03-01-2013, 11:34 PM
Aliens Colonial Marines Gamerip Project

1. Links

Link Complete Gamerip Album: ACM_CGA.zip (http://www.mediafire.com/?dbm8pmk12wmn48m)

Pass: winteriscoming

Link "file dump" Gamerip: ACM_GR.zip (http://www.mediafire.com/?3xkym8q5h5343on)

Pass: dwaynehicks

2. Additional Information

Important Note: Additional thanks go out to to ikarop, who posted instructions for extracting the music on the AnPGalaxy.net forums. Link: Aliens:Colonial Marines Soundtrack (http://www.avpgalaxy.net/forum/?topic=47517.msg1624425#msg1624425)

3. Track List

1. Logos & Menu:

001 - Fox Fanfare (short version) (0:03)
002 - Gearbox Logo (0:07)
003 - Main Theme (2:46)

2 . Campaign:

Mission 1 � Distress

004 - Opening - Briefing (Cutscene) (3:15)
005 - Winter Suits Up (part 1) (1:12)
006 - Winter Suits Up (part 2) (1:07)
007 - Explosive Decompression (0:19)
008 - Sulaco Airlock Opens (0:04)
009 - Abandoned Corridors (2:54)
010 - Loose Cable (0:02)
011 - Garnett Found (0:03)
012 - Lurker Fight (0:31)
013 - Into The Frenzy (0:03)
014 - Getting The Flight Recorder (part 1) (1:37)
015 - Getting The Flight Recorder (part 2) (1:43)
016 - Getting The Flight Recorder (part 3) (1:43)
017 - Fall Back To The Sulaco (1:34)
018 - Broken Glass (0:05)
019 - Grenade! (0:02)
020 - Hangar Stand-Off (part 1) (1:42)
021 - Hangar Stand-Off (part 2) (1:42)
022 - Son Of Keyes (1:05)
023 - Escaping the Umbilical (Cutscene) (0:51)
024 - Cargo Bay Doors Opened (0:28)

Mission 2 � Battle For Sulaco

025 - A New Enemy (part 1) (3:22)
026 - A New Enemy (part 2) (3:08)
027 - In Your Face! (0:06)
028 - Struggle With A Facehugger (variant 1) (0:13)
029 - Struggle With A Facehugger (variant 2) (0:17)
030 - Struggle With A Facehugger (variant 3) (0:22)
031 - Cargo Rail Skirmish (part 1) (1:10)
032 - Cargo Rail Skirmish (part 2) (1:08)
033 - Cargo Rail Skirmish (part 3) (1:10)
034 - Engineering (0:25)
035 - Firefight in Central Command (part 1) (2:01)
036 - Firefight in Central Command (part 2) (2:03)
037 - Firefight in Central Command (part 3) (2:03)

Mission 3 � Sulaco Falls

038 - The Rats Are Leaving (0:49)
039 - The Sinking Ship (3:32)
040 - Override Successful (0:08)
041 - Caught In The Act (0:03)
042 - The Slow Death Of The USS Sulaco (0:53)
043 - Arriving At The Hangar (0:33)
044 - The Last Ticket Out (Cutscene) (0:54)

Mission 4 � No Hope In Hadley's

045 - Welcome To Hadley's Hope (0:22)
046 - Inside The Colony (3:03)
047 - Forced Entry (0:08)
048 - Location Compromised (0:27)
049 - Main Ops Battle (part 1) (2:24)
050 - Main Ops Battle (part 2) (2:24)
051 - Alien Resurrected (0:03)
052 - Going Underground (0:06)
053 - Another Lurker (0:29)

Mission 5 � The Raven

054 - Separation Anxiety (0:44)
055 - Meet The Raven (part 1) (0:05)
056 - Meet The Raven (part 2) (0:07)
057 - Black Claws (0:24)
058 - Shock Attack (0:18)
059 - It Moves! (0:09)
060 - The Raven's Back (0:12)
061 - Hey, That's MY Girl! (0:07)
062 - Preparing For The Inevitable (1:05)
063 - O'Neal Is Missing (0:04)
064 - Conflicting Loyalties (Cutscene) (2:36)

Mission 6 � For Bella

065 - End Of The Road (Cutscene) (0:24)
066 - Onward (0:10)
067 - Dropship Fly-By (0:04)
068 - No Firefly (0:03)
069 - Spitter Lair (1:22)
070 - Through The Dark (0:57)
071 - Weyland-Yutani Research Module (0:50)
072 - Into The Facility (1:09)
073 - To The Elevator (1:01)

