03-15-2004, 05:26 AM
aka MogKnight's Short Fiction Place thing!

Today's story!

It's Not Called Fire 3

One day, our great heroes from Final Fantasy 7 decided to go out on a happy little picnic with our not so great Heroes from Final Fantasy 8. As the two groups meet up, Rinoa and Aeris decide to have a little magic contest.

Rinoa: Okay, here are the rules. Cloud there is going to yell out a random spell name, we have to cast our magic at that little target over there and whoever has the best magic wins.

Aeris: Wait, you mean that little moogle over there?

Rinoa: That's the one!

Moogle: (Why must they do this to me?!)

So the two gets ready.

Cloud: Ready? Okay... Fire 3!

Rinoa: What the hell, Fire 3? There's no such thing as Fire 3!

Cloud: Oh... uh... that's right. Square decided to actually give your script a little work and call it something else... uh.... Firaga!

Aeris: Me first!

Aeris launches a Fire 3... or Firaga.. or... whatever at the little Moogle and burns the little bugger up. The judges (Squall, Vincent and MogKnight... because he's cool.) give her a:

9|9.5|10 (Aeris, go out with me!)

Rinoa being all "eh" about it, she steps up and tries to fire a Firaga... but she realized...

Rinoa: Oh dammit... I don't have a Firaga drawn... uh... Hey Aeris! Look over there!

Aeris: Huh? Where!?

As the confused Aeris turns around, Rinoa decided to draw/cast her Firaga... or... Fire 3 spell at the Moogle.

9.5|10|10 (Rinoa, go out with me!)

With a little chuckle from Rinoa, Aeris, being all confused and drawn out, gets ready for her next spell.

Cloud: Okay... uh... poor moogle.... Cure 3 er... Curaga!

Aeris: Hah, I'm a master at White Magic! This one is mine!

Rinoa was taking this a bit seriously, she was also great at White Magic but she's far from being the "Flower Girl" type of white magic. She was a bit afraid of her reputation... sooo... she quickly drew all of Aeris Cure 3's! Because Aeris didn't have any Cure 3's, she accidently let out a Cure 2!

Moogle heal 1000!

Aeris: Aw... what the hell was that!?!?

Rinoa: What? Your white magic sucks.

Aeris: Wait a damn minute, you drew my magic!

Rinoa: No I did not, are you acusing me of cheating?!?

Aeris: Yes I am you slut!

Rinoa: What did you call me innocent whore?!?

Aeris: You bitch!

And then all hell broke loose. As Cloud, the Moogle, and the Judges sit and watch the women tear each other's clothes off. A whisper can be heard from MogKnight's mouth.

MogKnight: Man... we should of invited Tifa...

Vincent: ... Damn straight...

Squall: Shouldn't we stop them?

MogKnight + Vincent: Nah.


03-15-2004, 08:38 AM
LMFAO! Great one Mogster!

03-16-2004, 11:49 PM
that was very entertaining!
:p:p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p
great job!

Top Cat
03-17-2004, 01:58 PM
That was great MK.

03-17-2004, 02:12 PM
write more write more that was very good

03-17-2004, 05:40 PM
Hanh, you make me smile.

03-17-2004, 11:19 PM
Tidus' Birthday!

What do the Final Fantasy buddies do when they are out of their jobs and enjoying the rest of their life as "heroes"?

With his really crappy minor spot in FFX-2, Tidus sits in his house, waiting for his other FF buds to come along for a night around town.

About an hour passed...

Then another hour...

Then yet another hour...

Finally Cloud came by.

Cloud: Happy Birthday!

Tidus: Where the hell have you been?

Cloud: What are you talking about? It's 5 pm.

Tidus: .... shit.

Cloud: Yeah, Squall and Zidane will be here in a couple of hours. I decided to come early so we can "share" this birthday gift. *Hands over the gift*

Tidus: *Opens*... the best of Final Fantasy Girls Vol 2.... You bought me a porno tape?

