02-19-2013, 04:08 PM
I'm a big movie watcher. Every movie has a certain scene or scenes that I can't help but rewind the movie to re-watch the scenes because they're my favorite. Different scenes caught my attention for different reasons.

List your favorite scenes from any movie or movies you have seen and tell why they you're favorite and in what way, they caught your attention. It could be the music, the way the fighting was done, etc.

02-19-2013, 09:27 PM
The climax of Return of the Jedi, with Vader killing the Emperor. Not trying to take the thread offtopic into a Lucas-bashing fest, but I thought the scene in its original form (without the cartoon Noooo!) was the most powerful in the series. Maybe just because I actually quite like the prequels, and saw it as Anakin/Vader finally escaping his enslavement of Episode III.

Roast Chicken
02-19-2013, 10:00 PM
Breakfast on Pluto

A magician tries to impress Patrick - A red rose appears from a cup. I think that Patrick almost fell in love with him some scenes later.

El Oficio M�s Antiguo del Mundo

Sadness - All the prostitutes from the house visit the "priest", they cry and talk about their lifes.


Revenge - The "innocent freaks" attack Cleopatra and Hercules.

Gake no Ue no Ponyo

Ponyo is a human - She runs over the waves of the sea, I loved the gray sky and the wet enviroment.

The Hunger Games

I hate the movie, Battle Royale is better.
Reaping - I love that woman in red/pink. Nothing serious.

The Little Mermaid adaptations

*She receives the magic knife.
*She tries to kill the prince.
I love the despair and the music in some adaptations.

The Unknown

Alonzo talks about Nanon.
I can't explain it yet, the way he moves and "talks", I don't know how to explain it: a beautiful obsession?

The Swan Princess

Not the best animated movie but I like it.
No More Mr. Nice Guy - That black dress is awesome, it looks like Odette is cheating on Derek with Rothbart.


I didn't like the movie but I love Thumbelina (hair, face and clothes).
Yer Beautiful, Baby - That red dress is amazing, it makes her look like a bad girl.

02-19-2013, 10:05 PM
I never really rewind in movies, but there are 2 that I always have to rewind. In Date Movie (the unrated version) I always rewind on the scene when the cat is on the toilet. Me and my sister were laughing for a week the first time we saw it. Heck, even my grandma was laughing too. Also, in Scary Movie 4 when Cindy says "I was married once." That flashback is hilarious. I really only rewind on scenes that I think are funny.

Some others I like are:

The Lion King (BIG SURPRISE) - is when Simba roars after defeating Scar on Pride Rock. The ascencion music is also epic.

Star Wars Return of the Jedi - When everyone celebrates in the Ewok village. I think the original music is way better than the DVD version.

I'll add more as I go along...

The Swan Princess

I'm glad I'm not the only guy who likes this movie! =P