02-23-2013, 11:31 PM
I am not seeing much people interested in it, but I am looking for teh soundtracks of the new anime.

Januray 30
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure O.S.T Phantom Blood [Destiny] (http://vgmdb.net/album/35574)

February 22
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure O.S.T Phantom Blood [Future] (http://vgmdb.net/album/36934)

March 29
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure O.S.T Battle Tendency [Musik] (http://vgmdb.net/album/36935)

Music is Hayato Matsuo. another reason why I want this so much :)

Hope someone might share it soon.

02-23-2013, 11:53 PM
Wow that's one expensive collection o_O.

02-23-2013, 11:59 PM
in fact ... I did not notice it.

Akashi San
02-24-2013, 12:05 AM
The first one is easy. It's been on Nyaa for a while. Here (http://www.nyaa.eu/?page=torrentinfo&tid=398752)

Here (http://www.mediafire.com/?8dkhuncjx84d6s7)'s the MP3 V0 version converted from the wav.

02-26-2013, 04:40 AM
Anyone got the second one for Phantom Blood?

02-26-2013, 09:38 PM
Anyone got the second one for Phantom Blood?
The "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure O.S.T Phantom Blood [Future]" should have that awesome battle theme.

03-05-2013, 01:02 AM
Ummm, bump?

Destiny was awesome, I'm all hyped up for Future and everything that comes after, especially Battle Tendency's music, which in my opinion has the best soundtrack!

Akashi San
03-05-2013, 07:55 PM

Phantom Blood [Future] Part I (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?730ecc6xrkzux87)
Phantom Blood [Future] Part II (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?lrdmejwjp7f8rz8)

Credit for ripping and uploading goes to 常言笑@ASTOST. PLEASE credit his name if you are going to re-post this anywhere else. Thank you.

03-06-2013, 02:47 PM
Oh hell fuck yes thank you and thank 常言笑@ASTOST for this. It's really good to see it since neither BakaBT nor Nyaa have it yet.
Thank you guys, very very much thank you :)

03-29-2013, 03:13 PM
Seeing as it's 29 of March, it's time to bump the thread.

Anyone got the new soundtrack for the first half of Battle Tendency? 1000377818 | JoJo's Bizarre Adventure O.S.T Battle Tendency [Musik] - VGMdb (http://vgmdb.net/album/36935)


I managed to find it, uploaded on my MEGA, full version, MP3 320 CBR

https://mega.co.nz/#!yVImjCTT!Jxs03TELehzFiGQ2nsNy532t765WJZPgyOP9Ib8 mf4Y

Sadly many tracks that were instrumental in the anime seem to be infested with horrible Lotus Jews (c)rap here.
Incredibly disappointed.

04-10-2013, 10:38 PM

Phantom Blood [Future] Part I (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?730ecc6xrkzux87)
Phantom Blood [Future] Part II (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?lrdmejwjp7f8rz8)

Credit for ripping and uploading goes to 常言笑@ASTOST. PLEASE credit his name if you are going to re-post this anywhere else. Thank you.

Any chance of a re-upload?

Akashi San
04-10-2013, 10:56 PM
I didn't like the music enough to keep it. There are high quality MP3 rips available online which will be good enough.

04-11-2013, 12:15 AM
But I love lossless

04-11-2013, 01:01 AM
then get a divorce paper

04-11-2013, 07:17 AM
Personally, I can see why they changed composers for Jojo part 2. Taku Iwasaki puts together some seriously awesome music here (even if some of it sounds more suitable for Naruto than Jojo, particularly "Take Cover"). While Lotus Juice's rapping is hammy as hell I think it adds a certain cool factor that the previous OSTs lacked.

I suspect this OST release was purposefully stocked with the vocal numbers because it's a commercial release. The upcoming OST that will be bundled with the DVD release will likely be mostly instrumental.

04-11-2013, 11:41 PM
Opinions I guess, I consider Iwasaki's composition to be very crappy, dubstep, (c)rap and all the jazz that young kids these days enjoy for whatever reason when for me it's something akin to what a Noise Marines from WH40k would listen to.

I much more preferred the traditional orchestral with a bit of rock OST of Phantom Blood, even though it didn't stand out that much. It kept a nice style and stuck with it to the end, while Iwasaki's work is all over the place, inviting Lotus Jews is a big no from me as well.

04-12-2013, 09:54 AM
I like both.

The soundtrack for Phantom Blood fit together well with the setting of that part of JoJo.
The same goes for Battle Tendency.

Sure, some of it is dubstep and rap (most of those songs actually don't sit well with me) but Iwasaki can nail some good stuff when he wants to.
Like "wealth of Nations" from the C soundtrack, or Awake from the upcoming second battle tendency OST (which is the "Pillar Men theme).

