03-07-2004, 05:43 AM
Played FFXI at my friends house today (er.. yesterday if you want to be specific, but I haven't slept yet :P), and it is incredibley amazing.
I started out as a TaruTaru Monk named Maskedherring. The random name generator is awesome :). I started in the great kingdom of Windurst, and went out and beat on some Tiny Mandoragas and Bees.

Monks are fun. Things sped up when a low level WHM started curing me for no particular reason, and I got to level 2. To celebrate, I did the Tarutaru victory dance, which is a Macro:
/wait 2
/wait 2
and then begged a nearby lvl 40-or-so theif for gil. And I got a whooping 300, which was enough for Cat Baghasomethings at the auction house. With my new uber-claws :P, and a belt I didn't know I had, plus the Windurst ring (which I had just figured out how to equip x.x), I started taking on Savannah Rarabs, and brought myself to a respectable level 3. I spent about 10 minutes going around and Taru Dancing for people, for fun, and then started getting cocky.

I took on a Carrion Crow. Died.
I took on a Savannah Rarab... but I forgot to check and it was a high level. Died.
I took on a Mandoraga. Died.

Then, I got smarter and started hunting just Rarabs --- never forgetting to check --- and nearly reached lvl 4, when my friend informed me that I should get off as PSO was boring the crap out of him. Aparently his hacked items were "too good" ^^.

And thusly, the life of Maskedherring came quickly to an end. I'm really wanting to get this game more now =\. I should have it in a week and a half, if not much sooner. Giving reasonable time for my dad to crack :D.

Also, that means that this journal'll be "on halt" until I get the actual game. I promise pictures starting next time, though!

ultima weapon
03-07-2004, 09:27 PM
I see you're enjoying the game. :)

03-08-2004, 03:47 AM
Mhmm. I find it sad that I'm already addicted to a game I don't have >.>

But that'll all change Tuesday. It seems I getting it for $40, but I'll try to bargain with my friend to bring it down to $35 ^^. (His dad bought an extra copy to try to use on his laptop.... didn't work, so now he's selling it)

My character (as seen in my sig) is now going to be different...

I'll start as a RDM, get to lvl 18, switch to either BLM, WHM, or Theif (haven't decided yet) and get that to ~15, then go RDM up to lvl 30, where I'll get Ninja, then go Ranger/Ninja (Current plan. Probably'll fail due to enormous amounts of gil needed)

Not to mention the fact that I'm going to be a Tarutaru. Extreme cuteness won over blatant sexuality in race seleciton :P

03-08-2004, 07:22 AM
Taru's are the ultimate, and all--but Typo always encourages more sexy cats. Always. ;3

Happy taruing~ ;3

03-09-2004, 12:39 AM
I'd be a Mithra too, but I figure... if I'm a male character (aka accuratley representing me, 'cept the height---I'm tall), than that means more of a chance to have Mithra fine hunnies :P.

03-09-2004, 01:02 AM
Cats dig taru, taru with hats
Cats dig taru, taru with hats
Lookie there, that's Typo
He's such a hepcat
Rollin' wit da taru cru'
He's such a hip cat

Take a look around ya
There ain't none like 'em
Sure as hell there ain't a cat that don't wanna bite 'em! ;3

Cuz cats dig taru, taru with hats
Da cats dig taru, taru with hats

Especially Typo.

03-09-2004, 01:09 AM
Maybe I'll just have to steal your Fungus Hat >.> :P

Totally going to wear the RDM Pimp/AF hat ^^

03-09-2004, 07:24 AM
Fungus Hat / Combat Caster's hat / Tactitian Magician's hat. They are all pointy, and without the feather. The pimp hat takes a 5th place behind the WHM AF hat, which ish just neat-lookin'. :3

03-10-2004, 02:15 AM

Well, I should be installing FFXI as we speak. But, no, the person I'm buying it from didn't have it. Maybe money off isn't worth the delay >.>

Maybe I'll go start a character on diablo 2 and in two hours be level 70-something....

03-13-2004, 02:01 AM
Installed Playonline. But my PlayOnline registration Key isn't working -_-.

Apparently, it was used on the computer because they thought it could run it, and it couldn't, and that's why it was sold to me. If anyone knows--- does that make it an invalid PlayOnline Registration key?

03-14-2004, 04:41 PM
We ended up buying a new copy of the game and returning the old one to the guy who sold it to me.
Installation: 30 minutes
Patch Download: 2 hours, 30 minutes

Ugh. After that, I managed to get onto FFXI. I created Purasuma, the TaruTaru RDM of Windurst. And using Typo's Server Trick, I got myself onto Fairy where my friends are.... on the second try ^^

First thing I did online was show my parents the dance because I was in a sharing mood. Then I went up to a BLM, Schi, and danced in front of him for no particular reason. He danced back, asked to trade, and gave me a Linkpearl o_o. Now I'm in a Linkshell, but I'm not sure the name >.>.
After I had equipped the Windurst Ring, got the Nation's Signet, and set a Macro for Dia, I went out and fought Tiny Mandragoras and Bumblebees (again). Dia helps... a lot. I got to level 2 fairly quickly... then 3... and then 4. I lasted about... a minute. Note: Mandragoras are not an Even Match at that level.

I died, leveled down, and got back out there, got to level 4 again. For some reason, I though I could take a Mandragora again. I couldn't. Leveled down again, and then I started asking my LS for donations to Cure.

The two twins (who are sisters ^^ :P), who also happen to have beta tested many games o_o, were kind enough to send me a scroll for Protectra, Cure, Bind, and Blind, as well as low level boots and gloves that weren't better than the beginner equipment. I sold Protectra for 59 gil and the armors to an NPC (forgot who it is), and ran to the nearby Auction House.

I checked the Price History for Protectra, and noticed it was generally "20-50." That's... less thean 59. So I bought three (one for 20, two for 50) and ran back to the merchant, sold 'em, and ran back to the AH. Sadly, the rest were going over 50, and anything higher isn't enough of a profit to make it "worth it."

I then put up 12 Earth Crystals for 250, and bought a Circlet ><. I learned Cure (had forgotten to use the scroll), and ran back to my MogHouse to drop off a bunch of extra Crystals and such.

Back at the AH, I noticed a familiar name talking. It was "Lhinx", the Theif who had helped me last week! (side note: She's only lvl 26, not 40) I /telled her, and she offered to power level me as a WHM. I couldn't say no to that, and off we went, stopping and she bought me a Luaun Shield and some better armor.

Out we went, I killed a Tiny Mandragora and got to level 4 again. We started running around killing things, with her healing me, and I was gaining pretty good exp, when we ran into a BLM who was getting his ass kicked. I cured him, and he thanked us for the help. I went and killed something else, and turned around to see him almost dead again, so I cured again.

He thanked us again, and it turned out that he was the same level as me, just 400 exp farther in. We partied at Lhinx's suggestion, and started killing everything around us. BLM's are fun to party with e.e. Eventually he got to level 5, so I left the party and got myself up to 5, and we went at it again. I got a good bit of exp, then I had to go back to town, and Lhinx was tired and had to go, so the party died.

Oh well. It was fun while it lasted. And about pictures... I currently have no image hosting, so I can't really do more than one pic a day. The picture for today will be edited in later ^^

03-21-2004, 03:03 PM
Typo ish glad you were finally able to sort out your problem and get onto FFXI ^^. I'm also glad the server trick worked so quickly for you! /cheer

Typo ish proud of you for learning early how to manipulate the AH/NPCs and make profits off of 'em~ Wait until you get your chocobo and can do it internationally. ;3

About image hosting--you could always use Geocities. People would just have to copy/paste the link into a new window. I did that at the beginning of my journal.

03-22-2004, 12:37 AM
On Pictures ---> They're on hold for a while because I need to use the computer with FFXI to get it all set up for taking pictures and uploading them, and why waste time when I can be playing the game instead? :P Expect them eventaully, in the future of the guid :D

I'm now level 14 with, if I remember correctly, 53 hours on my character o_o. That's... a lot, for owning this game since Saturday the 13th (of march).

It saddened me deeply that my Silk Threads weren't selling as fast as normal at the AH, so I checked the price and it said 500? I got frustrated and made a char in Sand Oreo purely to sell my thread (she has also sold Blaze Spikes-- spell I got from a SOB quest -- and others, but :P).

I'm now in three Linkshells, and no clue how or why.. still mainly use my first LS though, as the Taru twinnies are kind and they're cute, not to mention good in a party (Not that I've ever partied with them >.> but I've partied with 2 same level BLMS (Just like the twins are the same lvl BLM) and it was wonderful). But, I missed the LS campout at the "Yagudo Campfire" on saturday =(.

Why? Well, I'm in Bastok now. Yes, after reaching level... 9 (I think, might be a little off) I made the trek to Mhaura and took the boot to Selbina and ran down to Bastok... All for one reason... Purasuma wanted to get a Beestinger ><. So, I go up to Kontchstat (spelt wrong :P) Canyon or whatever its called and level to 10, then get invited into a party at Valkurm. I thought I was too low a level, but they assured me I'd be fine.
4 and a half hours later, I reached level 13. (/end yesterday)

Today I logged on, and scurried my way back to Bastok from Valkurm (><), because I figured "Ooh, level 13, I can probably take Stinging Sophie on and get a Beestinger!" I run up to North Gustaburg and onto the second level of the big hill (after searching for how to get up to the second level for like 10 minutes >.>) and start killing Maneating Hornets like mad. Lo and behold, Stiniging Sophie spawned! Excited, I rested up (which was interrupted by a easy Goblin Thug who I killed) and battled.

Next thing I knew, I was level 12 and in Valkurm.

Important Note: Just because a Nortorious Monster is level 9-10, does NOT mean that you should think of it as the level you should be at when you kill it x.x

I got myself into a party, and it wqas quite a good party, and got to level 13 again (:P) and up to 14. Valkurm is really fun, as there aren't any "Lets not have a camp, lets run around and catch the stuff!" parties, and I get a chance to pull ^^. I also got introduced to how annoying <calls> can be, but I added <call5> (<- The best one) to my Dia casting, as I'm pulling with that.

Anyways, I run back to Bastok and back onto The Hill, after picking up Aero, Slow, and Aquaveil from my delivery box. I figure "Hey, I'm a level higher, got all the neccesary spells for my level (barring most of the Bar spells, I'm not a big fan of single-target limited-use protection spells. I only have Barsleep 'cause a Goblin Weaver dropped it), I can take on Sophie this time!"

