Rinnegan Tobi
02-22-2013, 01:29 AM
KSCL-2109 | DRAGON BALL Z BATTLE OF GODS ORIGINAL SOUND TRACK - VGMdb (http://vgmdb.net/album/37875)

It has 43 tracks

The track list can be found on the front page of saiyan island.


Just asking ahead of time.

02-22-2013, 02:32 AM
Hmm? I wonder how the music will sound? Orchestral? Rock? Techno? Say, Tobi, could you please show me a site where I can listen to some samples to this OST?

Rinnegan Tobi
02-22-2013, 03:24 AM
Hmm? I wonder how the music will sound? Orchestral? Rock? Techno? Say, Tobi, could you please show me a site where I can listen to some samples to this OST?

the only songs from the ost that you can hear on youtube is the FLOW version of CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA. Also the ending theme by flow known as "Hero -Song of Hope-".

there are no samples of the other tracks yet(maybe the trailers for the movie uses music that will be in the ost), maybe closer to the cd release some offical samples may appear

the guy who is composing the ost is Norihito Sumitomo, go listen to some of the soundtracks he made music for to possibly get an idea of how he ill make this ost sound like for the movie. Norihito Sumitomo - VGMdb (http://vgmdb.net/artist/794)

my guess is the music will sound like stuff from the DBZ japanese BGM from the anime with a modern style of the music plus maybe a big orchestral style too

02-22-2013, 02:34 PM
Why cant Dragon Ball died for good? 0.o

If it is Norihito Sumitomo I am waiting foro some jazzy tunes, since that is his signature most of times. He is a really good composer. But from what I know of him... I am not really seeing his style in DBZ.

03-20-2013, 04:32 AM
Jazzy Tunes??? .....In DBZ?! =O Wouldn't Rock or Orchestral or a combination of BOTH be more suitable for the settings in this Movie? You're right, Orie, I'm not seeing his style AT ALL in this certain Movie for DBZ...not at all... :( Judging by the Tracklisting, there seems to be quite a lot of Battle Themes going on here. Orie. I'm sorry to say that...well...I don't see Jazz doing anything for intense fighting scenes... :( BUT!! Who knows? Maybe he might change up his style in this one. :D let's hope for the best, friends. ;)

03-27-2013, 01:32 AM
Anyone got it? it's on japanese itunes? I can't figure how to get it :S

By the way, the score is really good, the orchestrated stuff is great. especially the ssjg theme and the orchestrated cha la head chala tracks.

Rinnegan Tobi
03-27-2013, 02:07 AM
I am going to wait for a rip from a CD

03-27-2013, 06:12 AM
This is a preview (30 seconds each track) of the full soundtrack. (not by me)


03-28-2013, 10:16 PM
Waiting very patiently for that link to appear :3.

03-28-2013, 10:55 PM
Waiting very patiently for that link to appear :3.

Hahahhaa, Any time now!. This might be the best dragon ball score to date, The choral pieces are sung in different Languages, from Ancient Egyptian, to German and Greek to Latin. The lyrics are taken from various sources and old poems, even an old christian hymn so I can't wait to listen to them.

03-31-2013, 12:56 AM
Hahahhaa, Any time now!. This might be the best dragon ball score to date, The choral pieces are sung in different Languages, from Ancient Egyptian, to German and Greek to Latin. The lyrics are taken from various sources and old poems, even an old christian hymn so I can't wait to listen to them.

This better than the original old ones? Ha, keep dreaming xD.

03-31-2013, 02:31 AM
This better than the original old ones? Ha, keep dreaming xD.

The original is amazing, and this score has some bland pieces here and there (mostly non fighting music), but the epic pieces are freaking deep. try to enjoy them for what they are. I am really getting a little bit dissapointed that everything about dragon ball has to be "kikuchi dis, kikuchi dat" and they give no props to any other guy, as for me I enjoy every score from every composer in the series. being my favorite Takaki Hiroshi in first place, Kikuchi second place, and now Norihito Sumimoto in third place.

and if you ask how I know about it, I read those notes about the soundtrack somewhere I don't remember very well, if I'm not mistaken they are on the CD. At the very least, give them props for using Ancient Literature as the source for the Choirs in the movie. kikuchi never thought of that.

03-31-2013, 05:24 PM
Man, I can't wait for this to get uploaded. *.*

03-31-2013, 05:30 PM
On the same boat as you Ryusuke :(.

04-01-2013, 09:58 AM
Any luck yet anyone?? :(

04-01-2013, 10:20 AM
i want the ost to,yesterday in a forum where i go i ofered that between a couple we could buy it from itunes japan,and we could have it very quickly,but nobody wanted to give a cent for it,the ost cost 2000 yen for the digital dl but i dont want to pay nearly 50$ for the 3000 yen code by myself,im willing to go on with it,if people are willing to donate X amount to my paypal acount i could buy it and post it over uploaded and rapidshare

04-01-2013, 10:24 AM
i want the ost to,yesterday in a forum where i go i ofered that between a couple we could buy it from itunes japan,and we could have it very quickly,but nobody wanted to give a cent for it,the ost cost 2000 yen for the digital dl but i dont want to pay nearly 50$ for the 3000 yen code by myself,im willing to go on with it,if people are willing to donate X amount to my paypal acount i could buy it and post it over uploaded and rapidshare

Dammit, I would love to help you but I don't even have a bank account lol. If I could i would have already bought it and shared it.

04-02-2013, 07:43 AM
I'm currently downloading the ost from itunes japan.

04-02-2013, 08:02 AM
cool,hope u enjoy it hehe

edit - are you gonna upload this ?

04-02-2013, 09:38 PM
I'm currently downloading the ost from itunes japan.