Cloud: Yeah... <3

Tidus: ... you perverted fag. Ah well... since we got nothing better to do...

The two walk into Tidus' entertainment lounge and shoves the video in.

About 2 hours later...

Tidus: You know Cloud...

Cloud: *breathing hard* Huff.... hufff.... Yes...?!

Tidus: This video... is like... all about Setzer and Irvine... and them being naked.

Cloud: What are you trying to say?

Tidus: ... nothing.


Tidus: Must be them! *walks to the door*

Cloud: Yeah... must... be... *fap fap*


Squall: Happy Birthday!

Tidus: Hey Squall! How's it going?

Squall: Doin' all right, hey did Cloud bring the porn??

Tidus: Uh... yeah... he's over there.

Squall: SWEET! *walks to the lounge*

Tidus: ... Hi Zidane!

Zidane: Yello... you know... I'm getting tired of Garnet and I want something different and...

Tidus: Just... go to the lounge.

Zidane: Okay! *runs to the lounge*

Tidus: ... and everyone thought I was gay....

Later that night, the guys took a ride downtown to the local strip joint. Many people didn't think that Quistis and Selphie would be reduced to strippers......................... god they are SO wrong! ^_^

Outside of the Strip Joint...

Bouncer: Okay guys, 10 dollars to get in, 2 drink minimum.

Tidus and Zidane enters after paying... Cloud on the other hand.

Bouncer: Sorry, no metal objects are allowed.

Cloud: It's a shoulder guard... what harm can THAT do?

Bouncer: Some girls are allergic to metal

Cloud: How the hell... bah fine *takes it off*

Squall: Time to go in!

Inside the Strip Joint...

Tidus: Man... sometimes I wonder why me and Yuna never hooked on...

Cloud: She never did like that whole getting naked part.

Tidus: Yup... hey, there's Quistis!

Squall: w00t! Hot!

Cloud: Dude, she was your teacher!

Squall: Correction: Instructor.

Cloud: Same thing.

Zidane: I'm going up there guys. *marches to the front*

Tidus: ... Lets hope his tail doesn't get an erection.

Quistis: AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

Cloud: Too late....

A bouncer grabs Zidane and throws him outside.

Tidus: Wow... good thing I never had a tail!

Squall: Shouldn't we go out there with him?

Tidus and Cloud: Nah.


03-18-2004, 02:14 AM
Originally posted by MogKnight
Tidus' Birthday!

Tidus: ... Lets hope his tail doesn't get an erection.

Quistis: AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

Cloud: Too late....

A bouncer grabs Zidane and throws him outside.

Tidus: Wow... good thing I never had a tail!

That was the funniest thing!!!

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

another great job!!!

Tactical Error #5
03-18-2004, 02:56 AM
Wow, honestly the best laugh I've had in quite some time, he he.

Tidus: ... and everyone thought I was gay....

03-18-2004, 04:06 AM
Tidus' Birthday PART 2

Strip Joints and over-erected hero! NOW WHAT!?

The 4 heroes travel back to Squall's apartment.

Squall: Shh... Rinoa is sleeping.... everyone keep their voices down.

*Open door, slowly turns on the light*

Squall: ... Oh dear god!

As to Tidus' and Zidane's enjoyment.... and Cloud and Squall's disappointment.... Rinoa and Aeris were naked in bed together, cuddling each other!

Squall: ... *cries* Your bitch is on my bitch.... you bitch!

Cloud: Hey, you're not the only one shocked here!

Squall: Shhh! Keep it down!


Rinoa and Aeris: !!!!

Squall and Cloud: Oh crap...

Now we come to the point where we just fast forward in time... because no one can ever know what just happened there.

Back in Tidus' home

Tidus: Interesting night guys but I think I'll just call it a night. Bye guys!

Squall, Zidane, Cloud: Bye! *leaves*

Tidus: Ahh.... now to spend the last hour of my birthday by watching some porno! But first a snack!

As Tidus marches to his kitchen to get himself a small snack, he finds that Tifa is in the kitchen, wearing nothing but some really scaddy clothing.

