03-11-2004, 03:07 PM
Here is a very interesting question... Does Cloud suck? I don't think so but I wanna see what others think.

Top Cat
03-11-2004, 03:13 PM
You're going to get like 1000 posts from all the genericly- named Cloud fans and like one reply from a Cloud hater... lol.
Anyway, I think he's pretty cool.

03-11-2004, 03:15 PM
Well, lets assume Cloud sucks.

What would he suck? Would he suck a lemon? A tube? A straw? Maybe even air!

What if anyone else sucks? Would they suck a lemon? A tube? A straw? Maybe even air!

Point being.... everyone sucks, if they don't, they end up dying because they can't get milk into their system.

03-11-2004, 03:16 PM
MogKnight is right, I'm pretty confident Cloud at least sucked as a child. :)

03-11-2004, 04:02 PM
cloud sucked wen he lied...but the rest of the time he was cool


Bro�s � ieatmako yahmieriel Incubus
Cousin - cloud_strife_10
(sum1 plz make my sig in sig request forum)

03-11-2004, 10:01 PM
As a child he didnt have many friends, and cos he was smaller and skinnier than the rest he was labeled weak. BUT LOOK AT HIM NOW HE ROCKS!!!!!

03-11-2004, 10:09 PM
any cloud is 1 bad mofo...
the only thing's he sucks is air and titty's

Landlord of Sector 7
03-11-2004, 10:47 PM
Cloud is one of the best I have ever seen in terms of lead characters.

03-11-2004, 11:57 PM
Cloud was just another FF character. I dont find him sucky, nor do I find him cool. So was Squall in FFVIII. Though I was asking him to TALK!!! occasionally.

03-12-2004, 03:30 AM
If you wanna get some sucky votes in debate on.......*coughs*Tidus*coughs*. If Cloud were alive today, he would shoove his buster sword (or any of his other 100 swords) up your ass.............meaning cloud is cool. What drove you to ask something like this?

03-12-2004, 05:00 AM
boogybro87 wats wrong with being skinny? im skinny and id prefer to be skinny than fat :) .

03-12-2004, 05:22 AM
I think what boogybro was trying to say was that looks can be deceiving. Even though Cloud may be anerexic, he is still strong as fuck. Damn, I would rather be fat, than skinny. I got an idea....

Bahamut ZERO
03-12-2004, 06:25 AM
Originally posted by MogKnight
Well, lets assume Cloud sucks.

What would he suck? Would he suck a lemon? A tube? A straw? Maybe even air!

What if anyone else sucks? Would they suck a lemon? A tube? A straw? Maybe even air!

Point being.... everyone sucks, if they don't, they end up dying because they can't get milk into their system.

Typical that someone had to come out with this response...

If you meant "Is Cloud a weak main character?" Then maybe I stand a chance of answering this, in some way, shape or form.

The truthful answer is: To begin with, Cloud was a weak main character. He didn't care about anyone, he only wanted to work for money (did Barret ever pay him for that second mission they did? If not, I need to have a word with him about it...) I wasn't a true Cloud fan until after I learnt more about his past, but still knowing this, he rates low in my list of main characters when compared to others in the series. He just seems too generic, the bad ass who has problems and later tries to redeem himself. I prefer to have a character that has a personality early on in the game as well as later on in the game, and there are good examples of these in the other games.

So yeah, that's my revised opinion for now.

03-12-2004, 12:35 PM
Originally posted by Savior_Sephiroth
If you wanna get some sucky votes in debate on.......*coughs*Tidus*coughs*. If Cloud were alive today, he would shoove his buster sword (or any of his other 100 swords) up your ass.............meaning cloud is cool. What drove you to ask something like this?
So you are one of those narrow-minded people that think everyone shares your opinion? And you never miss a chance to make your opinion on off-topic things known. Leave Tidus out of this.

Cloud can suck quite independently from Tidus. I prefer Tidus over Cloud, by the way. He was more my kind of guy. Cloud never caught my interest. He was just the spiky-haired guy you happen to control. I never cared for him.
So don't run aroudn assuming everyone in the world loves Cloud. That's so idiotic.