I run up, kill hornets for about 30 minutes, and no sign of her. Then I had to log (dinner was ready), and now I'm typing this.

Primary Goal(s) for tonight:
-Level 15, 16 if possible
-Acquire a Beestinger.
-Get revenge on Sophie (Now, at level 14, I doubt I can kill her. But I have enough exp into level 14 that I can safely die and not level down, and my HP is in Valkurm, so I figure try to kill her, and end up in Valkurm where I can easily gain the 340 (I think) exp back)

Primary Goal(s) for next few days:
-Achieve level 18
-Subjob quest!
-Level 5 Theif
-Acquire a Beestinger.
-Get revenge on Sophie
-Acquire Leaping Boots (a kid can dream :P)
-Kill Lizzy

03-23-2004, 06:45 AM
This is just going to be quick 'cause I'm tired and its late ><

More leveling in Valkurm -> about 8 new people on friends list -> Level 17! ^^

I've also got the Crab Apron and Damselfly Worm needed for my subjob, and the leader of my main LS (FeLoDeSe, finally remembered name :x) is gonna tak me to the mines (?) and get me a Magical Skull with Cure III :D.

Tomorrow is going to be a good day for leveling. Should be easy getting to level 18, as I can now join groups that'll be able to kill the Beach Pugils or whatever that give about 200 exp a pop. I think, however, that my mission plan is going to be revised. Originally, I was planning on going RDM to 18, THF to 30, NIN to 37, RNG to 75 (^^), but I'm thinking that it would save some amount of time going...
RDm to 18, THF to 15, RDM to 30, NIN and RNG leveling back and forth however my mood sees fit until 75RNG/37NIN.

Makes it so I have to level 3 less times :P. Also allows me to explore other Mage-jobs easier than being only a level 18 RDM. And THF over 15 as a SJ is useless ^^

Goals for Next Playing Session:
-Level 18!
-Magical Skull
-Subjob Quest
-THF to whatever level possible. In a perfect world, 15, but I'm not going to be playing 10+ hours tomorrow :P

03-24-2004, 07:47 AM
I completed all my goals! Happytaru dance! I'm now Purasuma, Level 4 THF/2 RDM.

The leader of my LS, Schi, and some random Japanese player (who I then befriended, she was really nice) tried helping me get the Magicked Skull I needed for SJ in Gusgen Mines (where Ghouls are abundant). Another person was also looking for a Skull, so we find one and they lot higher than me, and they get it and leave. An hour and a half later, and about 35+ Ghouls, I still had no skull ;_;.

Then, I had to make dinner for the family (for Foods class) and came back to level in Valkurm, and got into an awesome party. One of my favorites, it was WHM (who I had partied with before, great player..name is Xshalon if you need to know :P), BLM, RDM, SAM/WAR, WAR/THF, BRD/WHM.

The BRD did like.. no healing despite the sub, but it worked very well and we ended up finding not one, but two Magicked Skulls! (Enough for me and the BLM) I also got to level 18.

I got the subjob quest, and realized how homesick I was for the lush area that Windurst is. So, I decided to return home. Just your average boat trip back to Mhaura from Selbina, right?
Riding along normally, I'm surprised to hear some upbeat new version of the Boat Song start to play, and I'm like "This is cool, wonder why the music changed?" All of a sudden, someone shouts "Pirates!" and I look behind me, and another large boat was coming near us. I scurried into the Captain's Cabin-thingy and hid while complaining to one of the Taru twins (who was the only person on) about being scared of the meany-weany pirates :P.

Pirate attacks are a lot different then I thought they'd be. Three summoner/magey people on the pirate ship walk over to the edge of their boat, and start doing casting animations, and a bunch of Ship Wights and Crossbones come onto the boat to fight you. They were all Incredibley Tough to me, so I decided not to fight, but it was really cool watching a high level WHM and someone else fight down below. Felt very movie-esque (Picture below!)

After that, I returned home and was greeted by both twins, and proceeded to go to THF/RDM and level outside. I feel a ton more powerful then when I first started... if Exp Chains were possible on Decent Challenges soloing, I would've gotten at least Chain 10 :P. 30 minutes of rigorous training got my level 2 THF job up to 4, and then I logged 'cause I'm tired.

And here's the first screenshot of me! Notice the Taru huddling in the corner, that's me, and the battle below ^^.

I completed all my goals! Happytaru dance! I'm now Purasuma, Level 4 THF/2 RDM.

The leader of my LS, Schi, and some random Japanese player (who I then befriended, she was really nice) tried helping me get the Magicked Skull I needed for SJ in Gusgen Mines (where Ghouls are abundant). Another person was also looking for a Skull, so we find one and they lot higher than me, and they get it and leave. An hour and a half later, and about 35+ Ghouls, I still had no skull ;_;.

Then, I had to make dinner for the family (for Foods class) and came back to level in Valkurm, and got into an awesome party. One of my favorites, it was WHM (who I had partied with before, great player..name is Xshalon if you need to know :P), BLM, RDM, SAM/WAR, WAR/THF, BRD/WHM.

The BRD did like.. no healing despite the sub, but it worked very well and we ended up finding not one, but two Magicked Skulls! (Enough for me and the BLM) I also got to level 18.

I got the subjob quest, and realized how homesick I was for the lush area that Windurst is. So, I decided to return home. Just your average boat trip back to Mhaura from Selbina, right?
Riding along normally, I'm surprised to hear some upbeat new version of the Boat Song start to play, and I'm like "This is cool, wonder why the music changed?" All of a sudden, someone shouts "Pirates!" and I look behind me, and another large boat was coming near us. I scurried into the Captain's Cabin-thingy and hid while complaining to one of the Taru twins (who was the only person on) about being scared of the meany-weany pirates :P.

Pirate attacks are a lot different then I thought they'd be. Three summoner/magey people on the pirate ship walk over to the edge of their boat, and start doing casting animations, and a bunch of Ship Wights and Crossbones come onto the boat to fight you. They were all Incredibley Tough to me, so I decided not to fight, but it was really cool watching a high level WHM and someone else fight down below. Felt very movie-esque (Picture below!)

After that, I returned home and was greeted by both twins, and proceeded to go to THF/RDM and level outside. I feel a ton more powerful then when I first started... if Exp Chains were possible on Decent Challenges soloing, I would've gotten at least Chain 10 :P. 30 minutes of rigorous training got my level 2 THF job up to 4, and then I logged 'cause I'm tired.

Here's me! Huddling at the pirate battle :P. Looks like I have the same face as Typo >.>

03-24-2004, 09:47 AM
Congraturation on the subjob! You're moving up pretty fast! :O

Useless fact: Did you know that Typo has been on the boat 6 times and has never seen the pirates in person? ._. Apparently the one time they did appear I was afk...

03-24-2004, 04:02 PM
Thank you ^^

I am getting quite a bit of time to play, thoug, 'cause its Spring Break and who needs friends when you have FFXI? :P

And *tear* about the lack of pirates for you. Hopefully next-time you're so inclined to take the boat you'll have better luck!

Also, I forgot goals in my last post:

For Today:
-Level 10+ THF
-Start making money o.o
-Possibly hunt Tom Tit Tat

I'm thinking of getting into cooking, but I'm too poor to start well right now ;_;

03-25-2004, 02:47 PM
You should make "(Orange Juice" which is really easy to make (^w^) things you need: 4 Saruta Oranges
1 water crystal

I'm in the cooking too but.... lvl 1 cooking skill
and i'm a lvl38 BLM(0w0)b

03-25-2004, 05:06 PM
Thanks for the advice!

However, I found a guide on ffxi.allakhazam.com to get to lvl 40 cooking really quickly, so I'll follow that. It recommends having between 20-40k gil to start with, so I need to work that up.

But I'm holding onto all the crystals I find now, so maybe the cost'll go down :P

03-26-2004, 07:12 AM
Originally posted by PlasmaTorture
Thanks for the advice!

However, I found a guide on ffxi.allakhazam.com to get to lvl 40 cooking really quickly, so I'll follow that. It recommends having between 20-40k gil to start with, so I need to work that up.

Typo ish using that thread as his "secret weapon". ;3 Haven't started yet, but it shouldn't take too long to raise the funds to get it started. kekeke.

You should fish. ;3

03-29-2004, 04:05 PM
I love the Taru Taru dance macro.

I can entertain myself just by walking up to people and showing them my moves.

The Mithra backscratch macro is cool too.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
03-30-2004, 12:15 PM

I need to learn how to put in these dance macros... Though it wouldn't be too impressive to see a tall Elvaan male dancing, would it?

Got the nice armor and claws for my monk, though.

04-01-2004, 03:30 AM
I swear an update is coming soon! Just check my signature if you want to see my status.

04-07-2004, 02:15 AM

I enter my venture with 23k gil (made by Beehive Chips from hunting Sophie. She never showed up, but.. =\). I borrow 10k from the high level japanese person who helped us in Gusgen (Seulia) a little down the line.

Now I'm lvl 28 in cooking, with ~300 gil, and not enough materials to cook anything. Oh, no, I can make Pet Food Delta and Fish Broth, like the guide and guild (on the broth) suggest. But nooo, I explode ~3k worth of Crab Meat (its 4k a stack at my AH), and ~3k of other materials tonight.

I'm in Windurst with nothing to farm (Crawlers = not enough spawns and even less drops, even with my TH THF ability), Seulia is going to want her money back soon, and if I take another loan from somebody, I'll be farther down.

Despite what Wolfsfable and Anonymous may say in the guide, this requires AT LEAST 40k to complete, unless you have maxed fame in Windurst. And the economy on my server has gone to shits! A stack of Bird Eggs.... 1.5k at the AH? WTF? Yesterday it was only 1k! Meat Mithkabobs...have dropped in the week and a half that I've checked from THREE k, to TWO k.

I hear they still go for 3k in Jeuno, but STILL.


04-09-2004, 02:15 AM
Hmm, things feel a bit better. I sold my Brass Xiiphos and Leather Vest for 2.3k total, and got back on my feet, and got to level 30 cooking. Took a lot of running around because I'm too poor to buy all the ingredients at once, but now I fail very little instead of very often :x

04-18-2004, 09:16 PM
How much does the game cost monthly?

Should i get it, or does it get boring quick...

ultima weapon
04-18-2004, 11:51 PM
Appo. $13 a month and $1 for additional characters/Tetramaster.

Yes,buy it i say.

04-22-2004, 08:10 PM
Buy it I say!

I'm sorry for not having real updates. I probably won't get back into them for a while :x.

