Bahamut ZERO
03-12-2004, 06:12 AM
Guess this is aimed at the European gamers, and those with the International Version of the game...

I'm thinking of playing through FFX again, and I was wondering which Sphere Grid I should use? I used the Beginner Grid in my first game, but never really learnt any of the characters' major moves (never learnt Ultima for Lulu, for instance.) I was pondering using the Expert Grid, but I started with that grid and got a little lost (moved Kimahri to and from the same place four times in a row.)

So which grid do you reckon I should use?

03-12-2004, 02:20 PM
Well, the normal sphere grid (not beginner.... unless they call it that in the European version) is more one way until later in the game. Expert has more branches and allows you to make any character into anything in the beginning of the game.

If you want more customization, go with Expert, otherwise choose the normal grid.

03-12-2004, 06:05 PM
I would say u must decide how u want to go:
only for playing the story, so fast as possible take the espert grid.
There not that much barriers, so u can simply rush.

But if u want to maxstating your Charackters choose the normal grid couz it has 65 Sphereplaces more then the espert one.
So you can reach with perfect fields spheres (4, 40 and 300pointers) a status of over 80.000 hp (with full 255 values and 999mp), so you only need +30%hp to reach 99.999hp and your Chara is at his maximum.

(i have the european version too)

Top Cat
03-12-2004, 06:28 PM
Beginner's good for well.. beginners but it's a while to go before your characters start learning other abilities. With expert, it's more flexible so you can customise your characters (eg Tidus like Auron, Yuna a black mage) easier.