03-12-2004, 04:20 PM
It was a fucking joke....god calm down women. There just fucking game characters, what the hell are you in love with them??? Narrow Minded lol....yet again you assume the worst of me...that's pathetic. Did I say straight out, that everyone agrees with me? No......god so many people think I am serious when I say this shit....that's just sad.:notgood: I see that you base people by their appearance huh? See I know that's not true, but that is just like what you said about me. Before you call a person an idiot, which is pretty damn immature for your age. You should actually know how the person feels about a certain topic. When I was writing what you, Masio, quoted, I was laughing my ass off. I am only 14, which is in a way good because I don't NEED to act mature, but for you, using that kind of vocabulary and TRYING to act mature just doesn't fit. People think they are better then everyone else just because they have more power, lol *sighs*. Being 14 rules...............................Especially in the chat room, people think age matters, that is what you call irrogent. People think if your 14, your immature, lol what fools, No one is better than anyone, remember that. If your trying to act MATURE in a FINAL FANTASY forum (lol) you should just drop it. I know you know i'm right because it is true. People around the ages of 16 - 23 think they are SO mature and well prepared to challenge the world, but really they are just wasting there life talking on a Video Game shrine. Enjoy life while you can guys...........
(How the hell did this thread lead to this????:eye: :eye: :notgood: )

03-12-2004, 10:03 PM
cloud's fucking skinny...
what i meant to say b4 was he dont even have a single muscle on his body but he is still as strong as fuck!!!

03-12-2004, 10:28 PM
Originally posted by Savior_Sephiroth
It was a fucking joke....god calm down women. There just fucking game characters, what the hell are you in love with them??? Narrow Minded lol....yet again you assume the worst of me...that's pathetic. Did I say straight out, that everyone agrees with me? No......god so many people think I am serious when I say this shit....that's just sad.:notgood: I see that you base people by their appearance huh? See I know that's not true, but that is just like what you said about me. Before you call a person an idiot, which is pretty damn immature for your age. You should actually know how the person feels about a certain topic. When I was writing what you, Masio, quoted, I was laughing my ass off. I am only 14, which is in a way good because I don't NEED to act mature, but for you, using that kind of vocabulary and TRYING to act mature just doesn't fit. People think they are better then everyone else just because they have more power, lol *sighs*. Being 14 rules...............................Especially in the chat room, people think age matters, that is what you call irrogent. People think if your 14, your immature, lol what fools, No one is better than anyone, remember that. If your trying to act MATURE in a FINAL FANTASY forum (lol) you should just drop it. I know you know i'm right because it is true. People around the ages of 16 - 23 think they are SO mature and well prepared to challenge the world, but really they are just wasting there life talking on a Video Game shrine. Enjoy life while you can guys...........
(How the hell did this thread lead to this????:eye: :eye: :notgood: )

Man, just reading your post just makes me want to think.....


03-12-2004, 11:37 PM
boogybro87 hes strong cos hes kinda genetically enhanced he's only tiny in size aswell hes only 5'7, WHY OH WHY CANT WE ALL............

03-13-2004, 07:14 AM
I see that you base people by their appearance huh?
I don't know your appearance. I judge people by their behaviour.
Well... you say you CAN act ammature because you're only 14. That was funny, that made me smile. What a funny attitude.

Okay, why are you pissed at me when I take a post of yours seriously? You should expect this when talking to people, even on a Final Fantasy board, and even you as a 14-year-old. If you're unwilling to accept this, please leave. I am afraid I have this thing a bit seriously because it's my job as a s-mod.

I also fail to understand what you mean concerning my vocabulary. Please enlighten me! I don't think I used any fancy words in the post you referred to. What exactly seemed immature?

And if you think you know I know that you're right, I am afraid it means that what you think is wrong. :(

Bahamut ZERO
03-13-2004, 07:32 AM
I need to write an article about Cloud at some point. Just about his characteristics and strong points and such.

As I've said already, Cloud is a strong character, but he really doesn't have that strong a personality. The driving force of the story comes from many different places: Barret, Cid, Aeris, Tifa, Red, etc. They all had their own reasons to hate Shinra and thus their own part to play in the story.

I suppose you could say Cloud is like Marmite. You either like him, or you hate him.

03-13-2004, 08:36 AM
I agree, good way at putting it bahamut.

I think one of the main reasons people like Cloud is cos hes just cool with that big sword and hes alot like some people, i like his character because how much alike he is from me in alot of ways. But i personally think that if square didnt have Cloud as the main character and some other dude instead people would like that character the same as they do Cloud.

All in all its all personal preferance. like with tidus for example some people hate him and they can thats theyre opinion, i like tidus hes a different character than the rest but hey all the main characters are different in theyre own ways, and i wont let anyone contest my opinion as should anyone else be contested about theyre opinions by others.

Thats my 2 cents.

03-13-2004, 12:40 PM
Ok...well everybody seems to like Cloud...well mostly everybody. Cloud is Kick ass even though he is anerexic (I hope I spelled it right).

