lounge legend
03-21-2013, 09:31 PM
Hi Everyone

This is my first request, oh well, here goes. It's worth a try !!

I am looking for the following albums if anyone would be willing to share.

The Fantasy Album - Roy Budd conducting the LSO, I think it was also later re-released under the title The Final Frontier.

Great Action Film Themes - a compilation album released by Sunset, great cover artwork and includes Bond, Bruce Lee, French Connection, Topkapi, Third Man, etc.

Any of the Filmharmonic concerts.

Music at War - Geoff Love conducting the LPO, originally released on the Goldmine label, part of EMI, later re-issued with new artwork under the title Classic War Themes.

I know it's a long shot, but if anyone could help I would so grateful to you.

Many thanks.