It would be nice if you could share it :3

04-03-2013, 03:02 AM
hahahaha.....no :D

04-03-2013, 03:28 AM
hahahaha.....no :D

Cool troll there, broseph.

04-03-2013, 06:20 AM
hahahaha.....no :D

LOL, Knew it was too good to be true xD

04-03-2013, 07:32 AM
to Zac2uzumaki

so,your point was ?

04-03-2013, 08:58 AM
to Zac2uzumaki

so,your point was ?

Don't get mad buddy, I have no obligation to share. And my point was pretty clear. TROLL...in case you didn't catch it. :D

04-03-2013, 09:24 AM
to Zac2uzumaki

im not mad at all,and no,you dont have any obligation to share,its just silly to come here to say "im downloading it right now" here in a forum where you share your soundtracks "specially here in the request section"
its just like saying NA NA NA NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA NA I GOT THE SOUNDTRACK AND YOU DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONT are you 12 or what ? if your not 12 and you are like 15 or above tells you a lot what kind of person you are,you should learn some respect man

p.d - i know that you was obviously trolling with that reply �_�

04-03-2013, 09:46 AM
Well, indeed he (male?) is right.

Besides considering this moral or not, righteour or not, he is right. Thats a point we cannot do nothing about.

�Hypocrite? Quite a lot. But you cant force no-one to upload things you want because she/he has them in his/her "stock". And now the moral part... If someone who has downloaded something here and is not willing to share, yes, IMO this is hypocrite to hardest limit. BUT as i said before, he is in his perfect right of doing this.

What is not and im totally against it is teasing: Its like "Ei dudes, i have it but i wont share it" because this is going to angry everyone who are unable to get that shit and shouldnt be posted because its considered as a spam too, if I remember right the same happened in the films section with all the scores and contacts shit.

So, if you have it and dont want to share, fine. But please, dont tease and dont make the people go mad.

04-03-2013, 10:30 AM
All I see is 2 long post.....honestly I'm not gonna bother reading them. No kidding.
But did you, kids, notice the date when I posted the comment?
Hahaha but no joke. It wouldn't hurt to support the composer by purchasing the ost. Just saying, peace!

04-03-2013, 10:39 AM
All I see is 2 long post.....honestly I'm not gonna bother reading them. No kidding.
But did you, kids, notice the date when I posted the comment?
Hahaha but no joke. It wouldn't hurt to support the composer by purchasing the ost. Just saying, peace!

Fine. I dont care if you read the post or not.

BTW, you're wrong. Im not a Kid FYI, im 25 years old and im still thinking that teasing and trolling is UNRELATED to support the composer and purchasing the OST. You can call me kid for this thoughts. Not gonna spam anymore, peace.

04-03-2013, 01:32 PM
hm, how old are you Zac2uzumaki ? im 31,and if you say reading 3 lines is long i only can say is

and confirms that the school kid is you
and by the way i WILL buy the cd when the japanese blu-ray comes out,so yeah,peace.

04-03-2013, 01:49 PM
You know guys it wouldn't cost that much to import it. I mean it isn't even 30 dollars O_O.
I actually don't make all that much money and i can still put money aside for buying cds i like and pay my other bills. But my guess is most users here are probably still in high school so i shouldn't expect to much tho.

04-03-2013, 02:04 PM
All I see is 2 long post.....honestly I'm not gonna bother reading them. No kidding.
But did you, kids, notice the date when I posted the comment?
Hahaha but no joke. It wouldn't hurt to support the composer by purchasing the ost. Just saying, peace!

Dude, really? you are benefiting yourself from the downloads in the forum and you act like that?. geez. you have no obligation to share, but since... you know what don't share we don't need it from people like you. I'll just wait patiently until I can either buy it myself. or anyone is kind enough to share it.

04-03-2013, 11:30 PM
For the love of god! 31 and 25, and acting like spoil brats. You are both old enough to buy the ost, why come here and wait for someone to buy it?
My comment was an April fool's joke, hell if i was gonna buy the ost, not worth buying. (about 2 or 3 songs are good)

@DragonAgeZ I have contributed to the anime/manga community, I think for once i can chill and let others, share. :D

04-04-2013, 12:16 AM
Why would somebody post in a forum about uploading OSTs for others to download just to say they're getting the OST, but aren't sharing it?

04-04-2013, 12:22 AM
This thread has gone off trail lol *keeps waiting for ost*

04-04-2013, 09:26 PM
For the love of god! 31 and 25, and acting like spoil brats. You are both old enough to buy the ost, why come here and wait for someone to buy it?
My comment was an April fool's joke, hell if i was gonna buy the ost, not worth buying. (about 2 or 3 songs are good)

@DragonAgeZ I have contributed to the anime/manga community, I think for once i can chill and let others, share. :D

Me an spoiled brat? Only because i said what i thought about an unfair teasing behaviour, lol. Ok, fine, then im a brat.

I heard the entire "sample" OST in YTB, not bad but i was expecting a bit more...

04-05-2013, 05:59 AM
Any luck with the soundtrack anyone? D:

04-05-2013, 08:05 AM
Tell you guys what, if by the end of the weekend nobody buys the ost, I'll buy it and share it.
How much is on iTunes, can someone link me?

EDIT: Ok this is bullshit, most of the songs are less then a minute, this Norihito (composer) is a cheap bastard. I've never been so disappointed on a Ost. Sorry guys.

04-05-2013, 01:43 PM
Tell you guys what, if by the end of the weekend nobody buys the ost, I'll buy it and share it.
How much is on iTunes, can someone link me?

EDIT: Ok this is bullshit, most of the songs are less then a minute, this Norihito (composer) is a cheap bastard. I've never been so disappointed on a Ost. Sorry guys.