03-13-2004, 09:52 PM
cloud does rock but i personally think that zidane has the best character!!!
er...that my dont judge it!!!

03-13-2004, 11:07 PM
zidanes pretty cool eah, i love his double bladed weapons they rock. But i prefer Cloud.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
03-13-2004, 11:16 PM
I suppose you could say Cloud is like Marmite. You either like him, or you hate him.

Okay, wtf is this "Marmite"?

Oh, and Cloud sucks as a character, there's very little depth to him other than the cliche storyline he's given. Hardly an original character.

Though I hate the character of Tidus because he was such a frickin' pansy (especially when he had all those people backing him up all the time and his own weapons and skills), his character was at least somewhat more original in terms of what kind of character Square had thrown at us up until then... have to give him credit for that, but not much else!

03-14-2004, 01:12 AM
Well the only reason they give little depth, is because he can't remember his past properly......and Tidus is a pansy....especially when he says "I hate you" at the end. lol

03-14-2004, 01:52 AM
he can remember his past properly...i hate that bit when he chat's to his poppa at the end (it's a bit gay)...
oh...and marmite is like a sandwich spread that taste like shit (in my opinion) either love it.....or you hate's that simple!!!

03-14-2004, 02:05 AM
What a dumb thread...the poll speaks for itself, even the maker of the thread didn't vote yes =/

Cloud is cool because of the fact he's gone through so much and people respect that. His personality...well, it's not the most outgoing, but i suppose that's a good thing judging by how popular he is.

03-14-2004, 04:51 AM
is this not a cool pic?!?!
thought so!!!

03-14-2004, 11:33 PM
I think Cloud is the weakest main character in an FF game, and probably one of the weakest characters overall.

He doesn't have much personality. The qualities he does have aren't all that great. And he doesn't really have much in the way of character development......I

He has a big ass sword, and he looks cool.

In his defense, we're asking him to compete with the greatest Cid in any FF game ever.

03-15-2004, 06:43 PM
Ndi simple fact is ur wrong Cloud kicks ass the tatoo on my right arm shows my opinion on the matter

03-15-2004, 06:51 PM
Please back up your statements. Simply "No you're wrong" is NO good contribution to the topic. Same for "Cloud kicks ass"

WHY do you think he kicks ass?

03-15-2004, 11:40 PM
you have a cloud tatoo??!!

....erm. ok.

03-16-2004, 02:31 AM
FFFanatic i think he means his avatar picture.

For all those who say that Cloud isnt a very indepth character, i found him one of the most indepth character of all ff's thats probly one of the main reasons i think Cloud is such a brilliant character, hes small, skinny and only wants respect and strength and in the end he gains all of it.

03-16-2004, 09:58 AM
does cloud suck ass??
no, why might you ask, cause i say so
oh, and he's got a bigass sword and doesn't care about anyone, like his "only i matter" attitude soooooooo...........
*looks around for somoene to disagree*:eye:

03-16-2004, 04:37 PM
Yeah i have a cloud tatoo.

03-22-2004, 03:49 PM
CLOUD RULES!!!!!!!!!

Top Cat
03-22-2004, 03:55 PM
Originally posted by Odin
Okay, wtf is this "Marmite"?

It's like Vegemite, but different.

Why does everyone like Cloud's sword? Looks too heavy for me.

03-22-2004, 04:26 PM
thats why its badass, NO one but the greatness that is cloud could(well, except zack) wield it awesome power!!!:lol mwawawawawawa!!!*end rant*

03-23-2004, 08:01 PM
Hmm...I saw nothing wrong with Cloud. In fact, he's a great character...better than the rest of the other 'main' heros of other FF games. He got a cool attitude, a cool battle pose, spiky hair that may take you hours to shape into, and a caring, kind-hearted, who laughs once in a while, spunky cool attitude type of personality.
Anyway...its not like he's soooo that skinny...He looks great to me. :eye: Cloud may have the Buster Sword but he does get different swords later on....and who wouldn't agree that his limit breaks are much cooler than the rest of the FF heros in the others FF games. I rather watch Cloud do OmniSlash than those other losers limit breaks.:erm:

03-30-2004, 08:42 PM
Cloud does not suck why would you even ask a question like that in my opinion he's the best main character of all

