03-13-2004, 03:59 AM
i dunno if its just me, but the main characters of FFX reminded me of the main characters of FF8. And now looking at FFXII, it looks like a younger futuristic version of the FFX main characters. Lets get a different look square-enix.

or not, its all good, i'll buy it anyway

03-13-2004, 07:04 AM
Well, I don't think Tidus and Squall look alike. They have two different faces, hair colours etc. What else can you want?
Oh, right, they have both two arms, legs and are male. But besides this, they don't look alike one bit, in my view.

So it's just you and your negative attitude.

PS: This was an unoriginal topic to post. :( I've read this crap too often already. :(

Bahamut ZERO
03-13-2004, 07:09 AM
They should make the main character be green skinned and have seven eyes and tentacles instead of arms that can be upgraded to stronger tentacles, or each have a certain element attribute installed to them. And rather than talk, it uses gestures with the tentacles to tell the player what to do...

... Ahem: Yeah. Tidus looking like Squall is a bit far fetched. I'm pretty sure that these characters will take a life of their own when you start playing it. :) At the moment, all we have is screenshots, not the personalities of the characters.

03-13-2004, 12:12 PM
Zidane had a tail is that not different enough!

Top Cat
03-13-2004, 04:08 PM
I think what he was saying is that the graphical styles of VIII, X and now XII are similar.

Bahamut ZERO
03-13-2004, 04:25 PM
Similar, but not identical.

Hell, if you wanna be picky, all human beings look "similar."

*Shrugs.* You can only judge so much about a character from looking at them. You've got to have their personality, characteristics and personal nuiances to take into account as well. Tidus and Squall become two completely different characters if you do that.

Yeah, anyways~

03-13-2004, 07:26 PM
Originally posted by ieatmako
I think what he was saying is that the graphical styles of VIII, X and now XII are similar.
I remember that back then when FFIX was released, people were complaining that they used such a different graphics style, compared to FFVIII.
I remember that back when FFX was announced, they complained that the graphics style was too similar to that one in FFVIII.
Just... a fun fact.

03-13-2004, 08:10 PM

They should have green, blue or pink hair. Then they don�t look alike anymore. It�s just because of the same hair colour that some people say Tidus looks like Van.

*remembers the good old RPG times with Lenna having pink hair and Terra green... ahh~ yes*

"I am really drunk" - some "old" guy we all know veery well!

"Lady Auron" :cool:

03-14-2004, 03:20 AM
Well they could at least stop making the main characters look more and more feminin. I mean Auron and Wakka actually looked like guys but Tidus had the face of the gerber baby.

I still think it would be a refreshing change of pace to have the main character a bit older, maybe 30's or 40's with a kid or two. You have to admit that the relationships between the male and female leads are getting a bit formulaic.

03-14-2004, 03:29 AM
I can understand what isman is saying. I can seem some similarities between squall and tidus. It's hard to describe but when i read that he found the similaritys i looked back and noticed it, though just a few faint ones. I don't have a problem with any ff characters and i don't have a problem with the similarities but i do understand a bit about what he's saying.

03-14-2004, 04:10 AM
yea, good points. but looking back,,i felt that rinoa had very similar qualities to yuna, maybe its just me. but especially these new scences of FF12, maybe its the young face and blonde hair that is making me see them the same.

keep main characters human, and i thought ff9 was a great retro of ff1.

sorry for the unoriginal topic, i just joined the forum, didnt realize.

03-14-2004, 04:51 AM
Oh, well duh. Alot of ff female main characters look similar, though there are some noticable diffrences.

03-14-2004, 06:35 PM
o_O Tidus and Squall don't look alike at all.

Vaan does look a but like Tidus, but stuff like that's never bothered me so long as the character design was good.

03-15-2004, 08:05 AM
I Think That is squall and tidus are not alike and i like thier style...

03-19-2004, 03:10 AM
my first impression of Tidus and Yuna was , they look like Squall and Rinoa had dyed their hair.(that was like when FFIX was just released,i cant remember but it was along time ago).But after i actually play FFX , i realised that there are no similiraties

03-29-2004, 09:27 PM
There are no similarities to squall and tidus because tidus is a blabbermouth man and squall is a silent-type man. the only similar to the ff characters are the girls because they always look similar in hair and especially in face just like yuna and ashe they both look the same.;)

03-30-2004, 02:18 AM
If i had a dollar for every post on this forum about this kinda topic, id have 3 dollars.........

Tidus looks like a soft cock, he aint a bad character but still he looks like a soft cock why? his character was based around a cry baby.............

The characters are designed by the same team, dont u think they use the same style of character developing??????