Don't blame to composer, man. Blame the fucking people who told him to do that. Composers only make music based on directions given to them.

04-05-2013, 04:33 PM
Tell you guys what, if by the end of the weekend nobody buys the ost, I'll buy it and share it.
How much is on iTunes, can someone link me?

EDIT: Ok this is bullshit, most of the songs are less then a minute, this Norihito (composer) is a cheap bastard. I've never been so disappointed on a Ost. Sorry guys.

Well... Thats why i told you better to wait a little more, IMO is not a soundtrack that deserves my money. I prefer to buy (already bough) YS or Eiyuu Densetsu things or Yoko Kanno CD's...

Been a fan of the series and the soundtracks (the first series are spectacular, some themes are epic!) but what can you expect of an OST for a film which is a purple cat VS all saiyan and a new transformation of Gokuh idem to a Kaiohken xDD.

Don't blame to composer, man. Blame the fucking people who told him to do that. Composers only make music based on directions given to them.

Ummm, no...

Composers only make music on directions, true... But although the directions are unique, the composer skills are a very different story. How many animes are awful and have wonderful OST's? A lot. The same happen with the composer skill and also, the performers...

Resuming this, a WTF film for not letting die the DB legacy + a fast OST for promotional purposes and collectors (quality kinda bleh) + An author who didnt remember what was the SSJ2 on the series (Toriyama, yes xD. Sad Story, just see the interview) = You have an awful film only to make cash.

And the OST samples are on YTB, IMO same quality like the film.

04-05-2013, 06:49 PM
Ummm, no...

Composers only make music on directions, true... But although the directions are unique, the composer skills are a very different story. How many animes are awful and have wonderful OST's? A lot. The same happen with the composer skill and also, the performers...

You didn't get my point.

I simply referred to the fact the tracks are so short.
That's not the composer's fault. If they wanted longer tracks, they would have told him "make them longer for this or that".

Though you're right about one thing... this movie seems like shit. Though I kinda enjoy some of the track previews.

04-05-2013, 07:53 PM
I don't know but this sounds pretty epic.
Dragon Ball Z Battle of Gods OST - The Legendary God ~ Sample - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_yksxgLsxQ)

Although I agree some tracks sound bland, some others a pure brilliance. Like "Chosen Warriors" "One more Saiyan" "Chala Head Cha la(Orchestra)"

I really think you guys are criticizing too much, but well, you're on your right.

and don't forget we've got only 30 seconds samples. We can't really make out too much about that. all of the tracks cut themselves right at the best parts. :S

04-07-2013, 06:35 AM
https://mega.co.nz/#!7ZFi0RCD!bu41ZDrne2dKV81SrnYm0yhVSVUqkLzeNCj976x lZX8
Enjoy guys.

04-07-2013, 07:02 AM
https://mega.co.nz/#!7ZFi0RCD!bu41ZDrne2dKV81SrnYm0yhVSVUqkLzeNCj976x lZX8
Enjoy guys.

God bless your soul! Downloading it right now! from my country it's too hard to import cd.


It's a really nice score, the more bland pieces for the more bland situations are not that great, but the more epic tracks that use choir and orchestra really make it shine, I love it. my favorite tracks are: Chosen Warriors, One More Saiyan, Super saiyan god is born, Earth in Crisis, and some others.

04-07-2013, 02:29 PM
thank you very mucht for the ost,i think the music is great

04-07-2013, 02:34 PM
gonna give it try. I dont have high hopes since.... I dont have hopes for anything about dragon ball, end of story. I just dont know why the hell they dont let it die for good. after those horrible ovas they released recently.... someone is smoking weed hard to allow some thing so bad as that new barduck ova to come. As a fan I felt raped.
Since this is not the crappy guy Kenji Yamamoto I am willing to listen this. Let see if you guys are right :)

04-07-2013, 08:57 PM
No problem. I enjoyed a handful of tracks. Kind of disappointed that the tracks were so short though.

04-08-2013, 01:34 AM
No problem. I enjoyed a handful of tracks. Kind of disappointed that the tracks were so short though.

Not surprised, I've read the battle scenes are shorter than other dbz movies, because they leave more space for character development and story writing. but I'm totally in love with everything after track 27.

04-08-2013, 01:44 AM
welcome to anime nowadays. battles shorter then anything. I grew quite sick of it. a lot of talk and less action. Maybe that is the joke. Battles by Mouth.

04-08-2013, 01:26 PM
Ha. I knew it. 43 tracks and the ones that deserve something are like 10-11...

03 - I'm the Hero, Son Goku ~ "CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA" (Main Title).
05 - Bils's Shadow Draws Near (Bils's Premonitory Dream).
06 - Bulma's Birthday Party.
11 - The Earth Crisis
25 - Indestructible Bils.
29 - The Chosen Warriors.
30 - One More Saiyan.
31 - Birth of the Super Saiyan God.
32 - Power of the Super Saiyan God.
33 - 34 - 33 Goku Pinch - Struggling Against a God. Ummmm.... Why too short?
36 - Life to be Protected.
38 - Eternal Universe (Brand-new Friendship).
40 - Eternal Universe (Parting).
42 - CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA (Peaceful Earth).

Fav tracks there.

04-08-2013, 09:51 PM
Ha. I knew it. 43 tracks and the ones that deserve something are like 10-11...

Fav tracks there.

Add Mortal Combat with a god and you got my fav list.

Well atleast they included every single sound that was featured in the movie lol. atleast the action tracks are great. I almost dropped a tear at both "The Eternal Universe" and CHA-LA HEAD-CHALA (peaceful earth).