03-31-2004, 09:59 PM
Well I Personnally Thought Cloud Was A terrible Main Character And "Leader" For A Party. He Didint Give A Crap About Anyone Else And Thats A Good Thing? I Hope You Trust And Confide In Someone Like that Like They Did With Cloud only To Find Out He Was A Liar And A Coward... He Stabbed Sephiroth in The Back In Nibelheim 5 Years Ago Thats Some Charming Behaviour There Towards your Squad Leader... Granted he Did Burn Down The Town But Backstab? Youd think They Duel One On One Like Men... He Was An Emotional Wreck And Made Sure his problems Came before Everyone Elses With his little Epileptic Fits On The Ground... I Think That Was All Just Attention Seeking (And Jenova Cells) That And Stat Wise Hes Not interesting Hes Just Your Average main Chracter the Buff Attacking Guy... nothing Whatsoeevr Interesting or Different About Him... And Big Sword? Who Cares if He Has A Big Sword? Id Personally Prefer it If he used A Sword With A Little More Class... I Personallly Like The Yoshiyuki AN dThe Murasmae Because They Were Realistic Classy Swords... Not A Gigantic impractical meat Cleaver...

Bahamut ZERO
04-01-2004, 07:30 AM

I'm wondering if anyone posting stuff like "Cloud rules" has actually bothered reading the first page of the thread...

Details, people. Point out specific times in the games when Cloud has done something that you've enjoyed. Point out specific moments and conversations. Back up your arguments with facts from the game, and maybe I'll start listening.

I think my post about there being no middle ground does stick though. You either like Cloud, or you hate him. And the more I read this thread, the more I hate him.

04-02-2004, 12:37 AM
clouds was actually very boring through out most of the game, disk's 3 and 4 he came into his own!

Bahamut ZERO
04-02-2004, 05:44 AM
Originally posted by boogybro87
clouds was actually very boring through out most of the game, disk's 3 and 4 he came into his own!

There wasn't even a disk 4 in FF7...

04-06-2004, 01:55 AM
I think that Cloud is the best character in all of the games that I have played. Just the way he is and his personality and the adventurous game thats he has been in and the new movie Final fantasy Advent Children. He look freakin cool. So for me asking if Cloud sucks isn't even a question that should be asked. Thats if your final fantasy fan like myself.

Dark Knight Odin
04-14-2004, 05:45 AM
I am sorry Setzer but I have to say this. Cloud was a great main character. Sure he didnt care about anyone at first. But characters like that have more and better development thoughout the story. He started to care for Aeris then fell in love with her, and cared for Tifa though out most of it. As for the back stabbing of Sephiroth. First off he had it coming, and secondly, WHEN YOU ARE ABOUT TO FIGHT SOMEONE AS POWERFUL AS SEPHIROTH, YOU TAKE EVERY ADVANTAGE YOU GOT!!! Attack from the front and you get a 6 foot sword going so far down your throat that you'll be shitting the sword(and every major organ in your body) for months on end!!!! :shock: :shock: and would I wanna do that...HELL NO!! Can I get an AMEN to that.

04-14-2004, 10:49 AM
A' fuckin 'men
well put Dark.

04-15-2004, 11:43 AM
HALELUYA(is that right)
preach brother!!

04-16-2004, 12:19 AM

04-16-2004, 05:34 AM
If you continue spamming/chatting, this topic will be closed.

Strife-X, Shadowsyth68, this is especially directed at your last two posts.

Dot Centaur
04-18-2004, 06:12 PM
All Cloud haters could burn in hell! Character bashing is wrong, but bashing our beloved Cloud, that's just going toooooo FAR! Cloud is a sex god people! Cloud only lied to his friends because he was only scared of being disliked and unsure of himself! All he needed was a little love! So WAKE UP people, BE KIND TO CLOUD STRIFE! He's learning like the rest of us right? Thank You to the Cloud fan's whom stick up for him. These are just characters people, so don't bother gettin' so worked up on hating them, they're not real. So let'em alone!

04-18-2004, 07:25 PM
If Cloud sucks then why would they make a movie about the game Final Fantasy VII AKA: Final Fantasy Advent Children. There must have been so many people who liked him and the story line that he had. So it's not even a question...

Dot Centaur
05-26-2004, 02:45 AM
I really worship Cloud! Who can't resist his sexy apearance and his spunky attitude!? Who doesn't love this guy:-* :love: sexpot :-* :love: sexpot !!

