03-15-2004, 12:34 PM
Whats with the persecution of the Noobs on FFXI?:confused: especially the PS2 noobs... All the PC players talking about using PC only groups is pissing me off, I can understand that they think that everyone who plays PS2 is some punk kid whos parents pay for the game so they don't have to be around them...but not all of us are like that...right dillon?...anyway, I personally am planning on taking the game seriously, so you can hate the noobs, but don't hate the PS2ers...and on top of that...whats with some of the NA/JPs hating each other :shock:, cant we all just get along?

03-15-2004, 12:48 PM
Originally posted by Lain
cant we all just get along?


03-15-2004, 06:56 PM
No reason why this should have been closed.

There is some sort of superiority complex going around the veteran players, which would be the JP and N/A importers.

Us new N/A players have "invaded" their servers, "screwed up the economy" they worked so hard to create, and we "break all the rules". We also "suck", because we're new, and have "neither the intellect nor experience" to hang with them.

You see this stuff all the time on just about any FFXI based message board, chatroom, and even sometimes within the game. Unlike the majority of the new players who are generally out to have a good time and "just play", the veterans are far beyond that stage, and everything has come down to one giant race to get to the top.

It sounds pretty petty, but that's just the way things are. To this day some people still regret that JP and NA players exist on the same servers.

NA PC players get alot of heat too, but yeah, PS2 users will get it worse--you're newer. Heh.

Anyway, don't worry about what the jaded vets think. Just know that there are some excellent NA players out there, just as there are awful JP/importer players. It goes both ways.

03-15-2004, 08:05 PM
People are retarted, that's why. I've yet to actually see this sort of behavior in the game, but when looking at the gamefaqs message board that's all those people talk about.

I personally have nothing against ps2 players, I bought the pc version at the same time the ps2 version came out so I'm just as much a newbie.

The only thing I don't like about having jp players on the same server is that the translation feature is extreamly cumbersome and it's exceedingly difficult if your in a party with jp players who don't speek english.

04-16-2004, 12:40 AM
That's why you make macros with common phrases already in auto-translate.

I met one cool Japanese person (I'm one of the "PS2 n00bs", He said konichiwa, since i take japanese I knew he was saying hi, i said konichiwa back, then he /smiled and waved then ran off (I have to type in romanji so i'm sure he knew I was NA). Another Japanese person I met didn't really talk much (I can understand why) but did join the party.

Also I've met some veterans, in fact one I met by being revived by them and now we talk regularly.

I havn't had any bad experiences with people, then again I seem to be on one of the less popular servers, Bahamut, plus I also leveled up fast enough to not be considered a n00b.

04-16-2004, 02:52 AM
I never really had any bad experiences with anyone. PS2 players are dispised of course but that's like racism in a way. Later down the line, they'll grow out of it.

04-17-2004, 07:55 PM
I've hardly ever had any problems partying with jp players. And I've never recieved any crap for being a "n00b" either. The only players that I've really seen getting flack are the really moronic sort who somehow make it to lvl 14 without realizing how to say things only to your party and just talk in /say. And I don't think that even the ps2 players have much tolerance for people like that.

04-17-2004, 09:28 PM
I got into a crappy party today. One guy didn't set Macros for Provoke... another guy didn't set Macros for cure spells.... another guy didn't set Macros for Magic Spells........................ then I realized, this whole party sucked. o_O;

04-18-2004, 07:46 AM
You've just inspired me to make a new post, Moggy :x

I personally take a part in the 'anti-ps2 n00b' thing, but the people I joke around with are actually PS2 players and people who know we're about as serious as the US' anger towards Canada.

I haven't experienced any problems with Japanese players... I mean, one befriended me and let me borrow 10k, which is no small sum (still have to pay it back >.>).

A few days ago, I was doing something at the AH without my invite flag, when I get a message in Japanese saying basically "Do you want to party in Korroloka Tunnel?"
Me, not knowing what the tunnel was, and not sure if the guy could read romaji or not, struggled to get a message with the autotranslater saying something like "Yes, please. I can understand a little. Japanese."
I got a reply back in English, and I quickly accepted his invite.
~20 minutes later, we had a full party. I was the only non-Japanese person there, and as far as I could tell they were all being kind to me :P
We then proceded to Korroloka Tunnel and chained Tunnel Worms for 200+ exp a pop (lvl 13-15 party) until I got to 17 in ~an hour and a half. Then I had to get off =(, and got aggroed and killed by a Gigas Stonecarrier on my way back to Bastok.

Needless to say, it was the best party I've ever been in!

04-18-2004, 08:07 AM
Uh oh. Think of the wave of European players that will (probably) flood FFXI in some months... Those will be considered newbies even by the newbies. ;_;