04-08-2013, 10:06 PM
this is my resolve for this thing.
I dont like it. And I dont want to see the movie at all. I was not planning to either way. As much fan I may be of DBZ. enough is enough. and this is too much. This is regarding the japanese continuing to not let DBZ die for good.

The music:

One good point I must is that Norihito Sumitomo actually did some research of musical history about Dragon Ball Z World.
For exemple:
Track 24 "ベジータ激怒". This is actually a mix of of 2 themes of Vegeta in the first saturn games. I found this interesting, and I was "Nice work dude".
There are many elements regarding the Hit Song Colections compositions of MONOLITH (project of Kenji Yamamoto and Kageyama).

The soundtrack is honestly boring, and only almost at the end of the cd you really do hear some really good tracks. The suposed comic mood fail in my opinion. Shunsuke Kikuchi did a lot better, and Kenji Yamamoto failed in his KAI stolen compositions. (asshole)

Another thing that pisses me off. The tracks lenght. music in seconds. most of these are eyecatches for me. I can't really enjoy the music in seconds.
I think DragonAgeZ said that some tracks are epic. Yes they are... but 1 minute of epicness is not enough. Maybe I am being too picky with it, I am just sharing my opinion about it. And the sound... certainly does not fit in DBZ. Certain tunes like track 32 "スーパーサイヤ人ゴッドのパワー", is total RPG Game soundtrack. -_-"

Now about Chala head Chala.
I hate that song I will always hate it as I had and incredible overdose of it. Besides... Dragon Ball Z has so much BETTER music then that.
In my opinion "WE GOTTA POWER" should be in here, since this is the song of that PART of the plot of the series. If you look at the picture you will know what I mean. (I think) And yes, I prefer "WE GOTTA POWER" million times.
Flow was a good addition here. At least we hear something NOT Hironobu Kageyama, again. I have nothing against him. No. It is not like that. But. you do get an overdose of hearing the same voice over and over again, specially if chala head chala is released in 2 by 2 years a new version single. Like I said... Enough is enough.

Overall... it is interesting to listen for fans since Norihito Sumitomo cared for the fans enough to research and put out of the air certain tunes from the games and monolith stuff. But still... nothing that good that deserves to be bought.

I am not being ungrateful for this share. Please don't think that. I just would not waste money on it.

04-08-2013, 10:17 PM
Okay, after downloading the soundtrack ( thanks to MottsAppleJuice ) and giving it a listen, here are my thoughts ...

All tracks prior to no.28 + range from meh to ok at best. The main problem is that a good chunk of them are way too short ( the whole soundtrack suffers this issue but it is really noticeable with these ones in particular ). The bingo track however is a fun little piece since that is the number Vegeta dances too XD.

Then, from 28 onwards the good stuff finally kicks in ... They do not deserve the length that was given to them. Track no.34 needs to be extended >_<! But, my absolute favourite is without a doubt Cha la- head cha la ( Peaceful Earth ). For so long I have wanted to hear a orchestrated rendition of that theme and here we finally have it. It is just as beautiful as I hoped it would be, even got a bit misty eyed listening to it.

All in all, an pretty good but disappointing soundtrack. The last quarter out weighs the rest by far ... but even then, they are too short and should be longer then what we are given.

A good few of those tracks could of easily been taken out ...

04-08-2013, 10:20 PM
I suffer the same. The tracks are to damn little to be enjoyed at the fullest

04-08-2013, 10:48 PM
I suffer the same. The tracks are to damn little to be enjoyed at the fullest

It really is a shame. I still like them to a degree, but we could of gotten a lot more out of them.

The main problem I have always had with Shunsuke Kikuchi ( PLEASE do not hang me for this :P ) is that while his stuff is good ... 90% sounds EXACTLY the same. And what I mean by that is, his music was always at the same pitch. It really starts to grind my ears after awhile and gets boring ... To me anyway.

So when Kai first came about and the Yamamoto soundtrack was heard for the first time I was really excited since that sort of music reminded me of One Piece. Then, when the whole issue with the stolen music came about I was quite disheartened by it ...

Again, this soundtrack is alright but it really is not worth the hype nor my money ( Yes, I was considering buying it if it was worth my time. )

I would only recommend it to hard-core fans.

04-08-2013, 11:04 PM
I would only recommend it to hard-core fans.

Correction Hard-Hear-Core Fans. XD

I never actually liked KAI soundtrack. It's the sound. Sounds all the same, and noisy. I don't know if you get me there. :/
About Shunsuke, I can relate. He used tracks from other animes of him. Like Tiger Mask and Doraemon, and yes, it MAY sound the same....
second thought....
Yes, It sounds the same. The "heme of Brolly" is actually EVERYWHERE in 30 versions of it.

04-08-2013, 11:23 PM
Correction Hard-Hear-Core Fans. XD

I never actually liked KAI soundtrack. It's the sound. Sounds all the same, and noisy. I don't know if you get me there. :/
About Shunsuke, I can relate. He used tracks from other animes of him. Like Tiger Mask and Doraemon, and yes, it MAY sound the same....
second thought....
Yes, It sounds the same. The "heme of Brolly" is actually EVERYWHERE in 30 versions of it.

Haha, good one X3. Good correction indeed.

Yeah. That's fare enough on your point with the KAI ost. No hard feelings there.

And wow, Did not know about the Tiger Mask and Doraemon stuff. Me Really needs to look into these more T_T. Lol.

04-08-2013, 11:30 PM
READ THIS (http://forums.ffshrine.org/f91/dragon-ball-z-released-japanese-soundtracks-tv-43530/9.html#post2209897)

04-09-2013, 12:34 AM
this is my resolve for this thing.