Basically, what's happened....

-lvl 18 THF
-lvl 10 MNK
-lvl 37 Cooking
-not enough money for Mithkabob Ingredients
-planning on getting to 20 THF, and go to Jeuno to make the kabobs (only place were they sell for 3.2k a stack) and do the chocobo quest at the same time
-I've gotten revenge on Stining Sophie, avenging two low levels in the process, but alas, no drop =(
-I also plan on hunting for (sadly) more Beehive Chips and Sophie, to get the ~25k I need to be secure in going in to making 'kabobs. I have 11k now... and still owe Seulia the 10k, but she hasn't mentioned it nor talked to me, so I dunno. >.>

04-26-2004, 02:32 AM
Well, I logged on Friday (Wednesday = Download patch.. didn't get to start it 'till late so I didn't get to log on; Thursday = I slept from when I got hom 'till late ; ;) to be greeted by my Comrade Spider chatting about Ballista, and others too. Also was pleased that despite Windurst's last place in Conquest, we're kicking everybody's ass in Ballista.
I put up my flag, as I had last logged out in Valkurm. After several semi-good parties, I think I leveled once to 19... but I doubt it (Memory is hazy ; ; ). However, at about 12:30 (midnight), I talked to a WHM I had tried to invite when I was a pt leader for a bit... and he wasn't in a party, so we grouped up. We filled up the party fairly quickly, and to my happy surprise was Aldrick, a cooking buddy of mine! (he never shows up on my Friend's List, though ; ; )
Also in our party was a lvl 45 MNK who was leveling his sub... which was good 'cause that made everyone pretty much experienced. I was Boosting and Sneak Attacking for crazy amounts of damage, apparently, and a lot of the party members ooh'd and aah'd over my ~130 damage Sneak Attacks o_o (I ooh'd and aah'd also ^^). With the self-confidence boost :P, I got halfway to level 21, then everybody was tired and needed to disband, but the level 19 subless BLM needed a Magicked Skull, so we fought a ghoul and got it in try. He's so lucky! I had to kill over 40 to get mine... >.>
I was greeted by Comrade Spider and somebody else playing Hide 'n' Go Seek in Konschtat o_o, so I ran and joined them, and ended up in Passhow Marshlands. I then figured I might as well go for my chocobo license, so I asked Spider (he's lvl 33 BLM) to help escort me. So all three of us party, and then the other guy gets the brilliant idea of fighting a Marlboro ; ;. I do a nice 50 damage with my Sand Oreon Fists of Fury! and then I run back near Spider and shoot it with my bow...
The other guy dies, so we run off, and with my expertaru survival skills, I make it out to the Passhow Outpost (passing by the upcoming Ballista match.. Sandy v Windy, but only one guy had shown up so it was canceled). To my despair, Comrade Spider had fallen! He warned me to get a Raise, 'cause Rolanberry Fields is "hell" on your own... so Comrade Qtee (and she is a cutie :P) of our LS came to help with somebody else, but they were aggored by the Marlboro and slain! ; ;
So... I decide to brave Rolanberry on my own. Another lvl 20 THF/10 MNK was running through their, and a sexy mithra at that, so I decide to party up and /follow that cat >.>
She was good at dodging, and we made it near the end, when I saw a PLD lfg, fighting some Crawler varient. I ask him, after seeing that he wsa level 69, if he could escort us to Jeuno, and though I didn't realize it, he was Japanese. We still got escorted, and I entered Jeuno o_o

Jeuno isn't as.... big... as people make it out to be. At least, it didn't seem like it to me. I got a Rent a Room, started the chocobo quest and tried to feed it once, but the four grasses I needed, and logged... at 3 AM :x

~Saturday~ ('mo like LUCKYday)

I woke up... late.... to a phonecall from friends, and we went DDRing for the day, and when I got home it was already 6 pm! I managed to get on FFXI at 7. I logged on, tried to feed the chocobo again, and was invited to a party with a /tell greeting of "Konnichiwa" (though it was in hiragana). I accepted the party, explaining that I don't speak real good Japanese, and they were fine with it. And so I entered Qufim for the first time (after upgrading some of my equipment, including switching from HtH to Sword). We go to Lower Delkfurt Tower and fight Clippers out there, having nice Renkei and stuff. I got 1200 exp into level 21, then ran as fastaru as I could back to Jeuno to not miss the end of a day. I managed to make it back to the stables in time, and fed the chocobo twice in a row. I headed back to Qufim, and was /told that the party was disbanding ; ;. Oh well. I don't remember how exactly I passed the time, but I then got my Chocobo License ^^ (by the way, those greens are too expensive... 1k each! O_O).
And so I rode on my sexy beast to North Gustaberg to hunt Stinging Sophie (and get beehive chips in the process). Yeah, I'll never grow out of the chips.... they're too good! They've gone back up to 3k a stack, too. I farmed like 2 stacks of them, with a level 30 RDM hanging over my head ; ;. As I was about to fight a Maneating Hornet, I see none other but Sophie fly by me, and adrenaline raced through my body as I switched targets and Sneak Attack'd, landing a large hit and taking her right as the RDM saw her (we had become "friends," though). A Fast Blade @ 200% TP and some hits later, she fell. As the RDM spammed me with "Did it drop? Did it drop?," some wonderful words appeared on the bottom of my screen.
"Stinging Sophie has dropped a beestinger. Purasuma obtains a beestinger."
I danced for joy! She also dropped a Beehive Chip, which was nice, and I finished off the third stack and put them up at the Bastok AH, and logged out. Oh, and in Jeuno, I had seen the leader of my original linkshell, and he gave me a new pearl for the latest one, so Comrades Schi and Sobo got to hear about how their newb friend Purasuma had ended that phase of his life ^^

I did a lot of..... farming... today. I enjoyed the irony of using my Beestinger to kill the Bees, but as competition for kills rose I had to switch back to my Small Sword to kill them faster. I farmed... like.... 4 stacks of Beehive Chips and a stack of Wild Onions, and headed back to town, put the chips up for auction, and logged off to check the gardening recipe for Mhaura Garlic (earthern pot + herb seed + Light or Lightning Crystal). When I got back on, the chips had sold., and I admired my 23k :x.
I choco'd up to Jeuno, and got a stack of Cockatrice Meat (18k ><), and then choco'd to Windy and did the Chocobolicious Quest (buy a 100 gil item, and trade it in for 1.5k? very nice, too bad it's non-repeatable). I bought the remaining ingredients I needed, and went to the cooking guild. About 15 minutes later or so, I had 144 Meat Mithkabobs on me ^^. I then figured that I should try to 'zaar them in the middle of some place where a lot of people were leveling.
I figured.... why not Qufim? So I bought a Scroll of Instant Warp (which takes more than an instant to use ; ; ) and arrived back in Jeuno. Set the kabobs up in my 'zaar for 250 a piece, and scurried off into the middle of Qufim, and shouted out that I was selling kabobs. I figured they'd sell faster than they did, but a level 29 PLD (why was he in Qufim? I don't know.) came and bought 4 stacks... and I took one off for personal use... 7 remain x.x.
I went inside the tower and went AFK for like 5 minutes to get some food, thinking it'd be okay, but I came back and was dead ; ;. Apparently there were trains on both sides of the zone. I didn't feel too bad... I HP'd, ran to Qufim and got ready to pt. A while later, I finally got into one, and it sucked (we never got through one battle in 20 minutes... it was all organizing =\), then got into another okay party. But it sucked pretty horribly too. I gained back my lost exp and a tiny bit more, then logged.

Tomorrow I hope to sell the last of my 'kabobs!

ultima weapon
04-26-2004, 10:25 AM
If you think Sneak Attack does insane damamge, wait until you get Viper Bite!

Viper Bite + Sneak Attack + Trick Attack = Oooooh Aaaah

04-27-2004, 03:10 AM
Oh, I know. Too bad I probably won't be getting to that point, 'cause as soon as I hit 30 I'm doing NIN and RNG quests :x, and probably BRD too 'cause you get money for it.

05-01-2004, 06:44 AM
NOTE: Picture added >.>

I've gone through hell trying to get into parties to get through Qufim. I can only imagine what Kazham'll be like ; ;. At least Qufim was a homely place (controlled by Windy)....
That's right, I've hit level 25 ^^. I still haven't upgraded my equipment since level 20.... and now there's a lot of stuff I need to get... I've decided to take a break, get my keys for the Kazham airship, farm Wild Onions for Mithkabobs, start growing Mhaura Garlic, and make a profit off the Mithkabobs until I get up enough money to buy all the equipment I need, making sure it's all +1 or HQ :x.
I also ran into Seulia at one point in Qufim, she was leveling up THF, and I felt guilty so I payed her back her 10k.

05-01-2004, 03:01 PM
Originally posted by PlasmaTorture
making sure it's all +1 or HQ :x.

How very ambitious! See you again in June! ;3

05-02-2004, 05:40 AM
Originally posted by Typo

How very ambitious! See you again in June! ;3

Gladly :P. I was partially joking about that, I think...

Today I asked Comrades Spider and Qtee for help with my keys for Kazham.
All three of us met up in Sandy and went to Ghelsba. We head in, and then to like the grotto or pit thing, and after two fighters and a cursemaker I had my key. Escaped out, and choco'd down to Palborough.
Apparently Qtee and Spider are in a relationship, and also were in an argument, because halfway through Konschtat she just left (I heard stuff to confirm that theory >.>). ~tear~ about that. It took us about 20 minutes in Palborough, mainly to find where the Old Quadavs spawned, to get the key. I used a scroll of Instant Warp, and headed down to Windy.

I see none other than Lhinx there (though I had seen her in Valkurm back when I was getting to 20 ...). And then, as I'm doing stuff at the AH, I get asked if I want to join an Eco Warrior alliance. I quickly joined, and Lhinx turned out to be the alliance leader :x. Spider ended up joining us too, and we kicked the Wyrmflies' asses. Got the nice 5k ^^ reward, and the exp scroll. Got 625 or so from it. Also, while I was in Shakrami, I had gotten the lapis coral or whatever for Windy Mission 2-1.

I continued that mission, thinking it would be easy... but not knowing which way to go, I get trapped in a room and aggrod by like 10-20 Decent Challenges ><. I died, and lost pretty much all the exp I had gained from Eco Warrior =(.

I went back to Windy and went the right way this time in the ruins :P, and finished the mission... and then Qtee and some high level THF offered to help me get my Giddeus Key. I also did some Crisis in the Making quest in Giddeus... but the key took a whole one Yagudo to get ^^.

