03-28-2013, 05:51 AM

I'm looking for 'Superman Thing' and 'Underground Parking' from The Matrix Reloaded. 'Superman Thing' is the Don Davis vs. Juno Reactor's Komit version playing whilst Neo is "doing his Superman thing", 'Underground Parking' is the Dread Rock vs. Double Trouble edit cued during the garage fight vs. the twins.

I'm not looking for rips from the DVD or BluRay, as I have two relativley good ones done by myself (I'm happy to share them if there's any interest), but for the "studio versions" of those.

I've searched the web far and wide and couldn't find much, but I think asking here might be worth a shot. I've also used the forum search but couldn't find much past the bunch of superman soundtracks.

03-28-2013, 11:52 AM
hese cues are not present on the complete and academy promos?

03-28-2013, 08:14 PM
I do not think they are. Those do include the 1:44 "The Bane Transformation" and "The Bane Voyage", but only 0:36 seconds of Smith vs. Smith (the part where starts flying, the ground wobbles, and then the two Smiths are like "That went as expected"), a completely different orchestral part in Free Flight, and the purely orchestral version of Double Trouble.

Apart from that, I can't really find an Academy Promo for Reloaded, only for Revolutions.

I originally found both the Bane tracks on some russian site, the album is tagged as "The Matrix Reloaded (Expanded Score)", but also that didn't include the Komit edit and the Double Trouble edit.