But yeah, OPINiONS.

04-12-2013, 11:16 AM
Can't say anything about C but Awake(n My Masters) is just another example of WUB WUB WUB WUB AYYYYAYAAAAA WUB WUB WUB WUB

As you've already said, opinions. At least we're bumping the thread so maybe someone that still has the FLAC version can reupload for the other guy.

04-12-2013, 12:45 PM
I have not yet listen the soundtracks. Matsuo Hayato was my actual reason to have these. Taku Iwasaki Is getting repetitive with that thing of Lotus Juice. It was cool in the beginning, but now it sounds always the same. I am getting my preference in Taku Iwasaki more in his symphonic stuff then in alternative styles he has been making. :/
Recently I listened Rurouni Kenshin OVAs soundtracks and Witch Hunter Robin. It is so different from now. But that is normal to him. He does not stick to a style. He kinda of tests things out, if I he likes the result then he continues with it. But I gotta say he is still a Madman in composing such mix up styles in one track. And that I do like in him a lot.
Now, I do like Dubstep.... but.... Taku Iwasaki making dubstep.... 0.o
I have to listen that, because my brain.... does not compute right now.

04-16-2013, 09:44 PM
I have not yet listen the soundtracks. Matsuo Hayato was my actual reason to have these. Taku Iwasaki Is getting repetitive with that thing of Lotus Juice. It was cool in the beginning, but now it sounds always the same. I am getting my preference in Taku Iwasaki more in his symphonic stuff then in alternative styles he has been making. :/
Recently I listened Rurouni Kenshin OVAs soundtracks and Witch Hunter Robin. It is so different from now. But that is normal to him. He does not stick to a style. He kinda of tests things out, if I he likes the result then he continues with it. But I gotta say he is still a Madman in composing such mix up styles in one track. And that I do like in him a lot.
Now, I do like Dubstep.... but.... Taku Iwasaki making dubstep.... 0.o
I have to listen that, because my brain.... does not compute right now.

Taku Iwasaki is a mad genius. Sometimes he creates transcendence, other times just madness. But he's usually never boring.

The track "Avalon" is a testament to how he's always trying new things. There's a heavy dubstep beat in the track and he combines it with opera singing and full orchestra. It's really, really fascinating. Your mileage may vary on how listenable the final concoction is but you can't say it's boring.

04-16-2013, 10:59 PM
I did not said anything because I did not wanted to make double post, and not wanting to labeled as moron....


Taku Iwasaki is a mad genius. Sometimes he creates transcendence, other times just madness. But he's usually never boring.

I agree with you NotSpecial, 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000%.

I actually liked this soundtrack very much.

04-23-2013, 06:41 AM
I did not said anything because I did not wanted to make double post, and not wanting to labeled as moron....


Taku Iwasaki is a mad genius. Sometimes he creates transcendence, other times just madness. But he's usually never boring.

I agree with you NotSpecial, 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000%.

I actually liked this soundtrack very much.

Oh yeah, I enjoy this soundtrack a ton too. I'm looking forward to the 2nd OST which won't be as commercially driven, there's a ton of great instrumental songs that didn't make it onto the commercial CD that should be on the bonus CD instead.

But this is definitely the most interesting soundtrack in 2013 so far. May not be the "best", but IMO, it is the most interesting.

04-27-2013, 12:06 AM
Yeah. I might.... AGree with you there. :)

By the way.
Would anyone share again the Phantom Blood soundtracks, please? :)

04-27-2013, 04:06 AM
So I've just found this link on google:

BTLV [MP3].zip (http://mediafire.com/?hzd66mcsinx6xl6)

It's the second Battle Tendency OST. I can confirm it's real, since I'm listening to it right now.

It was uploaded or found by someone on 4chan.

04-27-2013, 08:22 AM
Yeah. I might.... AGree with you there. :)

By the way.
Would anyone share again the Phantom Blood soundtracks, please? :)

Yes sir.
Format: MP3 (LAME) VBR V0

Phantom Blood [Destiny]
1000361842-CD.rar (http://www.mediafire.com/?ix8fmtcbf04fb8w)
Phantom Blood [Future]
1000377817-CD.rar (http://www.mediafire.com/?6n1ryufborn2rqs)

04-27-2013, 02:25 PM
thank you very much ;)

04-28-2013, 07:50 PM
The OST is exactly as I expected, almost entirely instrumentals, and a lot of them are the suspense/emotional variety. Kinda disappointed we didn't get more instrumentals of the vocal songs but perhaps they'll release those as a bonus CD. Other than that, this CD basically has all of the other pieces used in the Jojo anime (and some that were never used at all). We're essentially complete unless I missed a track somewhere.

