cloud strife04
03-05-2004, 10:53 PM
I've got it...Marche looks very feminime do you agree?

OMNISLASH!!!! yea im so kew....

03-06-2004, 09:02 AM
I got it yesterday, its ooook not the greatest, i think they couldve made a much better game and story than the one they have alredy, it seems to childish for me.

03-06-2004, 09:12 AM
I adore it.
The story is actually reasonably involving, and the entire game just becomes so fun once your clan is hot stuff. The later bits with the worldwyrm and the crystals is fun too :D

cloud strife04
03-06-2004, 07:33 PM
I HATE MARCHE, Shara is the best!!:lol

OMNISLASH!!!! yea im so kew...

Lightning Mage
03-07-2004, 12:14 AM
I'm just glad it's different from the original.

03-11-2004, 12:04 PM
I I agree, Marche is quite feminine. Ive played this to death. Finished all the missions including the corrupt judge missions. Lasted me a good 60hrs+. Its the reason i bought a gba. Wicked game.

hb smokey
03-31-2004, 02:56 AM
Yeah he does look rather girlish. But other than that, FFTA is a great game. I have spent at least 150+ hours on it.

03-31-2004, 06:26 PM
When I first saw a preview for FFTA, I thought Marche was a girl. Same for Mewt.

03-31-2004, 07:31 PM
You mean Mewt's a boy?!?!?!?

Nah, It's a great game, but they shoulda made a port of the original.

hb smokey
03-31-2004, 07:37 PM
Yes, Mewt is a boy for anyone else who wanted to know that. Ritz is a girl, and Marche is a boy also.

03-31-2004, 07:55 PM
That was sarcasm on Immortal's part. I suggest you learn to recognise it.... not recognising sarcasm tends to lead to a lot of hassle around here :rolleyes:.

I love FFTA, too - an indepth story would have made an already great game classic. As it is, it's the best game available on the GBA.

hb smokey
03-31-2004, 07:59 PM
Yes I knew <B> Immortal </B> was being sarcastic. I can spot it very easily. I was just telling anyone else who didnt know yet.

I was being sarcastic to, so too bad you didn't notice that, <B> ExS. </B>

Tactical Error #5
04-01-2004, 01:01 AM
@Tiduslives Ok, if you think other people don't get the sarcasm... they get it ok. So don't point out the obvious as it doesn't make you look that smart, and I'm not really an asshole. Anyway, we need n00... I mean new blood around here so stick around.

FFTA is an awesome game. I finally finished the main missions last weekend with almost 120 hours logged. Some of that time was idle while I went to do other things and left it running in my GBPlayer. I can beat most any mission with my top three
Marche-Fighter w.doublehand Ayvuir Red
Yenke-Ninja/theif w.2Masamune
Laetitia-Assasin/Sniper w.?7-panel bow + Ultima Masher
or Lezaford-Alchemist/colormage w.TurboMP
depending on the situation.
Marche isn't the smartest character ever. It takes him forever to grasp the obvious, kinda like Tiduslives. j/k

hb smokey
04-01-2004, 02:14 AM
<I> Originally posted by Tactical Error #5 </I>
<B> Ok, if you think other people don't get the sarcasm... they get it ok. So don't point out the obvious as it doesn't make you look that smart </B>

Wow, how did you ever guess that I was trying to make myself look smart!?

Anyway, I'll say it again. I was only telling all the other FFTA fans about Mewt, Ritz, and Marche. And just because I am new here, doesn't really mean anything.

<B> new blood </B>

Yeah I might be new around here, but that doesn't mean I will let everyone else walk all over me. I am here to stay.

04-02-2004, 06:43 PM
I've got it. I haven't put nearly as much time as I should put into a game of that scale, but it's a good game nonetheless.

04-03-2004, 08:27 PM
i only borrowed it...its crap compared to the ps tactics. i stopped playing wen i realized that u dont need to use tactics in beating the game. come on, no wait time for spells?! that's just dumb! with the original tactics, you could set a spell and if the enemly moved around while it was charging and u didnt set it on the enemy exactly, you would miss, with ffta, it will strike right away. and wen i first started to play the game, i really enjoyed the character development...then u go to the dream world place and meet the retarded moogle...i did one mission and got pissed off that they didnt stick with the classic idea. ff tactics is one of the best ff's, how could they do that to it?! i do still plan on buying it and beating it though, just not right now...

02-04-2010, 02:53 AM
I thought it was ok. Marche doesn't look girly in the game.

04-07-2010, 08:14 AM
Well. I currently own Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones, Final Fantasy Tactics Advance and Advance Wars Dual Strike.

The one I grew more attached with is this game. In this one, you may develop your units like in a RPG: you can select a class, learn abilities, then change to a better class and have that class use the abilities of the first class as support. This leads to several build possibilities. Not to tell about races, each specialized in a kind of class, and stat growth tha you can manipulate the way you want.

Fire Emblem and Advance Wars are more straightforward. In FE, while you CAN decide wich class you will promote your units, that's pretty much it. And their stat growth is entirely based on luck - or RNG. Also, once they die, it's over. You won't get a perfect ending and there is no way to revive them. Also, no skills - buy a sword and attack until it breaks.

Advance Wars is even more straightforward. You select a CO wich will give bonuses to your troops (wich you must build in each battle), then pit your troops with the enemy troops.

Advance Wars is more designated to people who like complex strategies - as in, no attachment to characters. Fire Emblem is somewhere in the middle, and FFTA is to people who enjoy character customization.

Darth Revan
04-07-2010, 09:22 AM
This thread was last active 6 years ago. Look at the date of the last post BEFORE posting a reply.

Can a PM close this thread?

04-07-2010, 06:05 PM
Yeah I don't see much remaining use for this. I'll close it.