03-26-2013, 05:02 AM
so last night i think i had the dopest most bad ass coolest awesome dream i ever had.....simple but bad fuckin ass......I got in a bar fight..........And Bruce Willis came to back me up hahaha it was fuckin awesome me an bruce wooped like 10 dudes........Strange part is im 24 an the last part i remember is getting on a bicycle....yes gettting on a peddle bike and riding off like nothing happened haha.....

What crazy dreams have you guys had, anything like that ^^^

03-26-2013, 05:23 AM
I dreamt I had friends once. Fucking crazy ass dreams.

03-27-2013, 03:22 PM
who i wonder

Roast Chicken
03-28-2013, 06:08 AM
Not a simple dream but it was fun :P

The Hunger Games

Everyone was having fun (in a house) but then a guy started teasing a girl, everyone (except me) made fun of her, so she tried to kill us using her sword, I knew that I had to get out of that place.

I found a boy and a girl (armed with scythes) looking at some plants. I walked away from the house and noticed that the arena was a town, the people from that place is not allowed to help us. I walked till I found a prairie but some fog appeared, I couldn't see anything so I looked for another safe zone :P

All I found was trees and rocks, I thought that it was a safe place but then the boy and the girl from before started chasing me, they were dressed as ninjas and their speed was impressive. We climbed a mountain but they didn't catch me :P

I returned to the house, my cousin and her sister were playing with my DS and I told them: "Don't use this cartridge or you'll be selected to play in THG", then I used that cartrdige and message appeared in the upper screen: "You've been selected to play in THG", I just turned off my DS and then I woke up.

03-28-2013, 09:44 AM
me and ben afleck fighting in my backyard with increasingly dangerous weapons.

wasnt awesome, was weird as fuck

03-28-2013, 10:57 AM
me and ben afleck fighting in my backyard with increasingly dangerous weapons.

wasnt awesome, was weird as fuck

now that is an awesome dream i hope you kicked his ass......

you seem like you get some crazy dreams......have you ever dreamed that you had a like super jump/incredible hulk type style where you just run around a city or town jumping from roof to roof an running at superspeeds hahaha i love it there my favorite ones...usually happens when i get super high before bedtime.........

Last night I dreamed I was just in a random sea of water...No fish, No coral, No boats, all alone just water all around me, an I was just floating there, I did'nt want to try an breathe but I decided to an as soon as i took a full breath i instantly grew like gills on the sides of my neck and could breathe underwater .....I was completely sober last night to...Strange dream it was indeed

03-28-2013, 11:53 AM
Alright everyone I am going share you with this piece of information about dreams. Disclaimer :D "Read at your own risk. I do not claim superior knowledge but got minor passion to psychology and related fields"

Dreams are mainly categorized into 3 layers.

1- Visions: They have deep and meaningful stories. For example someone giving you a book full of blank pages, red pages etc. Those kind of dreams are said to be visions that may behold some future events. And they should be true and time will prove it. However, interpreting the dream is of a great importance. Meaning can be tricky. For example death in dreams means new life. Few people can really have this talent of interpreting dreams. I do not.

2- Nightmares: This one will make you frightened. For example, you will find yourself stranded and you may sometimes wake up shouting. This could mainly happen due to physical stress that happened to you during sleeping and/or during the day. Avoid long naps during afternoons and stay way from heavy dinners.

3- Confusion of brain: Simply put, if you are hungry you will dream of food. If you went to a party you will find your self in a party again. These are mainly random and do not convey any meanings. So you just have to ignore it. And most of these brain confusions wont be remembered for long time. And will be lost in our memory.

I hope that this was useful.

P.S: Do tell good dreams for friends and family etc so that they will be true. And do not tell bad dreams.