Mission 7 � One Bullet

074 - A Second Suicide Mission (3:00)
075 - Breaching The Perimeter (1:30)
076 - The Crusher (0:13)
077 - Futile Rescue (Cutscene) (2:21)
078 - The Labs (part 1) (2:30)
079 - The Labs (part 2) (2:57)
080 - The Labs (part 3) (2:57)
081 - Heavy Resistance (0:12)
082 - APC Fight (part 1) (1:22)
083 - APC Fight (part 2) (1:28)
084 - APC Fight (part 3) (1:28)
085 - APC Destroyed (0:06)
086 - Do It (1:09)

Mission 8 - Rampart

087 - The Aliens Escape (0:26)
088 - What The Hell Happened In Here (0:04)
089 - The Queen (0:52)
090 - Royal Rage (0:50)
091 - Monster In The Mist (0:03)
092 - A War On Two Fronts (1:58)
093 - Inside The Derelict (0:52)
094 - Not Your God (0:50)
095 - Hicks Nocter (Cutscene) (2:45)

Mission 9 � Hope In Hadley's

096 - Xenodammerung (Cutscene) (0:25)
097 - Defending The Vehicle Bay (2:31)
098 - The Crusher Returns (0:08)
099 - Crusher Fight (2:38)
100 - A Short Story (Cutscene) (1:52)

Mission 10 � Derelict Reclaimed

101 - Here We Go (Cutscene) (0:32)
102 - Desperate Retreat (1:28)
103 - The Queen Has Left The Building (0:56)
104 - No Ticket (Cutscene) (0:36)

Mission 11 - Home

105 - Winter Wakes Up (part 1) (0:12)
106 - Winter Wakes Up (part 2) (0:14)
107 - Finding Cruz (0:21)
108 - Hitting the Deck (1:06)
109 - Uh-Oh... (0:05)
110 - The Bitch Is Back (2:32)
111 - Ending (Cutscene) (4:51)

3. End Credits:

112 - End Credits (part 1) (1:30)
113 - End Credits (part 2) (2:36)
114 - End Credits (part 3) (1:33)

4. Bonus Tracks:

115 - Survivor (1:25)
116 - Winter Suits Up (percussion only) (1:12)
117 - Hangar Stand-Off (part 1, alternate 1) (1:42)
118 - Hangar Stand-Off (part 1, alternate 2) (1:40)
119 - Son Of Keyes (alternate) (1:05)
120 - Welcome To Hadley's Hope (extended) (0:52)
121 - Going Underground (alternate) (0:06)
122 - Unused Track 1 (2:27)
123 - Unused Track 2 (0:14)

5. Stinger Collection:

124 - Combat Stinger 1 (0:04)
125 - Combat Stinger 2 (0:05)
126 - Combat Stinger 3 (0:02)
127 - Combat Stinger 4 (0:04)
128 - Combat Stinger 5 (0:02)
129 - Combat Stinger 6 (0:03)
130 - Combat Stinger 7 (0:02)
131 - Combat Stinger 8 (0:01)
132 - Combat Stinger 9 (0:03)
133 - Combat Stinger 10 (0:05)
134 - Combat Stinger 11 (0:03)
135 - Tunnel Stinger 1 (0:04)
136 - Tunnel Stinger 2 (0:05)
137 - Tunnel Stinger 3 (0:04)
138 - Tunnel Stinger 4 (0:05)
139 - Death Stinger 1 (0:09)
140 - Death Stinger 2 (0:09)
141 - Death Stinger 3 (0:04)

03-02-2013, 12:00 AM
Thank you sir! I do not plan on playing or buying this game after the reviews it received. Wish I could be a bigger help to you. The Music seems to be the only bright spot. Wish I could of been more help. Thanks for the nice rip!

03-02-2013, 12:01 AM
Well, here's the good news - deleting all of the files that have less than :20 of run times leaves us with just 77 files and 2 hours of music!

The bad news is I have no fricking clue how to arrange these because I have not played the game.

Speaking of which, you any good with .ogg headers? I extracted a bunch of music from Age of Conan that I think will lead me to making complete soundtracks for Savage Coasts of Turan and Secrets of the Dragon's Spire...but they are not playable in media players.

03-02-2013, 12:07 AM
Well, there are also some duplicates in there that I may delete in a future update.