The females look the same????? wtf no just look at Tifa and another fermale character then ud kno wat i mean ;)

The characters look like what theyre based on, Cloud was based on a short skiny dude, Tidus was based on a blitzball player and so he has the whole surfy look and the cry baby theme and Luke Skywalker has a 70's hair style. So stop complaining, its only a game so play it dont diss it.

03-30-2004, 08:17 AM
I'm just telling that SOME of the girl ff characters looks the same looks the same just like rinoa and garnet. i think that garnet is the kiddy version of rinoa.

One more thing, i'm just telling my opinion, dude. so don't take it seriously....:)

03-30-2004, 11:00 PM
I dont think any of them look alike. Characters for ff are made by kick ass artist and theres only like 3 or 4 so some characters might have the same stlye but you can tell them apart from the artist original sketches like between nomura art and yoshidas art but when square gets a hold of the characters its kinda hard to tell. Over all they are all different. Of couse you are gonna run into similaritys because its usually the same artist and there are so many characters.;)

hb smokey
03-31-2004, 07:01 AM
Yes Yuna and Ashe (pronounced ash-ay), do look a lot alike. It's just mainly the hair if different. I have noticed that some look the same, but it doesn't really bother me yet. I mean Cloud and Tidus have the same hairdo, so does that automatically make them look alike? Possibly yes, and possibly no. And, you can also say that Tidus and Vann look alike. Big deal.

I really see no point if they look alike. I'ts not like when Tidus is playing Blitzball, did you for one moment think it was Cloud or Vann instead of Tidus? Now, if some characters could be so much alike that they talk, look, think, and act the same, I would find that to be a big problem.

03-31-2004, 12:02 PM
Originally posted by Tiduslives
yes yuna and ashe(pronounced ash-ay), do look alot alike. its just mainly the hair if different. i have noticed that some look the same, but it doesnt really bother me yet. i mean cloud and tidus have the same hairdo, so does that automatically make them look alike. possibly yes, and possibly no. and you can also say that tidus and vann look alike. big deal.

i really see no point if they look alike. its not like when tidus is playing blitzball, did you for one moment think it was cloud or vann playing instead of tidus. now if some characters could be so much alike that they talk, look, think, and act the same, i would find that to be a big problem

I don't think that Tidus and Cloud have the same hairdo. ^_^

03-31-2004, 12:30 PM
Originally posted by Incubus

I don't think that Tidus and Cloud have the same hairdo. ^_^

Yeah If you look at them they have completly different hair stlyes:

1) Cloud has a bang coming down the right side of his face and has his front bangs pushed back and away from his forhead and its blond.

2) Tidus just has his hait falling flat with his bangs on his forhead and he has slight dark roots.

And a main difference between Ashe and yuna is ashe is hot!

03-31-2004, 12:42 PM
Originally posted by zell86

ashe is hot!

I agree.

hb smokey
03-31-2004, 04:40 PM
Um...Tidus and Cloud both have yellowish-blonde hair. That is pretty noticable. And both of their hair kind of sticks out in the same way. Yes Ashe is very good looking, but Yuna is still the hottest of them all!

03-31-2004, 08:06 PM
Oh, yeah i just notice just right now that, isn't shuyin looks like cloud that much? i mean their heirdo was the only difference between them.;)

Bahamut ZERO
03-31-2004, 08:17 PM
Forget Shuyin looking like Cloud.... Did you ever notice how much he looks like Tidus? :o :o :o


Seriously... I look a lot like this kid who I used to be friends with. We used to jokingly call each other bro... If humans in real life can show similarities, why can't game characters?

That is all~

I mean, uh, yeah.

hb smokey
03-31-2004, 08:17 PM
Well actually, Shuyin looks <I> a lot </I> like Tidus. I wonder why that is so?

Anyway, <B> Devil Vann, </B> you gotta learn how to re-word your sentences. I just really do not see what you are tying to say here.

<I> Originally posted by Devil Vann </I>
<B>oh yeah i just notice just right now that, isn't shuyin looks like cloud that much?" </B>


Hey good job <B> Bahamut ZERO </B>. I was beginning to wonder why no one else was pointing out the similarities between Shuyin and Tidus. Thanks man.

03-31-2004, 08:36 PM
Oh, uh, sorry mr. Tidus!! ("\(-_-)/"):D

hb smokey
03-31-2004, 08:39 PM
I'm not being mean. But there may be other people who read that post and they were a little confused about what exactly you were trying to say. No big deal so let's just move on and post.

