later this year. Iron Man 3 is a clsoe second along with The Dark Knight Trilogy Ultimate Collectors Set.

When I said releases, I meant releases that had a confirmed date for a release since its stuff that's been seen by you or perhaps another poster on the thread which you can ask if its worth watching or not. Iron Man 3 isn't even in theaters yet lol so no one knows how good it'll be. I did put WM29 despite not seeing it. But I'll be there live so I figured that'd be an exception since I'll be somewhere in the rows that's always shown on TV so I'll see myself in HD upon buying the bluray. Editied the first post so people would understand. I'm looking forward to watching the movie in theaters and if I like it, I'll add it to my blu-ray collection. I didn't enjoy the second one much. The first was good. Just didn't like the villain for some reason.

I read that the extended version of The Hobbit was an unconfirmed rumor and that its not going to get an extended release. Amazon didn't list an extended version last time I checked. If there is really is to be an extended edition released though, I'll be sure to get it.

03-29-2013, 12:30 AM
Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters (June 11, 2013) I read on that it has 2 cuts, so I'm hoping for an extended, director's, unrated cut, etc. since I thought the movie itself was good, but it was pretty short.

The Emperor's New Groove (June 11, 2013) I love this movie. Very underrated.

I'm going to wait until all 3 Hobbit movies are made since I'm sure they will do a trilogy boxset for it like The Lord of the Rings movies has.

Can't think of more right now.

03-29-2013, 02:35 AM
Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters (June 11, 2013) I read on that it has 2 cuts, so I'm hoping for an extended, director's, unrated cut, etc. since I thought the movie itself was good, but it was pretty short.

The Emperor's New Groove (June 11, 2013) I love this movie. Very underrated.

I'm going to wait until all 3 Hobbit movies are made since I'm sure they will do a trilogy boxset for it like The Lord of the Rings movies has.

Can't think of more right now.

That's true. Maybe by then all 3 Hobbits will have extended or director's cut versions. I'll do that too. Or you could buy them separately since by the time the third one's on blu ray, the first and second will be cheaper separately.

Emperor's New Groove is very underrated. I agree. But I feel that a lot of classics not underrated are overlooked for a bluray release like Jungle Book, Walt Disney's final film before he died which along with Aladdin and Lion King happen to be my favorites.

Blu ray:
Once Upon A Time season 1
All released seasons of Walking Dead and Game Of Thrones
Revenge if it ever gets on blu ray. Ashamed it isn't already.

03-29-2013, 02:59 AM
I would also like to see The Jungle Book. Another Disney movie I would want on blu-ray is Brother Bear. That's one of very few post 1990's Disney movies besides Wreck-It Ralph that I like. There's actually a bunch of Disney movies not on blu-ray yet now that you mention it. I want Walking Dead too.

04-02-2013, 08:10 PM
I would also like to see The Jungle Book. Another Disney movie I would want on blu-ray is Brother Bear. That's one of very few post 1990's Disney movies besides Wreck-It Ralph that I like. There's actually a bunch of Disney movies not on blu-ray yet now that you mention it. I want Walking Dead too.

Considering Jungle Book was Walt Disney's last film. that should be given top priority for a blu ray release as a tribute to the man.

Hopefully the following shows will be released on bluray, season by season:
Bates Motel
Red Widow
Revenge - shame this only got a DVD release while other ABC shows got blu ray sets.

If so, I will add them to my buying list.