@DoubleHex: Sorry, I'd love to help you, given that I am a fan of your work. But I followed a step-by-step instruction from the AvPGalaxy.net forums, and I have no advanced experience with .ogg's whatsoever.

03-02-2013, 12:10 AM
I'll go give OrangeC a call then.

Now, in regards to Colonial Mariens, I'd say it's time to hit up YouTube for some Let's Plays.

03-02-2013, 12:46 AM
do u have Aliens Colonial Marines Gamerip in mp3s

03-02-2013, 12:53 AM
do u have Aliens Colonial Marines Gamerip in mp3s

get a converter there chief

03-02-2013, 02:09 AM
Thank you

03-02-2013, 04:42 AM
Sorry to ask this, but do the oggs have filenames?

03-02-2013, 04:49 AM
Well...do numbers count?

03-02-2013, 05:08 AM
Thanks k_bacon, I heard the music was good.

As for the game - I cancelled my pre-order for Collector's Edition of this steaming pile of shit. Gearbox can suck a fuck. Or Sega. Or whoever sabotaged the development of this potentially awesome true aliens game. What a waste.

03-02-2013, 05:12 AM
Thanks k_bacon, I heard the music was good.

As for the game - I cancelled my pre-order for Collector's Edition of this steaming pile of shit. Gearbox can suck a fuck. Or Sega. Or whoever sabotaged the development of this potentially awesome true aliens game. What a waste.

By the sounds of this, this was all on Gearbox. After the success of Borderlands 1, they put more effort into the sequel than they did on Colonial Marines. There was a point where Sega was ready to sue them due to them not following their contract.

03-02-2013, 05:16 AM
Oh crap, just numbers? I don't own a copy of the game yet, so bear with me...

I googled for a good .upk extractor, and came up with gildor.com's ueviewer aka umodel, supports the latest UE games. Try it out if you have not already. If I recall, in the old days, the sound files were inside SoundNodeWave files, which I scanned with Nova Extractor, and got .oggs :)

03-02-2013, 08:47 AM
One Big Thanks!!

03-02-2013, 09:28 AM

03-03-2013, 02:09 AM
Thank you for this... the music for this game was awesome, despite the quality of the game itself.

03-03-2013, 05:39 PM
I think I'm on to something:

1. 01 - Fox Logo (short version) (0:03)
2. 02 - Main Theme (2:46)
3. 03 - Opening - Briefing (3:15)
4. 04 - Winter Suits Up (part 1) (1:12)
5. 05 - Winter Suits Up (part 2) (1:07)
6. 06 - Explosive Decompression (0:19)
7. 07 - Sulaco Airlock Opens (0:04)
8. 08 - Abandoned Corridors (2:54)
9. 09 - Loose Cable (0:02)
10. 10 - Garnett Found (0:03)
11. 11 - Surprise! (0:04)
12. 12 - Lurker Fight (0:31)
13. 13 - Into The Frenzy (0:03)
14. 14 - Getting The Flight Recorder (1:44)

03-03-2013, 07:06 PM
am I the only one that cant download from gamefront? also the other links dont work.

03-03-2013, 07:23 PM
I just checked, and at least the Gamefront link still works.

03-03-2013, 08:01 PM
Groan....this is wwise again, isn't it?

03-03-2013, 08:08 PM
Yeah, the GameFront link is working fine. Perhaps a mirror would be kosher at this moment given the lack of options provided by Mirrorcreator.

03-03-2013, 08:55 PM
Updated OP with MediaFire link. Hope that helps.

03-04-2013, 05:59 PM
searched for info for the gamefront problem and found out that the service is banned in some countries.the mediafire link works fine thanks.

03-04-2013, 08:34 PM
Updated OP with a major update on the gamerip album progress.

03-07-2013, 03:43 AM
Are the track names you're posting in number order of the files in the zip?

03-07-2013, 03:57 AM
I can get to work on a cover for you bacon. I can't be much help otherwise.

03-07-2013, 02:36 PM
Thank you, DoubleHex! I really like the cover, and I appreciate any help :)

OP updated with current progress. I am more than halfway through, and I even was able to determine a handful of unused tracks, though it remains to be seen whether they appear in a section of the game I haven't checked yet.

03-08-2013, 10:04 PM
Again, OP updated with progress. Almost there.

03-10-2013, 09:38 AM
Thank you for your efforts.

03-10-2013, 10:49 PM
Okay, I finished creating a Complete Gamerip Album representation, with track names and proper tagging. Check the first post and enjoy it!

