03-15-2004, 03:55 PM
Did anyone realize that Ultimecia knew everything Rinoa did? There are two key reasons to support this fact.

1. During the final battle, Ultimecia summons Griever, the name of Squall's ring. The only folks that knew the name of the ring would be Laguna, Raine, Squall, Rinoa, & possibly Ellone. Ultimecia had to find out about it from someone, and did so from Rinoa, then creating the GF Griever.

2. Remember when Squall & Rinoa had that little conversation at the orphanage? You know, when Rinoa said that he could find her there & blah blah blah? Now speed ahead to the time compressed world. Where was Ultimecia's Castle? At the orphanage.

Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems that somehow Ultimecia had all of Rinoa's knowledge. I've also read stuff about how Rinoa and Ultimecia are related, but I'm not sure about that.

03-15-2004, 04:04 PM
Doesn't convince me entirely.

I suppose Griever was only summoned because Ultemecia asks them something like: In your view, what's the ultimate power? Squall had mentioned before that he believes that Griever is the strongest... thing in the world. So he gets Griever to fight.

Remember the Marshmellow Man from Ghostbusters...? :erm:

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
03-15-2004, 04:09 PM
I'm firmly sticking with the theory of how


Rinoa is Ultimecia


It adds a great twist to the game, and clears a few things up. I think I gave a few links in the 'Truth About Griever' thread...I'm too lazy to find it now, perhaps later.

03-15-2004, 04:23 PM
It'd make sense, but at the same time, totally devestate the message of the game. Message being: "Dare to love. Yes, it's likely that one day you'll lose the person you love, but dare to love anyway!"
That's what Rinoa taught Squall, and if she went mad after losing him, it'd contradict everything she's taught him. o_o And that would truly suck.

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
03-15-2004, 05:24 PM
It would totally devistate the message of the game...unless the creators are trying to say "If you love some one, and they die, you'll become bitter and twisted, so don't bother to love".........either way works really. But still I think its fascinating that Rinoa could be Ultimecia.

Landlord of Sector 7
03-15-2004, 08:01 PM
Well I like that theory but I think that Ultimecia knew *SPOILER* what EVERYONE was thinking because she is a strong sorceress and knows all and sees all? Not really I just made that up but it aint bad is it?

03-16-2004, 10:01 PM
Ooh i haven't seen a talk abot this for ages.

Anyway most people think Rinoa is Ultimacia, but as the game is a giant paradox, I think it's more likely rinoas kid or someone who beat her coz remember that a sorceress loses her power to the person who defeats her, also Rinoa is the only sorceress left in the world (and most of time) as she has the power of all the sorceresses. Anyway where was I, oh yeah, If rinoa was ultimacis why was she not happy to see squall, and wouldn't she already know that her plan wouldn't work and therefore would change it. Plus as we don't know how longin the future ultimacias time is we can't say coz non of te legends said sorceresses lived abnormally long lives

Anyway as I can never make my mind up on this and square never say i think i'll stop.

ps if this makes no sense it coz i'm a bit ill so i'm not precisely with it.

03-17-2004, 04:03 PM
Wow... uhmmmm.... did you guys actually play the game? (no offense...)

Okay. HUGE part of FF8. You defeat Edea in Galbadia Garden. The team passes out. Squall sees Rinoa acting all demented and unusual with Seifer. Then, Rinoa's in a trance/coma.

You do know WHY that happened, don't you? They came out and said it... Ultimecia, who had once been possessing Edea and using her mind and body to find Ellone and change the past, form time compression etc, etc, moved from Edea and into Rinoa after Edea was defeated by your party.

That was why she suddenly snapped out of her coma while in space, left the ship and went out to release Adel from her confinement. Ultimecia wanted Adel, who was part of her giant scheme of things. Also why Edea was suddenly sane and kind after Galbadia (you then met with her at the orphanage where she explained all of this, and even traveled with you for a period time while Rinoa was possessed and Squall was carrying her across the Salt Flats...). Also, Rinoa had the sorceress powers passed on to her after the possession.

So Ultimecia was WITHIN Rinoa for a period of time, controlling her like she controlled Edea. I'm sure she could see these things that only Rinoa could have known.

03-17-2004, 06:49 PM
WHat we're getting at is that was ultimacia rinoa, coz ultimacia was from the future, and rinoa is the only one left with the sorceress power, so how did ultimacia get it?? Also form some shots they look alike, it's really confusing, god damn first principles, cause and effect stupid paradox of a game.

AH I knew it was around here some where

Landlord of Sector 7
03-17-2004, 08:45 PM
Hey I didnt even catch that part. Let me see if this is what you are talking about. You are wondering where Ultimecia got her powers in the first place because she had to get them from somebody in the past and Rinoa was the only one left in that past that had sorceress powers. Well if that is so, then where did Edea get her powers from? I wonder what the original source was.

03-18-2004, 02:58 PM
On the first disk there's a guy who explains where the sorceresses came form in Balamb, also Edea got herpowers form ultimacia, i think that's when she became the sorceress we all knew and loved (when she stopped being evil that is)

Fromt he game:
About Sorceresses
A woman who has inherited the power of a sorceress. The origins of the sorceress go back to ancient times during Hyne's reign. However, there is no factual evidence

03-18-2004, 03:45 PM
"Where did Ultimecia get her powers from" is no proof for her being Rinoa. Rinoa could have passed the powers on, maybe after her death or in some different way.

This is a circle, how the power gets passed on, in their cases: Edea - Rinoa - who knows who - Ultemicia - Edea etc

But what about Adel anyway? There certainly were even more sorceresses...

Anyway, there is no real proof. We won't come to a conclusion because we don't know enough about Ultemicia. God, I cannot spell that name at all. Damn stupid name. It should have been Artemisia.

Bahamut ZERO
03-18-2004, 03:55 PM
Way I see it is that Sorceresses lived a normal span of life. Rinoa could've passed her powers on to anyone: Her daughter, Quistis's daughter, Selphie's Daughter, Irvine's Daughter, Zell's daughter, etc, etc, etc.

Then it gets lost through marriage and what not.

True, things add up if she DOES keep the power, but it seems to just break the story in two if it is the case.

03-19-2004, 06:47 PM
Hello? Remember a little thing called disc 3? Well, at the end of it what happens? They beat Adel and Rinoa receives her powers and gets possesed by Ultimecia. So she would have had the combined knowledge by that stage of Edea, Adel and Rinoa. Its no surprise she knows everything about Squall. Edea was Squall's matron, along with looking after most of the other kids. She had Adel, who would have maybe known about Laguna, and some of the other guys and gals parents. And she got Rinoa, so she knows more personal details about Squall and his ring, etc. So its no surprise she can tell all about Squall.

08-16-2004, 11:07 PM
[Oops, I just realized there was a more recent thread dedicated to this discussion.... I guess I shouldn't have underestimated the power of a topic to come back over and over again. Sorry to have bumped this thread! I'll move this to the other thread. =( Please let this thread die again.]