03-06-2004, 06:31 PM
hello all I have just downloaded the demo of finalfantasy 8 because i was considering buying it on ebay. I have and athlon xp2600 and a 4x Nvidia Geforce AGP card. I figured the graphics would be around the same as the playstation no problem. But I am only able to get 640x480 resolution for the game. does any one know if it is possible to change the resolution I looked in the config for the game and I only get that resolution no other options. Any help greatly appreacaited

03-18-2004, 10:14 AM
You can only use 640x480 even in the actually game. It would have been better if they had made better resolutions for it, or even bring out newer patches that support that. If you set everything for best quality though it still looks good, even better than the playstation version.

03-18-2004, 05:47 PM
Oy...where did you find the demo? Please tell me!

03-18-2004, 05:54 PM
Hey all thanx for the replies as far as the resolution is concerened if i had of read the into in the final fantasy 8 section. I would have known that you can not change the resolution. I wish some one knew a crack or they did release a patch

To: Dark_Night you can find the demo in each corresponding section of the game you want on this site. But you have to be a member and if you posted I assume you already are.

03-18-2004, 05:56 PM
Originally posted by jada855
Hey all thanx for the replies as far as the resolution is concerened if i had of read the into in the final fantasy 8 section. I would have known that you can not change the resolution. I wish some one knew a crack or they did release a patch

To: Dark_Night you can find the demo in each corresponding section of the game you want on this site. But you have to be a member and if you posted I assume you already are.

Thanks...I'll look into seeing if I can change the res or crack it or something lol.

03-18-2004, 07:53 PM
cool please do I would think since its on windows it might be alot easier. I went into the registry but really did not see any display options I could tweak or more like not knowing what to tweak lol!
But cool if you can crak or tweak the resolution keep me posted