03-31-2004, 08:45 PM
yeah there might be some people reading it right now. well, i better practice my english nooooow.;)

hb smokey
03-31-2004, 08:48 PM
Alright. I just decided I should help you out in that respect. No hard feelings.

03-31-2004, 09:00 PM
Really? you know i'm not good at english and besides i'm not a foreigner. oh i forgot this an ff forum not a life forum!:D

hb smokey
03-31-2004, 09:02 PM
Uh I don't know what you are talkin about man. I was only trying to help you out. I never said you were bad at English or you were a foreigner or anything like that. So let's just forget about it. Moderators don't like people chatting like we are starting to.

04-01-2004, 12:31 PM
I actually think that Mogknight was joking.

04-01-2004, 01:09 PM
Stop chatting, Tiduslives and DeviL_Vaan. Besides, remember this thread is not about FFX-2, so don't go too far into this Shuyin business, please.
By the way, your signature is too big, DeviL_Vaan. 150x400 is the biggest size allowed. :)

04-01-2004, 01:16 PM
Originally posted by Misao
Stop chatting, Tiduslives and DeviL_Vaan. Besides, remember this thread is not about FFX-2, so don't go too far into this Shuyin business, please.
By the way, your signature is too big, DeviL_Vaan. 150x400 is the biggest size allowed. :)

Tell that to the people that have the oversized scroll bar thing. :)

Bahamut ZERO
04-01-2004, 01:38 PM
Originally posted by Tiduslives
hey good job bahamut zero. i was wondering why no one else was pointing out the similarities between Shuyin and Tidus. thanx man

I was being sarcastic....... Trying to make a point, or something... Never mind...

04-01-2004, 08:14 PM
Is my siggy too big??:confused: alrighty i'll change it!! :laugh:


hb smokey
04-01-2004, 08:36 PM
I wasn't trying to chat <B> Misao. </B> I was just explaining myself. Sorry.

04-04-2004, 03:27 PM
I think that Yuna and Ashe look too much alike...

I miss the long, dark-haired, ivory skinned heroines... ;_;

Though Yuna and Ashe are still very pretty...

04-17-2004, 07:57 PM
Vaan looks a little more more like zidane from ffIX
(when i saw the vaan character i thought they were going back to the world of ffIX)

04-18-2004, 09:35 PM
I don't think Vaan and Tidus look alike either. Vaan looks pretty girly to me. Not the manly type main characters we usually see..
-.- who knows though.. he could be a total badass

04-19-2004, 03:03 AM
Originally posted by Tiduslives
ashe(pronounced ash-ay)

Hmm, that's odd, because the katakana for Ashe's name is A-she.
Which is pronounced Ahhh-sh. You barely even pronoucne the e (which, would be pronounced "eh"). Bascially its just Ash with long sound (I think? >.>) of A. Like you go "Ahhhhhhhh" when you drink something cool, and then add SHHHeh! at the end.

That's my little lesson in Japanese for the day :x

Oh, and the characters don't bug me that much. But I never got far in X or X-2, nor do I care to, so it shouldn't be a problem anyways.

04-26-2004, 10:39 AM
just like Lenne i think. :coolegg:

04-27-2004, 10:35 AM
One reason for why the characters probably look alike as those from the former series (c'mon, let's admit it, there are similarities) is that the character designer for each series is the same people who have created them. When FFX's new characters was introduced, there was an outcry of people saying "Yuna = Rinoa; Tidus = Squall" and so on. Magazines have 3-4 page features on the new people, and why they look so alike and stuff. Reason is simple: It is the same guy who is doing the character designs. FF8's characters are drawn well, so, he probably used their frame and

I maybe wrong

06-24-2004, 07:13 PM
Vaan really seem to remind me of Zidane from FFIX. Does anyone else think so?

06-24-2004, 11:04 PM
I think it's because of the fact that they try to make beautiful and cool looking characters so it's natural that they look kind of similar.

08-02-2004, 02:05 AM
Oh. My. God.

Vaan and Tidus do NOT look alike at ALL. Sure, of course there are similaritys because of the same character designers, but saying that is going a bit too far..