Another thing that pisses me off. The tracks lenght. music in seconds. most of these are eyecatches for me. I can't really enjoy the music in seconds.
I think DragonAgeZ said that some tracks are epic. Yes they are... but 1 minute of epicness is not enough. Maybe I am being too picky with it, I am just sharing my opinion about it. And the sound... certainly does not fit in DBZ. Certain tunes like track 32 "スーパーサイヤ人ゴッドのパワー", is total RPG Game soundtrack. -_-"

As for the tracks length, Maybe that's what the directors wanted? "One More Saiyan" and "Super saiyan god is born" do play almost right after another so my best guess is that it was actually composed to be one track but it got split in the soundtrack. atleast it worked that way in the movie (I saw a clip) The music works much more when seeing the movie, but well if you don't want to see it there's nothing I can do. I do think you're being way too hard on the soundtrack and the movie though, The only thing I can do is ask you to be more accepting towards it... however.. nice spotting those old dbz game tracks!! you're right, I knew I heard something like those before! Ahhh the nostalgia!

Also Norihito Sumitomo might be a great composer on the long run, like I'm tried to say, he used many old poems and wrote music in ancient egyptian, german, ancient greek and latin for the choral pieces. I've heard some rumors where he's gonna score the boo saga in kai. well, anything is better than the butchered kikuchi score.

04-09-2013, 01:15 AM
If you listen well, you will recognize many parts of the cues from old music of dragon ball z.
About Shunsuke Kikuchi, I do not agree. But because I watched the series in original Japanese soundtrack back in 1993, and so the soundtrack is like a child memory gem for me. So I do like a lot of some tracks of Shunsuke on DBZ. However, Kenji Yamamoto I never liked. In fact ended up hating him even more in KAI. But, these are different tastes and opinions. Norihito Sumitomo did a really nice work, yes. I was not waiting for it at all.
By the way, there is cue with a kind of jingle from one of "MIND POWER" instrumentals :)

About not wanting to watch the movie.
Don-t get me wrong, but Japanese see Dragon Ball as GOLD MINE. So they are making up these animated excuses to create more gold for them. That Last Bardock ova is incredibly time paradox and nonsense to the ORIGINAL events of DBZ. I felt insulted that thing was even made. Specially when I found why.
That OVA was made because... the game developers wanted to put bardock super saiyan in the games, but since there is nothing they can originally and copyright has their own, Bandai made that stupid animation for that. Now we have Bardock Super Saiyan.
These new animations are nothing but excuses for more money and gold shit.
This why I get angry at.

By the way... what the hell is that thing about character development?
Is that a joke, right?
because we had that already on the series....0.o

04-09-2013, 01:55 AM
If you listen well, you will recognize many parts of the cues from old music of dragon ball z.
About Shunsuke Kikuchi, I do not agree. But because I watched the series in original Japanese soundtrack back in 1993, and so the soundtrack is like a child memory gem for me. So I do like a lot of some tracks of Shunsuke on DBZ. However, Kenji Yamamoto I never liked. In fact ended up hating him even more in KAI. But, these are different tastes and opinions. Norihito Sumitomo did a really nice work, yes. I was not waiting for it at all.
By the way, there is cue with a kind of jingle from one of "MIND POWER" instrumentals :)

About not wanting to watch the movie.
Don-t get me wrong, but Japanese see Dragon Ball as GOLD MINE. So they are making up these animated excuses to create more gold for them. That Last Bardock ova is incredibly time paradox and nonsense to the ORIGINAL events of DBZ. I felt insulted that thing was even made. Specially when I found why.
That OVA was made because... the game developers wanted to put bardock super saiyan in the games, but since there is nothing they can originally and copyright has their own, Bandai made that stupid animation for that. Now we have Bardock Super Saiyan.
These new animations are nothing but excuses for more money and gold shit.
This why I get angry at.

By the way... what the hell is that thing about character development?
Is that a joke, right?
because we had that already on the series....0.o

You're a little bit agressive aren't you xD, I can agree with that about dragon ball as a gold mine though, every shonen anime that makes a hit eventually becomes one, like one piece, it's already longer than pokemon!.

Also I am talking about the Kikuchi mix version of Kai, I too consider it a childhood gem, however if you haven't noticed, the Kikuchi kai mix of Kai doesn't even have over 90 pieces of music for ALL the arcs... they are also scathered meaning they we don't get the recognizable motifs mr. kikuchi composed, worst yet, the music placement is terrible and to top it.... for the first saga of Dbz Kikuchi had already composed over 200+ Pieces of Music for the series whereas in Kai we only get less than a hundred for all the show!!!

In dbz we have something we called "Cell's theme" a motif that played wherever Cell as doing something... now we can hear it as a saibaiman theme in kai!.

The Kikuchi version of kai is butchered to no end, and it's an insult to not only kikuchi, but the series itself and us, the fans.

A piece with mind power ki??? AWESOME! if you don't mind, can you list which tracks are remixes or throwbacks the old music? that would be nice!

04-09-2013, 02:40 AM
https://mega.co.nz/#!7ZFi0RCD!bu41ZDrne2dKV81SrnYm0yhVSVUqkLzeNCj976x lZX8
Enjoy guys.sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeer

04-09-2013, 09:41 AM
If someone is comparing this to the original soundtracks, dude, you're a completely lunatic xD.

04-09-2013, 12:38 PM
About not wanting to watch the movie.
Don-t get me wrong, but Japanese see Dragon Ball as GOLD MINE. So they are making up these animated excuses to create more gold for them. That Last Bardock ova is incredibly time paradox and nonsense to the ORIGINAL events of DBZ. I felt insulted that thing was even made. Specially when I found why.
That OVA was made because... the game developers wanted to put bardock super saiyan in the games, but since there is nothing they can originally and copyright has their own, Bandai made that stupid animation for that. Now we have Bardock Super Saiyan.
These new animations are nothing but excuses for more money and gold shit.
This why I get angry at.

