02-20-2013, 07:37 AM
Hi there

Can anyone help me find a copy of the CD OST For this Anime here?

Crystal Triangle The Forbidden Message (1987) Kindan no Mokushiroku

I am not sure if there ever was a CD release but I am looking for
any copy of it .. I own one LP of this Soundtrack and I am
looking for another one. Also I think I will digitize the LP
I have one day and try and share it here on this site
if that's OK.......

IF it was never put on CD then another copy
of the LP would be great. If someone would
help me find another one that would be
awesome ...

I am also looking for the Neo Tokyo Soundtrack
and also a copy of the score from Magnetic Rose
from Memories just Magnetic Rose..........
and a Copy of the Roots Search OST either one
CD or Vinyl / LP .. I have one copy of the Roots
Search OST on .FLAC and I Think it was ripped
from a LP .. I would really like the LP ...If its
possible to buy it ................

Also I am looking for the Soundtrack for
the movie 'Twilight Of the Cockroaches'
in either LP and / or CD ...............

I was also wondering if the Movie Legend Of the Demon Womb
has a Soundtrack ...

If I am posting this in the wrong forum then
please feel free to move it just direct
me to wherever you moved it to ...


---------- Post added at 01:37 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:41 AM ----------

I am also looking for the Meiky� monogatari soundtrack aka Neo Tokyo
the labyrinth tales .. Manie Manie Soundtrack in both CD and / or LP

02-20-2013, 10:30 PM
can anyone help me with this?

03-26-2013, 12:07 AM
I'm rather late, but I found you a CD copy on Yahoo!Auctions JP. :) I'd love to hear this soundtrack too, so be sure to share sometime. ;)

CD ?????? ????????????? ???? ???? - Yahoo!?????? (

Also, I have Roots Search on a direct-from-musician CD. It's not an "official" release by a record company, but it's not a bootleg either. It was actually signed by the musician. That's probably where your Roots Search FLAC files came from, because I uploaded them. :p There is an LP version, but it's super-ultra-mega-rare. I've seen it for sale only once in over five years. I'm afraid my personal CD copy is not for sale, and I don't know if the seller has any more, but I bought it here:

You'll have to use a middle man service to get both CDs if you live outside of Japan.

03-26-2013, 01:29 AM
hey man

Could you please help me try and buy that Crystal Triangle CD please ?
I am seriously not being lazy I tried to set up an account with that Japan Auction
Site using Google Chrome to translate the Japanese to English but all that crap
is seriously hurting my eyes and brain ... Can you find out if I could just mail
the guy a money order or a Western Union for the CD please ? Or at least
find out if the guy speaks English and give me his e-mail and phone number ?

I tried to follow the instructions but its giving me a migraine and I think
they might want some money just to sign up

I own this Soundtrack on vinyl / Record ? LP and as soon
as I buy a turntable that has software USB I plan on converting
the LP into Digital Files and I might share it .. It will be the first thing
I have ever shared ... I live in Canada so I really don't think I will
get in trouble if I only share this LP ..... But I would still like to
buy this CD .... I will try and go back and try and register again
but I sort of have the mentality of a 10 year old online and
All that crap is raping my eyeballs .... Can you just find out
if I can mail the dude a Money Order or send him a Western Union
for the freaking CD ?

Also is there such a thing as eMule for Japan
or something ? Or Torrent sites for
Japanese Music ?


I would also really really love the Sound track to NEO TOKO aka Mani Mani The labyrinth Tales

I would like the Roots Search Soundtrack on Record / LP but not
as bad as I want the Crystal Triangle OST on Record

03-26-2013, 02:27 AM
Most sellers on Y!Auctions do not ship outside Japan, this seller included. Like I said, you'll need to use a middle-man service. ;) I recommend the Otokichi Premium middle-man service:


It's easy: For a fee plus the item's price they will buy the item for you and have it shipped to you. Just email them at [email protected] and ask them what the cost is to buy the item using their middle-man service. Let them know you live in Canada, and include a link to the item. They take Paypal as payment, and I'm not sure if they take any other form of payment. You could ask if they take any other form of payment.