Soon I'll be heading to Kazham to level x.x

Oh, and I made my first Meat Cheifkabobs today. Only produced 6, though ; ;.

05-02-2004, 05:47 PM
I decided to get in on some of that Taru/Mithra action ^_^
Might be hard to see... it was nighttime and we wanted to be somewhere private :P

05-04-2004, 03:46 AM
Not too long ago
a Taru set out on his mission
to slay a triumverate of foes;
abandoning Skilchain: Scission.

He traveled across the land
on his trusty steed.
"Look!" he cried out, with much glee,
"San D'Oria! Time to start my deed!"

To the consul he went
and met a sexy Lion
She may be a hume, but she looks like a mithra
And Purasuma thinks that's just fine. ^^

Off to the racist,
the bigot, the mean.
Halver told him to go kill
the orc "Queen."

Out with a friend from a shell that links far
Purasuma went to Ghelsba by foot, not car.
He kileld no orc, except one.
BAM, Warcheif Vatjit died, and the deed was done.

Back to the consul, he thought he was done,
The consul informed him "That was only part one!"
So off on his trusty chocobo steed,
he rode onto his very next deed.

In the industrial capital,
an ugly city,
Purasuma met a homesick consulate,
and thought they were kind of shitty.

After another talk with a meanie,
a new job assigned,
he gathered friends from the Leidnav Clan
and set off again.

However, of course,
the clan numbered too few!
So a few random scrubs joined them
and felt no remorse!

Deep into the mines of Palborough they went,
dodging turtle by turtle by turtle - a cinch.
Purasuma approached a red circle,
and so it began.

A dragon and a seeker awaited him there,
but with his trusty dragoon and black mage friend,
with the rest there too;
they quickly slaughtered the two.

Back to Windurst, Purasuma went.
A chocobo ride that was like a repent;
but on arriving home, and into the tower,
he was greeted by a victory shower!

Hurray, hurrah, all the land cried!
For inside that really giant tree,
Purasuma had become a full-fledged adventurer,
and acquired Rank 3!

EDIT: Changed a horrendous rhyme that was copied straight from Typo. This is what happens when I write half-asleep :x

Edit numero dos: I spelt "write" as "right." This is what happens when I correct half-asleep :P

05-04-2004, 07:31 AM
Copytaru~ "X3

05-05-2004, 02:41 AM
All original poetry there :x.

If I had posted that, whcih I had mused up long ago, just waiting for me to use in some future post, then you would be the "copytaru" :P
So there.

And... uh.... Kazham is teh suck. ; ;

05-05-2004, 07:33 AM
Ja. Yuhtunga ish laggy, and goblin-ridden. Sometimes the two combine to make Typo and his cats cry. You can be out of there in 2 "short" levels, though, and find your way to Yhoator Forest, where it ish sometimes worse. ._. But if you have a sensible team, Yhoator ish some of the easiest exp ever...

05-05-2004, 07:30 PM
I had gotten into a party with a RNG/NIN that I had seen in Qufim... but our WHM randomly went afk for like 30 minutes ; ;. It was a good group, though, and if that hadn't happened I'd probably be level 26 now.

05-06-2004, 07:22 PM
me and a LS buddy formed a group in Kazham.

After waiting ~10 minutes for our WHM, he arrived. Not alone, though. A little anon taru wearing pajamas (WHM af hat and the rest Taru RSE :P) and some level 40 or 50 SAM came with. We welcomed the powerleveling with open arms!

I'm 1.8k away from level 27 now ^^

05-07-2004, 02:38 AM
I forgot to mention how most of the plvling took place in Battalia >.>

So I headed back to Jeuno, caught a ship to Kazham, and there there. Several minutes later with my Flag up, I get a tell asking if I want to party in Battalia. x.x
Of course, I say yes, 'cause my luck in Qufim was crap and I try to get into parties as soon as possible. While waiting for the airship to arrive to take me back, I got two invites from locals, but I had promised :x

I arrive to be greeted by FOUR other Tarus! :D, and a japanese Galka PLD >.>
Anyways, the awesome Tarutaru Power PT was: WHM, BLM, RDM, BRD, PLD and me, THF. In about 2 hours, we went around 3 different camps in Battalia, and I got to 900 away from level 28 before some of them had to log. Sadness. It was an.... orgasmically good party. >.>

I headed back to Kazham, and pretty quickly got invited into a pt. I headed to Yhoater, and killed Mandragoras until I was level 28... then I logged as the party was dieing, and I was being yelled at to get off ^^;.

Only two more levels to go! I'm so exciting!

05-10-2004, 02:22 AM

Quests Completed:

Quests Assigned:
SMN (1/7th done), SAM, BST

Tomorrow should be a fun day :x.. I'm heading to Valk to help a friend get a Worm for subjob, and maybe a skull too... and maybe leveling NIN more (level 5)... and definitley going to complete one or both of SMN and SAM. I'll pick up the BST flowers if I get a chance >.>

05-18-2004, 02:47 AM
Bleh... My luck in this game is terrible.

-I tried Eco-Warrior... they wanted me as THF, and I figured they'd be a lot more organized than they were.
Died (got raised). De-leveled.
-Me and a LS friend decide to try to get me that exp back.
Died (got raised).
-With the help of a level 53 DRG, we attempted to do the mission to rank 4.

-Leveling NIN to 10
Died at least 15 times, most due to bad luck.

-Leveling RNG to 9
Died at least 15 times, most due to bad luck.

-Powerleveling two guys from level 5-7 for 4k as RDM.
Used Scroll of Instant Warp, died from Dia, downleveled.

What _is_ fun is popping my RNG two hour for 150+ damage. At level 6 or 7 that feels like quite the accomplishment. ^^

Unfortuantley, due to too many people leveling up cooking to Mithkabob range, Cockatrice Meat has gone up in price. Mithkabobs have also gone up to 3k everywhere, 3.5k in Jeuno, which is nice for selling.... but somehow mine are never the ones sold! >:O So it's soon going to be time to level up cooking more, and start pumping out pies 'n' stuff.

05-24-2004, 03:17 AM
Well, as if I had some Final Fantasy midlife crisis due to being in a bad job (read: Partying in Valkurm again), I bought myself a shiny new car. But this is no car, but a Hunter's Longbow. 10 more damage than my old selfbow, as well as STR, AGI, RACC and RATK. And I love it <3

ultima weapon
05-24-2004, 04:10 AM
That's the spirit! Counter that breakdown with wreakless spending!

j/k, go to Ronfaure and show the bunnies your new shiny bow.

05-25-2004, 02:58 AM
Originally posted by ultima weapon
That's the spirit! Counter that breakdown with wreakless spending!

j/k, go to Ronfaure and show the bunnies your new shiny bow.

Actually, that's exactly what I did. First bunny took a 182 smack upside the head, iirc ^^ (this is me at level 12..)...

I went back to Valkurm, a LS member gave me 7 stacks of bone arrows and let me borrow his Power Bow +1 (two more levels now until I can use it) indefinitley 'cause he's "done with RNG for now" (he's a lvl 50 NIN with Emperor Hairpin and Winged Boots). Another LS member invited me to his party, so I'm like "Ehh.. Let's find out if Edwardthegreat really is great."

It was a good party, and I leveled twice in ~3 hours. For a while I had to reorginize after half of us left, and people kept getting to level 14 which ruined exp, but throughout the whole thing only me and a WHM (we originally had 2) stayed. What made me really happy is that the level 13 Rank 1 WAR that we used for main tank actually knew what he was doing... amazing o.O.
I also had fun having "damage wars" with my new friend RNG who was 13 when I logged, using the same bow and arrows as me. However, due to my Beestinger and Royal Footman's bow, I did ~1-2 more damage :P. If I was, say, Elvaan, I would've outdamaged him more, but >.>

Now I can use my Ranger's Necklace, and it's really good. Accuracy improved about 80% with just the +5 RACC.... which is good.

06-06-2004, 04:50 AM
Out of Valkurm now as RNG :D

But, after reading up ojn future RNG life, and realizing I have no good way to make money =\ cooking is not very effective >.>.. Well, I've decided that after I get RNG to 30, it is just gonna be a backup fun job when I have time to kill.... mainly because it costs so much ; ;.

So this next week (or two, if I'm unlucky) will be my last for a while. Then it's time to get my Carbuncle's Ruby back (long story, basically lag + hasty dropping of a "Meteorite" = me ; ;) and level SMN up to 20. Then I'm going RDM/SMN for idefinitley... somewhere in there I might also take THF up to 50 for treasure hunting (ie Chests and Coffers... RDM sub lets me sneak/invis at that level ^^)

At least, that's the plan.

06-19-2004, 01:08 PM

RDM/SMN = bad idea. And I'm too lazy to find another ruby...

BLM is finally leveled to 10, which means no more soloing <3. Gonna take it to 17, or 20 if I'm in a good party at the time.

06-29-2004, 04:13 AM
I'ts Raining Mannequins! (hallelujah!)

07-06-2004, 03:39 PM
Level 14 BLM :D.

Just three more and I can go back to RDM for a while.
I bought all my spells up to level 17 as BLM, including Drain. I'm going to have to either sell some equipment I have or farm, because I can't even afford to make another batch of Mithkabobs.

07-14-2004, 12:22 AM
I really need to get back into playing...

07-14-2004, 03:12 AM
Originally posted by PlasmaTorture
I really need to get back into playing...

Me too, I've gotten so burnt out on the game.

I play a bit now and then, but I've lost all my drive to play, and it's really hard to play something like FFXI without that.

07-14-2004, 03:40 AM
Originally posted by Ndi

Me too, I've gotten so burnt out on the game.

I play a bit now and then, but I've lost all my drive to play, and it's really hard to play something like FFXI without that.

I do have a drive to play, it's just.. I've been sort of distracted, if you've been watching my spam in the GD forum :P.

I also am really burnt out on Valkurm Dunes. I've been there for ages~.

07-14-2004, 04:24 PM
Originally posted by PlasmaTorture

I do have a drive to play, it's just.. I've been sort of distracted, if you've been watching my spam in the GD forum :P.

I also am really burnt out on Valkurm Dunes. I've been there for ages~.

Fish. Once you've spent a few hours experiencing real ultimate boredom, you'll suddenly be able to appreciate Valkurm. ":3

07-15-2004, 12:39 AM
Originally posted by Typo

Fish. Once you've spent a few hours experiencing real ultimate boredom, you'll suddenly be able to appreciate Valkurm. ":3

Hmm, yes.