Lol did you know about the Dragonball Z/Toriko Crossover series that's about to release this spring? Seriously you'd think this anime was sucked dry of everything it was worth 5 years ago. I kind of feel like One Piece is about to turn into that because most Americans have NO IDEA how big One Piece is in Japan. If you read the manga sales for it no other manga comes close. That said the author is probably going to ride it out as much as he can. Sometimes i think authors for popular shounen are FORCED to continue the story because the people who support them don't want the money train to end. Tbh it just ends up making your series seem like a joke when it gets to a certain point. I hardly buy DBZ games anymore because it's just the same crap over and over again. Playing through the same story 50 times ISN'T fun lol.

04-09-2013, 03:55 PM
Leather, the fact is the story of Dragon Ball is DEAD since a loooooonog time, before GT IMO. This plus the new idiotic idea of reviving old series with lame new chapters degrading other main chars to the point to be rubbish... Is what they're doing to Saint Seiya or Dragon Ball.

And One Piece is a case apart. OP is an AWESOME manga (my fav btw) and is always #1 in the charts. ALWAYS. No manga/anime got this before DB, i repeat this, NO ONE. Top of sales which only got Dragon Ball and SURPASSED it with the Marineford chapters. Only One Piece which seems to be the next anime legacy (which is DB IS nowadays) has done this. In JAPAN. Here in Spain is a whole different story, anime only aired on underrated TV channels but the manga still selling good.

And furthermore sad story is the animation of One Piece after Marineford and some of the episodes of the saga, bad as hell. Seriously, randoms everywhere, bad drawing in the faces, epic moments seems to be a fucking joke, etc. I miss the animation of the Skypea arc series , f.ex. Anyways, the manga is a bomb, if you have free time and want to read what IMO is going to be the best Shonen ever, One Piece is your stop.

Actually I cant compare no other manga to the story of One Piece. No one has the ability Eiichiro has to link perfectly past chapters with everything he wants. And without spoiling, the main example of this is the chapter ONE of OP which hidden one of the hardcore secret of the saga, going say no more.

04-09-2013, 07:33 PM
Leather, the fact is the story of Dragon Ball is DEAD since a loooooonog time, before GT IMO. This plus the new idiotic idea of reviving old series with lame new chapters degrading other main chars to the point to be rubbish... Is what they're doing to Saint Seiya or Dragon Ball.

And One Piece is a case apart. OP is an AWESOME manga (my fav btw) and is always #1 in the charts. ALWAYS. No manga/anime got this before DB, i repeat this, NO ONE. Top of sales which only got Dragon Ball and SURPASSED it with the Marineford chapters. Only One Piece which seems to be the next anime legacy (which is DB IS nowadays) has done this. In JAPAN. Here in Spain is a whole different story, anime only aired on underrated TV channels but the manga still selling good.

And furthermore sad story is the animation of One Piece after Marineford and some of the episodes of the saga, bad as hell. Seriously, randoms everywhere, bad drawing in the faces, epic moments seems to be a fucking joke, etc. I miss the animation of the Skypea arc series , f.ex. Anyways, the manga is a bomb, if you have free time and want to read what IMO is going to be the best Shonen ever, One Piece is your stop.

Actually I cant compare no other manga to the story of One Piece. No one has the ability Eiichiro has to link perfectly past chapters with everything he wants. And without spoiling, the main example of this is the chapter ONE of OP which hidden one of the hardcore secret of the saga, going say no more.

I actually wanna try one piece, but it's too long, I haven't the time for it, for now then only thing that really sticks out of it for me is the music, KOHEI FREAKING TANAKA, he's a genius!. other than that I've seen some parts and I'll say the story is very well written though I think it's a little bit overrate, I'll say no more about it until I watch it.... if I can.

But I wouldn't say One piece has surpassed dbz yet, maybe so In japan, but Dbz is a worldwide hit, may even be the most popular Anime in the world. hard to top that when your country list is limited thanks to bad dub company (4kids). However, for Film Z they earned a freaking lot of yens, that means the series is quite the thing right now. makes me want to watch it.

and in regards to the soundtrack vs Kikuchi... can dbz fans stop it with the complaining about it? Seriously I get it, Kikuchi's iconic to the series, but gotta give it to the other composers when they deserve it. Takaki brought an amazing symphonic style to dbz while Sumitomo, in his few epic times and only work in the series brought a heroic hopeful style to the series. if not Kikuchi I think other than yamamoto we have some good composers on the job.

Kikuchi music of dbz is a jewel, idolize him if you want, but don't look down on takaki and sumitomo... especially Takaki!

04-09-2013, 09:26 PM
You're a little bit agressive aren't you xD, I can agree with that about dragon ball as a gold mine though, every shonen anime that makes a hit eventually becomes one, like one piece, it's already longer than pokemon!.

Also I am talking about the Kikuchi mix version of Kai, I too consider it a childhood gem, however if you haven't noticed, the Kikuchi kai mix of Kai doesn't even have over 90 pieces of music for ALL the arcs... they are also scathered meaning they we don't get the recognizable motifs mr. kikuchi composed, worst yet, the music placement is terrible and to top it.... for the first saga of Dbz Kikuchi had already composed over 200+ Pieces of Music for the series whereas in Kai we only get less than a hundred for all the show!!!

In dbz we have something we called "Cell's theme" a motif that played wherever Cell as doing something... now we can hear it as a saibaiman theme in kai!.

The Kikuchi version of kai is butchered to no end, and it's an insult to not only kikuchi, but the series itself and us, the fans.

A piece with mind power ki??? AWESOME! if you don't mind, can you list which tracks are remixes or throwbacks the old music? that would be nice!