I've used the Otokichi services before though, and they're reliable. :)

I don't know much about eMule, and I rarely use Torrent stuff because most of what I like is hardly ever seeded...

I don't know anything about the Neo Tokyo soundtrack, I'm afraid. But you can ask the people at Otokichi to look for it for you here:


You fill out the form and send it to them, and they'll look for the soundtrack for you. :)

I'll be honest, you're probably not going to find the Roots Search LP anywhere. The artist-direct CD maybe, but the LP is so rare that I gave up looking for it and settled for the CD version. Sorry...

03-27-2013, 06:19 AM
Hey man

OK I e-mailed them about buying the Crystal Triangle CD .. I am hoping they will let me pay them with
a Canadian or a US Money Order .. Also good news I found a CD for Mani Mani The Labyrinth Tales / Neo-Tokyo
and I also e-mailed that middle man service about that CD as well...... I might not be able to by
both right away .... hopefully it will not matter if it takes me a few weeks to buy both of them ...
Thanks for The Help

I am also looking for the soundtrack for the Twilight OF The Cockroaches on LP if
you could help me find that


03-27-2013, 06:27 AM
Do you know if buying the CD for the Roots Search soundtrack is currently possible right now ?

I think if you watch the credits for Twilight OF the Cockroaches it does say
that there is /was a Record / LP release for the Soundtrack for Twilight OF The Cockroaches
and the Record Label was " Kitty " Something ....


03-27-2013, 05:29 PM
I don't know if there are any available Roots Search CDs right now. You can ask Otokichi to email the people at ( to ask if they have any in stock.

I'm afraid I won't be of much help with Twilight of the Cockroaches... I've never seen that anime, nor do I know anything about the soundtrack. =/

By the way, it looks like the listing for Crystal Triangle ends soon... but don't worry, it'll probably be re-listed. :)

03-27-2013, 09:18 PM
I made a Yahoo Japan ID / e-mail
this is me here [email protected]

I just e-mailed the two people selling these two CD's

CD ?????? ????????????? ???? ???? - ????! (

??CD Manie-Manie ???? ???????????????? - ????! (

And I asked them if I could simply just postal mail them a Money order
in either Canadian or United States Funds or if I have to a Money Order
in Japanese funds ( I would have to go to bank for that but I can get a
Money Order in Canadian or US funds at a Shoppers Drug mart Postal Outlet here
in Ontario Canada

I hope they will be cool with that ............

That Middle Man Company Person e-mailed me
me back with instructions but I am hoping me
might break his rules and just let me send him
a Money Order or a Western Union ans they / he can
just mail me the CD's after that .......

This might seem pretty silly but I found your
Middle Man's Instructions kind of complicated

I am a very successful " Rave " Promoter and
I make Weird Rap Music as a pretty serious hobby
So In a lot of ways I have the mentality of someone
between the ages of six and twelve when I am online

Would you consider helping me buy these two CD's
if both of the people can't take a Money Order or Western Union

I find it hard to believe that these two Soundtracks are
no where on the Internet .... You would think such
geeky "Cyber-Punk" / Cyber Escapism type Anime
would be all over the place....

Like I said I own the LP / Record of The Crystal Triangle
Soundtrack and when I get the proper Turntable and Software
I will digitize it and share it I think ....... I also have the Laser Disc
and the VHS ..... I am kind of obsessed with The Crystal Triangle ....


03-27-2013, 10:02 PM
Roots Search and Crystal Triangle were never really popular titles, thus why the soundtracks are so hard to find.

I can email Otokichi for you to ask about payment methods and costs, if you like. What did you have in mind if neither the seller or Otokichi accept money orders or Western Union? I could look for a different middle man service that does if you like. I don't know if there are any that do, but I can look.