Perhaps I can have an intelligent combination of the two...
but alas
do MMORPGs and girlfriends mix? :confused:

07-15-2004, 04:48 AM
Originally posted by PlasmaTorture

do MMORPGs and girlfriends mix? :confused:


Typo ish not Shantotto's "Flavor of the Month" for nothing! ;3 ;3 ;3

07-15-2004, 03:27 PM
Originally posted by Typo


Typo ish not Shantotto's "Flavor of the Month" for nothing! ;3 ;3 ;3

Flavour, my friend, flavour :P

07-15-2004, 04:05 PM
Originally posted by PlasmaTorture

Flavour, my friend, flavour :P

Someone must have edited Typo's post. Typo never excludes the 'u'. Typo also does not make typos. ":3

07-21-2004, 06:09 AM
I'm out of Valkurm for good now ^^.

what I find odd, though, is it has taken me two weeks to get the last 6 levels as BLM...

but, that's also how long I've been with my girlfriend :x

07-28-2004, 08:28 AM
23 RDM, almost 24.

Go go power me!

I gained 3 levels today <3, in one super long but good party. At the end, I was the only original member to stay throughout, but the party had been going on before I had joined, so =\.

it was quite fun though...

07-28-2004, 09:38 AM
Originally posted by PlasmaTorture
23 RDM, almost 24.

Go go power me!

I gained 3 levels today <3, in one super long but good party. At the end, I was the only original member to stay throughout, but the party had been going on before I had joined, so =\.

it was quite fun though...


So you're not free from FFXI's spell after all.

07-28-2004, 11:21 AM
Originally posted by Ndi


So you're not free from FFXI's spell after all.

No, of course not.

I <3 FFXI. :P

07-28-2004, 11:31 AM
Originally posted by PlasmaTorture

No, of course not.

I <3 FFXI. :P

Well, you had me wondering for a little while. ;)

07-28-2004, 07:38 PM
Originally posted by Ndi

Well, you had me wondering for a little while. ;)

It is true that I don't play as often.. ;x

if I had quit it would've been taken out of my sig, though.

07-30-2004, 08:18 AM

I hit 25 today... we were in Lower Delkfutt's Tower. A Goblin cast Bind on me and the party that was disbanding tried to help.
I deleveled >:
then I tried soloing T worms to get the 300ish exp. Killed one for 120 exp, got confident, rested up, tried to kill another, got almost killed and Rasped and Silenced >:. Barely managed to live. Killed another worm, 96 tnl, and a party is like "hey wanna pt?" and I'm like "I'm just about to level, but if you want to help me get that 96 exp, sure!" and they're like "Ok!" and then this Banshee is like "AGGRO'd" and then this high level was like "SAVE'd" and then this Wight was like "APPEAR OUT OF NOWHERE AND AGGRO'd" and I died again >:

07-30-2004, 11:00 AM
Originally posted by PlasmaTorture

I hit 25 today... we were in Lower Delkfutt's Tower. A Goblin cast Bind on me and the party that was disbanding tried to help.
I deleveled >:
then I tried soloing T worms to get the 300ish exp. Killed one for 120 exp, got confident, rested up, tried to kill another, got almost killed and Rasped and Silenced >:. Barely managed to live. Killed another worm, 96 tnl, and a party is like "hey wanna pt?" and I'm like "I'm just about to level, but if you want to help me get that 96 exp, sure!" and they're like "Ok!" and then this Banshee is like "AGGRO'd" and then this high level was like "SAVE'd" and then this Wight was like "APPEAR OUT OF NOWHERE AND AGGRO'd" and I died again >:


; ;

07-31-2004, 06:01 AM
Originally posted by Ndi


; ;

and then today our DSL service decided to do the upgrade they were planning on doing on the 2nd today, which meant no internet for like most of the day until two hours ago, so I didn't get to play at all ~sniff~

but hey, while some are stuck at 56k, we're now "at" 1.5MB :D

08-01-2004, 08:16 AM

I got level 25 easily. a fairly high level PLD friend of mine was sitting around with nothing to do so he babysat me while I killed more T worms for between 120-160 exp each, he did very little stuff except kill aggro and cure 3 me once.

then I went and goldfish scooped in the WRonfaure lake with my new LS :D what a good LS, everyone is my level up to like 60something ^^
I got a screenshot but I'm on the wrong computer =\

and the mystery box from goldfish scooping is WORTHLESS
just gives you 12 spirit masques, which are really bad fire works
I want to figure out what "a large fan" is... it's probably just the normal summerfest fans but it could be something special?

Oh, by the way, for those who don't know, at the lake in WRonfaure and somewhere in Rabao, and most likely other places as well, there's an NPC who'll give you a gold fish bowl and super scoops for 100 gil each. Equip the bowl like a fishing rod and the scoops like bait, go to a body of water, and /fish.

You can catch the following:
-Tiny Goldfish, 1 year of luck
-Black-Eyed Bubbly, 2 years of luck
-Lionshead, 10 years of luck (!)

you trade them to the npc to get the "years of luck," which are really points to get the following:

-Super Scoop, 5 years
-Bundle of Fireworks, 10 or 15 years (can't remember)
-A large fan, 25 years
-A colorful drop, 30 years (asuming those are the same as the ones from the, le sigh, easter holiday)
-A "Mystery Box" (12 Spirit Masques), 50 years

08-14-2004, 05:45 AM
omg, I actually played!

26 RDM now~

08-17-2004, 08:37 AM
I played again! :O
got into a JP party~
1800 tnl now

once I hit 27 I get +17 MND. Yes, SEVENTEEN. I'm excited.

08-18-2004, 07:25 AM

yay for trioing with a powerleveler against Mandies outside of the Yhaoter Zone. RNG/NIN, WAR/NIN, and me~

08-18-2004, 01:14 PM
Ooh, you're almost level 30. |Congratulations|!

I got really mnd happy with my rdm as well. It makes lightsday awesome. ^^

08-18-2004, 06:52 PM
MND is good, esepcailly for Tarus...
I've also got +12 INT when I use an Apple Pie.
I use ring-swapping macroes so that I get two Saintly Rings and Devotee's Mitts (+9 MND total) when I cast a White Magic spell, and two Eremite's and just my normal gloves for Black Magic.

|Thank you.|

08-22-2004, 09:05 AM
29 RDM now...
this means almost my second job to hit level 30!... even if THF has downleveled down to 29 -_-

a good alternative to fighting in Yhoator Jungle to hit 29-30 is the Outpost in Yuhtunga fighting Furriers.

None of my party would tell me how much furrier they are than normal Goblins. :'(

Evad D'Aragon
08-22-2004, 03:24 PM
Another very good alternative is fighting spiders in Eastern Altepa Desert, even a few beetles. Only problem is actually convincing a party to get there, but once you do, you'll realize that it's actually more fun than the jungles, really.

I heard the Sahagins near the Sea Serpent Grotto are also a good option. I've tried them with a party 31-33 and it went well, but it's true that this party was good, too.

08-22-2004, 08:02 PM
I'll keep that in mind.
I like alternate routes. a lot.

08-30-2004, 05:16 AM
hit 30 today in one party.

Now it's time to farm and/or BCNM 30 until I get Dispel.

09-03-2004, 02:23 AM
stuff sold and apparently I have 30k now. o_o
which is enough to continue mithkabobing it up...

09-11-2004, 08:58 AM
So, after stampeding around Valk and then later Bubu killing goblins because I can (and occasionaly getting like 38 exp off of a Gambler), I headed to Windurst.

I decided to start fishing.

I bought:
-materials to make 24 stacks of insect paste
-Mithran Rod (14k from Jeuno.. while it was like 17k at Windy ah o_o)
-Sabiki Rig (also from Jeuno AH)
-Fisherman's Gloves
-Fisherman's Boots

and that was all I could afford.
Granted, I could have just cheaped out and gone for a Carbon Rod - I read both were effective - but, I figured there must be a reason why the Mithran costs like 4x as much, so I went with it.
I headed over to the fishing guild and accidently got just normal image support, and tryed out my Sabiki Rig down there.. with little success. Stupid mule-with-a-Lu-Shang's next to me must have been taking all the bites. ;p

I then went over to Windurst Walls ('cause the teleporter guy) and used Insect Paste instead, and fished until the support ran out, which felt like a long time but must've only been like a half hour. o_o
caught 18 Moat Carp, reached level 1 fishing (like 1.5 now), and yeah.

It costs me 141 to make a stack of Insect Paste, which then sells for 500 at the Auction House, so I'll definitley be moving some of those around a lot while I try to get my Fisherman's Tunica and Hose...

09-11-2004, 12:06 PM
Fishing Moat Carp is a really good way to make money while you are still pretty new (I did it until level 40+ or so.. Dont Remember exactly). I have 12 or 13 fishing and have full fishing gear and hardly ever cast without getting a bite. Moat carp no longer skill me up, but I reel them in like no ones buisness.

09-11-2004, 07:28 PM
They cap at level 11. ;p

are they used for anything besides the people who buy tons of them for Lu Shang's? >.>

also, I haven't checked recently, but last time I did it'd be cheaper to just buy a Lu Shang's from the AH then to buy the carp needed. =\
or, alternatively, if you fish up enough, selling them all would net you enough profit to buy a Lu Shang's and have like 1 million extra.

09-11-2004, 11:00 PM
Well the only way to GET a lushangs is to do the quest, and not many people sell thier lushangs rods.

Carp are good for mid-level cooking. I made carp sushi for a while, it's pretty cheap and leveled my cooking up pretty good. Very cheap if you fish your own carp.. too bad no one buys the shit.. so you usualy hafta sell it to NPC haha.

They are used in a few other recipes... but none of them are really worth the time of day.. other then that they aren't really useful at all.

09-11-2004, 11:09 PM
Moat carp cap at 11.something. Typo skilled up to 11.something on them. Yup, catch a moat carp at 11.0, skill rose by .1.
Just quasi-clarifying. "X3

I'm never doing that carp quest, either, so someone had better sell another rod on Cerberus. :3

09-11-2004, 11:45 PM
So somehow when I wrote "11" last night my keyboard put "8"


09-12-2004, 10:27 PM
BCNM 30 was supposed to happen today - I got my orb and all - and it didn't. -_-

but I managed to catch four more moat carp while I was on.
that's about it.

10-03-2004, 10:28 AM

I played :O

for the first time since the BCNM30 fiasco.