Thanks go out to Doublehex for his great cover art that is included in the archive. Please leave comments/Like/Rep Points as you wish :)

03-10-2013, 11:01 PM
Nice job.

Despite what was said about this game, I had fun with the single player campaign.

if you like retro gaming and Aliens, you will like this game :)

03-10-2013, 11:06 PM
Thanks! :)

03-11-2013, 01:25 AM

Thanks so much for these files and your hard work. One question though.... are these 2 files omitted from the archive?

001 - Fox Fanfare (short version) (0:03)
002 - Gearbox Logo (0:07)

Just wonderin :)


03-11-2013, 05:42 AM
I really love your creativity for renaming the files :). It looks great! Downloading now...

The Mawster
03-11-2013, 06:56 AM

03-11-2013, 07:04 AM

Thanks so much for these files and your hard work. One question though.... are these 2 files omitted from the archive?

001 - Fox Fanfare (short version) (0:03)
002 - Gearbox Logo (0:07)

Just wonderin :)


I just downloaded the archive myself, and the two files show up just fine. Try a redownload and see if it works :)

03-11-2013, 01:14 PM
It was confirmed by the composer Kevin Riepl that the original soundtrack release is going to be released soon, but after the disasterous critical response of the game itself, he said that it is not on the FOX / SEGA priority list right now...

Aliens: Colonial Marines Music Samples | -= KEVIN RIEPL MUSIC =- (http://www.kevinriepl.com/wordpress/index.php/archives/1341)

03-11-2013, 02:20 PM
It was confirmed by the composer Kevin Riepl that the original soundtrack release is going to be released soon, but after the disasterous critical response of the game itself, he said that it is not on the FOX / SEGA priority list right now...

Aliens: Colonial Marines Music Samples | -= KEVIN RIEPL MUSIC =- (http://www.kevinriepl.com/wordpress/index.php/archives/1341)

Yep, I read that too. Here's hoping that the release will happen! Whatever the outcome, there already are pressed promo copies of the album in existence. Check out Riepl's Twitter account where he posted a pic of them.

03-11-2013, 05:51 PM

Just letting you know, the first 2 tracks were indeed inside when I downloaded the 2nd time. Weird though they were not present (and no extract errors given) the first time I downloaded.

Thanks again :)


03-13-2013, 11:55 AM

03-23-2013, 12:29 PM

05-23-2013, 01:56 AM
many thanks, excited to hear this!

05-24-2013, 12:46 PM

05-25-2013, 09:19 AM
Hey, Thanks man. Fair game, awesome soundtrack.

06-01-2013, 12:33 PM

06-24-2013, 03:58 PM
Excellent work.Now I can throw away my rip..This is very professional..great cover, song names... :)

07-21-2013, 06:23 PM
Thank you Ikarop

---------- Post added at 06:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:46 PM ----------

hey buddy, you forgot the track where winter goes trough the sewers, you know the sewer theme

07-29-2013, 05:52 AM
Hey Bacon, thanks so much for your great work on this, can't wait to give it a full listen! Just wanted to share a quick cover I'd made. Nothing too fancy, just using the main iconic artwork for the game. I kinda hate all the white space at the bottom and the slightly awkward placement of the text, but oh well, it's something for an alternative if anyone wants.

07-29-2013, 02:46 PM
Bad game, not so bad music. Thanks!

08-01-2013, 11:06 AM
Checking this out, Riepl is a talented composer.

thegrizz70x7: That is an awesome cover !

08-01-2013, 04:52 PM
Thanks for this! And for all the hard work you put into collecting it.

08-01-2013, 08:30 PM
Just thank you for ur work!

08-01-2013, 11:41 PM
Ok, this is a great rip, except for the cutscenes, music sounds spectacular, even more than the game probably deserves. Thanks TC.

Secondly, Riepl did a great job emulating the sound that Horner did for the film, I had some smiles while listening to this, even moreso when he quoted Goldsmith's theme here and there. Thoroughly awesome percussion too. A wet dream for people who like their scores militaristic and ballsy.

01-12-2014, 11:34 PM

06-14-2014, 12:18 AM

06-14-2014, 03:23 PM
hi K Bacon

i am looking for that aliens pulse rifle noise (they used it in the game too). is it on ur rip as well ? or possible to rip it


07-11-2014, 07:19 AM
Thanks. Unfortunately, the links at Kevin Riepl page are downby request of 20th Century Fox. Great guys...

04-02-2015, 10:43 PM
Thank you!