03-25-2013, 01:47 AM
Kronos Quartet
Terry Riley's Salome Dances for Peace

23 tracks, TRT: 1:58:00, 320 MP3


Note: I stumbled upon this little gem during a recent re-listening of the 10 CD Kronos Quartet 25 years box set and noticing that only 2 tracks from the entire 23 track score were included which promptly led me to tracking this down. Knowing Kronos Quartet only through their work with director Darren Aronofsky and composer Clint Mansell, I wasn't quite sure what to expect with this. Only a few tracks in, I realized I had found a new love for the Kronos Quartet and composer Terry Riley along with all of the other various composers that the Kronos Quartet paid homage to in their massive 10 CD set. It's some of the most wicked string music I can officially say I have ever heard and in my opinion, they may well be a good rival for Polish composer Krzysztof Penderecki. Their music doesn't have quite the same amount of power as Penderecki's works do but they definitely leave a nice lasting impression. This album is surely one that you will want to re-visit again in the future. Enjoy!