This time, we were all prepared, and headed down to Giddeus. Our first battle against Bitoso (giant crawler thingy) was going really slowly and we ran out of time. Our strategy was to have the RNG/NIN and THF/NIN (this one wearing the new CoP armor set that gives +s to rngacc) go back and forth using Sleep Bolts until it died.

After our second time, with crappy drops (wooo Wrestler's Earring... 5k each!), I was informed I had to go back to Jeuno to get my last orb.

Now, generally, you'd expect everyone showing up to the bcnm to have an orb or two. but nope. =\

10-04-2004, 01:06 AM
I played again ?_?

I discovered the joys of leaving winamp open while playing this game. it makes it a lot more enjoyable> :x

um, I've just started farming in jugner for no particular reason. =\

10-04-2004, 08:29 AM
I almost forgot my story:

so I was walking around and I was like "hey there's some n00b ram I'm a go pwnzzz it"

and then he was like "RAARRRR me no hit for much damage!"
and then I was like "I'm smaller than you :o"


10-10-2004, 06:45 AM

It was super easy

Then again, I had a level 65 or 67 (can't remember) DRK taking me through it and my own Sneak/Invis. =\

10-11-2004, 07:59 AM
today I leveled WHM to 5 for no reason other than I felt like leveling WHM. =\

also reached level 2 fishing. :P

10-14-2004, 12:58 AM
yesterday I leveled BST, again, for no particular reason.

buying newbie +1 weapons for abou 5k a pop is going to make me poor soon =\

so I'm a level 5 bst, and I love Raging Axe 'cause it looks cool

and, uh, I also kill things really fast. I should start trying pets in a bit O:

10-15-2004, 07:14 AM

I did most of the Teleport-Mea quest because it's going for 70k, which is just what I need for Dispel and then I can start leveling again o_o

but, alas, I went straight to Sandy from Eldeime, ><, so now I have to get back to Windurst first. =\

10-16-2004, 08:25 AM
finished the mea quest; I'll be heading to Jeuno to sell it after taking a detour to La Theine first.

Why La Theine?
To finish my SMN quest!

I went through Rang... Pass, which was really scary ><, and got my Ice, and then tried to go through Xarcabard to get the crystal, but like right next to it sneak ran out while I was looking for a safe place. =\
I tried to use my scroll of warp to get out, but I was killed...

and downleveled.

I'll just solo the 260 or so exp back in Qufim on worms, which is super easy.

10-16-2004, 11:15 PM
yup, it was super easy.

I finished the SMN quest, solo'd it back, bought a few new pieces of equipment, requested a Bastoker friend to get me a Centurion's Sword with his CPs 'cause I'm cheap >.>, and uh, found it was my week for RSE but the friend who is eventually going to take me to do that wants to wait until it's in Gusgen. =\

10-17-2004, 04:57 AM
Now if you were on Cerberus, Typo could take you to get that Vahzl crystal with his band of butt-nakie kitties.

10-17-2004, 06:44 AM
Now if you were on Cerberus, Typo could take you to get that Vahzl crystal with his band of butt-nakie kitties.

I should just go and join Cerberus right now!


so I did gobbiebag 1 today, which is nice, 'cause I actually have room for stuff o_o
I need Teleport-Mea to sell. :'(

10-20-2004, 06:24 AM
I own CoP...

for the ps2

short story, mom got the wrong version while I was doing homework 'cause I forgot to specify pc 'cause I forgot there even was a ps2 version. O:

wait, that was the whole story, nvm.

10-20-2004, 06:51 AM
lol! We have a blast on Cerberus!

Typo, mama need the other gate crystals. o.o

10-20-2004, 07:01 AM
maybe I should make an Evlaan WAR for Cerberus.
spam LS chat with "ME EVLAAN ME VOKE NOW"
stuff like that
it'd be good.

Evad D'Aragon
10-20-2004, 07:27 AM
maybe I should make an Evlaan WAR for Cerberus.
spam LS chat with "ME EVLAAN ME VOKE NOW"
stuff like that
it'd be good.

O_o Thanks for warning us in advance...

Which gate crystals do you need, Heather ? Don't you already have Mea, Holla and Dem ? The others shall wait, you're not quite ready. :p

10-21-2004, 06:42 AM
O_o Thanks for warning us in advance...


it's a local thing I guess, we make fun of Elvaan's low INT alot >.>

so Teleport-Mea sold!... and I'm the proud owner of Dispel and Dia II from the gil from that. O:
I also traded a Bastoker on my linkshell a Merc. Captain's Belt for a Centurion's Sword 'cause I didn't want to shell out the 10-15k for one.
now I'm running around Giddeus near Hoo's spawn killing yagudo's for no reason!
maybe I'm raising norg fame subconsciously, I dunno. o_o

10-21-2004, 08:49 AM
O_o Thanks for warning us in advance...

Which gate crystals do you need, Heather ? Don't you already have Mea, Holla and Dem ? The others shall wait, you're not quite ready. :p

Yeah.. I have Mea, Holla, and Dem. I just wanna get the other crystals. XD perhaps after I lvl my blm sub a bit. And after I get up to 30 for my summoner. :D

Evad D'Aragon
10-21-2004, 01:11 PM
Yeah.. I have Mea, Holla, and Dem. I just wanna get the other crystals. XD perhaps after I lvl my blm sub a bit. And after I get up to 30 for my summoner. :D

O_o You're kidding me, right ? At worst at 30 we could get you Altep, but Yhoat and Vahzl ? Come back to us at 40 for Yhoat and 50 for Vahzl lol

You obviously have no idea what you were asking here...you're not ready for these zones, plain simple.

10-21-2004, 05:45 PM
now I'm running around Giddeus near Hoo's spawn killing yagudo's for no reason!

Kill him for me! I will MAKE HIM drop that Monster Signa! ;_;

Evad: A few things I don't like about WHMs... they have some very useful spells (invis and sneak especially for quests and whatnot) but leveling the job really sucks ass.

Evad D'Aragon
10-21-2004, 05:59 PM
Kill him for me! I will MAKE HIM drop that Monster Signa! ;_;

Evad: A few things I don't like about WHMs... they have some very useful spells (invis and sneak especially for quests and whatnot) but leveling the job really sucks ass.

I am well aware of that, but knowing Alexiel, she wants an escort to reach those places. I'll accept if and when she needs them, but Vahzl at level 30 ? Out of the question.

There is no point in getting things you don't need so soon, it's like asking help with getting all AF pieces at level 50 ...

10-21-2004, 07:36 PM
There is no point in getting things you don't need so soon, it's like asking help with getting all AF pieces at level 50 ...

Not necessarily, there ish exploration and adventure. More importantly, gives you some experience and knowledge of a zone you'll be seeing alot more of later. It's not 100% practical, but it's fine/legal, unlike powerleveling which ish just silly and lazy...but Typo digress. ._.

And you can't get more than a couple AF pieces at lvl50 anyway :3

Evad D'Aragon
10-21-2004, 11:06 PM
Not necessarily, there ish exploration and adventure.

Yeah, sure, but do all the exploring and adventuring in due time. You haven't even finished exploring all the nooks and cranies of your current leveling zone because all you did was camp in it yet you want to go into zones you aren't supposed to go before you have about twice your current level ? That's called being impatient, and this will lead you to get burned from the game way too soon.

I explored Beaucedine Glacier in its whole the first time that I got there with my WHM friend at level 50, we didn't have to hide , we could take on anything and so not only view the landscape, but also gauge our ennemies and truly enjoy that zone, on our to deliver supplies to Xarcabard. So yeah, I understand the importance of exploring and adventuring. But that's why there are missions and quests.

My point is, go to a zone if you have business there AND are ready to go. You do NOT have business in Xarcabard or at the Yhoat tele-point at level 30 , no matter what you say. The Altep one is another matter, because she might have to go level there, so it would be convenient to be able to teleport there from Jeuno.

Majin Sephiroth
10-21-2004, 11:43 PM
Yeah! and dont accidently get off your chocobo in the middle of sauromounge champaign.... IT everywhere ;-;.... Majin run....fast!

10-22-2004, 12:18 AM
My point is, go to a zone if you have business there AND are ready to go. You do NOT have business in Xarcabard or at the Yhoat tele-point at level 30 , no matter what you say. The Altep one is another matter, because she might have to go level there, so it would be convenient to be able to teleport there from Jeuno.

at 30, I was already in Yhoator leveling, so on my way back to Kazham I took a detour and got myself the Yhoat crystal.
While I was up in Beaucedine getting Ice for summoner, I figured, why not go for the vahzl crystal?

evidently sneak dropping when you think you're safe is a good enough reason, but the fact is, if you have your sneak/invis, exploring places for specific purposes is fine.

10-22-2004, 12:42 AM
Yeah, sure, but do all the exploring and adventuring in due time. You haven't even finished exploring all the nooks and cranies of your current leveling zone because all you did was camp in it yet you want to go into zones you aren't supposed to go before you have about twice your current level ? That's called being impatient, and this will lead you to get burned from the game way too soon.

I explored Beaucedine Glacier in its whole the first time that I got there with my WHM friend at level 50, we didn't have to hide , we could take on anything and so not only view the landscape, but also gauge our ennemies and truly enjoy that zone, on our to deliver supplies to Xarcabard. So yeah, I understand the importance of exploring and adventuring. But that's why there are missions and quests.

My point is, go to a zone if you have business there AND are ready to go. You do NOT have business in Xarcabard or at the Yhoat tele-point at level 30 , no matter what you say. The Altep one is another matter, because she might have to go level there, so it would be convenient to be able to teleport there from Jeuno.

Whether or not someone has business in a zone ish up taru them, really. If they want to go just to "see" something, that's enough reason to do so! I'm not saying that they should beg any old high level to be their escort, but they could go with friends, even. Typo had plenty fun back in the day doing that kind of thing. Another good example would be all the people who explore CoP areas when they aren't even high enough to do so safely. Ish probably safe to say that that's a healthy majority of people playing the game right now. "X3

If people want to think outside the box and just want to go out and have fun, that's good for them! I think most people are/were like that when they were still fairly new to the game, and that it's actually the kind of rigid traditions like the whole not going somewhere unless you're a higher level issue, that burn people out from the game before they really even get started.

Evad D'Aragon
10-22-2004, 09:07 AM
Well, I guess your points are good.

Still, Heather, I'm warning you in advance, I'm willing to escort you to Altep or even Beaucedine for your Summoner, but if you want Yhoat or Vahzl, ask Typo or someone else, I still think you've no right to gain them yet. There are plenty of zones you could explore at your level before Xarcabard.

