03-15-2004, 10:39 PM
i think that she should have lived because she was a very good co-main character. wait, but if she hadn't have died would holy have been summoned. wait now i am confused damn!:erm:

Lightning Mage
03-15-2004, 10:57 PM
Maybe the question SHOULD be:

"What would happen if Aerith lived?"

Well, back to the original topic.
With Aerith dying, it took away the balance of the sexes from FF7. When she died, there were only two chicks left. There were like, seven guys or something. She should have lived. But her dying adds a whole lot to the storyline. I dunno if Holy would have been summoned. If she lived, she might have been able to summon it at the end of the game.

03-16-2004, 02:29 AM
I'm sorry, but as far as the storyline goes, I think she should have died. I think a big part of the Final Fantasy VII phenonemon and why it is the most popular FF game rests around this whole thing. But regardless of whether or not you think she should have died or not, it's hard to deny that if she hadn't died, this wouldn't be an issue and this wouldn't be one of the most talked about game topics of all time.

03-16-2004, 02:35 AM
I wouldve liked her to live cos in my opinion Cloud seemed to care about her a fair bit, but with her dying it added more involvement to the story and gave it such a strong story add on.

03-16-2004, 02:55 AM
I think Square did good in making her die. I hated her abilities in battle and her dying added a tremendous amount of stuff to happen later in the game. So my opinion is, is that Aeris dying was good on Square's part. Besides, if she hadn't died, then would Holy have been summoned or not?

Top Cat
03-16-2004, 06:00 AM
If Aeris hadn't died, the game would end on Disc One because she wold have summoned Holy and stopped Sephiroth instantly. Don't forget that the only reason Cloud and the group had to go to the northern crater was because the White Materia (Aeris' Materia she tells Cloud about in the start) fell in the water in the City of Ancients.

Lord Sephiroth
03-16-2004, 06:57 AM
theres no stopping sephiroth

03-16-2004, 09:41 AM
@Lord Sephiroth
I am afraid a lot of people already stopped him. Sorry.

@Lightning Mage
You say Aeris' death destroyed a balance between the characters. That's good, I think. It's a death. It shouldn't go without an impact. Aeris is missing, one of the few female characters in the group, yes. The character with the most healing spells, a character that can't just be replaced. A unique character.
Unlike in FFV, where your deceased party member is swiftly replaced by a new one with exactly the same abilities, here you can actually FEEL the loss, even in this aspect. That's well done.

Aeris' death was a part of the story, like a lot of people already said, without this part the story would have been differently. Maybe it wouldn't even be the story you like anymore.

03-16-2004, 04:40 PM
I think killing off aeris was a very brave and correct move as it is extremely rare for a game to kill off a main character it makes you anrgy at how it could have happened and want to kick some ass

Alice Wonderbra
03-16-2004, 05:47 PM

this is why i didnt go to the x and x-2 threads until i beat the games, and i'm still sometimes spoiled anyway.

she should have died. as everyone else has said, there wouldnt have been a storyline otherwise. also, death makes a big impact, and is one of the reasons why the game was great character/storyline wise. im also glad you cant resurrect her; the game would have completely changed.

03-16-2004, 06:26 PM
I think Square knew what they were doing. Without it, it may not have been as epic and as remebable.

03-16-2004, 06:36 PM
Well...Aeris is one of my favorite characters. Even though she died in disc still ticks me off. Its true that she was a great edition to make the story epic but making her died...that's just to cruel. Squaresoft should make a Jin Chuu arc to it...that would be so great if they did.

Alice Wonderbra
03-16-2004, 06:42 PM
Originally posted by aeriscloud
...Squaresoft should make a Jin Chuu arc to it....

what's that?

03-16-2004, 07:55 PM
No, no, the makers of the Rurouni Kenshin anime should have animated the Jinchuu arc, but sadly it stayed manga-only. I don't know if I know what you mean, though.... o_O

Bahamut ZERO
03-16-2004, 08:10 PM
Aeris' death adds to the party's development as a group and draws 'em closer together. "Any one of us could fall on our way to victory." Similarly, it hardens their purpose. "Sephiroth has stolen something precious from us, and he must pay for his actions. Forget threatening the world, this is PERSONAL now bitch."