Tidus: What the.... who the.... what the..... huh?!?!?

Tifa: I've been waiting for you!!!!!!!!

Tidus: Oh son of a.... this night will never end...


Cloud: *snicker snicker*

Squall: What's up?

Cloud: I forced Tifa into taking a lot of Loco Weed and now she thinks that Tidus is me... and this is the night where she gets really... well, you get the drift.

Squall: You nasty dog you! Haha, fucking brilliant!

Zidane: Wait... but won't Tifa wake up beating the crap out of Tidus once she finds out that he's not you?

Cloud: Eh... that could be a problem...

Zidane: Shouldn't we do something about it?

Cloud and Squall: Nah.


Lightning Mage
03-19-2004, 06:39 PM
Why the hell did you make another acount?
It's a little silly.

It's a hilarious story. Love it.

03-19-2004, 07:25 PM
Fucking great man! had me lmfao til the end:lol

03-20-2004, 05:49 AM
Okay, this one is dedicated to a really old Shriner who was more or less a pain in teh butt. :D

I'm a Fucking Artist

It was a pretty slow day in the world of Spira. Rikku was pretty much bored as hell, Brother went flying out somewhere, Yuna's back in Besaid, Paine.... went some where. ANYWAYS the whole point is that Rikku was pretty bored and crap.

One day, she realized that she needed some sort of hobby. Something that has nothing to do with machina! So.... she decided to go into painting!

About a few months later, she gathered as much of the FFX crew to show case her first drawing.

Rikku: Everybody! You're here today to experience my new, powerful drawing! Be prepared everyone!

Tidus, Yuna, Wakka and Lulu sat and wait for Rikku to unveal her drawings

Rikku: Okay... numbe one is....

Rikku: Taadaa!

Yuna: Looks... interesting...

Lulu: Very...

Wakka: You've over done yourself Rikku!


Yuna: Yeah... what is it?

Rikku: What do ya mean? It's a picture of Auron and a chocobo!

Tidus: ... That does not look like anything other than a guy with weird hair and a weird shape.

Rikku: But... it's art!

Wakka: You heard the lady Tidus, this thing is a piece of art!

Tidus: ... you just called me by my name.... no one.... no one ever calls me by my name.... never..... never ever.....

Wakka: ...

Tidus: ... Your painting sucks Rikku.

Rikku: :(

Tidus: How the hell did you say that?

Rikku: I dunno ;_;

Tidus: ... A semicolon and a.... nevermind.

Rikku: I want to be a professional artist!

The writer, MogKnight, decided that this isn't going anywhere.... SO on to the next story!

Why are we here?

Biggs: Why are we here?

Wedge: It's one of life's greatest mysteries isn't it? Why are we here? I mean... are we apart of some cosmic coincidence... or is there really a god, planning something for us? I dunno man... but it keeps me up at night.

Biggs: ... you got that out of red vs blue didn't you?

Wedge: What? No!

Biggs: Dude, you seriously did, you pulled that shit out of Red vs Blue word for word!

Wedge: Shut up dude, no I didn't!

Biggs: Yes you did asswipe!

Wedge: Dude... shut up...

Biggs: Jesus man, you could at least thought of something original!

Wedge: Dude, I told you, it was all mine!

Biggs: Whatever man.... anyways, WHY are we HERE?

Wedge: ... I dunno man...

Biggs: Okay then...

Wedge: Fine...

Biggs: Double fine!

Wedge: Bitch.

Bigg: Whore

Wedge: Slut.

Aeris: *passes by* What'd you call me?

Bigg & Wedge: NOTHING.


Top Cat
03-20-2004, 07:13 AM
They're getting better. That one had me laughing right to the end... actually, they all did!

03-20-2004, 04:27 PM
Was that 2nd story you're fantasy? :erm: Yeah it remind's me of 8-bit theatre, do another one.

03-21-2004, 01:28 PM
Excellent, keep up the good work, man