The Zipper
11-19-2017, 01:05 AM
Opinions I guess, I consider Iwasaki's composition to be very crappy, dubstep, (c)rap and all the jazz that young kids these days enjoy for whatever reason when for me it's something akin to what a Noise Marines from WH40k would listen to.I'm not one to bump 4-year-old threads, but your comment is pure idiocy and irony at its finest. "Kids these days?" Last time I checked, anyone who can type something like "(c)rap" unironically has most likely not graduated from middle school. And jazz as a genre has existed for almost a century, so I'm not sure what kind of delusional logic makes you believe that it is either popular nowadays or something that is listened to by kids.

Matsuo's entire score is nothing more than bad synth noodling with some poor usage of electronica and forgettable e-guitar, as if he remembered at the last minute that this is a series that pays homage to the prog rock greats. There is almost -no- "traditional orchestral" bits to speak of. Meanwhile, in Iwasaki's work, you have "Il mare eterno nella mia anima", not only a gorgeous piece of pure opera, but something that shits all over Matsuo's work on Jojo, and even outside of Jojo's, Matsuo hasn't written anything on such a level. Not only that, but unlike Matsuo, Iwasaki also goes out of his way to place prog rock at the forefront of the soundtrack in pieces like "WELCOME TO THE WORLD", "Oh Please", and "Rubicon". There is no compromise here. And yes, while I generally dislike dubstep as well, you will never find a piece of dubstep-orchestra brilliance like "Burning Colosseum" or "Avalon" anywhere else. The horn arrangement in "Burning Colosseum" itself is of far higher quality than any pathetic excuse for "orchestral writing" you will find in Matsuo's score.

But each person has their own opinion indeed, and if Matsuo's sleepy guitar is what you like best, more power to you. I like Matsuo, but Jojo's was clearly him phoning it in. 009 or Keijo or Hellsing, this is not.

And even though it's not in this thread, I consider Yuugo's working on Jojo to be a giant turd as well. An abysmal attempt to mimic Iwasaki, giving birth to real atrocities like "Cat-Step". What a joke.

11-19-2017, 01:28 AM
not.... wanting to star a fight...
I did not thought Matsuo work was very good. and I enjoy him a lot, but, like you said, it was forgetable. Taku Iwasaki, was awesome. That "Avalon" track was amazing. Yuugo Kanno.....I enjoy pretty much his side on Jojo. he is not really mimic Iwasaki as you say, but dont forget he is not the one that chooses what type of music should play.
Opinions are opinions. No need to be enemies, but what is music? what is real music? anything you can make a sound and rhythm is music. even my feet moving and my head knocking on the table is music. So, music, as personal definition of many people, is wrong. Now, what kind of music and work that makes us feel a certain enjoyment, is the one we deemed as personal liking and taste.

Though..... Yuugo Kanno Highlighted me on Psycho Pass. I was amazed by that soundtrack, and seeing he was the one on Blame! Movie, I really hoped he would use the Psycho Pass style, and he did and I was more then happy. Yuugo Kanno was someone I did not really care, till some certain soundtracks getting my interest on him.
Though, regarding Blame! soundtrack... am I the only one who listens DBZ "Tapion Theme" in the soundtrack?

The Zipper
11-19-2017, 03:16 AM
For me, Yugo has been someone I have been enjoying less and less over time (though I haven't listened to Blame!). I enjoyed Psycho-Pass, but his work on Recongista was so incredibly dull, one of the few rare moments where I could say that having an orchestra and a clear melody doesn't always make for a great soundtrack. And my beef with his work on Jojo's is that he tried to hard to incorporate the electronica and dubstep of Iwasaki without really knowing what to do with it. And yes, I am sure that the dubstep was not a mandate from the producers/directors in charge, since there was none of it in Matsuo's soundtrack or All Star Battle. And since Jojo's, Yugo did continue using dubstep in his works like Ajin, so I am more than certain it was his decision.

I feel as if without the dubstep or electronica, if Yugo were just sounding like himself as he did in Birdy or Hataraki Man, he would have delivered a far better soundtrack. Unfortunately, after listening to two seasons of Jojo's from him, the 4th one being far worse musically than the 3rd, it sounds as if he wants to continue his medley of aimless electronica. Iwasaki is pretty much the only living composer who can get away with these sort of experiments.

Yugo has been getting a lot of high-profile work recently, like the upcoming Batman series, though I'm not sure if he really deserves it. Still, I would consider him far above the likes of those more popular nowadays like Sawano or Yokoyama.

01-06-2018, 08:57 PM
You saved my life bruh, looking for this, just PM me if the links dead or something, i'll reupload those awesome songs to you guys ;)

frafak (uz2b)
06-03-2019, 07:00 PM
Awesome !
Thanks a lot !!!