But you know, Typo, if you get to a zone too soon, you'll get bored of it sooner as well, so I don't know how it is it prevents you from getting burned from the game.

10-22-2004, 07:06 PM
and I shall remember that when i'm ready to. ;)

I'm a woman of adventure. Love to see different places, love to meet different people. Help those in need. I'm happy exploring. But I have a couple things that need to get done before I explore any further.

I finished my goal of getting to 25 and learning Raise. Now I shall lvl BLM up and hopefully get it to around 17-20 before I go any further in my quest to become the greatest WHM on Cerberus. :P

People will one day speak of Alexiel. You all missed a great adventure in Qufim a couple nights back. ;) I shall tell of my heroic story if everyone wants to hear it. XD

10-24-2004, 12:29 AM
this event is pretty crappy. :'(

I got the -1 Enmity and the -50 Enmity-under-way-too-many-conditions hats, after spending like 7-10k on Saruta Oranges.

and 3 jack o lanterns
maybe the jack o lanterns will sell well or something, but I would've preferred to get a staff..

10-24-2004, 07:21 PM
we decided to go get a Gusgen Mines key for Tuesday when I do RSE.

here's me flying heroically to Jeuno ()

we get there and after about a half hour, this () happens. not fun.
in fact, I deleveled to 29 again. =\
but, am I face down or face up? ()


so today I'm going to try to get a party and see how far I can get, assuming things go well, I'll allow myself to hit 33, but no higher, otherwise I'll be gimping. (I already sorta am ><)

10-25-2004, 04:26 AM
One little pumpkin sitting on a gate... ()

made a party today, which included a rank 9 SMN with carbuncle mittens o__o (she only summoned Garuda for aerial armor, though, and otherwise played WHM).

got to 31 ^_^

tomorrow I should get to 32, or 33 if I'm super lucky

and then Tuesday = RSE O:

10-25-2004, 04:52 AM
The hats for this year add +1 and +50 to Enmity. o.o

I got them both AND my staff. ^^

So i'm happy. ^^

10-25-2004, 06:04 AM
The hats for this year add +1 and +50 to Enmity. o.o

I got them both AND my staff. ^^

So i'm happy. ^^

no, those are just the new ones, you can still get the ones from last year. =\


Pumpkin Hat (-1 enmity)
Horror Hat (-50 enmity on darksday + full moon + nighttime)
Pumpkin Hat II (+1 enmity)
Horror Hat II (+50 enmity on lightsday + new moon + daytime)
Trick Staff I
Trick Staff II
Treat Staff I
Treat Staff II
Jack-o'-Lantern (+10 ACC/EVA, -10 CHR, for 1 hour)

I'm not sure the stats on the staves though. =\

10-25-2004, 07:20 AM
really? I didn't know that. o.o

I guess i'll be spending more money on Saruta Oranges. o.o

10-25-2004, 08:12 AM
really? I didn't know that. o.o

I guess i'll be spending more money on Saruta Oranges. o.o

really =\

I'm not spending anymore money on the event, mainly 'cause I'm kinda broke. =\

also, CoP is now installed as well as the patch O:

Evad D'Aragon
10-25-2004, 05:44 PM
Maybe I should invest in the event, I'm kind of interested in the Trick Staff II, with its Warp effect.

But I'm also on a leveling/coffer hunting frenzy. My last AF piece really didn't go so well, but at least now only the Gallant Breeches and Gallant Surcoat remain to be claimed. At level 56 now, I'm starting to look more and more like a true Knight of Light.

Oh yeah, and soon enough I should have a go at the Shadow Lord and get my Rank 6 as well...

10-26-2004, 07:20 AM
tomorrow I get rse


I know I'll at least get the pants. And unless luck goes terribly for me (which it usually does), I'll at least get the armor, too.
Wonder Clomps (the word makes me happy and warm inside) and the gloves are just extra, but the goal is to get them too. e.e

10-27-2004, 07:53 AM
ahh.... the title is a reference to an old game that came bundeled with our first pc, "The Great Word Adeventure"

when I got on, Tadakaichi wasn't, so I was kinda worried, but sure enough he showed up. Not much to say, got into Gusgen a little after Fireday started (with the start of Taru male week), and it was simple enough.
got my super awesome foofy pants, as shown off here ().

Then back in, with THF Sparkle (). Ugh, this was the longest, and kinda least fun part of the whole trip. It was fun, but, yeah. Right at the start I found a treasure chest (in one of the first two spawn points in gusgen that you can see) so I camped out there and shoo'd off people who started crowding around, I probably shouldn't have done that but oh well! If I had moved, the disaster might not've happened.

Tada and Sparkle where fighting, and they're like "oshit we shouldn't have done that" "we can kill it anyways!" "yeah this isn't too hard of an nm" and I was like "lolwot did you guys do something stupid like attack juggler hecatomb ?_?" and they were like "..."
Now, if they had attacked them when they weren't both in the red, they might've done well, but bother were killed and Tada hp'd back to Selbina (he was leveling WHM in Valkurm around that time). Sparkle got a raise ii, and someone else pulled the Juggler back to near where I was camping on that treasure chest, and then some miner took it with him. Another miner, a RDM/NIN or NIN/RDM (had dualweild and enspells =\) decided she was tough enough to take the sliver-of-a-health Juggler, with a companion, and they both got pwned.
Right when they were killed, Tadakaichi came back, and got the Juggler, and together we killed it (wasn't too hard, it was like three hits from Tada and I didn't really do anything). We got a whole three wind crystals.

Then, we all met up, which is where that picture took place, and my THF friend Chipple came in too. No good picture of her. ><
anyways, while I had been zoning just in case the juggler had hate on me 'cause party after the two had died, my chest was taken =(. So I went in with them, and found it in the first room. ()
This key drop took a long time, even with the two THFs both with th2, and a WAR, all running around killing things. This () is a picture of them fighting together, but it's harder to see then I thought it'd turn out. =\
Anyways, we got a key, but while this happened Chipple had thought it'd be wise for her to solo like five mobs, which didn't work out too good, and right when my cure was about to finish casting, she was slain. I rushed to the treasure chest and warped out.
Kaftan obtained.

At this point, the three of them had to leave (Sparkle and Chipple for their own static parties, Tada for homework), so I was left sol.
I hung around Jeuno asking friends to help, one even said "leave me alone and do your own gruntwork" and I was like "?_? what a bad friend" and that was that. Then I saw one of my many twins (). That made me happy.

Eventually, after maybe a half hour or an hour, a ls WHM decided to help me because he wanted to try out his new club ws, Judgement. He knew Gusgen chests well, headed straight for the "better drop rate mobs", and fought (). I helped out too, and rose my Club Skill by about 10 points. I got to see a couple of 300% () Judgement ()s, the first one doing 500some damage, the second doing 728. Yes, I know those two pictures are from the same one. :x
Anyways, we eventually got the key, when I got the last hit on a Myconid. ^^
WONDER CLOMPS obtaied e.e
I love that name.

This last time in, Onichi, a high level BLM (also in AF) came along too. I must say, if I had been wearing my AF, we would have looked quite sexy, the three mages running around killing stuff for no reason, but alas. Only 29 more levels...
The first thing we decided to do was kill two of the Alliteration Ghosts, and got an Antifrost and antiwater ring, or whatever they're called. =\
Onichi got all of the drops from the random distributation, that hog. >:

then we went into the first room, and Onichi decided to train () a few mobs. :P Blaze Spikes () certainly did it's mp worth. A few AoE spells (I tryed to get a Diaga in, but they were dead before I could :'() later, and two chest keys dropped.
I went off on my own while they were doing something, found a chest, popped it, and used my insta-warp scroll 'cause I was panicking having no sneak/invis and being surrounded by undead who would like to eat me, so I wasted 750 cp (i'm like broke with cp now) when I could've just gotten Warp II...

oh well, I got all of my rse, for pretty little cost besides the cp.
Beyond all, I learned how much fun it can be to just grab a few friends, and run around low level (to you) zones and just kill stuff for no reason. When I get higher, I'll definitley be helping anyone else who needs it with RSE, it seems fun. :P

well, goodbye for now!

Evad D'Aragon
10-27-2004, 02:28 PM
oh well, I got all of my rse, for pretty little cost besides the cp.
Beyond all, I learned how much fun it can be to just grab a few friends, and run around low level (to you) zones and just kill stuff for no reason. When I get higher, I'll definitley be helping anyone else who needs it with RSE, it seems fun. :P

well, goodbye for now!

I lost count of the numbers of times I ended up helping someone with their Magicked skull while I was mining in Gusgen Mines... It's just so much fun to fight them 3 at once with only my sword, shield and mining gear and then see "The Ghoul is intimidated by Evaddaragon's presence"

So, yeah, basically, when we have the opportunity to show-off while helping lower level people, somehow we always end up doing it, especially if they're friends O_o

And that also reminded me of when we went to help Littleyuuki get her RSE in Ordelle's Cave a few weeks ago, it was a bit like that as well, only thing that only William got slain when he trained 15 bats (...but it was my fault, I told him to do so and that I'd take care of them ) and I barely survived them...Thank you, Circle Blade.

10-30-2004, 08:22 PM
I was in a party in Yhoator last night.
we only made 2000 experience.
we ended because of this () =\

oh well.
so, I guess, in reality, we made a little more than 2000 'cause I died and lost some of the exp we made.

11-05-2004, 10:45 PM
I made a great party in Yhoator last night :X

everyone was amazing.
and I got ~2.5k into level 33. :)

11-06-2004, 02:42 AM
last night's party () ^^

so I decided to head to rabao, and grab my crystal and get a map of the area, and then hopefully party there.

Winged hat! ()
and then I went through korroloka tunnel with no problems.
Eastern Altepa was fun, including having cactrot rapido () run around you in circles. I tried to get a better picture T_T.
Also, what is this swirling vortex of lag ()?

oh well.
got the crystal, bought my map, and logged.