03-27-2013, 11:35 PM
What I am looking for is

Mail a Money Order to this Address ________ for this much ______
in these funds _______ OR Send a Western Union to This Person _____ and we will mail you the Crystal Triangle Soundtrack

Mail a Money Order to thos Address ________ for this much ______
in these funds _______ OR Send a Western Union to This Person _____ and we will mail you the Mani-Main Soundtrack

Mail a Money Order to thos Address ________ for this much ______
in these funds _______ OR Send a Western Union to This Person _____ and we will mail you the Mani-Main Soundtrack and The Crystal Triangle Soundtrack

Please don't get to excited I might not be able to do this right away
because I may not be able to afford it I think that the Mani Mani OST is like $100.00 CND
and the Crystal Triangle one is like $70.0 isn't it ? I will check right now ........

I would also LOVE a copy of Roots Search on laser-disc as well

If I am allowed I can paste a link to one of my websites that has "reviews" of Roots Search and The Crystal Triangle
but I would want permission from you / and or an Admin because its a pretty impressive site and
It might be consider spam or shameless self promotion ....... I could share with you my obsession
with these two films ..... Man I have wanted the Mani-Mani OST for like 10 years now ..

My birthday is in like 15 days maybe my Mom and Dad will give me some money

Let me know if I can post the link to my site here

maybe I can put the links in my profile


03-27-2013, 11:53 PM
sig test

03-27-2013, 11:58 PM
Hey again. :) I found a middle-man service that I believe takes Western Union or forms of payment other than Paypal.

Yokatta Shopping Service (

You can ask via email, and it looks like it'll be easier to use than Otokichi. All you have to do is state where you live, include a link to what you want, and ask if they take Western Union or money order.

Middleman services tend to be somewhat expensive, so be sure you can afford the item(s) you want plus extra.

I actually have Roots Search on English subtitled laserdisc. I don't know why I bought it, since I don't have a laserdisc player. ^_^; The sleeve is kinda banged-up, but to my knowledge the disc is fine. I've never played it in the three or so years I've had it. If you really want it, you can make me an offer via PM. ;)

Sure, go ahead and post the link.

03-28-2013, 12:41 AM
I just sent this e-mail

Dear Yokatta Web Shopping Service ~ Buying Two very Rare Anime Soundtracks

Dear Yokatta Web Shopping Service

hi there

Could I simpley mail you a Money Order or a send you a Western union
for a spefifc amount and then could you buy these two Anime Soundtrack / CD's for me
and then just mail them to me please ?

here are the two Soundtracks I really want

CD ?????? ????????????? ???? ???? - ????! (


??CD Manie-Manie ???? ???????????????? - ????! (

Would that be possible

This is my postal address

Would this please be possible ?

Also that other Service just e-mailed me but he does
not really understand ... he thinks that I do not understand how to use PayPal
and / or I do not have a PayPal account ..... whereas what I was trying to
say to him is I find the instructions to annoying and
All the

" The YEN = THAT YEN = 100 YEN = 10000000000000 YEN
the Add the Postal YEN then the YEN TO THE YEN TO THE YEN TO THE YEN "
I find annoying I just want a price and a postal address....

I will PM you now about buying the Roots Search Laser-disc


03-28-2013, 01:06 AM

03-28-2013, 01:37 AM
Good luck! I hope you can get those soundtracks! :)

Sent you a reply on the Roots Search laserdisc PM.

Speaking of Roots Search, I actually have some animation cels from that anime. They're not for sale, but you can look at them here:

Sam's Cels and Art - Roots Search (

I bought them here, in case you're wondering:

I've never seen cels from Crystal Triangle though.

03-28-2013, 03:51 AM
One last thing: I won't be around from March 28-31. If you want the laserdisc, I can hold it for you and ship it out next weekend at the earliest after payment. :)

03-28-2013, 04:04 AM

03-28-2013, 06:05 PM