And no I don't think Ashe and Yuna look similar at all either. In fact Ashe looks better and seems to have a non-whiny aditude. Thank you Enix for the first head-strong female role in awhile.(if you count Tifa)

Safer Sephiroth
08-15-2004, 09:16 AM
I always thought Tidus and Cloud looked kind of familar, atleast hair wise lol. Yuna looks kind of like Rinoa, or Garnet, Wakka resembles Zell in ways o-o

dyne trance
08-23-2004, 05:23 PM
I agree with lsman11,Square has made some characters that look a lot like others. I think Vaan (XII) looks like Tidus (X) cuz of the blonde hair, lean muscle, and reavealing vest.
I also think that Ashe (XII) looks like Yuna (X). First, her face is just a Yuna clone. Her hair is the same also.
And that one girl, I think her name is Penelo (XII), looks like Rikku (X). You know, young, blonde, lively.
Fran (XII), the Vierra, is a Lulu (X) re-do. I mean, she has the exact same qualities of Lulu: Great face, deadly/sexy look, and large breasts.
Another is Rinoa (VIII) and Garnet (IX). They took Rinoa, made her hair longer, made her a year younger, put orange on her, and called her Garnet.

08-24-2004, 07:56 AM
IMO I don't really mind FF charcters looking alike. As someone else on this thread posted as long as the characters has different personalities and attitudes from each other I'm fine.

Now as far as I realized the charcters in FFVIII set a standard for how Ff charcters should look. I really liked the charcters in FFVIII and their character models were impressive and realistic in alot of ways so since alot of people liked how real and cool the characters looked and acted in FFVIII Squaresoft/Enix might have looked at that and saw that it could make charcters look that way in future FF installments.

I don't see it as a bad thing, but some people do. When FFIX came out some fans were mad that the charcters looked goofy and childish (except for Garnet because she looked kind of like Rinoa). Then FFX came out and once again some fans complained about character looks( Tidus looks like Squall and Yuna looks like Rinoa). Now I did'nt hear too many complaints about character resemblances in FFX-2 ( but IMO opinion Gippal looked kind of like Zell with an eyepatch, not that there is a problem with that) But now with FFXII coming along, again some fans complain about the character looks (Ashe looks like Yuna, Vaan loks like Tidus, Penelo looks like Selphie and Rikku combined, blah blah blah).

OF couse their will be look-alikes in FF games of different characters but I'm not complaining about. Hell I like that the FFVIII charcter modeling has become some kind of trademark in FF games, I just don't see the problem with it.

Oh and by the way in case your wondering FFVIII is my favorite FF game:)

Huntress Krystle
10-18-2004, 07:10 PM
I wish they'd make the future ff characters look different. different facial faeatures, hair color, skin color, etc. (like the elf archer guy in ffxi)

10-19-2004, 07:04 AM
I don't see anything wrong with the style that's been used. It's perfectly effective and appearance is only a small part of characterization. There's lots of room for individuality.

11-07-2004, 04:25 AM
yuna looks NOTHINg like ashe, ashe is really pretty yunas but ugly just my opnion and plus ashes face is like longish yunas is oval and her eyes are more asain ashe's face looks like christina aguliera in her first cd i think

and to this...

Tidus had the face of the gerber baby.

lol its true and his lips sometimes do the "goo" thing like a gerber baby

and...tidus looks nothing like squall tidus looks philipino in my opnion and squall like a white punk rocker but yeah and even there skin is different so i dont know what you see

grn apple tree
11-26-2004, 11:01 AM
are you kidding me none of them look alike well maybe a bit but not really...

Lady summoner Yuna
11-26-2004, 01:38 PM
i agree, they are all different. of course they are going to look kind of alike but it's the same artists so what do you expect. AND YUNA IS NOT UGLY!

grn apple tree
11-26-2004, 08:04 PM
i agree, they are all different. of course they are going to look kind of alike but it's the same artists so what do you expect. AND YUNA IS NOT UGLY!

yeah i mean they're making like 20 of these ff games some of them are gonna look alike... and yuna is not ugly

11-26-2004, 08:26 PM
da guys look alike......
but da gurls don.....
weird, isn't it?

grn apple tree
11-26-2004, 09:11 PM
well the only ones who look alike are maybe tidus and vann from the upcoming ff 12... well maybe not even.. the girls don't look alike do they?

11-26-2004, 10:55 PM
Well there are some girls that look like:Rinoa and Garnet, Terra and Celes(in the FFVI Anthologies FMV), and Selphie,Rikku looking like Penelo in FFXII. And of course Ashe and Yuna,but like I said I don't mind the simalrites.

11-27-2004, 07:21 AM
thye dont really look alike but you can tell they are sort of based on past characters.

11-27-2004, 06:15 PM
i dunno if its just me, but the main characters of FFX reminded me of the main characters of FF8. And now looking at FFXII, it looks like a younger futuristic version of the FFX main characters. Lets get a different look square-enix.

or not, its all good, i'll buy it anyway

squall is cooler

grn apple tree
11-27-2004, 08:04 PM
thye dont really look alike but you can tell they are sort of based on past characters.

yeah i think that's why some characters look alike...