I am aggressive to the Japanese money world. not you. XD
About Kai, I never bothered myself in watching it. Watching the same shit with a new soundtrack. Really? Is that how they want me to waste my time?
And as much stupid this might be... WAKFU is THOUSAND MILLION TIMES better then Dragon Ball Z. Because, when I was kid... Yeah, it sounded cool. Nowadays, Dragon Ball Z cant be in the section of martial arts anymore. You don't see that at all. In the Majin Buu saga, oddly you start to see choreographed fighting. From that and back, you could only saw... energy ball shooting, and energy ball shooting and "My Energy Balls are Bigger then Yours". It should be more in the section of Energy balls martial arts wannabe. Because Dragon Ball is way better in my opinion, and in everyone I know opinions. Dragon Ball was actually Martial Arts anime. Dragon Ball Z gave up on that. You see godlike fighting... better , you don't see at all. They jump all around and the screen and the camera is following something. If someone even points this is something epic....
Go watch Wonder Woman animated movie of DC comics and let me know what really is epic choreographed fighting.
I am a fan of dragon ball... are the OVAs. That thing that the stupid Americans called movies. Stupid Americans, the American labels or whatever they are. Because OVA does not exist to them. Movie.... looks better to them. It annoys me as hell hearing or reading people "The Movie of Brolly was so cool" DAMMIT. It's not a movie it's a OVA. OVA = Original Video Animation = does not go to cinema = goes straight too -> TADAM VIDEO.
The ovas are incredibly better in my opinion. Much better choreographed fighting, depending of the skills of the characters.

Another thing DBZ made me angry a lot.
Yamcha, Tien, Shaoz, Krillim , and other characters you grew to like a lot in Dragon Ball, since they had cool skills and were badass in fighting, are plain Meat Cannon Fodder in all DBZ. They are there for nothing anymore. They only exist for nothing, they go, they die. They don't go they die. And get me that speech of "But they are Saiyans. Alien guys with super powers"... Dragon Ball we had guys with super powers...
"But these are more powerfull" .... good... make a stupid better plot for it in which we don't die of deception of seeing people we like dying....hundred of times.

in WAKFU, if you see it right you see EXACTLY how Dragon Ball Z fights should be.

Sorry. I skipped a bit your issue. xD
I have not seen kai , so I am not familiar with new music of Shunsuke. He actually was called for the soundtrack of Kai?
I mean, he re-used cues of his dragon ball stuff in bad way? :/

About pointing the tunes of old music of DBZ in this soundtrack. I will try when I have the time. :)

If someone is comparing this to the original soundtracks, dude, you're a completely lunatic xD.

The Americans have no fault. Were basically, except japan, to see Dragon Ball almost 5 or 6 years after they were broadcasted in Japan. USA got it incredibly later. like...almost 15 years later. And, as always, another fact in which I hate Americans (the labels and business stuff, not the people who live in the USA), "LETS CHANGE THE SOUNDTRACK"
And Yes, I hate that. Because they do it often.... OFTEN. I see that as a disrespect for the original artists that composed the music for it.
So, American people who saw Dragon Ball with Good music, mixed with Bad music, cannot see Shunsuke Kikuchi as a child memory as both of us.
I say Good Music Bad Music, because Dragon Ball Z had a lot of American composers, in which.... for me only 3 were good. That ocean dub thing was a joke. Recycling EVERYTHING from the dubbed soundtrack of Megaman.... as soundtrack for Dragon Ball Z. It can be worst. The OVA soundtracks were changed... for commercial heavy BAD metal songs. I saw a ova of Coler with that. I was shocked on how bad that thing was.
American people did not had the musical fun we had, because they couldn't have it at the time. I feel pity for them because of that.

Lol did you know about the Dragonball Z/Toriko Crossover series that's about to release this spring? Seriously you'd think this anime was sucked dry of everything it was worth 5 years ago. I kind of feel like One Piece is about to turn into that because most Americans have NO IDEA how big One Piece is in Japan. If you read the manga sales for it no other manga comes close. That said the author is probably going to ride it out as much as he can. Sometimes i think authors for popular shounen are FORCED to continue the story because the people who support them don't want the money train to end. Tbh it just ends up making your series seem like a joke when it gets to a certain point. I hardly buy DBZ games anymore because it's just the same crap over and over again. Playing through the same story 50 times ISN'T fun lol.

It's more then normal if Toriko has a crossover with Dragonball. Both titles belong to Bandai. Another, how should say... Propaganda.

Leather, the fact is the story of Dragon Ball is DEAD since a loooooonog time, before GT IMO. This plus the new idiotic idea of reviving old series with lame new chapters degrading other main chars to the point to be rubbish... Is what they're doing to Saint Seiya or Dragon Ball.

That is what I have been saying. Problem is, people like to be fed in futility when there is no reason for it at all.

[QUOTE=DragonAgeZ;2321842]I actually wanna try one piece, but it's too long, I haven't the time for it, for now then only thing that really sticks out of it for me is the music, KOHEI FREAKING TANAKA, he's a genius!. other than that I've seen some parts and I'll say the story is very well written though I think it's a little bit overrate, I'll say no more about it until I watch it.... if I can.

But I wouldn't say One piece has surpassed dbz yet, maybe so In japan, but Dbz is a worldwide hit, may even be the most popular Anime in the world. hard to top that when your country list is limited thanks to bad dub company (4kids). However, for Film Z they earned a freaking lot of yens, that means the series is quite the thing right now. makes me want to watch it.

and in regards to the soundtrack vs Kikuchi... can dbz fans stop it with the complaining about it? Seriously I get it, Kikuchi's iconic to the series, but gotta give it to the other composers when they deserve it. Takaki brought an amazing symphonic style to dbz while Sumitomo, in his few epic times and only work in the series brought a heroic hopeful style to the series. if not Kikuchi I think other than yamamoto we have some good composers on the job.

