Varent Istari
02-18-2013, 03:06 AM
Personally for me it's Barret although i'm expecting a lot of people loving/bashing on Cloud and Sephiroth and a few for Aeris/Aerith. Barret for me, just because when i was a lot younger my parents divorced and lacking a father figure i found Barret, one of the only FF fathers figures (Prequel to my Gaming Addiction)

Roast Chicken
02-27-2013, 05:12 AM

A lot of people think that Cloud fell in love with her, I think she's like Cloud's mother (everyone's mother?) or something else.

Why I like her?

She was goofy and sweet.
She used to sell flowers.
Her theme is so beautiful.

That scene in the Sleeping Forest is one of my favorite FF moments.

"Then, I'll be going now.
I'll come back when it's all over."

Cloud goes after her but he could not advance.

03-04-2013, 05:47 AM
hmmm...that is one hard question. i would have to go with cloud strife at the end because eventhough he seems strong 'n cocky during the start of the game, i got to know the real him later 'n before he became a hero. i mean if you play zack's game you'll know what i mean 'n what cloud went through to get to where he is in ff7.

03-26-2013, 05:21 PM
I am gonna have to go with Vincent. Badass shooter. Death penalty rocks. He can also transform. HANDS DOWN my favorite!

04-16-2013, 11:03 PM
Barret. Loyal and wrathful.

07-05-2013, 02:28 AM
To go for a bit of an unusual one as opposed to my outright favourite Aeris, I liked Wedge. He really was just that stereotypical jolly fat guy. He didn't deserve to die.

07-19-2013, 07:37 AM
I just started playing ff7 because of the soundtrack, fallen angel theme ... i like barret so far.

08-30-2013, 08:57 AM
Out of the non-playable ones, I would have to say Elena from the Turks. Of playable ones, probably Aeris and Red XIII(whom I renamed as RediOrNot). I really didn't like Tifa's personality/character, but I liked her fighting the best, because her limit breaks could hit multiple times. Would have liked to see more of Dr. Gage and Aeris' mother.

09-06-2013, 08:01 PM
I just started playing ff7 because of the soundtrack, fallen angel theme ... i like barret so far.

Is this your first time through or are you replaying it?

09-09-2013, 07:54 AM
Tifa primarily because i think she was my first fictional character crush. I got that game when I was young and I loved me some tifa. Hot chick that fist fights.....yes please! Close second would be cloud. I never noticed how emo he seems when I originally played the game (most likely because the game offers you limited choices concerning how cloud interacts with others so you can change his personality a bit.) But between fanfiction that have him as a dark brooding angst filled individual and advent children(although I get why he was that way in it), I like him a little less than I used to.

09-16-2013, 04:32 PM
Well, he didn't really matter in the main game but what the hell. Zack Fair. First of all, it is quite nostalgic - I started my adventure with FF not by playing VII, but Crisis Core. Then I played main game and PSP prequel at the same time to finish CC short time before PSX game. And... well, Zack was just cute and I'm a woman. Little kid who grows up to be a really good man and then ends up following his beliefs. Simple story, yet very touching in some moments.
Also, as I played VII at the same time, that gave some occasions for a comparison between Cloud and Zack as main characters, also for an opinion on their relations as mentor and his... am... student?
Well, Zack wins. Not only he turns out to be more mature when dealing with serious issues, but also he's got some guts and something that for Cloud is like an alien life form - a sense of humour. Just in VII he is barely mentioned, which is quite a shame because he really is worth looking into.
My biggest issue was how he ended up. I know, you don't change the sacred mainstream of VII, but what the hell, it got me a feeling that hey, you could stop Sephiroth!
All you needed was a bazooka or a helicopter.
In the FF: Nanaki, well, he was reasonable. Also I use him as a tank. Vincent, but that one from the retrospections. Females... Aerith ( and Cloud *cough, cough*... seriously though, in Advent Children he had more emo than ego).

11-27-2014, 09:34 AM
I don't necessarily like anyone, But I do feel bad everyone involved in this tragedy of a game.

Mrs. Strife, Mr. Strife, Ms. Lockheart, Mr Fair, Ms. Gainsborough, Mr. & Mrs. Wallace, Mr. Valentine, Ms. Kisuragi, Hell maybe the villains, Mr. Sephiroth and everyone at SEPCO, i'm sorry that Final Fantasy VII, The worst game ever (, happened to you.

11-27-2014, 05:04 PM
Commissar, this is your last warning - stop making these troll posts. We get you do not like FFVII, but this is just trolling which I do not allow. Any more of this and I'm afraid I'm going to have to delete your offending posts. Keep it up and you may even get hit with the banstick. Play nice!

11-28-2014, 10:59 AM
Commissar, this is your last warning - stop making these troll posts. We get you do not like FFVII, but this is just trolling which I do not allow. Any more of this and I'm afraid I'm going to have to delete your offending posts. Keep it up and you may even get hit with the banstick. Play nice!

