02-22-2013, 06:31 PM
It's the very special compilation and perhaps the most attractive especially for some people... people who enjoyed the show as kids and their belowed characters were Jessie, James and Meowth (Team Rocket TRio). It's for sure great also for many other people who like Pokemon and Team Rocket (Roket-dan) in general. I keep eternal sentiment for this show and my belowed characters. Not to mention some interesting changes that appeared in the Best Wishes series. BW remains very controversial amongst TR fandom but - personally - it was very joyful period nonetheless. And that's exactly the reason why I celebrated this glorious moment with the special project called 'The Story of Team Rocket in Unova Region' (better known as 'Team Rocket Unova Story').

All parts of the Story have full movie lenth. It is supposed to represent the whole Team Rocket plotline - since the very beginning of BW to the end of BW2 - and it contains ALL their scenes from regular episodes (+one cameo from the end of DP series). Further more - it's not only 'cut and merge' operation. I tried to muffle sound where each scene ends, make the proper callouts and provide special logo - so it looks like you're watching some special Team Rocket broadcast! Heh, I think I did my best to achieve the best results back then.

Follow the link.

ALL TR UNOVA STORIES (http://tesalionlortus.weebly.com/team-rocket-unova-story.html)

If you don't like it, we are going to catch you! xD