View Full Version : Thread 130135">L'Homme Orchestre (1970) - Fran�ois de Roubaix FLAC

03-28-2013, 03:55 AM

Played by L'Homme Orchestre
Music Composed by Fran�ois de Roubaix

22 Tracks, 45 minutes.

Download Here (

01. G�n�rique (my personal favorite)
02. Les Poupons (Par Olivier Et Louis de Funes)
03. R�p�tition
04. Footing
05. Claquettes
06. Ballet du R�ve (Par Olivier de Funes)
07. Judo
08. Audition
09. Evan Evans
10. Yacht (Par Olivier de Funes)
11. Ballade Dans Rome
12. Piti Piti Pas
13. Les Grosses Caisses
14. Mauricette's Song
15. Final
16. Evans jerk (In�dit)
17. Mauricette's Song (In�dit)
18. Ballet du R�ve (In�dit)
19. Berceuse (In�dit)
20. Ballade dans Rome (In�dit)
21. Piti piti pas (In�dit)
22. G�n�rique D�but (In�dit)

Isaias Caetano
03-28-2013, 04:36 AM
Very good ..... Lockdown

03-28-2013, 04:48 AM
Tell me what you think after you have a listen!

03-28-2013, 07:13 AM
Thanks very much

Isaias Caetano
03-28-2013, 02:42 PM
Unfortunately the "Gamefront" does not work in my region.
Always this message appears:

Esta p�gina da web n�o foi encontrada
Nenhuma p�gina da web foi encontrada para o endere�o da web: .zip?b17f4b620c6cf1393ffa644d11eea151ee12995c6f246 1e126e601ef5a3f0f0569ff16138594a2f1b165ec343696652 46886bad947e7bbd9031439239cd95f700732f6789d3797704 0219abde61ce614d7d514bf5d0b48295cecbbed30a35abc894 7fb682d0720f2bc229ce90011601c0c1e3c3412bc43
Erro 6 (net::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND): N�o foi poss�vel encontrar o arquivo ou diret�rio.

I will try this on another website soundtrack and give a return ....

03-28-2013, 03:54 PM
Thank you very much for this rare score.

If anyone is interested in the original LP:
Title: L'Homme Orchestre
Label: PHILIPS 6311.066
Country: FRANCE
Released: 1970
Format: LP 12
Price : 900,00 €

Isaias Caetano
03-28-2013, 06:38 PM
This is a different soundtrack for the molds 70s'.
Listen "De Fun�s" father and son sing with joy.
The paths of style, rhythms and seasons - jazz, pop and psychedelic symphony and baroque - De Roubaix uses instruments
very happy (flutes, horns, strings, organs, guitars, moog) in a bacchanal without limits.
The female vocals are offset and simply delicious.
The baroque collages (the astonishing "generic").
After 40 years, this soundtrack is still modern.
A respectable job and one of the most enjoyable soundtracks I've ever heard.
Thanks, Lockdown, recommend me to pop by Fran�ois de Roubaix.

I managed to download the LP through Filecrop.
The quality is low @ 128 kbps

03-28-2013, 06:40 PM
Very Funny Movies !!!! really a great De Fun�s !!!
Thank !!!

03-28-2013, 09:42 PM

03-29-2013, 02:34 AM
How does it download?

03-29-2013, 02:35 AM
Click download now and it should bring a new page and count down from 5! :)

03-29-2013, 05:41 AM
I'm a big de Roubaix fan. I downloaded a discography of his from some French blog a few years ago and it didn't have this. So thanks so much, Lockdown!

03-29-2013, 07:40 AM
what you think after you have a listen!