05-27-2004, 12:55 AM
you cant say that ff7 is a cliche game because it was one of the first rpgs the came out so if anything every other game is a cliche of final fantasy 7 and my favorite character was Kain from final fantasy 2 or 3(4) dont know what its called in the japanese one hes in its either 3 or 4 but its two in america and thats my 2 cents too bad i dont remember what this thread thingy is about

05-27-2004, 03:14 AM
Cloud ownz, he is my favourite fictional character of all time. But i wonder, since technology isnt as advanced to show us do u reckon he would have anything like pimples or facial hair? I believe he would have pimples but not very much facial hair

05-27-2004, 09:35 AM
ouch...that hurt me kid, pimples and no facial hair? Cloud is the best main character in all the series and the series to come. with the spiked hair, the fact he challenge sephiroth......he is only the best!!!!!!!!!!! (Plz dont diss him the way you just did:( )

05-27-2004, 06:34 PM
wow! i'm gonna get eaten alive here! especially since i would originally be considered a 'genericly named cloud fan' (i only changed my name to this for my wife MeandCloud) first i was all like 'o crap there's not a single original opinion here' then i saw odin's post...
Odin: thank you for that bit of sanity...
anyways, back to topic.... then as i went on i was like 'o crap i'm gonna get eaten alive' again... you all are so narrow-minded... cloud sucked major ass... and some of Johnny's dick... (you all remember johnny?) i mean really... he can't make a single decision on his own... he's a friggin loser... and he's got an ugly mug (HEY!!! i got backup on this... i asked a whole lot of guys and girls about this...) and he's just shallow and weak... he don't have his own personality... (he stole Zack's) and even the idea of 'saving the world' didn't come from him... he got pulled in by barrett originally, held on by tifa, and reminded by eveyone else... (and not just the main playable characters... even the shin-ra and the turks reminded him of this goal... coz he's too dumb to do anything on his own... uncommitted...) anyways... i dislike cloud highly... and especially since if i met him in real life i would have to kick his depressing, whoosy, retarded, weak, unoriginal, mako-infused, spikey-headed butt!!!

edit: btw, i'm not a cloud hater either, he's just too popular for my not following the crowd tasted... and he's just a dumb white person... lol

Dot Centaur
05-28-2004, 12:20 AM
Cloud having pimples, oh no Lol! Cloud's too sexy to have pimples! I wouldn't be suprised if he had vague facial hair though! He'd look sexy with sexpot small sideburns sexpot! Heck, he'll still look sexy either way! Damn I'm totally in love with this guy! That's a good favorite character of all fiction!

05-28-2004, 12:28 AM
Cloud is most definitely the best FF character, or any other character, ever. Yeah sure the huge sword helps, and so does his basic design. Granted, that may very well be the only reason some people like him... *sighs*...
But being in the biz of trying to design characters myself, I look deeper than the outside, such as the humongo sword and awesome armor. The personality is what THRUTHFULLY counts- but when some people see a cool dude they completely ignore that... I personally think that Cloud is more interesting simply because of his mental situation- very interesting, no?
Plus, when the heck to you get to see a tough mercenary with glowing eyes and a buster sword dress up like a girl? Not often enough...

So there's my reply, you all know Cloud's the best, why ask? And hey, I myself have never played FF9, but I've seen Zidane. Sure he's cool, but-- dude, I had to ask people whether he was a boy or a girl... kind of scary, he shaves his armpits and if you look close, you see frills...

The great and powerful misstress_cloud has spoken!

Dot Centaur
05-28-2004, 01:31 AM
Of course Clouds the best! His personalty his looks(drools)!! He's the best fictional male character ever!! Ya gotta love him!

05-28-2004, 10:49 PM
that may be a good point mistress.. but i think the fact that his mental state is 'fixed' in the game takes away from him as a whole... it's a minus in my book... maybe if he stayed schizo, then i'd like him! and about ff9... ALL the characters look feminine (esp. steiner's eyebrows!)

Lunatic HighVII
05-29-2004, 10:50 AM
Cloud definately does NOT suck. Sure he's cold hearted, but he's getting better! Plus, when he lied to his friends, he didn't understand the truth of what really happened. Tifa's past was put into his memories when Cloud was created, so that was all that he knew. Plus, cloud is hot! ;) And if he was so cold hearted, then why does he risk his life for the planet.

- how many people can do a pull-up with one arm off of a cliff holding onto another person? - thats what i thought!

Kiros of the blood
06-09-2004, 05:33 AM
cloud thinks he's so strong but he isn't because he is the hole of my ass and king of poop .

Dot Centaur
06-09-2004, 01:14 PM
Hell no, why would Cloud be weak if he's got Omnislash? LOL. Cloud may be inconfident on Disc 1, but the spunky attitude shows he's got courage! No one can call him weak if he's got brute strength and courage!

06-10-2004, 12:12 AM
ya i have no idea what going on but Cloud ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!YAY

06-10-2004, 01:25 PM
He wont be the main character in the game if he's sucks. lol