03-29-2013, 07:36 AM
P.S: Do tell good dreams for friends and family etc so that they will be true. And do not tell bad dreams.

weeeell clearly someone never saw cinderella.
if you tell a dream, it wont come true

03-29-2013, 10:59 AM
weeeell clearly someone never saw cinderella.
if you tell a dream, it wont come true

Nice one :) Though it is recommended that you limit the number of people who should be informed about your nice visions. Preferable, to people who are closer to you. Not to tell that for everyone. But true visions must be true sooner or later :)

04-01-2013, 08:54 AM
Mine...what nice as aesthetic but in reality is more a Nightmare ( I tall about this dream years ago to my Friend Sorei )
" I was in 17 century - at least I was wear clothes and wig of that period - all this dream was in one color : Red...it was a large room with people just sit around tables speak or just drink...
I was in a table with 3 others persons and we were play Cards...a kind of rapid game, maybe Poker....
Each time somebody was lost a Card game, the winner ( it was always me )...had the right to eat a part of the body of the loser !!!
It was a very long game ( at least in my dream, as you certainly know, real dreams are not long )...and I start to eat, slowly, slowly...all my partners of that game...all that in red colors ambiance...
When I eat the last part of my last partner...A valet came to me, and ask me, if I was want others partners...I say "no I will play alone"...
And I start to eat myself, slowly, slowly to....was not really a nightmare...cause I'm quit habit to have crazy dreams, cause as a "good Insomniac" that I am...when I sleep...I sleep for 2 days sometimes and have the chance to make lots of dreams that I remember..." ;)

04-02-2013, 10:36 AM
Mine...what nice as aesthetic but in reality is more a Nightmare ( I tall about this dream years ago to my Friend Sorei )
" I was in 17 century - at least I was wear clothes and wig of that period - all this dream was in one color : Red...it was a large room with people just sit around tables speak or just drink...
I was in a table with 3 others persons and we were play Cards...a kind of rapid game, maybe Poker....
Each time somebody was lost a Card game, the winner ( it was always me )...had the right to eat a part of the body of the loser !!!
It was a very long game ( at least in my dream, as you certainly know, real dreams are not long )...and I start to eat, slowly, slowly...all my partners of that game...all that in red colors ambiance...
When I eat the last part of my last partner...A valet came to me, and ask me, if I was want others partners...I say "no I will play alone"...
And I start to eat myself, slowly, slowly to....was not really a nightmare...cause I'm quit habit to have crazy dreams, cause as a "good Insomniac" that I am...when I sleep...I sleep for 2 days sometimes and have the chance to make lots of dreams that I remember..." ;)

OMG dude that's wicked man hahaha

04-02-2013, 05:25 PM
who i wonder

unblock me, everything I said is true.

04-03-2013, 06:29 AM
unblock me, everything I said is true.

oh cool dream dude what are you talking about

anyways this morning i woke up an before i was fully awake i saw a woman in a red 50,s 60,s style dress with a red hat an black feather out the top of the hat walk by the end of my bed?????????????????????????? i blinked an looked at my daughter quick to ensure safetey , this took about 1/4 of a second, i loooked back an she faded into a very dark corner of my room......this corner is't really a corner, we built a room down in my Girlfriends basement and its sort of a closet with no door, Dont know if you can picture it or not but it was really,................freaky..i can remember her face she was very pretty, red lipstick and long eyelashes.....she walked into the corner and faded away?????????? just picture a middle aged woman, 27-37 years old wearing a bright develishly red dress and a red hat that matched her dress and a big black feather coming out of the hat?? walking across your room as soon as you awake??

what the fuck am i dreaming does anyone have dreams like i do???? and this one wasn't even a dream because i was just opening my eyes at the time.

04-03-2013, 03:28 PM
yh sure. you say something and then do sumat else. your a liar just like everyone else. asshole.

04-03-2013, 03:47 PM
yh sure. you say something and then do sumat else. your a liar just like everyone else. asshole.

unblock me

04-04-2013, 06:58 AM
weeeell clearly someone never saw cinderella.
if you tell a dream, it wont come true

I have to watch Cinderella ASAP, so...:)

05-15-2013, 08:25 AM
raven symone appear in my dreams last week...

but i can't remember the whole story...

Rosebum Flutterbelly
05-15-2013, 05:46 PM
this thread. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x49WXJCAUsw)