Or words to that extend.

03-17-2004, 11:46 PM
make a good argument. and i think that they should have found a way to revive her like when they revived the main character in chrono trigger

03-18-2004, 12:58 AM
Well, if you want to have some fun, look for the thread titled something like "Time for a Little Creativity" and there you can post your own fake rumor for a method of reviving Aeris, or just browse over the stuff that's already there.

P.S.: If any mod is reading that can do something about it, I agree that the thread title is a major spoiler. It should be changed ASAP.

03-18-2004, 01:38 AM
put it this way.....
if aeris lived...there would've a lame love story....
aeris dying threw every1 of guard...no1 expected it...
that added to ff7's brilliance!!!

03-18-2004, 10:18 AM
But since you already have.
They made a way to revive aeiris in the 3rd disc BUT they weren't going to be able to make deadline if they put in the 4th disc so they cut out the 3rd disc and made the 4th disc no. 3 whitch sux a$$.
And at fisrt plans Aeiris wasn't gonna dies but the writer I think (Im not sure who) There mother died so he thought that he would make Clouds love die.
Whicth gets me on the Tifa vs. Aeris rant but Ill save it!!!!!!
Thanks for listining

03-18-2004, 10:53 AM
No, you're wrong. They never really intened to do it, they just sort of toyed with the idea, but realised it was an incredicly stupid idea.

It's a central part of the story. It would suck without it. :/

03-18-2004, 12:22 PM
Aeris must die ok cloud could perform some necrophilia but she must die!!!

03-18-2004, 08:16 PM
the title

03-18-2004, 09:18 PM
You can't. Only one of the moderators of this section, or somebody with the power to moderate any section can. Hopefully sooner or later somebody that does have that power will change the title.

03-18-2004, 10:06 PM
I belive that she should have died because without that death (like others have already said) the plot would have completely changed posibly resulting in sephiroths victory, I mean if you mess with the middle of a plot you mess with the outcome of the entire thing! Although it would be nice if she was reserected in Advent children... :cool: :D

C:\Documents and Settings\Michael Turk\My Documents\My Pictures\Myke\finalfantasy

Landlord of Sector 7
03-18-2004, 10:19 PM
I think she should have but it would have been a fun challenge to bring her back.

03-18-2004, 11:11 PM
yeah:angel: i like that smily

03-19-2004, 07:28 PM
Yeah! I agree.:p If there was a way to resurrect her back or something, that would have been interesting and a very good challege or a side quest or something...:whatever:

03-19-2004, 08:08 PM
else shoud we talk about

03-19-2004, 08:56 PM
If it's not related to the topic at hand here, then nothing. If you don't have anything further to say on the subject of whether or not Aeris should live, then you should leave the thread to those that do have something to say about it, or let the thread die a quiet death.

03-19-2004, 10:28 PM
I think her death brought Cloud and all the others closer.

03-19-2004, 11:37 PM
but quiet deaths are so boring. we need to have a final battle where the thred dies

03-19-2004, 11:42 PM
ok the final battle!!!!

sephiroth999 vs. agent0042

vote who you want to win then the moderater can close the thread or something!!!!!

my vote goes to sephiroth...
1) he's got a cool name (agent....what the hell)
and 2) agent can be a bit of a........nah forget it!!!! :D

ff7 kid
03-20-2004, 12:07 AM
i've been to another site where this guy said if you dont talk to tifa unless you have 2 and be real mean to her the when shepy comes to kill aries tifa will jump in the way:erm: :erm: :erm: :erm: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

03-20-2004, 05:46 AM

This is funnier than this thread. :(

Btw: Closed this thread because it is really not serving any purpose of it's own existance. It's filled spammy stuff. Not to mention most of this stuff doesn't make sense...