Landlord of Sector 7
03-11-2004, 09:13 PM
I have a theory about Dragonball Z and how they could be super super strong. Since Saiyans are the only ones that are ever any good at fighting and they get a lot stronger every time they are almost killed, why don't (when there are no bad guys like the 3 years before the androids came) they just shoot energyballs through each other and then have Dende heal them or heal themselves with Sensu beans right away and keep doin that forever? They would be so unbelievably strong that no one would ever stand a chance against them.

03-11-2004, 10:14 PM
no cos the the makers will just make some1 super stronger then them....
p.s. it's a cartoon....that's always gonna be the case!!!

03-11-2004, 11:17 PM
Because it'd take 10 episodes to show what you said, the creators don't have that amount of time.

Landlord of Sector 7
03-11-2004, 11:33 PM
No they could dedicate one whole show to them figuring out they could do that and then the next show could be like 3 weeks later (Ex. the 3 years before the androids was like 7 episodes and the Cell tournament was like 20????)

Lightning Mage
03-12-2004, 12:31 AM
Because it'd take 10 episodes to show what you said, the creators don't have that amount of time.

Well obviously they would.
There have been like, 3 episodes in a row with one person just screaming his lungs out powering up.
They have the time, beleive me.

They should have stopped at the Cell saga like Akira Toriyama wanted. But they just kept on going.

Brolly is still the most powerful villian.

Landlord of Sector 7
03-12-2004, 12:52 PM
No that show the 5 minutes that it took for Namek to explode was if I remember right, 8 episodes. Namek must have been in a hyperbolic time chamber or something because does this equation look right? 5m = 8(30m)

Lightning Mage
03-12-2004, 07:34 PM
No it doesn't, probably because that's an incorrect equation.
Plus, a simple "this equals this" sentance can't be represented as an equation to begin with.

The five minutes it took for namek to explode was actually five minutes.
Take out the other parts and leave only Goku and Frieza fighting.
Then, take out their thinking to themselves.
Make sure there is only the fighting, and you'll come across around five minutes.

It's not like when it shows everyone talking on earth, Frieza and Goku are doing nothing.

03-16-2004, 06:29 AM
Originally posted by Jamie
Because it'd take 10 episodes to show what you said, the creators don't have that amount of time.

DIDNT HAVE THE TIME! How long was the Freizer/Namek saga? The dragged that one out for ages. They lasted about 70 episodes. There are about 7/8 books that cover that and in those the action moves along much quicker. The had time. The creators stretched the material to breaking point. There are about 10 extra episodes in Japan as well!

03-21-2004, 01:03 AM
I have a better theory on dbz:D
Albert Eintein theorized that time and gravity are a close link. He also said if you travel at the speed of light your body will age slower than people that are not. If you travel at the speed of light for 10 years, came back to earth, you'll be 10,000 years into the future (or something like that). In 1976 a physicist theorized you can travel back in time by getting and object with a gravity 100,000 stronger than uor sun's, stand at the edge of it, and spin the object close to light speed. The exact opposite of going to the future in which you must go at the speed of light. Remember, the higher ones gravity or weight in proportion to one's relative gravity, the faster time would travel. To an ant, life seems just as long as to an elephant. That's why flies have much better reflexes. Now your reading this and saying to yourself "What the heck does this have to do with anything!"
Well one night I connected this theory with why in DBZ they have really fast reflexes and move so fast! As one recalls, in DBZ they obviously move faster than the speed of sound without making sonic booms. In the next paragraph I hope I will make DBZ scientifically possible. Did you ever notice why gravity seems to be the main topic of massive powerlevel increases? That's because Goku is able to adapt to lets say 450 times gravity. To him, normal now is 450 times gravity. Everything in the normal gravity world just seems slow when he's charged up. Sure, there are other ways of become ungodly powerful in DBZ without gravity training, but this is concrete evidence. Goku in which now mastered time a gravity himself because earth's gravity is no longer an obstacle. I said that DBZ characters usually don't make sonic booms even though they travel much faster than the speed of sound. Well, think about it. Vegeta is like a black hole, his power is so strong that he's able (you guessed it) bend time and gravity himself! History lesson: In 1996 a French physicist proposed on can travel at the speed of light without actually going the speed of light. If you can squeeze the gravity ahead of you, you can get past the object faster but still going at the same speed. That's because there's less distance between you and your desired point. What Vegeta does is bend gravity ahead of him so he can get closer, lets say, Recoom, without having to break the law of physics which does not permit traveling close to the speed of light. The higher one's powerlevel, the higher one's "gravity". So Vegeta gets to Recoom without actually traveling faster than the speed of sound in which ladies and gentleman, without making a sonic boom. Why do you think when character charge up, they strangely alter gravity around them? Or when two character lock up, the ground around them creates a crater? They create their own gravity. Akira Toriyama is a smart fellow. He probably knew this without actually knowing why smart guy:D you dont no how long it took to write this out lol, all this to say something lol:p so comment on it please.

03-21-2004, 03:10 AM
er....... :eye:

03-21-2004, 03:13 AM

Landlord of Sector 7
03-23-2004, 10:47 PM
I think that is one of the best I have seen but you didn't comment on mine and LETS STAY ON TOPIC! I really like that though!:D And NIIIICCCCEEEEE "comment" Boogybro.

03-23-2004, 10:56 PM
i've never spent that much time learning....welldone, i've never (ever) seen a post that long.....