Kikuchi music of dbz is a jewel, idolize him if you want, but don't look down on takaki and sumitomo... especially Takaki!

I don't want to see One Piece. I used to want, some years ago.... when it was 100 episodes and not 600 episodes and 11 movies.....
As good as it may be... NO. That is too much.
Kohei Tanaka is one of my favourite "K's", and yes, I love the soundtrack of One piece too. But he alone is not the reason enough to watch it.

Now I know you are American, and you saw the DBZ series with dubbed soundtrack. You saw the series way sooner then you. So I do understand in how your standards are different from ours. Shunsuke Kikuchi was our child memory, the same way, maybe, Bruce Faulconer was your child memory (this is relating to music :) )
Takaki and Sumitomo can do better, much better. Though in my opinion, Kohei Tanaka, is actually the only composer I see in which his style does fit very well in DBZ.

04-09-2013, 10:15 PM
Ei, just one thing im not talking about seeing One Piece, im talking bout reading the manga. The anime its ok with its pros or contras but the manga is surely (if not yet) going to surpass every other manga series. Has eaten DB and have a fucking special week only dedicated to it in JAPAN where tons of car and buses has logos of the characters... I've never seen that before in Japan.

04-09-2013, 10:31 PM
how much Volumes are of it? the manga I mean? More then 30???

04-09-2013, 11:13 PM
I am aggressive to the Japanese money world. not you. XD

I actually get your point, I really do, I actually only watched Kai because of the music, nothing more xD.

Also I see where you come from, Dbz DID forget the roots that Dragon Ball established, the martial arts, strategies, even Demons instead of aliens, Goku struggling to be the best and the importance of all the other Characters, I actually think out of Dragon ball anime, the kid goku part has more soul and even better music. so I agree with almost pretty much everything you said about that xD.

Also kikuchi didn't get called for Kai, Toei just used some of his released music from a cd after the yamamoto scandal, so you will only get Cd quality music. and less than half the music old dbz had for a single saga.

I don't want to see One Piece. I used to want, some years ago.... when it was 100 episodes and not 600 episodes and 11 movies.....
As good as it may be... NO. That is too much.
Kohei Tanaka is one of my favourite "K's", and yes, I love the soundtrack of One piece too. But he alone is not the reason enough to watch it.

Yeah, that's what's holding me against watching it, I mean the music is awesome, but I can just listen to it... it's too long, I got college affairs taking up most of my time, I'm sleepy almost every second of everyday. Even if I watched 10 episodes per day I wouldn't be able to catch up.

Now I know you are American, and you saw the DBZ series with dubbed soundtrack. You saw the series way sooner then you. So I do understand in how your standards are different from ours. Shunsuke Kikuchi was our child memory, the same way, maybe, Bruce Faulconer was your child memory (this is relating to music )
Takaki and Sumitomo can do better, much better. Though in my opinion, Kohei Tanaka, is actually the only composer I see in which his style does fit very well in DBZ.

I'm Latinoamerican Actually, I grew up with Kikuchi but I love Takaki's more than him, and I'm willing to give Sumitomo a chance, I don't know almost anything about Bruce faulconer (other than his name sounds awesome xD) however I've heard some tracks of the american soundtrack... most are pretty bland but some others are genuinly good.

04-09-2013, 11:33 PM
Bruce Faulconer's Dragon Ball Z american soundtracks (Thread 123760)

I hope the links are still working.

Try it :)

By the way. :)
These wonder of thoughts of opinions in these kind of discussions are wonderful. Specially when we all get everyone points and a certain level of understanding.

04-10-2013, 01:00 AM
I hope the links are still working.

Try it

Will do, I am interested in giving it a listen!. I do know it's pretty popular so might as well check it out.

By the way.
These wonder of thoughts of opinions in these kind of discussions are wonderful. Specially when we all get everyone points and a certain level of understanding.

Aye, It's really odd when a difference of opinion doesn't start a riot. I actually enjoyed reading each and every one of the comments posted in here, Learn and teach man, Learn and teach. It's awesome X3

04-10-2013, 01:21 AM
Learn and teach man, Learn and teach. It's awesome X3



04-10-2013, 05:30 AM


Indeed it is xD

On a note aside, does someone know where to get other Sumitomo Soundtracks? this score has picked my interest in the guy, i'd like to study his music some more. i heard preview of his Asura score and it's pretty good, but he's almost nonexistent in the internet xD

04-10-2013, 11:41 AM

I noticed now, that I mistake Norihito Sumitomo (http://vgmdb.net/artist/794) with Norihiko Hibino (http://vgmdb.net/artist/252). Epic fail all the way. XD

click the links to see his works. I recommend by the way, about Norihiko, the Blassreiter soundtrack.

04-16-2013, 12:19 AM
hello friends. I am not able to open the link: mega.co.nz

please help me!!!!

04-16-2013, 01:37 AM
use google chrome to open the link

04-24-2013, 04:20 AM

I noticed now, that I mistake Norihito Sumitomo (http://vgmdb.net/artist/794) with Norihiko Hibino (http://vgmdb.net/artist/252). Epic fail all the way. XD

LOL That's cool, the music is good, but I'm still intrigued by Norihito :S. but i'll manage to get the physical CDs :3.

By the way, if anyone is having trouble converting the files to mp3 (for anyone wishing to put them in an mp3 player) tell me and I'll upload my converted mp3's in 320 KBPS :3

click the links to see his works. I recommend by the way, about Norihiko, the Blassreiter soundtrack.