How is this offensive?

I don't necessarily like anyone, But I do feel bad everyone involved in this tragedy of a game.

Mrs. Strife, Mr. Strife, Ms. Lockheart, Mr Fair, Ms. Gainsborough, Mr. & Mrs. Wallace, Mr. Valentine, Ms. Kisuragi, Hell maybe the villains, Mr. Sephiroth and everyone at SEPCO, i'm sorry that Final Fantasy VII, The worst game ever (, happened to you.

Darth Revan
11-28-2014, 01:32 PM
Commissar... Why do you bother posting hatefilled responses in threads where people are discussing a game they like? You don't like FFVII, Hell... I don't like what VII has become either... but I don't blatantly post hatefilled comments towards VII. I despise XIII... yet I haven't posted in the XIII subforum hating it in ages (I admit I did post in a thread asking why people like XIII, so my post was in tune with the overall theme of the thread).

Look... you hate VII, so don't post in this section. Simple as that.

Also, posting a link to a hatefilled, biased thread like the one in your original post, can be construed as trolling and flamebaiting. Hence Enkidoh's response.

Nostalgia gamer
12-03-2014, 12:58 AM
Even i who doesn't love ff7, think your comments was harsh.I mean:i already critiqued ff7, and thought it had its merits and flaws like every other game.

In my opinion, my favorite female was tifa.I felt like i knew her as a kid and wanted her to be clouds girlfriend, and she saved him.
I also liked cid.I know some people criticize cid, but i found cids theme when the rocket launched off touching for some reason.Something about giving up your dreams and sacrificing it, knowing it will never come true was touching.I couldn't help but feel sad for him, and understand him in that way.He is bitter because he lost his dream.If any of you had a dream you wanted, but you could never have and you had to sacrifice it, you understand his bitterness.

To me:FF7 is a good game plagued by mainstream popularity, and brought in more than a lot of other games rabid fanboys, only exceeded by the fact it has also more spin offs sequels prequels and such, but the original game itself is good.

I won't lie, the people who argue that its the end all be all annoy me to no end, even the sephiroth fanboys, and for some time i was a bit harsh, but i couldn't remember everything, and i had to replay it.It did bring out some stuff i ended up enjoying the first time too, and remembering it.I think you are being rather harsh.FF7 and its characters didn't murder babies or cause the holocaust, and it isn't the worst thing to happen.

Anyways:If you want to really talk about why you dislike, this is not the right place or topic.Even i who am probably a stronger disliker of ff7 than revenant am more on the side of the people who like ff7 than the ones who hate it.

12-03-2014, 01:32 AM
Even i who doesn't love ff7, think your comments was harsh.I mean:i already critiqued ff7, and thought it had its merits and flaws like every other game.

In my opinion, my favorite female was tifa.I felt like i knew her as a kid and wanted her to be clouds girlfriend, and she saved him.
I also liked cid.I know some people criticize cid, but i found cids theme when the rocket launched off touching for some reason.Something about giving up your dreams and sacrificing it, knowing it will never come true was touching.I couldn't help but feel sad for him, and understand him in that way.He is bitter because he lost his dream.If any of you had a dream you wanted, but you could never have and you had to sacrifice it, you understand his bitterness.

To me:FF7 is a good game plagued by mainstream popularity, and brought in more than a lot of other games rabid fanboys, only exceeded by the fact it has also more spin offs sequels prequels and such, but the original game itself is good.

I won't lie, the people who argue that its the end all be all annoy me to no end, even the sephiroth fanboys, and for some time i was a bit harsh, but i couldn't remember everything, and i had to replay it.It did bring out some stuff i ended up enjoying the first time too, and remembering it.I think you are being rather harsh.FF7 and its characters didn't murder babies or cause the holocaust, and it isn't the worst thing to happen.

Anyways:If you want to really talk about why you dislike, this is not the right place or topic.Even i who am probably a stronger disliker of ff7 than revenant am more on the side of the people who like ff7 than the ones who hate it.

1. FF7 Was a bad game through and through, it's only popular because of Sony/Square operated robots such as you.
2. The characters (or should I say victims) of FF7 are the only redeeming features of this game. I like (or should i say sympathize with) them because they are aware of their predicament.

This is messed up!

I don't feel good, let me out...

Nostalgia gamer
12-03-2014, 01:41 AM
What did i do? I didn't attack you.I'm just pointing out that ff7 wasn't as bad as you make it out.

12-03-2014, 01:59 AM
What did i do? I didn't attack you.I'm just pointing out that ff7 wasn't as bad as you make it out.

I never said you attacked me.

12-05-2014, 02:03 AM
Alright, I Admit it, I attacked you, but it doesn't change the fact that Sony and Squaresoft are corrupt.

12-05-2014, 03:42 AM
Commissar, Nostalgia was only offering his opinion and wasn't attacking you. I won't tolerate members flaming each other or making personal insults.

Either way, this thread is too badly derailed now so I'm closing it.