11-07-2004, 01:33 AM
I got to 34.....and someone lent me the money for Stoneskin! w00t. I'm broke 'cause I splurged and bought a Solid Wand, brining my +MND to 23 instead of 22, and +INT to 14 instead of 13. So worth it!
anwyays, I had to party in Eldeime Necropolis on Gazers with a subpar party to get the level. I was wrong on memory, I only needed 2k to hit 34. However, when you have a shit party against mobs that are too strong, it takes quite a while. I hit 34 and I was out of there. :X
and now I'm 33 again.
because I'm literally broke, I didn't feel like taking a chocobo to Jugner to farm.
and I had forgotten tigers aggro'd on sight, somehow o.o
almost made it to the zone, too ; ;

oh well!
I'll just have to party again :O

11-07-2004, 08:11 AM
and party again I did!
I hit 34 again
it was a super awesome party, except for the two (yes two) theives and the fact that we had to use our samurai as the tank 'cause one of the THF (who put together the party) sucks too badly to put together a party with a good tank. =\
This thf who lead it - Oberly - was some level. Who knows? She was anon the whole time. The highest level piece of equipment she wore was 25, the lowest was 10, and that's just normal defense armor that doesn't help with stats. :'(

We waited for the other thf to level, and then the whm, sam, and I ran out of there as fast as we could T_T

but I know what partying in Garliage is like now, and I don't see what's so bad? =\

11-14-2004, 10:38 PM

so I may be quitting FFXI for WoW.
That's what it looks like right now, anyways... I've been playing the open beta almost nonstop since Wednesday.

My main points are...
-Too much drama in high-end FFXI on my server. Like, seriously, the drama is so bad I don't think I'll be able to enjoy the end game.
-Partying gets repititive. I don't think anyone can argue with that. RDM doesn't experience that as much, but still does to some extent.
-The economy + gil making. Seriously, this is pretty much the main issue I have. In WoW, if I'm too poor to buy something, I can go singlehandidly lay seige to an NPC human castle (which is just picking off the low level mobs one by one >.>) and get large profits from it, and it is fun. What's there to do to make money in FFXI? Run around between the AH and crafting area? Exciting, at first, quickly gets boring. Farming? Oh, no. Way too slow of an income to be worth it. Camping NMs or fishing? While the latter is good for cases when you're doing homework, those are both the epitome of boring.

What WoW lacks, though, is the intense sense of community that FFXI gives. At least, it's not "forced" upon you like in FFXI - instead of those desperate times when you are LS-less, in WoW there's a general chat for your area, but sometimes answering the same question 50+ times in one night with that chat can get annoying. I'm also worried about several big issues with WoW:
-recent server downtime with absolutley nothing from Blizzard until ~5 hours into it. Then, the central and eastern servers came up, so I started a new char. Eventually, some pacific servers came up, but mine never did until midnight. Plus, there are times with extreme amounts of lag. Is this what I can expect from retail?
-Blizzard and their nerf-gun. Apparently (from what I read), they ruined the Warrior class, that, months ago, was "nearly perfect" and the "most fun tanking class in any MMORPG" according to like 15+ level 60 warriors (max level). Now they've changed it so much that it can't tank at all, which makes the game seriously harder for everyone else in the party. And adding items that are needed to cast some spells and removing some essential ones from the Mage job "ruined" that too. I'm hoping it won't be too bad, though..

I dunno, I just felt like sharing O:

11-21-2004, 03:51 AM
I played today to see if it could convince me to stay.

I realized BST would be the only outlet to be similar to the experience all classes in WoW enjoy - being able to both solo and party effectively at all levels.

so I leveled BST for a while, and it really wasn't as fun as WoW. :/

looks like I'll be starting to sell stuff tomorrow and giving the usable things away.

I'll miss all my friends :'(

11-21-2004, 05:55 AM
Purasuma has fallen~ *strikes another tally on the wall*

11-21-2004, 07:40 AM
nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooo. ;_;

Another one bites the dust. *cries*

11-21-2004, 11:02 AM
; ;

Purasuma the Tarutaru may have fallen, but Purasuma will live again as a Night Elf..
though I might name my first character Wakantanka after the coolest god in any mythology ever. ;(

11-21-2004, 12:34 PM
Blizzard and their nerf-gun. Apparently (from what I read), they ruined the Warrior class, that, months ago, was "nearly perfect" and the "most fun tanking class in any MMORPG" according to like 15+ level 60 warriors (max level). Now they've changed it so much that it can't tank at all, which makes the game seriously harder for everyone else in the party. And adding items that are needed to cast some spells and removing some essential ones from the Mage job "ruined" that too. I'm hoping it won't be too bad, though..

I dunno, I just felt like sharing O:

Warrior's were overpowered before as I understand it.. anyway, just thought I'd post and say I had a 26 orc warrior, which compared to my mage(got to 36), killed faster and had less downtime. The only problem I had with them was that they don't really have a means of escaping roots etc, and multiple mobs can sometimes be a pain.

Also, if you level quickly and leave newb areas, the questions in general chat tend to disappear. While in barrens, tirisfal, durotar, or any newb area, it does get pretty bad.. but as you level and get to Stranglethorn Vale(30+ area), general is usuaully empty, well, ignoring mok'rash or whatever the spamming npc's name was ;\

As for the server downtime.. I don't know what to think, though I will say this - The first week of ob that was given to those who had a FP subscription, I had no lag except for a little graphics lag on Arcane Missiles(a missile would shoot after I had finished channeling it). During the end of OB, the lag also seemed to disappear, and even with 100+ people on my screen and spells going off everywhere, I got little lag.(Unless 20 southshore guards rushed out.. then I'd freeze for 5 seconds and unfreeze every now and then)

Note: when I say my warrior killed faster, I don't mean at 26 he kills quicker then my 36 mage, I mean he kills quicker then my mage did at 26.

edit: Just noticed you brought up regeants.. It really isn't that bad. At level 35 I was able to make more gold then I needed to learn my lvl 36 spells, in 30k exp.. so cheap regeants weren't a problem. The only one I don't like is Slow Fall needs a droppable regeant, because Thousand Needles is a pain without it, specially with the bugged lift dropping you through it. Not sure what they removed.. other then my ability to blink out of Net/Frost Nova/Root, which I still don't know if it was intended or not.

Sorry it's all jumbled up, only planned on replying to the part about warriors but changed my mind. ;p

11-21-2004, 09:04 PM
Warrior's were overpowered before as I understand it.. anyway, just thought I'd post and say I had a 26 orc warrior, which compared to my mage(got to 36), killed faster and had less downtime. The only problem I had with them was that they don't really have a means of escaping roots etc, and multiple mobs can sometimes be a pain.

Yeah, that's great that the offensive warrior works, but what about the defensive tank version?

As for the server downtime.. I don't know what to think, though I will say this - The first week of ob that was given to those who had a FP subscription, I had no lag except for a little graphics lag on Arcane Missiles(a missile would shoot after I had finished channeling it). During the end of OB, the lag also seemed to disappear, and even with 100+ people on my screen and spells going off everywhere, I got little lag.(Unless 20 southshore guards rushed out.. then I'd freeze for 5 seconds and unfreeze every now and then)

I noticed that too in doing PvP raids at the end. There was surprisingly little lag, though several times I would end up surrounded by enemies 'cause it wouldn't load them first ><. though maybe it was shadowmeld...

edit: Just noticed you brought up regeants.. It really isn't that bad. At level 35 I was able to make more gold then I needed to learn my lvl 36 spells, in 30k exp.. so cheap regeants weren't a problem. The only one I don't like is Slow Fall needs a droppable regeant, because Thousand Needles is a pain without it, specially with the bugged lift dropping you through it. Not sure what they removed.. other then my ability to blink out of Net/Frost Nova/Root, which I still don't know if it was intended or not.

I heard they completley dropped/nerfed really badly Invisible, or something. :/
and that the reagents on Teleports was really bad.
it could just be whiners though o:

11-22-2004, 01:39 AM
Yeah, that's great that the offensive warrior works, but what about the defensive tank version?

Well, as an offensive warrior, in Shadowfang Keep, I was able to keep aggro most of the time, though we did have two warriors so that helped aswell. I used mocking blow for it, and sundered repeatedly which seemed to help me keep aggro(also lowers the enemies armor by about 1k). I also had Challenging Shout which is an AE taunt. Only problem is that Challenging has a 10min cooldown, and mocking has a 2min cooldown. Though, this is lower levels, perhaps it gets worse. Never tried warrior in defensive, didn't like not having execute or retaliation, so I can't comment there.

I noticed that too in doing PvP raids at the end. There was surprisingly little lag, though several times I would end up surrounded by enemies 'cause it wouldn't load them first ><. though maybe it was shadowmeld...

mm, I had that only once or twice, and that was when I rezzed with enemies in all directions, hehe.

I heard they completley dropped/nerfed really badly Invisible, or something. :/
and that the reagents on Teleports was really bad.
it could just be whiners though o:

Ahh yeah, they did remove invis, however this was before oben beta, so I had no experience with it. Regeants on teleports are 10, possibly 20 silver. Now, I didn't have to deal with regeants until I was level 35, so it may be a little bit of a problem at 20, if you plan to teleport everywhere all day. Regeants simply stopped me from teleporting to undercity, while standing next to a bat trainer in Tarren Mill, because I didn't want to wait for the flight, hahah. It shouldn't affect a level 20 too bad, as I still had a pretty decent amount of money saved up at 20, and had bought all my bags off merchants(1g for 4, while most just find or give cloth to tailors offering to make them for theirs). At 35, I can farm Venture Co Geologist's for experience, a quest, and drops to sell. A stack of Broken Electro-lantern's(5) sells for about 1g, and aren't that rare. They also die rather quickly =))


yay think I fixed it after 5ish edits ;o

11-22-2004, 09:25 AM
leaving ffxi in the true taru spirit~

gotta get on one last time tomorrow (later today technically) to give away my gil to Seulia 'cause my outbox is full.

11-23-2004, 03:42 AM
Hello kind lady. ^^ ()
Here, have this mandragora as a gift. ()
I look up to you. ()
I'll miss you a lot :'( ()

bye ffxi ;_;
and bye Seulia ; ; (http://www.livejournal.com/users/plasmatorture/55925.html#cutid1)

11-23-2004, 08:30 AM
yes that game is fun

11-23-2004, 09:40 AM
You had a good run, taru! And also a special friend~ Typo knows how it ish to share a special bond with a certain someone, and yet have to say goodbye to them. At least you can still correspond through email. (*'-')/

11-24-2004, 12:18 AM
yeah :O
however when I try emailing her it returns with a message saying that it was exceed her allowed limit, which I assume means it is too full. ?_?

also for those with a super good eye you may notice her sexy Joyeuse and Clothcrafting glasses in those pictures :X

does anyone know if I have to do anything more than cancel my content id to completely quit?

Darth Pepper
11-24-2004, 12:22 AM
I never knew what this thread was about, it's fun to read.
I need to get back into FFXI.